What exactly did they do?

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I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

I'm not impressed and I'm not even in this war. You had a handful of Russian trolls posting pics of Hillary in a witch outfit and spending a GRAND TOTAL on Facebook of LESS than $80K.. And AFTER the election, these jokers started to organize anti-Trump activities !!!!

So -- it's INCONCEIVABLE that a prank campaign like that had ANY effect on ANY votes. It DID NOT REACH that many people. Just like the nuisance ads here at USMB. How many of those have YOU clicked on?

Now lets compare that "election meddling" damage to Hillary/DNC hiring a foreign national and a bunch of Russian Intel pros to compile a "Trump dossier" that was a POS. The POS dossier was MARKETED AND RELEASED with the conspiracy help of Brennan/Clapper/FBI. FBI was even paying Steele. THAT STORY made front page national news and airtime for the 2 weeks before the vote.

Was that a 1000 times more influential? Or only 100 times more influential?
I know that only 11 or 12 Russians were indited by DOJ and that Facebook had deleted about 35k accounts. So how did 11 or so Russians post on that many accounts. Somehow no one has cover that little problem.
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

I'm not impressed and I'm not even in this war. You had a handful of Russian trolls posting pics of Hillary in a witch outfit and spending a GRAND TOTAL on Facebook of LESS than $80K.. And AFTER the election, these jokers started to organize anti-Trump activities !!!!

So -- it's INCONCEIVABLE that a prank campaign like that had ANY effect on ANY votes. It DID NOT REACH that many people. Just like the nuisance ads here at USMB. How many of those have YOU clicked on?

Now lets compare that "election meddling" damage to Hillary/DNC hiring a foreign national and a bunch of Russian Intel pros to compile a "Trump dossier" that was a POS. The POS dossier was MARKETED AND RELEASED with the conspiracy help of Brennan/Clapper/FBI. FBI was even paying Steele. THAT STORY made front page national news and airtime for the 2 weeks before the vote.

Was that a 1000 times more influential? Or only 100 times more influential?
I know that only 11 or 12 Russians were indited by DOJ and that Facebook had deleted about 35k accounts. So how did 11 or so Russians post on that many accounts. Somehow no one has cover that little problem.

It's because Russian trolls posting ridiculous "political ads" is NOT Facebook's biggest current problem.
Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Wasn't really a "criminal" indictment. Turned back over the Intel Groups where the whole thing belonged in the 1st place. Not the job of Special Counsel to do Intel work. In fact, Mueller STOLE all that from outside his group and put his name on it because he's DESPERATE for attention and any hint of his usefulness and self esteem.
Oh, ok. So just the "idiots at the top" perpetrated all of this and the thousands of others just what, go along?

Sure, dope.

They are powerless to do anything about it, moron. Furthermore, most of them ddidn't know anything about it.

So, you believe all of the thousands of every day intel folks in the trenches are oblivious to the plans of their " masters" ?


What a sad QTARD you are.

Yes. That's obvious. Why would they know everything a few scumbags are doing?
They're the one's obtaining and corroborating the intelligence, dope. Do you imagine the intel chiefs do all that themselves?

What a dope.
No one corroborated their intelligence, moron. What part of "unverified" didn't you understand? Even if someone was doing it, they would only be a minute fraction of the personnel in the FBI.

We're talking about the indicments of the 12 GRU officers, dope.
The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

The phrase "they reached 126 million people" is meaningless. What does "reached" mean, someone may have seen a single tweet? It doesn't mean anything. Where is the evidence for your claim? Are you including the Wikileaks emails which the Russians weren't even responsible for?

No, dope, I'm not including wikileaks. That's why I said, "just their social media operations alone". When you include the entirety of their operations, that number shrinks exponentially. If you add in Comey's contribution it becomes undeniable that the election was influenced against Clinton.
You mean the $100,000 the spent on Facebook? Yeah, I'm sure that had a big impact compared to the $1.5 billion Hillary spent on her campaign. Hillary only spent 15,000 times more than the Russians spent on bots.

Another dopey trope. Social media advertising is cheap because it is shared by the users of the platforms. One inexpensive item can be shared millions of times accross multiple platforms.
Cheap for Putin, and cheap for Hillary. Your excuse doesn't wash.

It's an explanation, not an excuse, dope.

You should probably read the conversations before you post retarded nonsense.
Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Wasn't really a "criminal" indictment. Turned back over the Intel Groups where the whole thing belonged in the 1st place. Not the job of Special Counsel to do Intel work. In fact, Mueller STOLE all that from outside his group and put his name on it because he's DESPERATE for attention and any hint of his usefulness and self esteem.

It is indeed a criminal indictment, dope.

The govt agencies work together in counterintelligence matters. Mueller "stole" nothing.
Actually, you were the one who first claimed she signed off on it. I was the one who challenged you to prove she did. You failed miserably:

As far as Clinton’s 500K speaking engagement, he often earned that for speeches. Getting as much as 700K for a single speech. 500K was a bargain where the organizers who paid it could easily make a profit.

Please show us where former President Bill Clinton was being paid $700,000 for a single speech. His going rate at most was $250,000 which is still outrageous.
We know exactly why your oirange POIS leader does niot want to release his tax returns.

1) He is in debt far more than he lets on
2) He in in bed financially with Russian banks controlled by Putin
3) His entire business is a scam

bullshit. If he released his returns (which are hundreds of pages) you assholes on the left would pull out one page, make up lies about it, and it would waste hundreds of hours refuting your lies.

How about the returns from the "tax-exempt" Clinton foundation? Would you be interested in knowing what happened to the millions they collected for Haiti relief after the hurricane? That money never got to Haiti. Do you care about that corruption?

I am merely pointing out the disingenuousness of you liberals.

No, dope. Tax document are just data entered on a form. There is nothing to spin. It's either true and accurate or it's not.

Thirty years of Clinton tax returns are publicly available. Their foundation financials are publicly available. Trump's are not.

Whos hiding what?

I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

The Clinton foundation financials do show where the money went, dope. Perhaps you should post the portion that you are questioning.

yes, they do show where it went. 10% to Haiti and 90% to salaries and expenses.

Really? That’s not what I read. I read that it went to relief agencies and governments which provided troops and equipment to assist in the relief efforts.

Either you didn’t read it or you don’t have a clue how to read a balance sheet.
So all of the people Donald Trump appointed to head the Justice Department, and the FBI, are loyal to the Clintons? Then why did Comey announce he was re-opening the Clinton Investigation days before the election.

Your statement makes no sense considering that these agencies were headed by Republicans for 10 of the twenty five years the Clintons have been investigated, and they controlled the House and Senate for 12 more years when Democrats were in the White House.

One would think, given the animus of Republicans towards the Clintons and their investigations and attempts at removing them from office, that there is no loyalty protecting the Clintons at all.

FBI and DOJ corruption is apparently nothing new. But it is very clear that Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others were trying to rig the election by exonerating Hillary and attacking Trump with false documents paid for by the Clinton campaign.

So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.
The phrase "they reached 126 million people" is meaningless. What does "reached" mean, someone may have seen a single tweet? It doesn't mean anything. Where is the evidence for your claim? Are you including the Wikileaks emails which the Russians weren't even responsible for?

No, dope, I'm not including wikileaks. That's why I said, "just their social media operations alone". When you include the entirety of their operations, that number shrinks exponentially. If you add in Comey's contribution it becomes undeniable that the election was influenced against Clinton.
You mean the $100,000 the spent on Facebook? Yeah, I'm sure that had a big impact compared to the $1.5 billion Hillary spent on her campaign. Hillary only spent 15,000 times more than the Russians spent on bots.

Another dopey trope. Social media advertising is cheap because it is shared by the users of the platforms. One inexpensive item can be shared millions of times accross multiple platforms.
Cheap for Putin, and cheap for Hillary. Your excuse doesn't wash.

It's an explanation, not an excuse, dope.

You should probably read the conversations before you post retarded nonsense.
It's an excuse for Hillary's utter failure as a candidate.
I'm still waiting . . . . has a single Leftard given just ONE clear example yet of exactly where and when Russia affected and changed votes as per the OP of this thread?

Nah, still didn't think so. . . .

The actual affects aren't quantifiable but logic informs us that it didn't need to be very many whose votes were influenced by Russian efforts.

Just their social media operations alone reached over 126 million people. Trump won the three key electoral states by a margin of only 77k votes.

77k/126 m =.0006%

That is the percentage that needed to be affected to get the desired outcome. Certainly within reason.

I'm not impressed and I'm not even in this war. You had a handful of Russian trolls posting pics of Hillary in a witch outfit and spending a GRAND TOTAL on Facebook of LESS than $80K.. And AFTER the election, these jokers started to organize anti-Trump activities !!!!

So -- it's INCONCEIVABLE that a prank campaign like that had ANY effect on ANY votes. It DID NOT REACH that many people. Just like the nuisance ads here at USMB. How many of those have YOU clicked on?

Now lets compare that "election meddling" damage to Hillary/DNC hiring a foreign national and a bunch of Russian Intel pros to compile a "Trump dossier" that was a POS. The POS dossier was MARKETED AND RELEASED with the conspiracy help of Brennan/Clapper/FBI. FBI was even paying Steele. THAT STORY made front page national news and airtime for the 2 weeks before the vote.

Was that a 1000 times more influential? Or only 100 times more influential?
I know that only 11 or 12 Russians were indited by DOJ and that Facebook had deleted about 35k accounts. So how did 11 or so Russians post on that many accounts. Somehow no one has cover that little problem.

Robot posts. Post to one and robot programs automatically repost and cross post the item until it “trends” and then all the platforms automatically promote the posts.
FBI and DOJ corruption is apparently nothing new. But it is very clear that Strzok, Page, McCabe, Comey, and others were trying to rig the election by exonerating Hillary and attacking Trump with false documents paid for by the Clinton campaign.

So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.
Hillary obviously has done something illegal. Storing classified documents on a non secure server is a crime, period. It doesn't matter what Comey says. He's a lying douchebag.
Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Wasn't really a "criminal" indictment. Turned back over the Intel Groups where the whole thing belonged in the 1st place. Not the job of Special Counsel to do Intel work. In fact, Mueller STOLE all that from outside his group and put his name on it because he's DESPERATE for attention and any hint of his usefulness and self esteem.

It is indeed a criminal indictment, dope.

The govt agencies work together in counterintelligence matters. Mueller "stole" nothing.

It is NOT a "criminal" indictment. Counter Intel cases are NOT handled in the Judiciary. It was referred back to the Counter Intel group.. Will NEVER see a judge. It was total show-boating on Muellers part.
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Actually, you were the one who first claimed she signed off on it. I was the one who challenged you to prove she did. You failed miserably:

As far as Clinton’s 500K speaking engagement, he often earned that for speeches. Getting as much as 700K for a single speech. 500K was a bargain where the organizers who paid it could easily make a profit.

Please show us where former President Bill Clinton was being paid $700,000 for a single speech. His going rate at most was $250,000 which is still outrageous.
Here’s a list of all the speeches for which Clinton received a fee of $500,000 or higher, including the year, location, host and actual fee:

  1. 2003 -- Japan, $500,000 Sakura Asset Management (Japanese finance corporation) (A note: This speech was canceled, but the fee went to Clinton’s presidential library foundation);

  2. 2008 -- California, $500,000, Power Within (life coach Anthony Robbins’ brand);

  3. 2010 -- Russia, $500,000, Renaissance Capital (Russian finance corporation);

  4. 2010 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Novo Nordisk (Danish pharmaceutical company);

  5. 2011 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  6. 2011 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  7. 2011 -- Netherlands, $600,000, Achmea(Dutch finance corporation);

  8. 2011 -- China, $550,000, Huatuo CEO Forum (business conference);

  9. 2011 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (international environmental information organization);

  10. 2011 -- Hong Kong, $750,000, Ericsson(Swedish multinational communications technology company);

  11. 2012 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  12. 2012 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  13. 2012 -- Italy, $500,000, Technogym(fitness equipment manufacturer).
Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees
The answer of course is “nothing”. The left just can’t except the fact that they lost. Ironic since they spent so much time pissing their panties because they though Trump wouldn’t except the results if he lost.

The scary thing is to look at HRC... she is such a sore loser now but imagine how sore of a winner she would be! Anyone who didn’t vote for her would face serious retaliation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Nation did, indeed, dodge a bullet, when Hillary lost.

Trouble is, the Nation took a bullet from the other direction, when The Creature was crowned.
So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.
Hillary obviously has done something illegal. Storing classified documents on a non secure server is a crime, period. It doesn't matter what Comey says. He's a lying douchebag.

Except it wasn’t illegal and nothing you can say or do will change that. You’re not a lawyer, you’re not even particularly bright, and your opinion of her guilt or innocence isn’t material to the discussion.

And wasn’t just Comey, who said it. The Inspector General reviewed the file and said Comey’s conclusion was correct.

Colin Powell used a web-based AOL account for his email. According to you that’s an unsecured server and Powell should be in jail.

Condo Rice used a private email account too maybe she should have been locked up.

And the Trumps have been using a private server for their emails too. Lock
Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Where are the indictments against anyone in the Trump administration who was cooperating with the Russians?

Papadopolous, Gates and Flynn. And all three plead guilty.

Charges for Stone, Cohen, and Junior are coming.

Speaking of which, what kind of an asshole throws his own kid under the bus to save his own skin. Trump tweeted that Junior met with the Rusdians tonget dirt on Hillaru but he knew nothing about it.

Bullshit. The lying prick knew about it. He even said he was going to have a big press conference and expose the Clintons right after that meeting was scheduled.

Bripat wants to let the criminal Trump’s go free for treason, but he’d lock Hillary up for having a private server that nobody hacked. There truly is no cure for stupid.
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No, dope, I'm not including wikileaks. That's why I said, "just their social media operations alone". When you include the entirety of their operations, that number shrinks exponentially. If you add in Comey's contribution it becomes undeniable that the election was influenced against Clinton.
You mean the $100,000 the spent on Facebook? Yeah, I'm sure that had a big impact compared to the $1.5 billion Hillary spent on her campaign. Hillary only spent 15,000 times more than the Russians spent on bots.

Another dopey trope. Social media advertising is cheap because it is shared by the users of the platforms. One inexpensive item can be shared millions of times accross multiple platforms.
Cheap for Putin, and cheap for Hillary. Your excuse doesn't wash.

It's an explanation, not an excuse, dope.

You should probably read the conversations before you post retarded nonsense.
It's an excuse for Hillary's utter failure as a candidate.

Yep. That's it, retard.
Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Where are the indictments against anyone in the Trump administration who was cooperating with the Russians?

Whay are you asking me, dope? There obviously aren't any yet.
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