What exactly did they do?

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You dumbfuck.... it wasn’t her Uranium to sell.


No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

Great....prove she didn't....idiot.
You claimed she did. I’m accept your inability to prove your claim as proof you are full of shit.

And you claimed she didn't, even though SOS approval was required....dumbass.
Idiot, I did not say that. You claimed she approved the deal. My only response to you was to prove it. You ran away like a pussy instead — which actually answered for you.

You dumbfuck.... it wasn’t her Uranium to sell.


No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?
Great, prove that deal required the signature of the Secretary of State and no one else within that department.

You been caught telling so many lies, what’s one more, right?

It required many signatures, SecState being one of the most important. Hillary was SecState. she had to approve it or it could not have gone forward, and at the same time Bill was giving a speech in Moscow for 500K. Don't be so fricken naïve.
So prove it. This time, without citing yourself as the proof. Yes, the State Department had to approve it.... here’s where you either prove only the Secretary of State could approve that deal or you’re exposed yet again as the liar everyone here sees you are.

The choice is yours......
No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

Great....prove she didn't....idiot.
You claimed she did. I’m accept your inability to prove your claim as proof you are full of shit.

And you claimed she didn't, even though SOS approval was required....dumbass.
Idiot, I did not say that. You claimed she approved the deal. My only response to you was to prove it. You ran away like a pussy instead — which actually answered for you.


you are making a fool of yourself here. No such deal could have been made without the approval of the SecState. But if you think it could have, provide the statutes that would allow that.
No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?
Great, prove that deal required the signature of the Secretary of State and no one else within that department.

You been caught telling so many lies, what’s one more, right?

It required many signatures, SecState being one of the most important. Hillary was SecState. she had to approve it or it could not have gone forward, and at the same time Bill was giving a speech in Moscow for 500K. Don't be so fricken naïve.
So prove it. This time, without citing yourself as the proof. Yes, the State Department had to approve it.... here’s where you either prove only the Secretary of State could approve that deal or you’re exposed yet again as the liar everyone here sees you are.

The choice is yours......

I never used the word "only". Lots of underlings at state had to sign off before she did. Her's was the signature that made it happen. Are you saying she signed it without knowing what it was about? did she sign during one of her spastic attacks?
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.
Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.

an even bigger joke would be to give Obama credit. He had 8 years and did virtually nothing except get us screaming at each other. Divide and conquer--------he learned it well from Marx and Lenin, and his mentor Alinsky.
He got us to every single one of those stats that you just bragged about. Look at the 10 year chart for any one of those categories and you’ll see the change under Obama and the change under Trump. The graphs speak for themselves

If you want to take that stupid approach then Bush gets the credit. Don't be stupid, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms, not what happened before they were in office. Without the tax cuts those lines would have reversed because jobs and money were leaving this country by the millions.
When you’re bragging about historical low numbers you have to look at history. To deny doing that is ridiculous. Wake up man, your brainwashed by rhetoric
I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

First off, the Clinton Foundation was not involved in Haitian relief. And the money you speak of has all been accounted for. The financial statements are have been audited by the US Public Accountability Office, who found no evidence is misuse or malfeasance.

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

You do know that the US government billed the ITRC for the assistance provided by the US Army and other government agencies. So did other countries.

Bill Clinton admitted mistakes were made. The Committee believed that if Haitians had jobs, things would be better so they invested money to bring businesses and jobs to Haiti. It didn’t work. The people of Haiti were too poor and the country too broken to support these businesses. They failed and the money invested in their creation was lost.

At least the Clintons tried to help. Unlike Donald Trump in Puerto Rico who offered the people nothing but insults and abuse.
see you have the misconceptions that there is but one news outlet. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

dem/libs are not permitted to think, all they are allowed to do is parrot bullshit.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.
lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.
all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.

an even bigger joke would be to give Obama credit. He had 8 years and did virtually nothing except get us screaming at each other. Divide and conquer--------he learned it well from Marx and Lenin, and his mentor Alinsky.
He got us to every single one of those stats that you just bragged about. Look at the 10 year chart for any one of those categories and you’ll see the change under Obama and the change under Trump. The graphs speak for themselves

If you want to take that stupid approach then Bush gets the credit. Don't be stupid, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms, not what happened before they were in office. Without the tax cuts those lines would have reversed because jobs and money were leaving this country by the millions.
When you’re bragging about historical low numbers you have to look at history. To deny doing that is ridiculous. Wake up man, your brainwashed by rhetoric

yes, of course. So I guess you give Bush credit for Obama's numbers?
First off, the Clinton Foundation was not involved in Haitian relief. And the money you speak of has all been accounted for. The financial statements are have been audited by the US Public Accountability Office, who found no evidence is misuse or malfeasance.

The Clintons and Haiti: What really happened?

You do know that the US government billed the ITRC for the assistance provided by the US Army and other government agencies. So did other countries.

Bill Clinton admitted mistakes were made. The Committee believed that if Haitians had jobs, things would be better so they invested money to bring businesses and jobs to Haiti. It didn’t work. The people of Haiti were too poor and the country too broken to support these businesses. They failed and the money invested in their creation was lost.

At least the Clintons tried to help. Unlike Donald Trump in Puerto Rico who offered the people nothing but insults and abuse.
see you have the misconceptions that there is but one news outlet. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

dem/libs are not permitted to think, all they are allowed to do is parrot bullshit.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.

yes, the numbers were getting better during Obama's term, I guess under your premise, Bush gets credit.
Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.

an even bigger joke would be to give Obama credit. He had 8 years and did virtually nothing except get us screaming at each other. Divide and conquer--------he learned it well from Marx and Lenin, and his mentor Alinsky.
He got us to every single one of those stats that you just bragged about. Look at the 10 year chart for any one of those categories and you’ll see the change under Obama and the change under Trump. The graphs speak for themselves

If you want to take that stupid approach then Bush gets the credit. Don't be stupid, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms, not what happened before they were in office. Without the tax cuts those lines would have reversed because jobs and money were leaving this country by the millions.
When you’re bragging about historical low numbers you have to look at history. To deny doing that is ridiculous. Wake up man, your brainwashed by rhetoric

yes, of course. So I guess you give Bush credit for Obama's numbers?
Any long term trends initiated by Bush that held steady during Obama sure I’d give Bush credit for... but that’s not how the data falls. Do I need to post the graphs again? I know you’ve seen them. How do you still not understand??
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

Great....prove she didn't....idiot.
You claimed she did. I’m accept your inability to prove your claim as proof you are full of shit.

And you claimed she didn't, even though SOS approval was required....dumbass.
Idiot, I did not say that. You claimed she approved the deal. My only response to you was to prove it. You ran away like a pussy instead — which actually answered for you.


you are making a fool of yourself here. No such deal could have been made without the approval of the SecState. But if you think it could have, provide the statutes that would allow that.

If that were true, you’d prove it and make an idiot out of me instead of yourself by not being able to prove the nonsense you post.

see you have the misconceptions that there is but one news outlet. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

dem/libs are not permitted to think, all they are allowed to do is parrot bullshit.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.

yes, the numbers were getting better during Obama's term, I guess under your premise, Bush gets credit.

The numbers were doing worse when Bush left office. How does he get credit for them getting better?? :cuckoo:
see you have the misconceptions that there is but one news outlet. LOL :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

dem/libs are not permitted to think, all they are allowed to do is parrot bullshit.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.

yes, the numbers were getting better during Obama's term, I guess under your premise, Bush gets credit.
In case you didn’t get the memo, the economy crashed under Bush. Part of the responsibility for that crash lies in policies initiated by Clinton. Do you deny that??
dem/libs are not permitted to think, all they are allowed to do is parrot bullshit.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.

yes, the numbers were getting better during Obama's term, I guess under your premise, Bush gets credit.
In case you didn’t get the memo, the economy crashed under Bush. Part of the responsibility for that crash lies in policies initiated by Clinton. Do you deny that??
well actually it crashed under obammy in 2009, just saying
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?
Great, prove that deal required the signature of the Secretary of State and no one else within that department.

You been caught telling so many lies, what’s one more, right?

It required many signatures, SecState being one of the most important. Hillary was SecState. she had to approve it or it could not have gone forward, and at the same time Bill was giving a speech in Moscow for 500K. Don't be so fricken naïve.
So prove it. This time, without citing yourself as the proof. Yes, the State Department had to approve it.... here’s where you either prove only the Secretary of State could approve that deal or you’re exposed yet again as the liar everyone here sees you are.

The choice is yours......

I never used the word "only". Lots of underlings at state had to sign off before she did. Her's was the signature that made it happen. Are you saying she signed it without knowing what it was about? did she sign during one of her spastic attacks?
So prove it. You keep citing yourself as evidence; but you’re a known liar with zero credibility.

Prove she signed off on the deal. Prove the Secretary of State had to sign off on the deal.

And proof requires links; not you just claiming it’s so because you say it’s so.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.

yes, the numbers were getting better during Obama's term, I guess under your premise, Bush gets credit.
In case you didn’t get the memo, the economy crashed under Bush. Part of the responsibility for that crash lies in policies initiated by Clinton. Do you deny that??
well actually it crashed under obammy in 2009, just saying
LOL actually, the economy began improving in 2009.

You just can’t stop lying, can you?
We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

1) lie.
2) lie.
3) lie.

We know why everyone thinks you're a lying douchebag: everything in your posts is a lie.

How do you know?

How does anyone know?

Jr said they get their money from Russian banks yet Trump says no.

Many of Trump's businesses were scams like Trump U.

there is nothing illegal about dealing with foreign banks. I would venture that 95% of congress has money in Swiss, Cayman, or Russian banks.

Trump U was a failed business, the students were made whole financially. Not all businesses are successful, Solyndra for example, funded by Obama with OUR tax money.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?

Not really. It happened in 2011. It was fully reviewed and investigated by the Republican House and Senate and no improprieties were found.

Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs

Trump’s illegal activities are happening NOW and they’re ongoing.

That’s what we want to talk about. What happening now is a venally corrupt and cruel Administration is being run to the benefit of Putin and his cronies and tonthe detriment of your country.

Why don’t you want to talk about THAT?
1) lie.
2) lie.
3) lie.

We know why everyone thinks you're a lying douchebag: everything in your posts is a lie.

How do you know?

How does anyone know?

Jr said they get their money from Russian banks yet Trump says no.

Many of Trump's businesses were scams like Trump U.

there is nothing illegal about dealing with foreign banks. I would venture that 95% of congress has money in Swiss, Cayman, or Russian banks.

Trump U was a failed business, the students were made whole financially. Not all businesses are successful, Solyndra for example, funded by Obama with OUR tax money.
Trump U was a scam for which he got sued and settled for millions.

it was a bad business venture, it failed. Happens every day. it was not funded with OUR tax dollars. However, solyndra was. Want to talk about that?

Not really. It happened in 2011. It was fully reviewed and investigated by the Republican House and Senate and no improprieties were found.

Solyndra: Politics infused Obama energy programs

Trump’s illegal activities are happening NOW and they’re ongoing.

That’s what we want to talk about. What happening now is a venally corrupt and cruel Administration is being run to the benefit of Putin and his cronies and tonthe detriment of your country.

Why don’t you want to talk about THAT?
He already said why he doesn’t want to talk about Trump... because the economy is good... I guess that’s all that matters
He got sued for fraud, ya lying wingnut. :eusa_doh:

lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.
Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.

an even bigger joke would be to give Obama credit. He had 8 years and did virtually nothing except get us screaming at each other. Divide and conquer--------he learned it well from Marx and Lenin, and his mentor Alinsky.
He got us to every single one of those stats that you just bragged about. Look at the 10 year chart for any one of those categories and you’ll see the change under Obama and the change under Trump. The graphs speak for themselves

If you want to take that stupid approach then Bush gets the credit. Don't be stupid, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms, not what happened before they were in office. Without the tax cuts those lines would have reversed because jobs and money were leaving this country by the millions.

Now you’re blithering nonsense. Give up while you’re behind.

There isn’t an economic statistic out there that shows that Trump’s economy isn’t doing anything but riding the coattails of the Obama Administration’s policies.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?
Great, prove that deal required the signature of the Secretary of State and no one else within that department.

You been caught telling so many lies, what’s one more, right?

It required many signatures, SecState being one of the most important. Hillary was SecState. she had to approve it or it could not have gone forward, and at the same time Bill was giving a speech in Moscow for 500K. Don't be so fricken naïve.
So prove it. This time, without citing yourself as the proof. Yes, the State Department had to approve it.... here’s where you either prove only the Secretary of State could approve that deal or you’re exposed yet again as the liar everyone here sees you are.

The choice is yours......

I never used the word "only". Lots of underlings at state had to sign off before she did. Her's was the signature that made it happen. Are you saying she signed it without knowing what it was about? did she sign during one of her spastic attacks?
You should try reading your own link for comprehension...

He emphasized that multiple United States agencies, as well as the Canadian government, had signed off on the deal and that, in general, such matters were handled at a level below the secretary.
dem/libs are not permitted to think, all they are allowed to do is parrot bullshit.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.

yes, the numbers were getting better during Obama's term, I guess under your premise, Bush gets credit.
In case you didn’t get the memo, the economy crashed under Bush. Part of the responsibility for that crash lies in policies initiated by Clinton. Do you deny that??
So that son of a bitchin' Clintion fucked up everything by balancing the budget. Those pol;icies were the ones pushed by the Republican Congrtess.
Look in the mirror man. As soon as you are challenged with substance and stats you just pivot to a different subject or accuse a democrat of something. It’s weak and dishonest.

sorry, but I don't consider propaganda cites as a valid source of economic stats, remember figures don't lie, but liars figure.

the pollsters said Hillary could not lose and that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes, were they lying or just stupid? it has to be one or the other
you are diverting again... why are you talking about pollsters and what makes you think I’m talking partisan opinion/propaganda sites? I’m talking about facts and stats.

yes, the numbers were getting better during Obama's term, I guess under your premise, Bush gets credit.
In case you didn’t get the memo, the economy crashed under Bush. Part of the responsibility for that crash lies in policies initiated by Clinton. Do you deny that??
well actually it crashed under obammy in 2009, just saying
The recession started 4th quarter of 2007
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