What exactly did they do?

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Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Wasn't really a "criminal" indictment. Turned back over the Intel Groups where the whole thing belonged in the 1st place. Not the job of Special Counsel to do Intel work. In fact, Mueller STOLE all that from outside his group and put his name on it because he's DESPERATE for attention and any hint of his usefulness and self esteem.

It is indeed a criminal indictment, dope.

The govt agencies work together in counterintelligence matters. Mueller "stole" nothing.

It is NOT a "criminal" indictment. Counter Intel cases are handled in the Judiciary. It was referred back to the Counter Intel group.. Will NEVER see a judge. It was total show-boating on Muellers part.

It is a criminal indictment, dope. It's on the very first page. Why you dopes argue from a position of ignorance is beyond me.
Perhaps the trolling mod should be reported.

Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack
Actually, you were the one who first claimed she signed off on it. I was the one who challenged you to prove she did. You failed miserably:

As far as Clinton’s 500K speaking engagement, he often earned that for speeches. Getting as much as 700K for a single speech. 500K was a bargain where the organizers who paid it could easily make a profit.

Please show us where former President Bill Clinton was being paid $700,000 for a single speech. His going rate at most was $250,000 which is still outrageous.
Here’s a list of all the speeches for which Clinton received a fee of $500,000 or higher, including the year, location, host and actual fee:

  1. 2003 -- Japan, $500,000 Sakura Asset Management (Japanese finance corporation) (A note: This speech was canceled, but the fee went to Clinton’s presidential library foundation);

  2. 2008 -- California, $500,000, Power Within (life coach Anthony Robbins’ brand);

  3. 2010 -- Russia, $500,000, Renaissance Capital (Russian finance corporation);

  4. 2010 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Novo Nordisk (Danish pharmaceutical company);

  5. 2011 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  6. 2011 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  7. 2011 -- Netherlands, $600,000, Achmea(Dutch finance corporation);

  8. 2011 -- China, $550,000, Huatuo CEO Forum (business conference);

  9. 2011 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (international environmental information organization);

  10. 2011 -- Hong Kong, $750,000, Ericsson(Swedish multinational communications technology company);

  11. 2012 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  12. 2012 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  13. 2012 -- Italy, $500,000, Technogym(fitness equipment manufacturer).
Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees
Mostly foreign powers with business before the State Department. They are bribes.
The answer of course is “nothing”. The left just can’t except the fact that they lost. Ironic since they spent so much time pissing their panties because they though Trump wouldn’t except the results if he lost.

The scary thing is to look at HRC... she is such a sore loser now but imagine how sore of a winner she would be! Anyone who didn’t vote for her would face serious retaliation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Nation did, indeed, dodge a bullet, when Hillary lost.

Trouble is, the Nation took a bullet from the other direction, when The Creature was crowned.
Nope. Trump is doing a great job. That fact that you are so triggered is the proof.
The answer of course is “nothing”. The left just can’t except the fact that they lost. Ironic since they spent so much time pissing their panties because they though Trump wouldn’t except the results if he lost.

The scary thing is to look at HRC... she is such a sore loser now but imagine how sore of a winner she would be! Anyone who didn’t vote for her would face serious retaliation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Nation did, indeed, dodge a bullet, when Hillary lost.

Trouble is, the Nation took a bullet from the other direction, when The Creature was crowned.
Nope. Trump is doing a great job. That fact that you are so triggered is the proof.
I'm not triggered.

I'm an Equal Opportunity Snake-Oil-Salesman basher; regardless of party.

But I don't expect Snake-Oil (Kool-Aid) Drinkers to understand that... the concept is unknown in their universe.
Actually, you were the one who first claimed she signed off on it. I was the one who challenged you to prove she did. You failed miserably:

As far as Clinton’s 500K speaking engagement, he often earned that for speeches. Getting as much as 700K for a single speech. 500K was a bargain where the organizers who paid it could easily make a profit.

Please show us where former President Bill Clinton was being paid $700,000 for a single speech. His going rate at most was $250,000 which is still outrageous.
Here’s a list of all the speeches for which Clinton received a fee of $500,000 or higher, including the year, location, host and actual fee:

  1. 2003 -- Japan, $500,000 Sakura Asset Management (Japanese finance corporation) (A note: This speech was canceled, but the fee went to Clinton’s presidential library foundation);

  2. 2008 -- California, $500,000, Power Within (life coach Anthony Robbins’ brand);

  3. 2010 -- Russia, $500,000, Renaissance Capital (Russian finance corporation);

  4. 2010 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Novo Nordisk (Danish pharmaceutical company);

  5. 2011 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  6. 2011 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  7. 2011 -- Netherlands, $600,000, Achmea(Dutch finance corporation);

  8. 2011 -- China, $550,000, Huatuo CEO Forum (business conference);

  9. 2011 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (international environmental information organization);

  10. 2011 -- Hong Kong, $750,000, Ericsson(Swedish multinational communications technology company);

  11. 2012 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  12. 2012 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  13. 2012 -- Italy, $500,000, Technogym(fitness equipment manufacturer).
Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees
Mostly foreign powers with business before the State Department. They are bribes.
Fucking moron... what were the bribes ... ?
Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Where are the indictments against anyone in the Trump administration who was cooperating with the Russians?

Coming. Flynn has already been indicted and plead, as have Gates and Papadopolous.

Even Roger Stone says he expects to be indicted. We can expect indictments in the New York Cohen investigation.

Junior is an obvious target, along with anyone else in that meeting. Hope Hicks helped draft that obstructionist lie to the NYT about the meeting, which puts her at risk as well, although I would be surprised if she were charged.

Mueller seems to work on one area of indictments at a time. He is careful, methodical and he’s building very tight cases.

The level of information and detail in the Russian indictments was extraordinary. They either hacked the troll farm or they had a cooperator. They had hiring dates and payroll information.
You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Wasn't really a "criminal" indictment. Turned back over the Intel Groups where the whole thing belonged in the 1st place. Not the job of Special Counsel to do Intel work. In fact, Mueller STOLE all that from outside his group and put his name on it because he's DESPERATE for attention and any hint of his usefulness and self esteem.

It is indeed a criminal indictment, dope.

The govt agencies work together in counterintelligence matters. Mueller "stole" nothing.

It is NOT a "criminal" indictment. Counter Intel cases are handled in the Judiciary. It was referred back to the Counter Intel group.. Will NEVER see a judge. It was total show-boating on Muellers part.

It is a criminal indictment, dope. It's on the very first page. Why you dopes argue from a position of ignorance is beyond me.
Perhaps the trolling mod should be reported.

Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

You can indict a ham sandwich. True story. He can write legal US jurisdiction indictments all he wants.. They will NEVER see a judge unless those Russians RESPOND to the indictment willingly. Stop watching CNN/MSNBC. Hire some better morons to be your brain.

They will be handled by Intel cooperation with other govt agencies to squeeze these guys WITHOUT justice or a verdict. They'll end up being travel banned. Which they will LAUGH their asses off at. Because their jobs don't permit them to travel to the West anyway...

Lets just put this to bed with the facts and analysis that your media morons did not tell you.. OK??

Mueller’s Latest Indictments of Russians: Politicized, Pointless | National Review

So, is Russia now presumed innocent of hacking the 2016 election?

If not, it is difficult to understand any proper purpose served by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of twelve military officers in the Kremlin’s intelligence services for doing what everybody in America already knew that they did, and has known since before Donald Trump took office — indeed, since before the 2016 election.

Make no mistake: This is nakedly politicized law enforcement. There is absolutely no chance any of the Russian officials charged will ever see the inside of an American courtroom. The indictment is a strictly political document by which the special counsel seeks to justify the existence of his superfluous investigation.

Oh, and by the way, the answer to the question posed above is, “Yes, it is now the official position of the United States that Russia gets our Constitution’s benefit of the doubt.” Here is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: “In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.”

Of course, the indicted Russians are never going to be proven guilty — not in the courtroom sense Rosenstein was invoking.Rosenstein made another telling remark at his big press conference. The Justice Department, he explained, will now “transition responsibility for this case to our Department’s National Security Division while we await the apprehension of the defendants.”

Now, stop giggling over that last part — the bit where we hold our breath until Russian dictator Vladimir Putin extradites his spies into the FBI’s waiting arms.
I’m talking about the first part: Mueller’s case, the definitive case about what Russia did to interfere in the 2016 election, is no longer Mueller’s case. It is being “transitioned” — i.e., buried — in the Justice Department unit that deals with counterintelligence matters that do not result in public trials.

:abgg2q.jpg: :113: :happy-1:

Show-boating. That's what it was on Mueller's part. The work INSIDE the indictment could be FABULOUS. But we'll never know. And it was NOT Muellers work. He took credit for the Intel analysis which should have STAYED in the Intel Security groups.
Actually, you were the one who first claimed she signed off on it. I was the one who challenged you to prove she did. You failed miserably:

As far as Clinton’s 500K speaking engagement, he often earned that for speeches. Getting as much as 700K for a single speech. 500K was a bargain where the organizers who paid it could easily make a profit.

Please show us where former President Bill Clinton was being paid $700,000 for a single speech. His going rate at most was $250,000 which is still outrageous.
Here’s a list of all the speeches for which Clinton received a fee of $500,000 or higher, including the year, location, host and actual fee:

  1. 2003 -- Japan, $500,000 Sakura Asset Management (Japanese finance corporation) (A note: This speech was canceled, but the fee went to Clinton’s presidential library foundation);

  2. 2008 -- California, $500,000, Power Within (life coach Anthony Robbins’ brand);

  3. 2010 -- Russia, $500,000, Renaissance Capital (Russian finance corporation);

  4. 2010 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Novo Nordisk (Danish pharmaceutical company);

  5. 2011 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  6. 2011 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  7. 2011 -- Netherlands, $600,000, Achmea(Dutch finance corporation);

  8. 2011 -- China, $550,000, Huatuo CEO Forum (business conference);

  9. 2011 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (international environmental information organization);

  10. 2011 -- Hong Kong, $750,000, Ericsson(Swedish multinational communications technology company);

  11. 2012 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  12. 2012 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  13. 2012 -- Italy, $500,000, Technogym(fitness equipment manufacturer).
Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees
Mostly foreign powers with business before the State Department. They are bribes.
Fucking moron... what were the bribes ... ?
"Speaking fee" is a euphemism meaning "bribe," you dumb fuck.
Actually, you were the one who first claimed she signed off on it. I was the one who challenged you to prove she did. You failed miserably:

As far as Clinton’s 500K speaking engagement, he often earned that for speeches. Getting as much as 700K for a single speech. 500K was a bargain where the organizers who paid it could easily make a profit.

Please show us where former President Bill Clinton was being paid $700,000 for a single speech. His going rate at most was $250,000 which is still outrageous.
Here’s a list of all the speeches for which Clinton received a fee of $500,000 or higher, including the year, location, host and actual fee:

  1. 2003 -- Japan, $500,000 Sakura Asset Management (Japanese finance corporation) (A note: This speech was canceled, but the fee went to Clinton’s presidential library foundation);

  2. 2008 -- California, $500,000, Power Within (life coach Anthony Robbins’ brand);

  3. 2010 -- Russia, $500,000, Renaissance Capital (Russian finance corporation);

  4. 2010 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Novo Nordisk (Danish pharmaceutical company);

  5. 2011 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  6. 2011 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  7. 2011 -- Netherlands, $600,000, Achmea(Dutch finance corporation);

  8. 2011 -- China, $550,000, Huatuo CEO Forum (business conference);

  9. 2011 -- United Arab Emirates, $500,000, Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (international environmental information organization);

  10. 2011 -- Hong Kong, $750,000, Ericsson(Swedish multinational communications technology company);

  11. 2012 -- Nigeria, $700,000, THISDAY (newspaper);

  12. 2012 -- Austria, $500,000, Center for Global Dialogue and Cooperation(Austrian nongovernmental organization);

  13. 2012 -- Italy, $500,000, Technogym(fitness equipment manufacturer).
Fact-checking 'Clinton Cash' author on claim about Bill Clinton's speaking fees

WOW, more power to them! I hope they got the influence they paid for! Given that it is the Clinton's, there is no question. Just as they were caught with the Chinese during his administration.
The answer of course is “nothing”. The left just can’t except the fact that they lost. Ironic since they spent so much time pissing their panties because they though Trump wouldn’t except the results if he lost.

The scary thing is to look at HRC... she is such a sore loser now but imagine how sore of a winner she would be! Anyone who didn’t vote for her would face serious retaliation!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Nation did, indeed, dodge a bullet, when Hillary lost.

Trouble is, the Nation took a bullet from the other direction, when The Creature was crowned.
Nope. Trump is doing a great job. That fact that you are so triggered is the proof.
I'm not triggered.

I'm an Equal Opportunity Snake-Oil-Salesman basher; regardless of party.

But I don't expect Snake-Oil (Kool-Aid) Drinkers to understand that... the concept is unknown in their universe.
You drink snake oil by the gallon, douchebag. You voted for Hillary, didn't you?
Coming. Flynn has already been indicted and plead, as have Gates and Papadopolous.

Don't bet the farm. The reason Flynn's sentencing has been delayed 5 times now -- is the new revelations of exculpatory evidence that wasn't provided to the Defense. Uncovered by Congress and other "counter investigations" of the FBI crimes in handling this spying on the campaign. In fact -- there were altered forms that showed that people present at Flynn's interview under oath stated they thought he had told the truth.

For Papadopolous -- similar serious problems for Mueller. Because it appears all the sketchy Russian contacts that POSED as having dirt on Hillary were professional intel folks. Not your run of mill FBI plant. CIA is implicated in supplying some of these sketchy folks to "sting" and "entrap" not only Papa, but also Page and the Texas fundraiser guy for Trump. Their defenses all compared notes, made requests for evidence and SHOWED that it was WORSE than spying on the Trump campaign. BEFORE the acknowledged spying began, these operatives were "dirtying up" all the people I named by posing as folks with access to compromising Russian Intel on Hillary.

This is the largest political scandal of our lifetimes. You'll appreciate this in about a year. When CNN/MSNBC will be dining exclusively on crow for a long time. And Brennan and Clapper and about 6 of the top Obama FBI people will be in court. MAYBE the guy from Fusion and others.
Coming. Flynn has already been indicted and plead, as have Gates and Papadopolous.

Even Roger Stone says he expects to be indicted. We can expect indictments in the New York Cohen investigation.

Junior is an obvious target, along with anyone else in that meeting. Hope Hicks helped draft that obstructionist lie to the NYT about the meeting, which puts her at risk as well, although I would be surprised if she were charged.

Mueller seems to work on one area of indictments at a time. He is careful, methodical and he’s building very tight cases.

The level of information and detail in the Russian indictments was extraordinary. They either hacked the troll farm or they had a cooperator. They had hiring dates and payroll information.

Which has anything to do with the current Trump Administration?
Interestingly, nobody (at least not I) is disputing that they SOUGHT to sway the election, we are simply denying that they succeeded in their attempt.

Sometimes there's an advantage to seeing things in erhm... black and white.

Russia and at least a dozen other countries have been trying to disrupt our elections for decades. They don't give a rip who wins, they simply want to cause disruption and chaos within the system. Obviously, they are doing a great job.
Why doesn’t Sessions and Wray arrest Clinton for buying the dossier? If it’s so cut and dry and if Trumps people are running the DOJ and FBI then why hasn’t that happened?

Because Repubs are whimps. Theyre afraid of being pummeled by the heavy artillery of the press. And Sessions is hiding under his desk or something. Never hire a Senator to be the chief law enforcer of the land.

There's deals being made. That's why. Under ALL of this is the FACT that the NSA Big Brother Spy Machine was hijacked and weaponized for political purposes. And NO ONE (well 95% of them) in Congress wants to go there and ADMIT that it happened because they all LOVE the idea of Domestic Spying.

So there will be deals to LIMIT the carnage. That's why when it was discovered that spies HAD been inserted into the Trump campaign (actually instigators and pranksters -- more than spies or informants) -- even Trey Gowdy and some of Liberty Caucus was making the "back-up" noise. Because that part implicates the actual INTEL agencies -- not just the FBI.

Sessions DOES HAVE a team in Arkansas thats' growing as big as Mueller's team investigating all this. And the FBI IGeneral still has TWO more reports that are supposed to dump this year. If the Repubs want to preserve their party -- they should be SCREAMING for a 2nd special counsel NOW. BEFORE the midterms.

But they are chickenshits. And I repeat myself. Regardless of how the midterms go, the anger is building over all the seriousness of these revelations. They are the largest political scandal of our lifetimes. And there WILL eventually be mass demonstrations and demands for justice. Repubs and Indies and all the ones without TDSydrome.
You gotta step outside the bubble for a minute and just listen to yourself. This deep state conspiracy stuff is just plain silly. If they had legal and solid ground to go after Clinton then they would and they would receive the support of Trump and his base and the entire right wing media institution. They aren’t scared, they just don’t have the evidence and legal standing behind them. Trumps tactic is to point the finger the other direction every time he is accused of something. He finds a narrative and then drills it in until his puppets start to follow. Don’t be a puppet, you’re just embarassing yourself.

Just because you wanted a factual answer and I know that "in YOUR BUBBLE" these facts would never be shown to you --- here's some REAL news on prosecuting the guilty.

Jeff Sessions: Senior federal prosecutor already investigating DOJ/FBI abuse, no Special Counsel needed yet

The breaking news last night was that the DOJ Office of Inspector General announced it was launching an investigation of possible Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court abuse.

The presumption, though not literally in the OIG announcement, was that it concerned the FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page based on the Steele dossier.

I wrote that an OIG investigation was “investigation is fine, we need to have a person empowered to empanel a grand jury and with the full force of criminal investigatory tools. Because if the scandal is as many people suspect, we need to be talking about locking people up, not just issuing a report.”

Tonight it was confirmed what Jeff Sessions had previously intimated, that there already is a criminal investigation of possible DOJ/FBI misconduct.

Fox News reports:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed Thursday a federal prosecutor was evaluating certain issues involving the FBI, the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, but said he would not appoint a second special counsel at this point.

In a letter directed to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, Sessions revealed that he asked U.S. Attorney John Huber to lead the evaluation into issues raised by the committees in recent months.

“I write in response to recent letters requesting the appointment of a Special Counsel to review certain prosecutorial and investigative determinations made by the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017. I take the concerns you raise seriously,” Sessions wrote, noting how important it was that the American people and Congress had “confidence” in the Justice Department….

“Mr. Huber is conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and in cooperation with the Inspector General,” Sessions said, noting that Huber’s review would “include a full, complete, and objective evaluation of these matters in a manner that is consistent with the law and facts.” …

John Huber, U.S. attorney leading FBI investigation, a special counsel in every way but name

Attorney General Jeff Sessions may have declined calls to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the FBI’s behavior during the 2016 campaign, but the man he has picked to lead an internal Justice Department review is a special counsel in every way but name.

John W. Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, can convene a grand jury, issue subpoenas, collect evidence and order witnesses to testify — all the usual powers a federal prosecutor has — as he delves into whether the FBI abused its powers when it sought permission and then carried out wiretapping of a Trump campaign figure, or whether it trod too lightly in pursuing questions about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Sessions said the facts of the FBI situation don’t yet rise to the level of demanding a special counsel, but Mr. Huber is as close as can be.

“He will have the full authority of a federal prosecutor,” said Richard Painter, former chief ethics attorney for President George W. Bush. “If he looks at this and finds someone in the DOJ lied to a government official, he would be able to convene a grand jury, compel testimony and even prosecute them.”

By appointing an active federal prosecutor — in this case one first nominated by President Obama and kept on by President Trump — Mr. Sessions also may deflect criticism that the review is a partisan attempt to undermine the other special counsel, Robert Mueller, who is investigating the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russia in 2016.

Paul G. Cassell, a former federal judge who has known Mr. Huber since law school, said asking an acting U.S. attorney to lead the investigation is a good move because it may tamp down on excesses.

“When you have a special counsel, you always have to wonder if there is overzealousness in their prosecution because they only have one case,” he said. “Huber is going to be less inclined to move forward with prosecution unless it’s warranted because if he moves one case forward, others will be left behind.”
Ofcourse when 30% of the country believes garbage, you have to investigate it...

Only 30% of the country KNOWS these FACTS -- because YOUR 30% are kept in the dark and fed shit like mushrooms from the WaPo/CNN/MSNBC/DemUnderground. And the other 40% just does not care.

Did you KNOW about Huber being appointed to do a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of all those stinky scandals? Of course you didn't.... You're bubble is still on dial-up to Don Lemon..
Sorry that is fake news, never retracted.
Because Repubs are whimps. Theyre afraid of being pummeled by the heavy artillery of the press. And Sessions is hiding under his desk or something. Never hire a Senator to be the chief law enforcer of the land.

There's deals being made. That's why. Under ALL of this is the FACT that the NSA Big Brother Spy Machine was hijacked and weaponized for political purposes. And NO ONE (well 95% of them) in Congress wants to go there and ADMIT that it happened because they all LOVE the idea of Domestic Spying.

So there will be deals to LIMIT the carnage. That's why when it was discovered that spies HAD been inserted into the Trump campaign (actually instigators and pranksters -- more than spies or informants) -- even Trey Gowdy and some of Liberty Caucus was making the "back-up" noise. Because that part implicates the actual INTEL agencies -- not just the FBI.

Sessions DOES HAVE a team in Arkansas thats' growing as big as Mueller's team investigating all this. And the FBI IGeneral still has TWO more reports that are supposed to dump this year. If the Repubs want to preserve their party -- they should be SCREAMING for a 2nd special counsel NOW. BEFORE the midterms.

But they are chickenshits. And I repeat myself. Regardless of how the midterms go, the anger is building over all the seriousness of these revelations. They are the largest political scandal of our lifetimes. And there WILL eventually be mass demonstrations and demands for justice. Repubs and Indies and all the ones without TDSydrome.
You gotta step outside the bubble for a minute and just listen to yourself. This deep state conspiracy stuff is just plain silly. If they had legal and solid ground to go after Clinton then they would and they would receive the support of Trump and his base and the entire right wing media institution. They aren’t scared, they just don’t have the evidence and legal standing behind them. Trumps tactic is to point the finger the other direction every time he is accused of something. He finds a narrative and then drills it in until his puppets start to follow. Don’t be a puppet, you’re just embarassing yourself.

Just because you wanted a factual answer and I know that "in YOUR BUBBLE" these facts would never be shown to you --- here's some REAL news on prosecuting the guilty.

Jeff Sessions: Senior federal prosecutor already investigating DOJ/FBI abuse, no Special Counsel needed yet

The breaking news last night was that the DOJ Office of Inspector General announced it was launching an investigation of possible Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court abuse.

The presumption, though not literally in the OIG announcement, was that it concerned the FISA warrant to surveil Carter Page based on the Steele dossier.

I wrote that an OIG investigation was “investigation is fine, we need to have a person empowered to empanel a grand jury and with the full force of criminal investigatory tools. Because if the scandal is as many people suspect, we need to be talking about locking people up, not just issuing a report.”

Tonight it was confirmed what Jeff Sessions had previously intimated, that there already is a criminal investigation of possible DOJ/FBI misconduct.

Fox News reports:

Attorney General Jeff Sessions revealed Thursday a federal prosecutor was evaluating certain issues involving the FBI, the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One, but said he would not appoint a second special counsel at this point.

In a letter directed to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte and House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, Sessions revealed that he asked U.S. Attorney John Huber to lead the evaluation into issues raised by the committees in recent months.

“I write in response to recent letters requesting the appointment of a Special Counsel to review certain prosecutorial and investigative determinations made by the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017. I take the concerns you raise seriously,” Sessions wrote, noting how important it was that the American people and Congress had “confidence” in the Justice Department….

“Mr. Huber is conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and in cooperation with the Inspector General,” Sessions said, noting that Huber’s review would “include a full, complete, and objective evaluation of these matters in a manner that is consistent with the law and facts.” …

John Huber, U.S. attorney leading FBI investigation, a special counsel in every way but name

Attorney General Jeff Sessions may have declined calls to appoint a second special counsel to investigate the FBI’s behavior during the 2016 campaign, but the man he has picked to lead an internal Justice Department review is a special counsel in every way but name.

John W. Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, can convene a grand jury, issue subpoenas, collect evidence and order witnesses to testify — all the usual powers a federal prosecutor has — as he delves into whether the FBI abused its powers when it sought permission and then carried out wiretapping of a Trump campaign figure, or whether it trod too lightly in pursuing questions about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Mr. Sessions said the facts of the FBI situation don’t yet rise to the level of demanding a special counsel, but Mr. Huber is as close as can be.

“He will have the full authority of a federal prosecutor,” said Richard Painter, former chief ethics attorney for President George W. Bush. “If he looks at this and finds someone in the DOJ lied to a government official, he would be able to convene a grand jury, compel testimony and even prosecute them.”

By appointing an active federal prosecutor — in this case one first nominated by President Obama and kept on by President Trump — Mr. Sessions also may deflect criticism that the review is a partisan attempt to undermine the other special counsel, Robert Mueller, who is investigating the Trump campaign’s interactions with Russia in 2016.

Paul G. Cassell, a former federal judge who has known Mr. Huber since law school, said asking an acting U.S. attorney to lead the investigation is a good move because it may tamp down on excesses.

“When you have a special counsel, you always have to wonder if there is overzealousness in their prosecution because they only have one case,” he said. “Huber is going to be less inclined to move forward with prosecution unless it’s warranted because if he moves one case forward, others will be left behind.”
Ofcourse when 30% of the country believes garbage, you have to investigate it...

Only 30% of the country KNOWS these FACTS -- because YOUR 30% are kept in the dark and fed shit like mushrooms from the WaPo/CNN/MSNBC/DemUnderground. And the other 40% just does not care.

Did you KNOW about Huber being appointed to do a CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of all those stinky scandals? Of course you didn't.... You're bubble is still on dial-up to Don Lemon..
Sorry that is fake news, never retracted.

Seriously, you are like a snot-nosed brat that bravely declares that there IS a "Santa Claus" when told the contrary. You ignore the incriminating evidence of how absolutely corrupt the commie DNC is....just pretend like it never happened....the ends justifies the means, eh? That is also the credo of the communist manifesto.

"OP- As if all this 24/7 Pub infotainment/propaganda means anything in the real world...Hillary will win the WH in 2016. We'll all enjoy your ridiculous Pub carnival..."

Your post in August of 2015.....LMAO!!!!!!
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