What exactly did they do?

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correct, the 30,000 from her personal server were destroyed. Do you care why they were so determined to keep you and me from seeing them?
Is it really hard to understand why a political figure would want to keep their private correspondence private? Do you see how the media politicizes every little thing they find? Look at the text messages they found between Strzok and Page. It’s a no brainer why she wanted a private server and secure deletions of her corresponence. That doesn’t mean it’s a deep state cover up like y’all like to imply.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

1) lie.
2) lie.
3) lie.

We know why everyone thinks you're a lying douchebag: everything in your posts is a lie.

How do you know?

How does anyone know?

Jr said they get their money from Russian banks yet Trump says no.

Many of Trump's businesses were scams like Trump U.
actually, he just said, from the Russians,

NOT Russian banks....

likely, the Oligarchs are the ones really funding him...

either way, the US lead Russian sanctions are against the Russian gvt controlled banks and the Russian Oligarchs...

Trump needs his cash cow, operating again, and THIS is likely the reason he wants to be ''friends'' with Putin/Russia, and ran for president, and got all that Russian help, to win....

Trump wants to drop the sanctions .... so to have the banking and Oligarch funding for his company....

last week, he removed the sanctions on the ''King of Aluminum'', Oleg Derispraska.... same guy who bought a Trump home in Florida for 100 million dollars in a downward trending real estate market, that Trump bought for 50 million just 2 years earlier.... :rolleyes: smells like money laundering to me...

Also the same Oligarch that Manafort was selling his Trump knowledge to when he became Trump's Campaign manager, to wipe his slate clean of the $20 million Manafort owed him....

the culture of corruption in this White House and those who Trump has surrounded himself with, seems to be never ending...
Great, let’s see your proof Russia gave $145 million to the Clinton Foundation......

When you fail to prove that... and you will.... you will expose yourself yet again as the liar you are.

Redfish, not answering is failing to prove your idiotic claim. Congrats! Everyone here gets to see you lied again.


from the far left NY Times

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Great, now you prove you’re willing to lie to cover up your previous lies.

Nothing in that article states Russia gave the Clinton Foundation $145 million. In fact, the figure, $145 million doesn’t even appear anywhere in that article.

You failed to prove your idiotic claim that “Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

You once again get caught lying.


so how many millions was it? If I misstated the amount, BFD. The point is the bribe was paid.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.
Is it really hard to understand why a political figure would want to keep their private correspondence private? Do you see how the media politicizes every little thing they find? Look at the text messages they found between Strzok and Page. It’s a no brainer why she wanted a private server and secure deletions of her corresponence. That doesn’t mean it’s a deep state cover up like y’all like to imply.
But all you snowflakes can't understan why Trump wouldn't want to publish his tax retuns.

Sent from my SM-G935P using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

1) lie.
2) lie.
3) lie.

We know why everyone thinks you're a lying douchebag: everything in your posts is a lie.

How do you know?

How does anyone know?

Jr said they get their money from Russian banks yet Trump says no.

Many of Trump's businesses were scams like Trump U.
actually, he just said, from the Russians,

NOT Russian banks....

likely, the Oligarchs are the ones really funding him...

either way, the US lead Russian sanctions are against the Russian gvt controlled banks and the Russian Oligarchs...

Trump needs his cash cow, operating again, and THIS is likely the reason he wants to be ''friends'' with Putin/Russia, and ran for president, and got all that Russian help, to win....

Trump wants to drop the sanctions .... so to have the banking and Oligarch funding for his company....

last week, he removed the sanctions on the ''King of Aluminum'', Oleg Derispraska.... same guy who bought a Trump home in Florida for 100 million dollars in a downward trending real estate market, that Trump bought for 50 million just 2 years earlier.... :rolleyes: smells like money laundering to me...

Also the same Oligarch that Manafort was selling his Trump knowledge to when he became Trump's Campaign manager, to wipe his slate clean of the $20 million Manafort owed him....

the culture of corruption in this White House and those who Trump has surrounded himself with, seems to be never ending...

nothing but lies, Trump just increased the sanctions on Russia and its puppet Iran.
Lets get back on topic.

other than a few thousand dollars on facebook ads, what did Russia do that affected the outcome of the 2016 election? How many votes were changed and it which states?
there is nothing illegal about dealing with foreign banks. I would venture that 95% of congress has money in Swiss, Cayman, or Russian banks.

Trump U was a failed business, the students were made whole financially. Not all businesses are successful, Solyndra for example, funded by Obama with OUR tax money.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?
Lying wingnut, trump gave the ex-Trump U alumni who sued him for fraud, $25 million in a settlement.

yes, that's correct. the case never went to court, it was settled. no one was convicted or fraud or attempted fraud. Lawyers can put whatever words they want on a filing, accusations do not equal guilt.

If I accuse you of being an asshole, does that mean that you are one? In your case probably so, but in court, no.
Redfish, not answering is failing to prove your idiotic claim. Congrats! Everyone here gets to see you lied again.


from the far left NY Times

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Great, now you prove you’re willing to lie to cover up your previous lies.

Nothing in that article states Russia gave the Clinton Foundation $145 million. In fact, the figure, $145 million doesn’t even appear anywhere in that article.

You failed to prove your idiotic claim that “Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

You once again get caught lying.


so how many millions was it? If I misstated the amount, BFD. The point is the bribe was paid.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

Your still lying as nothing you’re claiming is in the article you linked. So no, you’re not actually quoting the NT Times. You’re making up bullshit and then lying further by falsely claiming you’re quoting The NY Times.

Nowhere does that article state the Canadian did nothing more than transfer funds for Russians. Nowhere does it say he gave them those millions as “part of the Uranium deal.”

In fact, that article points out the Canadian donated those millions between 2005-2007, before Hillary was even Secretary of State, so how could it have been a ”bribe” for her vote?

That same article also points out the Canadian donated those millions years before the 2010 deal and that the Canadian was no longer involved with Uranium One when the deal with Rosatom was approved in 2010.

Consider your bullshit claim that Russians bribed the Clinton’s for Hillary’s vote by paying them $145 million, a complete and utter fabrication by you. And proven a lie by your own article.

How do you know?

How does anyone know?

Jr said they get their money from Russian banks yet Trump says no.

Many of Trump's businesses were scams like Trump U.

there is nothing illegal about dealing with foreign banks. I would venture that 95% of congress has money in Swiss, Cayman, or Russian banks.

Trump U was a failed business, the students were made whole financially. Not all businesses are successful, Solyndra for example, funded by Obama with OUR tax money.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?
Lying wingnut, trump gave the ex-Trump U alumni who sued him for fraud, $25 million in a settlement.

yes, that's correct. the case never went to court, it was settled. no one was convicted or fraud or attempted fraud. Lawyers can put whatever words they want on a filing, accusations do not equal guilt.

If I accuse you of being an asshole, does that mean that you are one? In your case probably so, but in court, no.
Actually, before settling, Trump said he wouldn’t settle because he was right. And he had to pay the state of NY a penalty for violating state education laws.
there is nothing illegal about dealing with foreign banks. I would venture that 95% of congress has money in Swiss, Cayman, or Russian banks.

Trump U was a failed business, the students were made whole financially. Not all businesses are successful, Solyndra for example, funded by Obama with OUR tax money.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.
Thst’s all he can do at this point. He’s actually trolling his own thread now.

Redfish, not answering is failing to prove your idiotic claim. Congrats! Everyone here gets to see you lied again.


from the far left NY Times

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Great, now you prove you’re willing to lie to cover up your previous lies.

Nothing in that article states Russia gave the Clinton Foundation $145 million. In fact, the figure, $145 million doesn’t even appear anywhere in that article.

You failed to prove your idiotic claim that “Russians gave 145 million to the Clinton Foundation.”

You once again get caught lying.


so how many millions was it? If I misstated the amount, BFD. The point is the bribe was paid.
You’re still lying, even as you attempt to alter your claim. The article you linked states almost all of the money came from one single Canadian donor, not any Russians you lied about.

Do you ever stop lying?


I quoted the NY times, are they lying? The funds were transferred by a Canadian, where do you think he got the money? Hint: Russia as part of the uranium deal.

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton's approval of a deal to transfer control of 20% of U.S. uranium deposits to a Russian company was a quid pro quo exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.


You're kidding. The fix was in, Hillary was guaranteed the position of President. You idiots on the left needed a backup plan in case she did lose.

That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

Oh, ok. So just the "idiots at the top" perpetrated all of this and the thousands of others just what, go along?

Sure, dope.

They are powerless to do anything about it, moron. Furthermore, most of them ddidn't know anything about it.

So, you believe all of the thousands of every day intel folks in the trenches are oblivious to the plans of their " masters" ?


What a sad QTARD you are.

Wow, you really never had a job before.
You're kidding. The fix was in, Hillary was guaranteed the position of President. You idiots on the left needed a backup plan in case she did lose.

That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

Oh, ok. So just the "idiots at the top" perpetrated all of this and the thousands of others just what, go along?

Sure, dope.

Have you ever had a job? You just have no idea.

I'm your boss, dope and you dont even know it.

LOL...sure, dumbass.
there is nothing illegal about dealing with foreign banks. I would venture that 95% of congress has money in Swiss, Cayman, or Russian banks.

Trump U was a failed business, the students were made whole financially. Not all businesses are successful, Solyndra for example, funded by Obama with OUR tax money.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

1) lie.
2) lie.
3) lie.

We know why everyone thinks you're a lying douchebag: everything in your posts is a lie.

How do you know?

How does anyone know?

Jr said they get their money from Russian banks yet Trump says no.

Many of Trump's businesses were scams like Trump U.

there is nothing illegal about dealing with foreign banks. I would venture that 95% of congress has money in Swiss, Cayman, or Russian banks.

Trump U was a failed business, the students were made whole financially. Not all businesses are successful, Solyndra for example, funded by Obama with OUR tax money.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?

Trump has owned and run hundreds of businesses and had only a handful of failures. His track record is actually quite good.
We keep hearing from all sides that the Russians interfered with our 2016 election, but I have yet to hear any of them say exactly what the Russians did, where they did it, or which votes were influenced by it.

this is a serious inquiry, what did they Russians do? where, when, to who? which states?

Heir Mewler cant find anything, the IG cant find anything. So someone tell us, what did they do?

The concept of an 'Ongoing' investigation is obviously beyond you.

Prosecutors do not disclose information about an 'Ongoing' investigation. So the fact that you do not have much information about the Mueller investigation is not surprising.

But based on what has leaked out, and of the indictments so far, it certainly looks like Trump is toast.

Can we be a bit forward thinking and start debating Pres. Pence now?
/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

We don’t need leaks to watch Donald Trump obstructing justice and undermining the Mueller Investigation. The evidence is in his twitter feed every morning.

We don’t need leaks to see his obsequience and deference to Vladimir Putin and his adoption of Putin’s worldview of NATO and your strategic alliances.

We don’t need leaks to see the lies, misrepresentations and attempts to undermine the FBI and CIA.

Trump has admitted to collusion. He’s admitted his son lied to Congress. His former staffers are pleading guilty to crimes against America.

He just increased sanctions on Russia, I hardly see that as being in bed with Putin.

Its OK if you hate Trump, Its not OK if you keep posting lies.

Thenm re
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.

Wow, you swallowed it all.

Good things happen to the economy when you borrow 1.5 trillion & pass it out like candy.

Trump is a liar crook, fraud, con man. That matters to me. Evidently, you don't give a rat's ass because he gave you a few bucks in a tax cut.

When is hew going to call out his own corruption? Or do you give him a pass on that as well.

The US is the laughing stock of the world. They see what an ass Trump is & winder how fucking stupid Americans must be. He has pissed off our allies. He has started a trade war.

I didn't know our military was weak. You believed that pile of horse shit too, didn't you.

Congress forced a lot of those sanctions on Russia & Trump waited months to place them.

We had a agreement with Iran & Trump called our allies dumbasses & what idiots they were & pulled out of that agreement. Only a true fool would call that progress.

Trump supporters are dumber than shit & you prove that with every one of your stupid posts.
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

I'm not impressed and I'm not even in this war. You had a handful of Russian trolls posting pics of Hillary in a witch outfit and spending a GRAND TOTAL on Facebook of LESS than $80K.. And AFTER the election, these jokers started to organize anti-Trump activities !!!!

So -- it's INCONCEIVABLE that a prank campaign like that had ANY effect on ANY votes. It DID NOT REACH that many people. Just like the nuisance ads here at USMB. How many of those have YOU clicked on?

Now lets compare that "election meddling" damage to Hillary/DNC hiring a foreign national and a bunch of Russian Intel pros to compile a "Trump dossier" that was a POS. The POS dossier was MARKETED AND RELEASED with the conspiracy help of Brennan/Clapper/FBI. FBI was even paying Steele. THAT STORY made front page national news and airtime for the 2 weeks before the vote.

Was that a 1000 times more influential? Or only 100 times more influential?

I gave you a very basic breakdown of only a single component of everything that was in play during the election. It shows just how few people were needed for the influence to be effective. When all of the components are considered together, the pecentage needed becomes even smaller. Let's not forget that elections are decided by independents, the largest voting block. Swing voters who aren't party loyalists.

All you said was, nu uh, whadabout the dossier.
The indictments tell you exactly, in great detail what they did .

Read them and stop asking stupid qiestions, dope.
It’s not evidence. Ask judge Ellis

I didn't say it was, dope.
Bullshit , but lying is your forte
The question was, what did russia do?

The indictmect spells it out, dope.

What indictment? I haven't seen where President Donald Trump was indicted for anything.
What indictment? I haven't seen where President Donald Trump was indicted for anything.

Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?
It’s not evidence. Ask judge Ellis

I didn't say it was, dope.
Bullshit , but lying is your forte
The question was, what did russia do?

The indictmect spells it out, dope.

What indictment? I haven't seen where President Donald Trump was indicted for anything.
What indictment? I haven't seen where President Donald Trump was indicted for anything.

Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?
what did they do?
The primary was not rigged and Hillary actually received the most votes

Something Crooked Donnie cannot say

were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.

the entire PV vote delta was in California. 3 million more caliprunians voted for Hillary than for Trump, BFD, Trump got 306 EC votes and that's how we elect presidents.
were you unconscious during 2016? the dem super delegates overrode the votes of the dem primary voters in order to deny Bernie and give the nomination to crooked Hillary.


Clinton won hadily with regular delegates. She didn't need a single super to beat Sanders, loser.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

the super delegates are included in those delegate counts, doofus, loser, asshole, dipshit

the super delegates are included in those delegate counts, doofus, loser, asshole, dipshit

Look at it again, retard.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 â?? Democratic Delegate Count

Bernie won early states yet the beast got more delegates. Bernies momentum was squashed. Bernie voters saw it was hopeless, they stopped voting for him. It really is not that difficult to understand what happened. Why do you make other posters spoon feed you?

You're spoonfeeding nonsense. Breakdown the malfeasence with the allocation of delegates.
That is QTARD nonsense.why would our entire intel infrastructure be loyal to Clinton?

Our entire intel infrastructure is not loyal to Clinton. Just the idiots at the top....dumbass.

Oh, ok. So just the "idiots at the top" perpetrated all of this and the thousands of others just what, go along?

Sure, dope.

They are powerless to do anything about it, moron. Furthermore, most of them ddidn't know anything about it.

So, you believe all of the thousands of every day intel folks in the trenches are oblivious to the plans of their " masters" ?


What a sad QTARD you are.

Yes. That's obvious. Why would they know everything a few scumbags are doing?
They're the one's obtaining and corroborating the intelligence, dope. Do you imagine the intel chiefs do all that themselves?

What a dope.
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