What exactly do the Democrats have to offer for the middle class?

Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.
I'd be curious to see a quote and link of that
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security






The middle class already has healthcare, and social security.

Jobs? That's a lie. Education? You libs have ruined education.

INfrastructure? LOL
gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.
Few words make me blood-spitting mad like the words you typed above.

We cannot not pay for tax cuts.

What you mean is the government has to figure out a different way to pay for all the shit it wants to buy.

Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.
I'd be curious to see a quote and link of that

Google is your friend.
Did Pelosi vow to raise taxes if Democrats take the House?

Pelosi says she wants to increase taxes

Republicans pounce after Pelosi says Democrats would reopen tax cut bill if they gain majority

Pelosi: 'Accurate' to say I want to roll back GOP tax cuts
Jobs and infrastructure repair?

Obama's stimulus was all about those things.

That's what Dems DO.

Republicans do taxcuts...that go mostly to the wealthy

Did Trump ever put forth an infrastructure bill?

He claimed he was going to several times but there was never any plan.

Did the Republican Congress do that?

No. They were too busy trying to kill Healthcare and passing tax cuts for the rich.
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.
Oh look...YOUR claim is bullshit

Did Pelosi vow to raise taxes if Democrats take the House?

Just like your claim that the Republicans are going to cut social security, Medicare and Medicaid!
Jobs and infrastructure repair?

Obama's stimulus was all about those things.

That's what Dems DO.

Republicans do taxcuts...that go mostly to the wealthy

Did Trump ever put forth an infrastructure bill?

He claimed he was going to several times but there was never any plan.

Did the Republican Congress do that?

No. They were too busy trying to kill Healthcare and passing tax cuts for the rich.

My taxes went down 5%. Which rich person's taxes went down 5%? Answer: none of them.

You lie.
The Dems offer the middle class the role of serfs in our Surveillance State Neo-Feudalism. It's not really middle class anymore, just the workhorse peasant class. Back to the Past.
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.
I'd be curious to see a quote and link of that
She should roll back the trump tax cuts for billionaires and the bush tax cuts for millionaires. Why should corporations that make billions of dollars have a smaller tax rate than the people that live around me? How is that fair?
Looking back at my working years and raising a family the biggest benefit from Democrats that I now perceive is Social Security. Not in the form that I'll begin to collect in a few years when I reach my full retirement age, but rather in form of term insurance for my kids in case I died or became disabled.
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.
Oh look...YOUR claim is bullshit

Did Pelosi vow to raise taxes if Democrats take the House?

Oh look the libtard puts up a link and doesn't read it .

Looking back at my working years and raising a family the biggest benefit from Democrats that I now perceive is Social Security. Not in the form that I'll begin to collect in a few years when I reach my full retirement age, but rather in form of term insurance for my kids in case I died or became disabled.

Would you be Happy with it if you died before you collect and your kids were to old?
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.
I'd be curious to see a quote and link of that
She should roll back the trump tax cuts for billionaires and the bush tax cuts for millionaires. Why should corporations that make billions of dollars have a smaller tax rate than the people that live around me? How is that fair?
What's "fair" about bureaucrats taking money out of Social Security and Medicare to fund programs for people that haven't paid into those programs like I have been for over 50 years?
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.
I'd be curious to see a quote and link of that
She should roll back the trump tax cuts for billionaires and the bush tax cuts for millionaires. Why should corporations that make billions of dollars have a smaller tax rate than the people that live around me? How is that fair?

What's bigger paying 40 million in taxes or $40 dollars in taxes???

Come on even you can figure that one out.


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