What exactly did they do?

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correct, the 30,000 from her personal server were destroyed. Do you care why they were so determined to keep you and me from seeing them?
Is it really hard to understand why a political figure would want to keep their private correspondence private? Do you see how the media politicizes every little thing they find? Look at the text messages they found between Strzok and Page. It’s a no brainer why she wanted a private server and secure deletions of her corresponence. That doesn’t mean it’s a deep state cover up like y’all like to imply.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

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We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.
And you wonder why the FBI doesn’t want to hand over documents to the Nunes crew... yes both parties are dishonest hyperbolic overpoliticizers of anything they can get their hands on. A lot of corruption in Washington. But we gotta decide as citizens do we play team sports or do call for honesty and transparency so we can make the best decisions possible?
they would implicate themselves is why they aren't handing over documents. that is as obvious as looking at a pile of shit and saying, see the pile of shit?

It is a shame you can't see a pile of shit and say see the pile of shit?
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it's still collusion with a foreign government. dude are you truly that stupid? oh fk, yeah you are.
Its really just as simple as this:

Turns out Philip Bump at the Washington Post decided to explain that very thing on Monday, and the simplest way to illustrate the difference is to ask, "Which way is the money going? Is it going to the campaign? Or is it going away from the campaign?"

Campaign expenditure vs campaign contribution.

"federal law doesn't just ban contributions of actual money dollars to campaigns from foreign governments, but also donations of goods, services, outside advocacy -- in short, anything of value given that can help a candidate"

Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal.

if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?

fusion GPS is an american company, & opposition research is legal, albeit not a100% ethical... but that is not what happened here. & are you saying the pee pee tape exists? lol.... most of that dossier has been corroborated but the russian whores & their lack of potty training remains to be proven. what part of fine & dandy don't you understand, pops?

none of that dossier has been corroborated. missy. no sirreee. so, again, where did the material come from, not GPS nope a russian group. sorry bambi you lose this entire argument. BTW, I don't care at all about the dossier and how they got it, I care it was used to spy on americans bought and paid for by their opponent. yep now that is illegal. ILLEGAL as all fking shit. And, I don't care what you say. Just remember, you can spew your rhetoric around, and I don't care about it. It is fking ILLEGAL.
Where does this claim that none of the dossier has been corroborated, in fact a great deal of it has. The main theme was the kremlin helped Trump and hurt Hillary; which as been proven to have ocurred.
And about this spying on Trump, that one is false as well.

Get your facts straight, or provide references to your assertions, otherwise youre just talking out of your ass.
She did. She got even more rich from the uranium deal.

Who colluded with Russia other than Hillary?

^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.
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^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

Its really just as simple as this:

Turns out Philip Bump at the Washington Post decided to explain that very thing on Monday, and the simplest way to illustrate the difference is to ask, "Which way is the money going? Is it going to the campaign? Or is it going away from the campaign?"

Campaign expenditure vs campaign contribution.

"federal law doesn't just ban contributions of actual money dollars to campaigns from foreign governments, but also donations of goods, services, outside advocacy -- in short, anything of value given that can help a candidate"

Paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal.

if that foreign national is from a hostile adversarial nation it is.
Why does it matter? It’s foreign interference. Doesn’t that matter to you? Why would an ally interfere?

And how did they get golden shower info except from Russia. Huh? Russia isn’t supposed to be an ally. You ok?

fusion GPS is an american company, & opposition research is legal, albeit not a100% ethical... but that is not what happened here. & are you saying the pee pee tape exists? lol.... most of that dossier has been corroborated but the russian whores & their lack of potty training remains to be proven. what part of fine & dandy don't you understand, pops?

none of that dossier has been corroborated. missy. no sirreee. so, again, where did the material come from, not GPS nope a russian group. sorry bambi you lose this entire argument. BTW, I don't care at all about the dossier and how they got it, I care it was used to spy on americans bought and paid for by their opponent. yep now that is illegal. ILLEGAL as all fking shit. And, I don't care what you say. Just remember, you can spew your rhetoric around, and I don't care about it. It is fking ILLEGAL.
Where does this claim that none of the dossier has been corroborated, in fact a great deal of it has. The main theme was the kremlin helped Trump and hurt Hillary; which as been proven to have ocurred.
And about this spying on Trump, that one is false as well.

Get your facts straight, or provide references to your assertions, otherwise youre just talking out of your ass.
here schmuck, read this. Your links are for shit, why don't you pull the transcript that backs that the dossier was verified. LOL just like a lying leftist, making shit up.

UK court documents reveal details about Christopher Steele's dossier deposition

"New details have emerged about questions that former British spy Christopher Steele may be asked regarding the unverified "Trump-Russia" dossier during his upcoming court-ordered deposition in London."
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

/——/ “We” don’t know that at all. You believe it because you can’t accept the fact that America rejected Hildabeast
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

you know shit. there is absolutely no evidence. manafort is in court and you got no fking evidence. Jack, you're so far from evidence you're turning into a toad.
I think the left have moved to neverland with peter pan.
uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

you know shit. there is absolutely no evidence. manafort is in court and you got no fking evidence. Jack, you're so far from evidence you're turning into a toad.
/——/ True. If Muller has evidence on Trump he wouldn’t be wasting his time trying to flip Manafort. He’s got nothing.
Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president in those circumstances? Seriously.

It would be a lie. We know Putin wanted and helped Trump win.

you know shit. there is absolutely no evidence. manafort is in court and you got no fking evidence. Jack, you're so far from evidence you're turning into a toad.
/——/ True. If Muller has evidence on Trump he wouldn’t be wasting his time trying to flip Manafort. He’s got nothing.
shit dude, he can't even get manafort. I can't wait for that lawsuit. I'm gonna be doing this...:laughing0301::laughing0301:
^^^ fake news ^^^ debunked 1000x. why do you need to lie in order to support your 'president'?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.
you believe what exactly?
Here it is again.

Hillary is clean. Trump is a criminal.

How does one hold those two opinions in their mind?

Partisanship warps the brain.

uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.

Yet you cited Putin to support your contention.
uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.
you believe what exactly?

that putin hacked into our elections to have his puppet win.

ticky tocky.
uh-huh. i am no hillary fan so let's get that straight. didn't vote for slick willy either.

however, i voted for her 'cause she's not putin's bitch & a traitor. & she wasn't the sole individual who signed off on that, lest ye forget. but you go on with your blind hatred.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.

Yet you cited Putin to support your contention.

lol... only because he CONfirmed the same thing our intel has been saying way b4 helsinki.

Putin owned Hillary, he has the 30,000 missing emails, he paid bubba 450K for a 20 minute speech, Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton foundation. He had tons of data to use to blackmail her into doing exactly what he wanted. To say that Putin preferred Trump is the height of stupidity.

sooooooooooooooo putin didn't say he wanted trump to win at their helsinki 'summit' when trump got his next set of orders from his puppetmaster behind closed doors & no other american in the room except for his translator?

you are out of your fucking mind.

You believed a KGB thug who was meeting the American president that said he preferred that the president win?

Let's apply some reason. Why would Putin say he preferred Hillary for president under those circumstances? Seriously.

There is no reason for Putin to express favoritism for Hillary and every reason to favor Trump, at that time. And it's interesting that Putin is believable.

uh- no- i don't believe putin. i believe every US intel agency that did.
you believe what exactly?

that putin hacked into our elections to have his puppet win.

ticky tocky.
where did he hack and into what? please, which intelligence agency looked into hacking exactly? none that I'm aware of. try and post one.
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