What exactly did they do?

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how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.

Comey laid out her guilt in detail while under oath, then he exonerated her because she was only "extremely careless" and was too stupid to release that what she was doing was illegal.

Soooooooooooo, next time you get stopped for speeding use the Hillary defense, I was only careless and didn't know that I was going 80 in a 45 zone. See if it works for you.
/----/ Can Trump Jr. campaign say he was just careless in meeting with the Russians?

that defense only applies to crooked Hillary. sorry but the rest of us have to follow the law.
Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.

Comey laid out her guilt in detail while under oath, then he exonerated her because she was only "extremely careless" and was too stupid to release that what she was doing was illegal.

Soooooooooooo, next time you get stopped for speeding use the Hillary defense, I was only careless and didn't know that I was going 80 in a 45 zone. See if it works for you.
/----/ Can Trump Jr. campaign say he was just careless in meeting with the Russians?

that defense only applies to crooked Hillary. sorry but the rest of us have to follow the law.
/----/ That's correct. Besides Hillary is just a dumb girl.
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller? or are you clairvoyant
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/----/ If there was evidence on Trump it would have leaked by now to drive the numbers down.

Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office.

Mueller is just making sure that all the 'Is' are dotted and the 'Ts' crossed.

Besides which he knows that the spineless GOP weenies in congress will never impeach Trump no matter what, so he's just biding time for a responsible congress to get elected.
/-----/ "Trump's publicly asking the Russians to hack the Dems emails is enough to get him impeached and removed from office." Here is what PRIVATE CITIZEN TRUMP said:
July 27, 2016” — “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a press conference in Florida. So the next dem president can be impeached for things he/she said while a private citizen? Are you sure you want to go down that road?

It's simpler than that. THere was nothing but sarcasm in that statement on a debate stage in front of Gawd and everybody. Folks that don't get that are clinically deranged That's NOT legal evidence of "conspiring of Russia".

However, PAYING russian Intel pros and former foreign spy for dirt on your opponent like Hillary did IS a crime. ESPECIALLY when the CIA/DNI/FBI help you pass that shit dossier to American people and a FUCKING FISA court as a legitimate American Intel product.

Need a 2nd special counsel for that whole collusion to abuse the govt power...

Somehow multiple FISA court judges repeatedly disagreed with you.

But I'm sure you know more about the law then they do! :abgg2q.jpg:

those judges were lied to. be patient, the truth is coming.
Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.
Hillary obviously has done something illegal. Storing classified documents on a non secure server is a crime, period. It doesn't matter what Comey says. He's a lying douchebag.

Except it wasn’t illegal and nothing you can say or do will change that. You’re not a lawyer, you’re not even particularly bright, and your opinion of her guilt or innocence isn’t material to the discussion.

And wasn’t just Comey, who said it. The Inspector General reviewed the file and said Comey’s conclusion was correct.

Colin Powell used a web-based AOL account for his email. According to you that’s an unsecured server and Powell should be in jail.

Condo Rice used a private email account too maybe she should have been locked up.

And the Trumps have been using a private server for their emails too. Lock
Again, the question was, what did russia do, dope?

You stated that it was spelled out in the indictment. What indictment.

The latest one, dope. Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

Where are the indictments against anyone in the Trump administration who was cooperating with the Russians?

Papadopolous, Gates and Flynn. And all three plead guilty.

Charges for Stone, Cohen, and Junior are coming.

Speaking of which, what kind of an asshole throws his own kid under the bus to save his own skin. Trump tweeted that Junior met with the Rusdians tonget dirt on Hillaru but he knew nothing about it.

Bullshit. The lying prick knew about it. He even said he was going to have a big press conference and expose the Clintons right after that meeting was scheduled.

Bripat wants to let the criminal Trump’s go free for treason, but he’d lock Hillary up for having a private server that nobody hacked. There truly is no cure for stupid.

its not illegal to get political information on an opponent from any source. It is illegal to pay for that information (Hillary paid for the fake dossier). Her server was hacked, its very likely that Russia, Pakistan, the UK, and others have the missing 30,000 emails and were waiting for her to win so they could start blackmailing her.

How do you know what and when Trump knew about the Jr meeting with the Russians? are you clairvoyant?

speaking of no cure for stupid, you are the poster child.
QUOTE="Redfish, post: 20548895, member: 42379"]clairvoyant[/QUOTE]

There you go, that has to be the word for today. all of these leftists all think they are....word of the day...........clairvoyant.. Betty your turn.
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.
you do? you have no fking idea what they did. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:every time you all answer, it's the same thing. yet, two years and still got
No, dope. Tax document are just data entered on a form. There is nothing to spin. It's either true and accurate or it's not.

Thirty years of Clinton tax returns are publicly available. Their foundation financials are publicly available. Trump's are not.

Whos hiding what?

I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

The Clinton foundation financials do show where the money went, dope. Perhaps you should post the portion that you are questioning.

yes, they do show where it went. 10% to Haiti and 90% to salaries and expenses.

Really? That’s not what I read. I read that it went to relief agencies and governments which provided troops and equipment to assist in the relief efforts.

Either you didn’t read it or you don’t have a clue how to read a balance sheet.

correct, the 10% did go to those places.

This is why you are such an ignorant ass.

Guess what, when you send employees to do charity work, they have salaries & expenses.

You fucking asshole Trumpettes can't even read a financial statement.,

If I have a foundation that supports other charities that would be different than a foundation that actually did the work. Those foundations hire people to go into these areas and actually perform the work.
I don't think anyone is hiding anything about Trump's taxes. As I said, he gets audited every year, the Obama IRS audited him for 8 years, the same IRS that targeted conservative groups and conservative individuals. If Trump was doing anything illegal it would be public by now.

and you are very naïve if you think that Trump haters could not pull out one page and make up lies about it.

Yes, the Clinton foundation records are available, but they don't show where all the millions collected for Haiti went, we know they didn't go to Haiti, so where do you think they are?

The Clinton foundation financials do show where the money went, dope. Perhaps you should post the portion that you are questioning.

yes, they do show where it went. 10% to Haiti and 90% to salaries and expenses.

Really? That’s not what I read. I read that it went to relief agencies and governments which provided troops and equipment to assist in the relief efforts.

Either you didn’t read it or you don’t have a clue how to read a balance sheet.

correct, the 10% did go to those places.

This is why you are such an ignorant ass.

Guess what, when you send employees to do charity work, they have salaries & expenses.

You fucking asshole Trumpettes can't even read a financial statement.,

If I have a foundation that supports other charities that would be different than a foundation that actually did the work. Those foundations hire people to go into these areas and actually perform the work.
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.
you do? you have no fking idea what they did. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:every time you all answer, it's the same thing. yet, two years and still got

I know. You have been told. You have been given links.
The Republicans in Congress said they did shit.
So your ignotrance is your own.
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.
you do? you have no fking idea what they did. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:every time you all answer, it's the same thing. yet, two years and still got

I know. You have been told. You have been given links.
The Republicans in Congress said they did shit.
So your ignotrance is your own.
no, no I haven't. I wouldn't have to ask if I was told. see that is why we keep asking cause all you post is
So, when Comey announced he was reopening the e0mail investigation, you think that was done to help Hillary.
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.

Comey laid out her guilt in detail while under oath, then he exonerated her because she was only "extremely careless" and was too stupid to release that what she was doing was illegal.

Soooooooooooo, next time you get stopped for speeding use the Hillary defense, I was only careless and didn't know that I was going 80 in a 45 zone. See if it works for you.

Where did you go to law school?

Intent is an important factor in law.

If I walk past your house & glace over & your wife is naked that is different that waiting outside your house to see if I could see her naked.
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.
you do? you have no fking idea what they did. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:every time you all answer, it's the same thing. yet, two years and still got

I know. You have been told. You have been given links.
The Republicans in Congress said they did shit.
So your ignotrance is your own.
no, no I haven't. I wouldn't have to ask if I was told. see that is why we keep asking cause all you post is
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.

I keep asking to be informed and all I ever get is a run around. Why don't one of you super-geniuses stop bullshitting and produce a list of SPECIFIC events tied with links documenting clear proof of russian collusion, NOT supposition, not because Trump once visited Russia or had a russian friend, or some business ties, or once ordered a black russian cocktail after dinner, but a list you can point to at a moments notice showing all of the best evidence that he had any more or deeper Russian involvement than is normal for a president-to-be, than Obama or Hillary. When will one of you clowns do that much instead of always deflecting?
how did it hurt her?

your leftist view on americans is really quite sad. you're just a fking punk that knows nothing.

Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.

Comey laid out her guilt in detail while under oath, then he exonerated her because she was only "extremely careless" and was too stupid to release that what she was doing was illegal.

Soooooooooooo, next time you get stopped for speeding use the Hillary defense, I was only careless and didn't know that I was going 80 in a 45 zone. See if it works for you.

Where did you go to law school?

Intent is an important factor in law.

If I walk past your house & glace over & your wife is naked that is different that waiting outside your house to see if I could see her naked.

Harvard. "but officer I didn't intend to violate the speed limit, you have to let me go"

are you really that stupid?
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.

I keep asking to be informed and all I ever get is a run around. Why don't one of you super-geniuses stop bullshitting and produce a list of SPECIFIC events tied with links documenting clear proof of russian collusion, NOT supposition, not because Trump once visited Russia or had a russian friend, or some business ties, or once ordered a black russian cocktail after dinner, but a list you can point to at a moments notice showing all of the best evidence that he had any more or deeper Russian involvement than is normal for a president-to-be, than Obama or Hillary. When will one of you clowns do that much instead of always deflecting?

Wow, it has become my job to pull your head out of Trump's ass?

Ask your Republican Congressman why they decided they interfered.

Ask the FBI & CIA our intelligence services.

Ask Trump why he felt the need to lie about his campaign's Russian contacts?

I am sorry but I am not in charge of your education. What the Russians did is well documented. Links have been provided.

Quit being such a FUCKING ASSSOLE.
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.

I keep asking to be informed and all I ever get is a run around. Why don't one of you super-geniuses stop bullshitting and produce a list of SPECIFIC events tied with links documenting clear proof of russian collusion, NOT supposition, not because Trump once visited Russia or had a russian friend, or some business ties, or once ordered a black russian cocktail after dinner, but a list you can point to at a moments notice showing all of the best evidence that he had any more or deeper Russian involvement than is normal for a president-to-be, than Obama or Hillary. When will one of you clowns do that much instead of always deflecting?

Wow, it has become my job to pull your head out of Trump's ass?

Ask your Republican Congressman why they decided they interfered.

Ask the FBI & CIA our intelligence services.

Ask Trump why he felt the need to lie about his campaign's Russian contacts?

I am sorry but I am not in charge of your education. What the Russians did is well documented. Links have been provided.

Quit being such a FUCKING ASSSOLE.

Wasn't really a "criminal" indictment. Turned back over the Intel Groups where the whole thing belonged in the 1st place. Not the job of Special Counsel to do Intel work. In fact, Mueller STOLE all that from outside his group and put his name on it because he's DESPERATE for attention and any hint of his usefulness and self esteem.

It is indeed a criminal indictment, dope.

The govt agencies work together in counterintelligence matters. Mueller "stole" nothing.

It is NOT a "criminal" indictment. Counter Intel cases are handled in the Judiciary. It was referred back to the Counter Intel group.. Will NEVER see a judge. It was total show-boating on Muellers part.

It is a criminal indictment, dope. It's on the very first page. Why you dopes argue from a position of ignorance is beyond me.
Perhaps the trolling mod should be reported.

Read it!

Read: Mueller indictment against 12 Russian spies for DNC hack

You can indict a ham sandwich. True story. He can write legal US jurisdiction indictments all he wants.. They will NEVER see a judge unless those Russians RESPOND to the indictment willingly. Stop watching CNN/MSNBC. Hire some better morons to be your brain.

They will be handled by Intel cooperation with other govt agencies to squeeze these guys WITHOUT justice or a verdict. They'll end up being travel banned. Which they will LAUGH their asses off at. Because their jobs don't permit them to travel to the West anyway...

Lets just put this to bed with the facts and analysis that your media morons did not tell you.. OK??

Mueller’s Latest Indictments of Russians: Politicized, Pointless | National Review

So, is Russia now presumed innocent of hacking the 2016 election?

If not, it is difficult to understand any proper purpose served by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of twelve military officers in the Kremlin’s intelligence services for doing what everybody in America already knew that they did, and has known since before Donald Trump took office — indeed, since before the 2016 election.

Make no mistake: This is nakedly politicized law enforcement. There is absolutely no chance any of the Russian officials charged will ever see the inside of an American courtroom. The indictment is a strictly political document by which the special counsel seeks to justify the existence of his superfluous investigation.

Oh, and by the way, the answer to the question posed above is, “Yes, it is now the official position of the United States that Russia gets our Constitution’s benefit of the doubt.” Here is Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announcing the Friday the 13th indictment: “In our justice system, everyone who is charged with a crime is presumed innocent unless proven guilty.”

Of course, the indicted Russians are never going to be proven guilty — not in the courtroom sense Rosenstein was invoking.Rosenstein made another telling remark at his big press conference. The Justice Department, he explained, will now “transition responsibility for this case to our Department’s National Security Division while we await the apprehension of the defendants.”

Now, stop giggling over that last part — the bit where we hold our breath until Russian dictator Vladimir Putin extradites his spies into the FBI’s waiting arms.
I’m talking about the first part: Mueller’s case, the definitive case about what Russia did to interfere in the 2016 election, is no longer Mueller’s case. It is being “transitioned” — i.e., buried — in the Justice Department unit that deals with counterintelligence matters that do not result in public trials.

Great. Wonderful.

When it comes to the question of the thread,
"What exactly did they do?", the indictments explain it in great detail.
What exactly did they do?

990 POSTS LATER, has anyone figured out yet what exactly did the Russians do? And how did Trump know about it?
Change the channel and watch some real some real news super duper...
how does watching people with trump syndrome answer what the russians did? why can't you just tell us? are you sworn to secrecy by muueller?
My God, you still don't know what the Russians did? Pull your head out of Trump's fat ass & become informed.

I keep asking to be informed and all I ever get is a run around. Why don't one of you super-geniuses stop bullshitting and produce a list of SPECIFIC events tied with links documenting clear proof of russian collusion, NOT supposition, not because Trump once visited Russia or had a russian friend, or some business ties, or once ordered a black russian cocktail after dinner, but a list you can point to at a moments notice showing all of the best evidence that he had any more or deeper Russian involvement than is normal for a president-to-be, than Obama or Hillary. When will one of you clowns do that much instead of always deflecting?

Wow, it has become my job to pull your head out of Trump's ass?

Ask your Republican Congressman why they decided they interfered.

Ask the FBI & CIA our intelligence services.

Ask Trump why he felt the need to lie about his campaign's Russian contacts?

I am sorry but I am not in charge of your education. What the Russians did is well documented. Links have been provided.

Quit being such a FUCKING ASSSOLE.
/----/ Translation= WE GOT NOTHIN'
Really, do I have a dim view of Russia loving assholes like you & Trump? You betcha.

Gee, let me think, Announcing a candidate is back under scrutiny days before the election by the FBI isn't harmful? You can't be that fucking stupid, can you.

Call me a punk all you want. You are just pissed off that I have debunked your posts & pointed out what a dumbass you are. Go fuck yourself you Commie loving, anti-American piece of shit.
It's less harmful to Comey that having it discovered he sat on evidence before the election. It's also less harmful to Hillary than going to jail, which is where she belongs.

He could have reopened the investigation, and cleared the file without making that information public.

Hillary hasn’t done anything illegal. Every investigation has cleared her of any wrongdoing. Yet you continue the lie that she’s a criminal.

Trump is a criminal. His record of “settlements” is Trump settling his way out of going to jail. Fraud, human rights violations, illegal fundraising, “illegal campaign contributions” (bribes), the list is endless.

Comey laid out her guilt in detail while under oath, then he exonerated her because she was only "extremely careless" and was too stupid to release that what she was doing was illegal.

Soooooooooooo, next time you get stopped for speeding use the Hillary defense, I was only careless and didn't know that I was going 80 in a 45 zone. See if it works for you.

Where did you go to law school?

Intent is an important factor in law.

If I walk past your house & glace over & your wife is naked that is different that waiting outside your house to see if I could see her naked.

Harvard. "but officer I didn't intend to violate the speed limit, you have to let me go"

are you really that stupid?

Funny chit. A Harvard Law graduate would know you are being stupid.
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