What exactly do the Democrats have to offer for the middle class?

The modern day Democrats are pushing socioeconomic systems that necessarily make a Middle Class extinct and lock in a true 1 percent ruling elite. What are Democrats doing for Main Street and Small Businesses? The Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck under Trump than it did under Obama.
You mean like passing tax cuts that actually raise taxes on millions of Americans but give huge tax cuts to the top 1%? Like giving 87% of those tax cuts to the top 1%?

Oh wait...that's Republicans.

Never mind
Years ago?

Guess what genius...the ACA has only been around 8 years.

So find me a chart showing what you claim. And then find a chart showing rate increases in the ten years prior.
Guess what moron...,the rate increases have been smaller

But go ahead asswipe. Prove me wrong. Loudmouthed old fart

I will do just that, just as soon as you show me where McConnell said he was going to cut social security, and Medicare.

Your reading comprehension SUCKS! You can't even keep your own posts straight without moving the goalposts.

Obamacare was not even mention in the article YOU quoted.

I swear you cannot read above a third grade level. How do you survive being functionally illiterate?

Christ you are a stupid fuck.

Look at that link genius. I posted that BEFORE i posted the quote you misread about McConnell going after Social Security and Medicare Medicaid next

You said CUT! Read your own fucking posts damn you!
The modern day Democrats are pushing socioeconomic systems that necessarily make a Middle Class extinct and lock in a true 1 percent ruling elite. What are Democrats doing for Main Street and Small Businesses? The Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck under Trump than it did under Obama.
You mean like passing tax cuts that actually raise taxes on millions of Americans but give huge tax cuts to the top 1%? Like giving 87% of those tax cuts to the top 1%?

Oh wait...that's Republicans.

Never mind

They only raised taxes on state where liberals have ridiculous state and local taxes and did not allow them to be deducted in full. Maybe they should be complaining about their state and local taxes being so high!

Your reading comprehension SUCKS! You can't even keep your own posts straight without moving the goalposts.

Obamacare was not even mention in the article YOU quoted.

I swear you cannot read above a third grade level. How do you survive being functionally illiterate?

Christ you are a stupid fuck.

Look at that link genius. I posted that BEFORE i posted the quote you misread about McConnell going after Social Security and Medicare Medicaid next

You said CUT! Read your own fucking posts damn you!
WTF do you think you're talking about old man?
They only raised taxes on state where liberals have ridiculous state and local taxes and did not allow them to be deducted in full.

That doesn't change the fact that the "tax cut" was a tax INCREASE for a lot of middle class folks...Republican and Democrat.

It doesn't change the fact that 87% of that tax cut went to the top 1%

It doesn't change the fact that McConnell is NOW saying that we have a debt crisis (that he just created with his tax cut) that he wants to solve by cutting all those programs

Your reading comprehension SUCKS! You can't even keep your own posts straight without moving the goalposts.

Obamacare was not even mention in the article YOU quoted.

I swear you cannot read above a third grade level. How do you survive being functionally illiterate?

Christ you are a stupid fuck.

Look at that link genius. I posted that BEFORE i posted the quote you misread about McConnell going after Social Security and Medicare Medicaid next

You said CUT! Read your own fucking posts damn you!
WTF do you think you're talking about old man?

The low tax states were subsidizing the high tax states through tax deductions.
The modern day Democrats are pushing socioeconomic systems that necessarily make a Middle Class extinct and lock in a true 1 percent ruling elite. What are Democrats doing for Main Street and Small Businesses? The Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck under Trump than it did under Obama.
You mean like passing tax cuts that actually raise taxes on millions of Americans but give huge tax cuts to the top 1%? Like giving 87% of those tax cuts to the top 1%?

Oh wait...that's Republicans.

Never mind
Yes wealth extraction. The system is being reshaped to help the mega investor class extract more wealth as a percent of all output and growth. That's simply the wrong direction we need to be going right now. If we were doing it right, the end result would be the middle class growing their percentage of the pie, probably at the detriment of the mega investor class. Growing the pie is bullshit if the middle class isnt gaining a majority of the growth. As much as conservatives like to talk about envy and how we shouldnt care about what anyone else makes, economic inequality does matter. For one, the scotus decided that money is speech so we have had a number of billionaires enforcing their will on us through the reshaping of city state and national government. No non rich person should be supporting that. Every dollar they gain over us is more autonomy and freedom taken away.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed rising federal deficits and debt on a bipartisan unwillingness to contain spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and said he sees little chance of a major deficit reduction deal while Republicans control Congress and the White House.

“It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about the rising deficits and debt. “It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

… “I think it would be safe to say that the single biggest disappointment of my time in Congress has been our failure to address the entitlement issue, and it’s a shame, because now the Democrats are promising ‘Medicare for all,”’ he said. “I mean, my gosh, we can’t sustain the Medicare we have at the rate we’re going and that’s the height of irresponsibility.”

What does "contain spending" mean if it doesn't refer to CUTS dumbass?
The low tax states were subsidizing the high tax states through tax deductions.


Those high tax states are net PROVIDERS of funds to the Federal coffers.

Those LOW TAX states (with a few exceptions ) TAKE more Federal money than they pay in.

Congrats. You got it ass backwards.

You're a Trumper
They only raised taxes on state where liberals have ridiculous state and local taxes and did not allow them to be deducted in full.

That doesn't change the fact that the "tax cut" was a tax INCREASE for a lot of middle class folks...Republican and Democrat.

It doesn't change the fact that 87% of that tax cut went to the top 1%

It doesn't change the fact that McConnell is NOW saying that we have a debt crisis (that he just created with his tax cut) that he wants to solve by cutting all those programs

87% went to the top 1%? Since they pay over 90% of the income taxes, does that not really mean they paid more?

My taxes went down. Did yours? Oh, I forgot! Libtards don't pay taxes while living in Mom's basement.

I am still waiting libtard! Where is that article saying "cut'? I told you not to bother looking. It isn't there!

Just tuck your tail, apologize for your insolence and slither back under your rock!
The low tax states were subsidizing the high tax states through tax deductions.


Those high tax states are net PROVIDERS of funds to the Federal coffers.

Those LOW TAX states (with a few exceptions ) TAKE more Federal money than they pay in.

Congrats. You got it ass backwards.

You're a Trumper

Those low tax states are where our military bases and other government installations are located. That is why your figures lie! The income tax paid by the people stationed on those bases are from all over this country. My daughter is in the Army in Texas. Guess how much state and local taxes she pays? With the exception of sales taxes on thing she buys off base, she does not pay Texas a dime. All of her taxes are paid here where she maintains her home of record.

You just don't understand the real world because you are an ignorant POS.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blamed rising federal deficits and debt on a bipartisan unwillingness to contain spending on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, and said he sees little chance of a major deficit reduction deal while Republicans control Congress and the White House.

“It’s disappointing, but it’s not a Republican problem,” McConnell said Tuesday in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about the rising deficits and debt. “It’s a bipartisan problem: unwillingness to address the real drivers of the debt by doing anything to adjust those programs to the demographics of America in the future.”

… “I think it would be safe to say that the single biggest disappointment of my time in Congress has been our failure to address the entitlement issue, and it’s a shame, because now the Democrats are promising ‘Medicare for all,”’ he said. “I mean, my gosh, we can’t sustain the Medicare we have at the rate we’re going and that’s the height of irresponsibility.”

What does "contain spending" mean if it doesn't refer to CUTS dumbass?

You made the claim. You back it up. All I see is continued epic failure on your part. do you have a middle school student around who could explain it to you on your level?
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

High taxes, thought-control, lots and lots of changes, gender confusion, racism, that ism and phobias. Cry rooms, projection, illegals and lots of desperation.
The modern day Democrats are pushing socioeconomic systems that necessarily make a Middle Class extinct and lock in a true 1 percent ruling elite. What are Democrats doing for Main Street and Small Businesses? The Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck under Trump than it did under Obama.
You mean like passing tax cuts that actually raise taxes on millions of Americans but give huge tax cuts to the top 1%? Like giving 87% of those tax cuts to the top 1%?

Oh wait...that's Republicans.

Never mind

If you are paying more taxes, shouldn’t you reap more of the cuts? You people are so locked on class warfare it’s a threat to the Capitalist system.
The democrats don't offer me a damn thing if they did I would vote for them..

If you were a sad proletariat, they would offer to be your daddy and buy you a free cell phone.

Being bourgeoisie is a death sentence.

They at least should learn from the Chicago democrat machine and buy us all a bottle of absolute..

What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence

Republicans offer jobs, low taxes low cost of living and freedom from you weridos ...
The modern day Democrats are pushing socioeconomic systems that necessarily make a Middle Class extinct and lock in a true 1 percent ruling elite. What are Democrats doing for Main Street and Small Businesses? The Middle Class is keeping more of its paycheck under Trump than it did under Obama.
You mean like passing tax cuts that actually raise taxes on millions of Americans but give huge tax cuts to the top 1%? Like giving 87% of those tax cuts to the top 1%?

Oh wait...that's Republicans.

Never mind

Still mad that you have to pay your fair share to the federal government like the rest of us tax payers?
What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





What do they have to offer?

Start with Healthcare

Social Security





Mitch McConnell has told us that if the GOP holds Congress that the ACA is gone and that they are going after Social Security , Medicare, and Medicaid...gotta pay for those tax cuts to the top 1%.

And what do Republicans have to offer?

Fear, hatred, and violence
Healthcare? Democrats cause my insurance rate to triple and increased my deductible in addition to making using it a paperwork nightmare. Thanks but I'll pass.
What caused rates to go up in the ACA were things that REPUBLICANS did to it

But never mind. The ACA is popular regardless of you.

Americans do NOT want it repealed...and if Republicans win...it will be

Then we're REALLY screwed
Bullshit. Rates went up because competition went down. Insurance companies started dropping out because they couldn't afford to keep the Obamacare mandates. Our county is down to ONE provider for Obamacare that is accepted by our hospital. Individuals were basically screwed as individual coverage insurance was no longer available that met the tax requirement. As to Obamacare being popular. The only people that Obamacare is popular with are those people that depend on others to provide for them. You know, primarily democrats.
Two weeks before every election the Left Wingers pretend that they have stopped hating the middle class, but they go right back to hating them after the election.

LMAO Well Pelosi has already said that if the Dems win the House back she will be raising taxes.

Yup. We can all look forward to that bullshit.

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