What exactly did they do?

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Totally discredited after investigation... Doob still believe it. Who needs evidence or anything at all?
All the evidence is out! Lack of actual law is shameful.
High School grad GOP pundits talking is not evidence. Let's have an example, super duper.
You believe an indictment is evidence, so who are you to be telling us?

I'm gonna give you some free advice, loser.

An indictment, especially one put forth by the federal govt, is as life altering as it gets. Just ask Manafort.
It is undertaken in a very serious manner by very serious people. It is not done lightly or frivolously. The repercussions are equally serious and damaging. It's not something that can dismissed as easily you portray. Only a true fool would think so. As we have seen, a guilty plea is far preferable.
That's true, which is why it's so appalling that Herr Mueller is proceeding with this circus. Where talking about Russians living in Russia. Mueller's indictments are a fucking joke.

You're the joke. The best part is that you don't even realize it. :laugh2:
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

The phrase "they reached 126 million people" is meaningless. What does "reached" mean, someone may have seen a single tweet? It doesn't mean anything. Where is the evidence for your claim? Are you including the Wikileaks emails which the Russians weren't even responsible for?

No, dope, I'm not including wikileaks. That's why I said, "just their social media operations alone". When you include the entirety of their operations, that number shrinks exponentially. If you add in Comey's contribution it becomes undeniable that the election was influenced against Clinton.
You mean the $100,000 the spent on Facebook? Yeah, I'm sure that had a big impact compared to the $1.5 billion Hillary spent on her campaign. Hillary only spent 15,000 times more than the Russians spent on bots.

Another dopey trope. Social media advertising is cheap because it is shared by the users of the platforms. One inexpensive item can be shared millions of times accross multiple platforms.
Is it really hard to understand why a political figure would want to keep their private correspondence private? Do you see how the media politicizes every little thing they find? Look at the text messages they found between Strzok and Page. It’s a no brainer why she wanted a private server and secure deletions of her corresponence. That doesn’t mean it’s a deep state cover up like y’all like to imply.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.

No, dope. Tax document are just data entered on a form. There is nothing to spin. It's either true and accurate or it's not.

Thirty years of Clinton tax returns are publicly available. Their foundation financials are publicly available. Trump's are not.

Whos hiding what?

I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

The Clinton foundation financials do show where the money went, dope. Perhaps you should post the portion that you are questioning.
We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.

No, dope. Tax document are just data entered on a form. There is nothing to spin. It's either true and accurate or it's not.

Thirty years of Clinton tax returns are publicly available. Their foundation financials are publicly available. Trump's are not.

Whos hiding what?

I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

The haiti thing has been widely reported. Foundation audited. No foul play in Haiti. Haiti relief efforts have been an issue for all those trying to help.

We don't want to see the tax returns for legality aspects. He want to know about Trump's businesses especially to whom he owes money, who he is bed with in Russia, etc

You assholes believe Trump when he says he is worth so much & blah blah blah. The man is a proven liar. Why the fuck do you believe anything he says?

those audits showed that only 10% of the money collected by the foundation got to Haiti, the rest went for "salaries and expenses" i.e. the Clinton family bank accounts.

Post it liar.
Redfish, not answering is failing to prove your idiotic claim. Congrats! Everyone here gets to see you lied again.


from the far left NY Times

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Great, now you prove you’re willing to lie to cover up your previous lies.

Nothing in that article states Russia gave the Clinton Foundation $145 million. In fact, the figure, $145 million doesn’t even appear anywhere in that article.

You failed to prove your idiotic claim that “Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

You once again get caught lying.


so how many millions was it? If I misstated the amount, BFD. The point is the bribe was paid.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

So now thew Canadian got the money from Russia. Wow, when you get caught is one of your lies, you just make shit up as you go. The bulk of all the money donated to the Clinton Foundation in related to the Uranium sale was donated by a man who had sold that interest long before any sale was considered.

State was one of 9 agencies that commented on the sale. Clinton was not part of the State people who made that decision.

Where is all the bribes for the other 8 agencies?

The idea you are such a dick to make up this "OMG OMG OMG Our Uranium" when the company Russia purchased was a CANADIAN company. In other words, the evil socialists of the North already owned our uranium.

You people are sofs king stupid that it makes me sick.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?
Lying wingnut, trump gave the ex-Trump U alumni who sued him for fraud, $25 million in a settlement.

yes, that's correct. the case never went to court, it was settled. no one was convicted or fraud or attempted fraud. Lawyers can put whatever words they want on a filing, accusations do not equal guilt.

If I accuse you of being an asshole, does that mean that you are one? In your case probably so, but in court, no.
So your defense is that Trump paid out money because he was innocent.
Great, now you prove you’re willing to lie to cover up your previous lies.

Nothing in that article states Russia gave the Clinton Foundation $145 million. In fact, the figure, $145 million doesn’t even appear anywhere in that article.

You failed to prove your idiotic claim that “Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

You once again get caught lying.


so how many millions was it? If I misstated the amount, BFD. The point is the bribe was paid.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

So now thew Canadian got the money from Russia. Wow, when you get caught is one of your lies, you just make shit up as you go. The bulk of all the money donated to the Clinton Foundation in related to the Uranium sale was donated by a man who had sold that interest long before any sale was considered.

State was one of 9 agencies that commented on the sale. Clinton was not part of the State people who made that decision.

Where is all the bribes for the other 8 agencies?

The idea you are such a dick to make up this "OMG OMG OMG Our Uranium" when the company Russia purchased was a CANADIAN company. In other words, the evil socialists of the North already owned our uranium.

You people are sofs king stupid that it makes me sick.
well it's how money laundering is done. you should read up.
Is it really hard to understand why a political figure would want to keep their private correspondence private? Do you see how the media politicizes every little thing they find? Look at the text messages they found between Strzok and Page. It’s a no brainer why she wanted a private server and secure deletions of her corresponence. That doesn’t mean it’s a deep state cover up like y’all like to imply.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.

If Hillary funded the dossier, why didn’t she use it?
Trump repeatedly used the information provided by Putin

You're kidding. The fix was in, Hillary was guaranteed the position of President. You idiots on the left needed a backup plan in case she did lose.

That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

So all of the people Donald Trump appointed to head the Justice Department, and the FBI, are loyal to the Clintons? Then why did Comey announce he was re-opening the Clinton Investigation days before the election.

Your statement makes no sense considering that these agencies were headed by Republicans for 10 of the twenty five years the Clintons have been investigated, and they controlled the House and Senate for 12 more years when Democrats were in the White House.

One would think, given the animus of Republicans towards the Clintons and their investigations and attempts at removing them from office, that there is no loyalty protecting the Clintons at all.

FBI and DOJ corruption is apparently nothing new. But it is very clear that Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others were trying to rig the election by exonerating Hillary and attacking Trump with false documents paid for by the Clinton campaign.

So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.
You're kidding. The fix was in, Hillary was guaranteed the position of President. You idiots on the left needed a backup plan in case she did lose.

That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

So all of the people Donald Trump appointed to head the Justice Department, and the FBI, are loyal to the Clintons? Then why did Comey announce he was re-opening the Clinton Investigation days before the election.

Your statement makes no sense considering that these agencies were headed by Republicans for 10 of the twenty five years the Clintons have been investigated, and they controlled the House and Senate for 12 more years when Democrats were in the White House.

One would think, given the animus of Republicans towards the Clintons and their investigations and attempts at removing them from office, that there is no loyalty protecting the Clintons at all.

FBI and DOJ corruption is apparently nothing new. But it is very clear that Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others were trying to rig the election by exonerating Hillary and attacking Trump with false documents paid for by the Clinton campaign.

So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.
Great, now you prove you’re willing to lie to cover up your previous lies.

Nothing in that article states Russia gave the Clinton Foundation $145 million. In fact, the figure, $145 million doesn’t even appear anywhere in that article.

You failed to prove your idiotic claim that “Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

You once again get caught lying.


so how many millions was it? If I misstated the amount, BFD. The point is the bribe was paid.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

So now thew Canadian got the money from Russia. Wow, when you get caught is one of your lies, you just make shit up as you go. The bulk of all the money donated to the Clinton Foundation in related to the Uranium sale was donated by a man who had sold that interest long before any sale was considered.

State was one of 9 agencies that commented on the sale. Clinton was not part of the State people who made that decision.

Where is all the bribes for the other 8 agencies?

The idea you are such a dick to make up this "OMG OMG OMG Our Uranium" when the company Russia purchased was a CANADIAN company. In other words, the evil socialists of the North already owned our uranium.

You people are sofs king stupid that it makes me sick.
well it's how money laundering is done. you should read up.

Really, How the fuck is making a donation to a foundation money laundering? Come on smsrt guy. Tell us., The Clintons take no money from their foundation.
so how many millions was it? If I misstated the amount, BFD. The point is the bribe was paid.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

So now thew Canadian got the money from Russia. Wow, when you get caught is one of your lies, you just make shit up as you go. The bulk of all the money donated to the Clinton Foundation in related to the Uranium sale was donated by a man who had sold that interest long before any sale was considered.

State was one of 9 agencies that commented on the sale. Clinton was not part of the State people who made that decision.

Where is all the bribes for the other 8 agencies?

The idea you are such a dick to make up this "OMG OMG OMG Our Uranium" when the company Russia purchased was a CANADIAN company. In other words, the evil socialists of the North already owned our uranium.

You people are sofs king stupid that it makes me sick.
well it's how money laundering is done. you should read up.

Really, How the fuck is making a donation to a foundation money laundering? Come on smsrt guy. Tell us., The Clintons take no money from their foundation.
well idiot, she sold uranium for wait for it money, illegal money, and as such had to be wait for it cleaned, cleaned by wait for it Canadians, and deposited to, wait for it clinton foundation. whew, you all sure aren't very bright.
We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.
That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

So all of the people Donald Trump appointed to head the Justice Department, and the FBI, are loyal to the Clintons? Then why did Comey announce he was re-opening the Clinton Investigation days before the election.

Your statement makes no sense considering that these agencies were headed by Republicans for 10 of the twenty five years the Clintons have been investigated, and they controlled the House and Senate for 12 more years when Democrats were in the White House.

One would think, given the animus of Republicans towards the Clintons and their investigations and attempts at removing them from office, that there is no loyalty protecting the Clintons at all.

FBI and DOJ corruption is apparently nothing new. But it is very clear that Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others were trying to rig the election by exonerating Hillary and attacking Trump with false documents paid for by the Clinton campaign.

So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

So now thew Canadian got the money from Russia. Wow, when you get caught is one of your lies, you just make shit up as you go. The bulk of all the money donated to the Clinton Foundation in related to the Uranium sale was donated by a man who had sold that interest long before any sale was considered.

State was one of 9 agencies that commented on the sale. Clinton was not part of the State people who made that decision.

Where is all the bribes for the other 8 agencies?

The idea you are such a dick to make up this "OMG OMG OMG Our Uranium" when the company Russia purchased was a CANADIAN company. In other words, the evil socialists of the North already owned our uranium.

You people are sofs king stupid that it makes me sick.
well it's how money laundering is done. you should read up.

Really, How the fuck is making a donation to a foundation money laundering? Come on smsrt guy. Tell us., The Clintons take no money from their foundation.
well idiot, she sold uranium for wait for it money, illegal money, and as such had to be wait for it cleaned, cleaned by wait for it Canadians, and deposited to, wait for it clinton foundation. whew, you all sure aren't very bright.
You dumbfuck.... it wasn’t her Uranium to sell.

/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

It's simpler than that. THere was nothing but sarcasm in that statement on a debate stage in front of Gawd and everybody. Folks that don't get that are clinically deranged That's NOT legal evidence of "conspiring of Russia".

However, PAYING russian Intel pros and former foreign spy for dirt on your opponent like Hillary did IS a crime. ESPECIALLY when the CIA/DNI/FBI help you pass that shit dossier to American people and a FUCKING FISA court as a legitimate American Intel product.

Need a 2nd special counsel for that whole collusion to abuse the govt power...
Why doesn’t Sessions and Wray arrest Clinton for buying the dossier? If it’s so cut and dry and if Trumps people are running the DOJ and FBI then why hasn’t that happened?

Because Repubs are whimps. Theyre afraid of being pummeled by the heavy artillery of the press. And Sessions is hiding under his desk or something. Never hire a Senator to be the chief law enforcer of the land.

There's deals being made. That's why. Under ALL of this is the FACT that the NSA Big Brother Spy Machine was hijacked and weaponized for political purposes. And NO ONE (well 95% of them) in Congress wants to go there and ADMIT that it happened because they all LOVE the idea of Domestic Spying.

So there will be deals to LIMIT the carnage. That's why when it was discovered that spies HAD been inserted into the Trump campaign (actually instigators and pranksters -- more than spies or informants) -- even Trey Gowdy and some of Liberty Caucus was making the "back-up" noise. Because that part implicates the actual INTEL agencies -- not just the FBI.

Sessions DOES HAVE a team in Arkansas thats' growing as big as Mueller's team investigating all this. And the FBI IGeneral still has TWO more reports that are supposed to dump this year. If the Repubs want to preserve their party -- they should be SCREAMING for a 2nd special counsel NOW. BEFORE the midterms.

But they are chickenshits. And I repeat myself. Regardless of how the midterms go, the anger is building over all the seriousness of these revelations. They are the largest political scandal of our lifetimes. And there WILL eventually be mass demonstrations and demands for justice. Repubs and Indies and all the ones without TDSydrome.
You gotta step outside the bubble for a minute and just listen to yourself. This deep state conspiracy stuff is just plain silly. If they had legal and solid ground to go after Clinton then they would and they would receive the support of Trump and his base and the entire right wing media institution. They aren’t scared, they just don’t have the evidence and legal standing behind them. Trumps tactic is to point the finger the other direction every time he is accused of something. He finds a narrative and then drills it in until his puppets start to follow. Don’t be a puppet, you’re just embarassing yourself.
bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.
Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

So all of the people Donald Trump appointed to head the Justice Department, and the FBI, are loyal to the Clintons? Then why did Comey announce he was re-opening the Clinton Investigation days before the election.

Your statement makes no sense considering that these agencies were headed by Republicans for 10 of the twenty five years the Clintons have been investigated, and they controlled the House and Senate for 12 more years when Democrats were in the White House.

One would think, given the animus of Republicans towards the Clintons and their investigations and attempts at removing them from office, that there is no loyalty protecting the Clintons at all.

FBI and DOJ corruption is apparently nothing new. But it is very clear that Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others were trying to rig the election by exonerating Hillary and attacking Trump with false documents paid for by the Clinton campaign.

So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:dude, you couldn't debunk a bed. russia russia is all your fantasy, so punk, take your russia love to your room and debunk it. Again, what did the report actually do to hitlery now that you brought it up? why can't you answer? you're saying that people didn't know she was under investigation up until that point after two years? really? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::ack-1:
it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?
Lying wingnut, trump gave the ex-Trump U alumni who sued him for fraud, $25 million in a settlement.

yes, that's correct. the case never went to court, it was settled. no one was convicted or fraud or attempted fraud. Lawyers can put whatever words they want on a filing, accusations do not equal guilt.

If I accuse you of being an asshole, does that mean that you are one? In your case probably so, but in court, no.
Actually, before settling, Trump said he wouldn’t settle because he was right. And he had to pay the state of NY a penalty for violating state education laws.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

The concept of an 'Ongoing' investigation is obviously beyond you.

Prosecutors do not disclose information about an 'Ongoing' investigation. So the fact that you do not have much information about the Mueller investigation is not surprising.

But based on what has leaked out, and of the indictments so far, it certainly looks like Trump is toast.

Can we be a bit forward thinking and start debating Pres. Pence now?
/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

We don’t need leaks to watch Donald Trump obstructing justice and undermining the Mueller Investigation. The evidence is in his twitter feed every morning.

We don’t need leaks to see his obsequience and deference to Vladimir Putin and his adoption of Putin’s worldview of NATO and your strategic alliances.

We don’t need leaks to see the lies, misrepresentations and attempts to undermine the FBI and CIA.

Trump has admitted to collusion. He’s admitted his son lied to Congress. His former staffers are pleading guilty to crimes against America.

He just increased sanctions on Russia, I hardly see that as being in bed with Putin.

Its OK if you hate Trump, Its not OK if you keep posting lies.

Thenm re
it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.

Wow, you swallowed it all.

Good things happen to the economy when you borrow 1.5 trillion & pass it out like candy.

Trump is a liar crook, fraud, con man. That matters to me. Evidently, you don't give a rat's ass because he gave you a few bucks in a tax cut.

When is hew going to call out his own corruption? Or do you give him a pass on that as well.

The US is the laughing stock of the world. They see what an ass Trump is & winder how fucking stupid Americans must be. He has pissed off our allies. He has started a trade war.

I didn't know our military was weak. You believed that pile of horse shit too, didn't you.

Congress forced a lot of those sanctions on Russia & Trump waited months to place them.

We had a agreement with Iran & Trump called our allies dumbasses & what idiots they were & pulled out of that agreement. Only a true fool would call that progress.

Trump supporters are dumber than shit & you prove that with every one of your stupid posts.

do you live in ocasio-cortez's ass? you sound almost as stupid as she does.

Obama borrowed 9 trillion dollars, doubled the national debt and had terrible GDP and unemployment numbers.

the Iran agreement made by Kerry and Obozo gave Iran everything they wanted and the US got nothing. It was the worst international agreement in history. Cancelling it was the only sensible thing to do.

The sanctions could have been stopped by Trump if he was really in Putin's pocket as you claim.

You Obama/Clinton/socialist supporters are the dumbest creatures on the planet, a common garden slug has more intelligence.
I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

So now thew Canadian got the money from Russia. Wow, when you get caught is one of your lies, you just make shit up as you go. The bulk of all the money donated to the Clinton Foundation in related to the Uranium sale was donated by a man who had sold that interest long before any sale was considered.

State was one of 9 agencies that commented on the sale. Clinton was not part of the State people who made that decision.

Where is all the bribes for the other 8 agencies?

The idea you are such a dick to make up this "OMG OMG OMG Our Uranium" when the company Russia purchased was a CANADIAN company. In other words, the evil socialists of the North already owned our uranium.

You people are sofs king stupid that it makes me sick.
well it's how money laundering is done. you should read up.

Really, How the fuck is making a donation to a foundation money laundering? Come on smsrt guy. Tell us., The Clintons take no money from their foundation.
well idiot, she sold uranium for wait for it money, illegal money, and as such had to be wait for it cleaned, cleaned by wait for it Canadians, and deposited to, wait for it clinton foundation. whew, you all sure aren't very bright.
You dumbfuck.... it wasn’t her Uranium to sell.


No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Is it really hard to understand why a political figure would want to keep their private correspondence private? Do you see how the media politicizes every little thing they find? Look at the text messages they found between Strzok and Page. It’s a no brainer why she wanted a private server and secure deletions of her corresponence. That doesn’t mean it’s a deep state cover up like y’all like to imply.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

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We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.

No, dope. Tax document are just data entered on a form. There is nothing to spin. It's either true and accurate or it's not.

Thirty years of Clinton tax returns are publicly available. Their foundation financials are publicly available. Trump's are not.

Whos hiding what?

I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

First off, the Clinton Foundation was not involved in Haitian relief. And the money you speak of has all been accounted for. The financial statements are have been audited by the US Public Accountability Office, who found no evidence is misuse or malfeasance.

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

You do know that the US government billed the ITRC for the assistance provided by the US Army and other government agencies. So did other countries.

Bill Clinton admitted mistakes were made. The Committee believed that if Haitians had jobs, things would be better so they invested money to bring businesses and jobs to Haiti. It didn’t work. The people of Haiti were too poor and the country too broken to support these businesses. They failed and the money invested in their creation was lost.

At least the Clintons tried to help. Unlike Donald Trump in Puerto Rico who offered the people nothing but insults and abuse.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.

No, dope. Tax document are just data entered on a form. There is nothing to spin. It's either true and accurate or it's not.

Thirty years of Clinton tax returns are publicly available. Their foundation financials are publicly available. Trump's are not.

Whos hiding what?

I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

The Clinton foundation financials do show where the money went, dope. Perhaps you should post the portion that you are questioning.

yes, they do show where it went. 10% to Haiti and 90% to salaries and expenses.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.
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