What exactly do the Democrats have to offer for the middle class?

What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence

Pelosi has promised to take back the middle class tax cuts
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence
Healthcare? Democrats cause my insurance rate to triple and increased my deductible in addition to making using it a paperwork nightmare. Thanks but I'll pass.
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence

Lesh, you didn't learn after getting your ass handed to you repeatedly that you cannot lie and get away with it. The dumbest conservative on here has you by a least 50 IQ points.

McConnell has never said a word about cutting these programs. You lie and some other libtard swears to it. Why don't you give each other a handjob in the backseat and leave the thinking to the adults?
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence
Healthcare? Democrats cause my insurance rate to triple and increased my deductible in addition to making using it a paperwork nightmare. Thanks but I'll pass.
What caused rates to go up in the ACA were things that REPUBLICANS did to it

But never mind. The ACA is popular regardless of you.

Americans do NOT want it repealed...and if Republicans win...it will be

Then we're REALLY screwed
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence

Lesh, you didn't learn after getting your ass handed to you repeatedly that you cannot lie and get away with it. The dumbest conservative on here has you by a least 50 IQ points.

McConnell has never said a word about cutting these programs. You lie and some other libtard swears to it. Why don't you give each other a handjob in the backseat and leave the thinking to the adults?
Oh really?

Here's your ass moron

Mitch McConnell: if Republicans do well in the midterms, we’ll try to repeal Obamacare
McConnell to Blomberg News

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed rising federal deficits and debt on a bipartisan unwillingness to contain spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and said he sees little chance of a major deficit reduction deal while Republicans control Congress and the White House.

“It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about the rising deficits and debt. “It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

… “I think it would be safe to say that the single biggest disappointment of my time in Congress has been our failure to address the entitlement issue, and it’s a shame, because now the Democrats are promising ‘Medicare for all,”’ he said. “I mean, my gosh, we can’t sustain the Medicare we have at the rate we’re going and that’s the height of irresponsibility.”
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence
Healthcare? Democrats cause my insurance rate to triple and increased my deductible in addition to making using it a paperwork nightmare. Thanks but I'll pass.
What caused rates to go up in the ACA were things that REPUBLICANS did to it

But never mind. The ACA is popular regardless of you.

Americans do NOT want it repealed...and if Republicans win...it will be

Then we're REALLY screwed

The rates went up because of Republicans? Just when I think you can't post anything more stupid than your last, you prove me wrong!

When my brother was on Medicaid, he paid nothing for healthcare. When he got a job, Obamacare cost him more then 30% of his income, just for healthcare! He couldn't afford it, so he just went without insurance and paid a meager fine come tax time.

The people who don't want t repealed are on Medicaid, so it won't affect them at all!
McConnell to Blomberg News

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed rising federal deficits and debt on a bipartisan unwillingness to contain spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and said he sees little chance of a major deficit reduction deal while Republicans control Congress and the White House.

“It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about the rising deficits and debt. “It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

… “I think it would be safe to say that the single biggest disappointment of my time in Congress has been our failure to address the entitlement issue, and it’s a shame, because now the Democrats are promising ‘Medicare for all,”’ he said. “I mean, my gosh, we can’t sustain the Medicare we have at the rate we’re going and that’s the height of irresponsibility.”

Blomberg? WTF? You can't even get that right.

Now, repost that post you just amde with the word "cut" in red text, italics, underlined and in size 7 font.

Nevermind! you can't because it isn't there because he never said it.

Why don't you go play with yourself because I am sure that if you do it right, you will get more out of it than your flailing about on this thread?
McConnell to Blomberg News

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed rising federal deficits and debt on a bipartisan unwillingness to contain spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and said he sees little chance of a major deficit reduction deal while Republicans control Congress and the White House.

“It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about the rising deficits and debt. “It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

… “I think it would be safe to say that the single biggest disappointment of my time in Congress has been our failure to address the entitlement issue, and it’s a shame, because now the Democrats are promising ‘Medicare for all,”’ he said. “I mean, my gosh, we can’t sustain the Medicare we have at the rate we’re going and that’s the height of irresponsibility.”

Blomberg? WTF? You can't even get that right.

Now, repost that post you just amde with the word "cut" in red text, italics, underlined and in size 7 font.

Nevermind! you can't because it isn't there because he never said it.

Why don't you go play with yourself because I am sure that if you do it right, you will get more out of it than your flailing about on this thread?
Stop babbling old man. You're an embarrassment
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence

Lesh, you didn't learn after getting your ass handed to you repeatedly that you cannot lie and get away with it. The dumbest conservative on here has you by a least 50 IQ points.

McConnell has never said a word about cutting these programs. You lie and some other libtard swears to it. Why don't you give each other a handjob in the backseat and leave the thinking to the adults?
Oh really?

Here's your ass moron

Mitch McConnell: if Republicans do well in the midterms, we’ll try to repeal Obamacare

Your reading comprehension SUCKS! You can't even keep your own posts straight without moving the goalposts.

Obamacare was not even mention in the article YOU quoted.

I swear you cannot read above a third grade level. How do you survive being functionally illiterate?
McConnell to Blomberg News

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed rising federal deficits and debt on a bipartisan unwillingness to contain spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and said he sees little chance of a major deficit reduction deal while Republicans control Congress and the White House.

“It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about the rising deficits and debt. “It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

… “I think it would be safe to say that the single biggest disappointment of my time in Congress has been our failure to address the entitlement issue, and it’s a shame, because now the Democrats are promising ‘Medicare for all,”’ he said. “I mean, my gosh, we can’t sustain the Medicare we have at the rate we’re going and that’s the height of irresponsibility.”

Blomberg? WTF? You can't even get that right.

Now, repost that post you just made with the word "cut" in red text, italics, underlined and in size 7 font.

Nevermind! you can't because it isn't there because he never said it.

Why don't you go play with yourself because I am sure that if you do it right, you will get more out of it than your flailing about on this thread?
Stop babbling old man. You're an embarrassment

Can't do it, can you?


How anyone can make themselves look so stupid has mental issues.
The rates went up because of Republicans?

Yes genius.

Eliminating the mandate caused rates to rise.

Not paying into the rate corridors caused rates to rise.

REPUBLICANS caused the rates to rise more than they would have naturally.

The rates skyrocketed LONG before the mandate was eliminated. I am talking years ago, you 5 watt dim bulb! Obama was still President you pathetic retard!
Years ago?

Guess what genius...the ACA has only been around 8 years.

So find me a chart showing what you claim. And then find a chart showing rate increases in the ten years prior.
Guess what moron...,the rate increases have been smaller

But go ahead asswipe. Prove me wrong. Loudmouthed old fart
McConnell to Blomberg News

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed rising federal deficits and debt on a bipartisan unwillingness to contain spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and said he sees little chance of a major deficit reduction deal while Republicans control Congress and the White House.

“It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about the rising deficits and debt. “It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

… “I think it would be safe to say that the single biggest disappointment of my time in Congress has been our failure to address the entitlement issue, and it’s a shame, because now the Democrats are promising ‘Medicare for all,”’ he said. “I mean, my gosh, we can’t sustain the Medicare we have at the rate we’re going and that’s the height of irresponsibility.”

Blomberg? WTF? You can't even get that right.

Now, repost that post you just made with the word "cut" in red text, italics, underlined and in size 7 font.

Nevermind! you can't because it isn't there because he never said it.

Why don't you go play with yourself because I am sure that if you do it right, you will get more out of it than your flailing about on this thread?
Stop babbling old man. You're an embarrassment

Can't do it, can you?


How anyone can make themselves look so stupid has mental issues.
Can't do what stupid?

Make something coherent out of your nonsensical rants?

No. I admit I can't
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.
The types of regulations we are concerned about will help all Americans. The goal is responsibly protecting consumers and workers from the careless risks of business and government activities. When business does not adequately test their products or processes, when they dont consider their customer and worker and neighbor a stakeholder, they are not paying the true costs of operating their business but instead shifting the risk onto others and making the PEOPLE of our country lose. They get hurt and forced to bare the brunt.

This is happening again where I live the Twin Cities area in minnesota. The big chemical company 3M has gotten in trouble over the years for dumping chemicals or not testing them well enough. Years later research will show a rise in cancer or some other effect and it just straight isnt fair. I think they settled for 850m earlier this year in a big one. How would you feel if it was you or your family that got the cancer and died and all this company had to do was pay out some money and carry on? No one went to jail for deciding to dump harmful chemicals and hurt people.

We as humans are both robust and fragile. It would only take the right cocktail of chemicals to sterilize us and end our civilization. Remember that when you think endless deregulation is the key.

This is just one area where Republicans are dead wrong. Dishonesty about the purpose and state of regulations does the people a disservice. On the flip side, you cannot allow the big companies to influence the creation of regulations too much because they will find a way to turn it into a barrier to entrance against their would be competition.

Your reading comprehension SUCKS! You can't even keep your own posts straight without moving the goalposts.

Obamacare was not even mention in the article YOU quoted.

I swear you cannot read above a third grade level. How do you survive being functionally illiterate?

Christ you are a stupid fuck.

Look at that link genius. I posted that BEFORE i posted the quote you misread about McConnell going after Social Security and Medicare Medicaid next
The modern day Democrats are pushing socioeconomic systems that necessarily make a Middle Class extinct and lock in a true 1 percent ruling elite. What are Democrats doing for Main Street and Small Businesses? The Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck under Trump than it did under Obama.

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