What exactly did they do?

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all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.
an even bigger joke would be to give Obama credit. He had 8 years and did virtually nothing except get us screaming at each other. Divide and conquer--------he learned it well from Marx and Lenin, and his mentor Alinsky.
He got us to every single one of those stats that you just bragged about. Look at the 10 year chart for any one of those categories and you’ll see the change under Obama and the change under Trump. The graphs speak for themselves

If you want to take that stupid approach then Bush gets the credit. Don't be stupid, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms, not what happened before they were in office. Without the tax cuts those lines would have reversed because jobs and money were leaving this country by the millions.
When you’re bragging about historical low numbers you have to look at history. To deny doing that is ridiculous. Wake up man, your brainwashed by rhetoric

yes, of course. So I guess you give Bush credit for Obama's numbers?
Any long term trends initiated by Bush that held steady during Obama sure I’d give Bush credit for... but that’s not how the data falls. Do I need to post the graphs again? I know you’ve seen them. How do you still not understand??

yes, I understand, the great Obama, the Kenyan messiah, is your lord and savior, he can do not wrong, he is your definition of wonderful, you worship his shit. I understand fully.
The concept of an 'Ongoing' investigation is obviously beyond you.

Prosecutors do not disclose information about an 'Ongoing' investigation. So the fact that you do not have much information about the Mueller investigation is not surprising.

But based on what has leaked out, and of the indictments so far, it certainly looks like Trump is toast.

Can we be a bit forward thinking and start debating Pres. Pence now?
/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

It's simpler than that. THere was nothing but sarcasm in that statement on a debate stage in front of Gawd and everybody. Folks that don't get that are clinically deranged That's NOT legal evidence of "conspiring of Russia".

However, PAYING russian Intel pros and former foreign spy for dirt on your opponent like Hillary did IS a crime. ESPECIALLY when the CIA/DNI/FBI help you pass that shit dossier to American people and a FUCKING FISA court as a legitimate American Intel product.

Need a 2nd special counsel for that whole collusion to abuse the govt power...

Somehow multiple FISA court judges repeatedly disagreed with you.

But I'm sure you know more about the law then they do! :abgg2q.jpg:

those judges were lied to. be patient, the truth is coming.
The concept of an 'Ongoing' investigation is obviously beyond you.

Prosecutors do not disclose information about an 'Ongoing' investigation. So the fact that you do not have much information about the Mueller investigation is not surprising.

But based on what has leaked out, and of the indictments so far, it certainly looks like Trump is toast.

Can we be a bit forward thinking and start debating Pres. Pence now?
/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

The fact that Trump was a PRIVATE citizen is exactly what makes this so illegal.

It's called the Logan Act. Try looking it up.
/----/ Well I did look it up Spanky. Nothing there as usual. A big nothing burger.
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with Francein 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

Only two people have ever been indicted on charges of violating the Act,[3] one in 1802 and the other in 1852.[4] Neither was convicted of violating the Act.[4]

You're truly delusional is you believe that Trump asking the Russians to hack the DNC doesn't fit "negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States".
lawyers can put any words they want in a lawsuit, accusations do not equate to guilt. The suit was settled out of court.

Why don't you want to discuss the failed business called Solyndra, which Obama funded with our tax money?

Boy you’re just piling on the deflections aren’t you? It won’t work.

Trump paid $25 million in the Trump U scam and settled without admitting guilt. The government’s case was strong and Trump had lost at every phase of the case. Trump University was a fraud and Trump could have faced criminal charges had it proceeded.

The Trump U victims were not “made whole”. The amount of the settlement was a fraction of the amount bilked from its victims. Many people lost over a hundred thousand dollars.

Then there’s the Trump Foundation wherein Trump used donations from others to settle business disputes, buy sports memorabilia and bribe public officials. The State of New York has shut it down for illlegal fundraising.

Solyandra was a failed venture. Not all new businesses are successful, especially during a massive recession. The amount lost was a drop in the bucket compared to the Wall Street bailouts which were never recovered repaid to the American people. Unlike the Wall Street bailout, with Solyandta there was no theft of funds, no illegal activities, and no massive bonuses funded with taxpayer money.

From the day Trump announced he was running for office, Trump has surrounded himself with liars, crooks, and people in the pay of the Russian government. Birds of a feather.

This is the most corrupt, venal and mendacious Administration in history. Crooks and liars. And here you are, continuing the lies, the deflections and approving of Trump handing your foreign policy over to Putin.

all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.
all your talking points notwithstanding, the economy is booming, unemployment is at record lows, black and Hispanic unemployment is at all time lows, taxes are down for everyone that pays taxes, the USA is respected in the world again. Jobs are being created in the private sector, our military is strong again, our borders are safer (more work to do there, but its started).

Its fine if you don't like Trump personally, that's just fine. But he is doing the job of president better than any of his recent predecessors. He is calling out the corruption in both parties, the establishment, and the lying media. He brought NK to the table for the first time in history. Increased sanctions on Russia and Iran. Deal with reality for just once.
Wow, that pivot was amazing. You just got schooled on all the false facts you’ve been pumping out and your response is, “well that stuff doesn’t matter because the economy is good” ???! What a cop out.

Yes the economy is good, I hope it keeps getting better. Guess what, the economy has been improving on this path for 8 years, the numbers are now reaching record lows but they’ve been heading that way for the better part of a decade. There has been no dramatic acceleration in any stat category since trump took office. So while I give him credit for keeping the ship on course, it is a joke to say that he got us here.

an even bigger joke would be to give Obama credit. He had 8 years and did virtually nothing except get us screaming at each other. Divide and conquer--------he learned it well from Marx and Lenin, and his mentor Alinsky.
He got us to every single one of those stats that you just bragged about. Look at the 10 year chart for any one of those categories and you’ll see the change under Obama and the change under Trump. The graphs speak for themselves

If you want to take that stupid approach then Bush gets the credit. Don't be stupid, presidents get credit or blame for what happens during their terms, not what happened before they were in office. Without the tax cuts those lines would have reversed because jobs and money were leaving this country by the millions.

Now you’re blithering nonsense. Give up while you’re behind.

There isn’t an economic statistic out there that shows that Trump’s economy isn’t doing anything but riding the coattails of the Obama Administration’s policies.

the great Obama, dragon lady's hero, savior of the world, his wonders never cease. ALL HAIL OBAMA !!!!!!!
/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

It's simpler than that. THere was nothing but sarcasm in that statement on a debate stage in front of Gawd and everybody. Folks that don't get that are clinically deranged That's NOT legal evidence of "conspiring of Russia".

However, PAYING russian Intel pros and former foreign spy for dirt on your opponent like Hillary did IS a crime. ESPECIALLY when the CIA/DNI/FBI help you pass that shit dossier to American people and a FUCKING FISA court as a legitimate American Intel product.

Need a 2nd special counsel for that whole collusion to abuse the govt power...

Somehow multiple FISA court judges repeatedly disagreed with you.

But I'm sure you know more about the law then they do! :abgg2q.jpg:

those judges were lied to. be patient, the truth is coming.

Only in your dreams!
/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

The fact that Trump was a PRIVATE citizen is exactly what makes this so illegal.

It's called the Logan Act. Try looking it up.
/----/ Well I did look it up Spanky. Nothing there as usual. A big nothing burger.
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with Francein 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

Only two people have ever been indicted on charges of violating the Act,[3] one in 1802 and the other in 1852.[4] Neither was convicted of violating the Act.[4]

You're truly delusional is you believe that Trump asking the Russians to hack the DNC doesn't fit "negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States".

That quote was a joke, asshole. Are you that stupid?
Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

It's simpler than that. THere was nothing but sarcasm in that statement on a debate stage in front of Gawd and everybody. Folks that don't get that are clinically deranged That's NOT legal evidence of "conspiring of Russia".

However, PAYING russian Intel pros and former foreign spy for dirt on your opponent like Hillary did IS a crime. ESPECIALLY when the CIA/DNI/FBI help you pass that shit dossier to American people and a FUCKING FISA court as a legitimate American Intel product.

Need a 2nd special counsel for that whole collusion to abuse the govt power...

Somehow multiple FISA court judges repeatedly disagreed with you.

But I'm sure you know more about the law then they do! :abgg2q.jpg:

those judges were lied to. be patient, the truth is coming.

Only in your dreams!

the lies in the fake Russian dossier, paid for by Hillary, were the basis for the FISA warrants. the DOJ told the judges that the claims were verified-----------they lied.
Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

The fact that Trump was a PRIVATE citizen is exactly what makes this so illegal.

It's called the Logan Act. Try looking it up.
/----/ Well I did look it up Spanky. Nothing there as usual. A big nothing burger.
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with Francein 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

Only two people have ever been indicted on charges of violating the Act,[3] one in 1802 and the other in 1852.[4] Neither was convicted of violating the Act.[4]

You're truly delusional is you believe that Trump asking the Russians to hack the DNC doesn't fit "negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States".

That quote was a joke, asshole. Are you that stupid?

Quoting the Logan Act was a joke?


Are YOU that stupid? :ahole-1:
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

The fact that Trump was a PRIVATE citizen is exactly what makes this so illegal.

It's called the Logan Act. Try looking it up.
/----/ Well I did look it up Spanky. Nothing there as usual. A big nothing burger.
The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 18 U.S.C. § 953, enacted January 30, 1799) is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.[2] The Act was passed following George Logan's unauthorized negotiations with Francein 1798, and was signed into law by President John Adams on January 30, 1799. The Act was amended in 1994, changing the penalty for violation from "fined $5,000" to "fined under this title"; this appears to be the only amendment to the Act.[2] Violation of the Logan Act is a felony.

Only two people have ever been indicted on charges of violating the Act,[3] one in 1802 and the other in 1852.[4] Neither was convicted of violating the Act.[4]

You're truly delusional is you believe that Trump asking the Russians to hack the DNC doesn't fit "negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States".

That quote was a joke, asshole. Are you that stupid?

Quoting the Logan Act was a joke?


Are YOU that stupid? :ahole-1:

no, but apparently you are. Its quite likely that Russia does have the 30,000 missing emails. They could have used them to blackmail crooked Hillary if she won, that's why they wanted her to win.

the rest of the Russian activities were aimed at getting us divided and screaming at each other, they succeeded.
well idiot, she sold uranium for wait for it money, illegal money, and as such had to be wait for it cleaned, cleaned by wait for it Canadians, and deposited to, wait for it clinton foundation. whew, you all sure aren't very bright.
You dumbfuck.... it wasn’t her Uranium to sell.


No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?
You dumbfuck.... it wasn’t her Uranium to sell.


No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?

Well since you failed so miserably to prove she signed it, seems her signature was not required.
No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?

Well since you failed so miserably to prove she signed it, seems her signature was not required.

that is a claim that you are making, so the burden of proof is on you. Prove that such a deal could be made without the approval and signature of the secretary of state, and prove that she did not sign off on this deal. Then prove that the 500K and the money to Clinton foundation had nothing to do with the uranium deal.
No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?

Well since you failed so miserably to prove she signed it, seems her signature was not required.

talking to you is like talking to a dead frog that was smashed flat in the street. Are you a human being, or a parrot, or a computer program?
You dumbfuck.... it wasn’t her Uranium to sell.


No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?
Oh look, Jose Fernandez, assistant Secretary at that time, says Hillary wasn’t involved in the decision...

We don’t even know if Clinton was involved in the committee’s review and approval of the uranium deal. Jose Fernandez, a former assistant secretary of state, told the New York Times that he represented the department on the committee. “Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter,” he told the Times, referring to the committee by its acronym.

The Facts on Uranium One - FactCheck.org

Looks like you got caught lying yet again.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?

Well since you failed so miserably to prove she signed it, seems her signature was not required.

that is a claim that you are making, so the burden of proof is on you. Prove that such a deal could be made without the approval and signature of the secretary of state, and prove that she did not sign off on this deal. Then prove that the 500K and the money to Clinton foundation had nothing to do with the uranium deal.
Actually, you were the one who first claimed she signed off on it. I was the one who challenged you to prove she did. You failed miserably:

As far as Clinton’s 500K speaking engagement, he often earned that for speeches. Getting as much as 700K for a single speech. 500K was a bargain where the organizers who paid it could easily make a profit.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?

Well since you failed so miserably to prove she signed it, seems her signature was not required.

talking to you is like talking to a dead frog that was smashed flat in the street. Are you a human being, or a parrot, or a computer program?
I know, it’s so pesky challenging you to prove the bullshit you post.

No fricken kidding, yet she approved the sale anyway....dumbass.
Prove it. Show proof she personally signed off on it....

a deal like that requires the approval (signature) of the secretary of state. Who was SecState when the uranium deal was made? any idea?

No, dope.

It required the approval of the State Dept. Not the SoS.

Uh, duh, the secretary of state is head of the state department. So you are now saying that a deal like this could be made without the approval of the secretary of state?
Oh look, Jose Fernandez, assistant Secretary at that time, says Hillary wasn’t involved in the decision...

We don’t even know if Clinton was involved in the committee’s review and approval of the uranium deal. Jose Fernandez, a former assistant secretary of state, told the New York Times that he represented the department on the committee. “Mrs. Clinton never intervened with me on any C.F.I.U.S. matter,” he told the Times, referring to the committee by its acronym.

The Facts on Uranium One - FactCheck.org

Looks like you got caught lying yet again.

"we don't know" and "never intervened" I don't see "didn't approve" or "didn't sign". Can you quote the state dept regulation that would allow such a deal without the approval of the secretary?

I am quite sure that the documents exist showing her signature. Could those be some of the ones that they are refusing to release?

Neither you or I know the answer, but logic and the general rules of government agencies say that the secretary would have to approve such a deal.

OR, are you now saying that Hillary was so out of touch with reality that she neglected her responsibilities as secretary? I think Comey called her "extremely careless" right?
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