What exactly is wrong/broken with internet in the US? (Net Neutrality)

The only thing wrong is that the government hasn't been able to get its hands into it and the statists, of course, support anything the government wants to do so they line up like lemmings to cheer it on.

Oh really? Try subscribing to and using Comcast, then try complaining about their service. They are the most incompetent company I've ever seen, and that isn't going to change unless there are enforceable standards in the industry. Moreover, if you want to pay on a tiered scale, then you should have supported ATT's efforts to prevent these regulations from taking effect. Why anyone but the ISPs would want such a tiered system is a mystery, but there it is.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.
Hater dupes love being screwed by giant corporations...Well, now they'll have to improve our crap internet for EVERYONE so giant corps can get good service. Get it yet?

How does the FCC plan on forcing corporations to improve the internet?

The FCC won't "force" corporations to improve the internet, competition will. What are Republicans afraid of, why are they against the free market/consumers choosing winners?

Neutrality allows competition.
Competition from the innovators, with competition the smart, the hard working, the best-----the best will win. That's how a real free market works - right?

FCC votes for net neutrality, a ban on paid fast lanes, and Title II
by Jon Brodkin
Feb 26, 2015


Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, the longest-tenured commissioner and someone who supported Title II five years ago, said the net neutrality order does not address only theoretical harms.

"This is more than a theoretical exercise," she said. "Providers here in the United States have, in fact, blocked applications on mobile devices, which not only hampers free expression, it also restricts innovation by allowing companies, not the consumer, to pick winners and losers."


If you want a free market, then simply stop the government from interfering. The phrase "government regulated free market" is an oxymoron. If an Service provider blocks some app you want, then switch to another service provider. That's how the free market is supposed to work: competition among providers forces them to provide consumers with what they want.

The only thing wrong is that the government hasn't been able to get its hands into it and the statists, of course, support anything the government wants to do so they line up like lemmings to cheer it on.

Oh really? Try subscribing to and using Comcast, then try complaining about their service. They are the most incompetent company I've ever seen, and that isn't going to change unless there are enforceable standards in the industry. Moreover, if you want to pay on a tiered scale, then you should have supported ATT's efforts to prevent these regulations from taking effect. Why anyone but the ISPs would want such a tiered system is a mystery, but there it is.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.

Monopolies come about through lack of regulation, not because of it.
"The antitrust approach to improving competition loses even more of its glamor when one understands that the most abusive and socially dangerous monopoly which exists today in this country is the direct product of special governmental privileges. Labor unions are today the most destructive monopolies in our system, and they are also the greatest beneficiary of governmental special privilege."

Competition Monopoly and the Role of Government The Freeman Foundation for Economic Education
Hater dupes love being screwed by giant corporations...Well, now they'll have to improve our crap internet for EVERYONE so giant corps can get good service. Get it yet?

How does the FCC plan on forcing corporations to improve the internet?

The FCC won't "force" corporations to improve the internet, competition will. What are Republicans afraid of, why are they against the free market/consumers choosing winners?

Neutrality allows competition.
Competition from the innovators, with competition the smart, the hard working, the best-----the best will win. That's how a real free market works - right?

FCC votes for net neutrality, a ban on paid fast lanes, and Title II
by Jon Brodkin
Feb 26, 2015


Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, the longest-tenured commissioner and someone who supported Title II five years ago, said the net neutrality order does not address only theoretical harms.

"This is more than a theoretical exercise," she said. "Providers here in the United States have, in fact, blocked applications on mobile devices, which not only hampers free expression, it also restricts innovation by allowing companies, not the consumer, to pick winners and losers."


If you want a free market, then simply stop the government from interfering. The phrase "government regulated free market" is an oxymoron. If an Service provider blocks some app you want, then switch to another service provider. That's how the free market is supposed to work: competition among providers forces them to provide consumers with what they want.

The only thing wrong is that the government hasn't been able to get its hands into it and the statists, of course, support anything the government wants to do so they line up like lemmings to cheer it on.

Oh really? Try subscribing to and using Comcast, then try complaining about their service. They are the most incompetent company I've ever seen, and that isn't going to change unless there are enforceable standards in the industry. Moreover, if you want to pay on a tiered scale, then you should have supported ATT's efforts to prevent these regulations from taking effect. Why anyone but the ISPs would want such a tiered system is a mystery, but there it is.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.

Monopolies come about through lack of regulation, not because of it.

Dead wrong. Name one monopoly that exists because of lack of government regulation.
The Internet in the US is bullshit. Overpriced, corporate, slow, and often unavailable at any decent speed or at all. Time to grow up, as usual, America.

You and Obama, working to make the Internet in America just like it is in North Korea! :thup:
Hater dupes love being screwed by giant corporations...Well, now they'll have to improve our crap internet for EVERYONE so giant corps can get good service. Get it yet?

How does the FCC plan on forcing corporations to improve the internet?

The FCC won't "force" corporations to improve the internet, competition will. What are Republicans afraid of, why are they against the free market/consumers choosing winners?

Neutrality allows competition.
Competition from the innovators, with competition the smart, the hard working, the best-----the best will win. That's how a real free market works - right?

FCC votes for net neutrality, a ban on paid fast lanes, and Title II
by Jon Brodkin
Feb 26, 2015


Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, the longest-tenured commissioner and someone who supported Title II five years ago, said the net neutrality order does not address only theoretical harms.

"This is more than a theoretical exercise," she said. "Providers here in the United States have, in fact, blocked applications on mobile devices, which not only hampers free expression, it also restricts innovation by allowing companies, not the consumer, to pick winners and losers."


If you want a free market, then simply stop the government from interfering. The phrase "government regulated free market" is an oxymoron. If an Service provider blocks some app you want, then switch to another service provider. That's how the free market is supposed to work: competition among providers forces them to provide consumers with what they want.

The only thing wrong is that the government hasn't been able to get its hands into it and the statists, of course, support anything the government wants to do so they line up like lemmings to cheer it on.

Oh really? Try subscribing to and using Comcast, then try complaining about their service. They are the most incompetent company I've ever seen, and that isn't going to change unless there are enforceable standards in the industry. Moreover, if you want to pay on a tiered scale, then you should have supported ATT's efforts to prevent these regulations from taking effect. Why anyone but the ISPs would want such a tiered system is a mystery, but there it is.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.

Monopolies come about through lack of regulation, not because of it.

Dead wrong. Name one monopoly that exists because of lack of government regulation.

That's not the point, obscene child. Rather, name one monopoly that govt regulation created.
How does the FCC plan on forcing corporations to improve the internet?

The FCC won't "force" corporations to improve the internet, competition will. What are Republicans afraid of, why are they against the free market/consumers choosing winners?

Neutrality allows competition.
Competition from the innovators, with competition the smart, the hard working, the best-----the best will win. That's how a real free market works - right?

FCC votes for net neutrality, a ban on paid fast lanes, and Title II
by Jon Brodkin
Feb 26, 2015


Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, the longest-tenured commissioner and someone who supported Title II five years ago, said the net neutrality order does not address only theoretical harms.

"This is more than a theoretical exercise," she said. "Providers here in the United States have, in fact, blocked applications on mobile devices, which not only hampers free expression, it also restricts innovation by allowing companies, not the consumer, to pick winners and losers."


If you want a free market, then simply stop the government from interfering. The phrase "government regulated free market" is an oxymoron. If an Service provider blocks some app you want, then switch to another service provider. That's how the free market is supposed to work: competition among providers forces them to provide consumers with what they want.

The only thing wrong is that the government hasn't been able to get its hands into it and the statists, of course, support anything the government wants to do so they line up like lemmings to cheer it on.

Oh really? Try subscribing to and using Comcast, then try complaining about their service. They are the most incompetent company I've ever seen, and that isn't going to change unless there are enforceable standards in the industry. Moreover, if you want to pay on a tiered scale, then you should have supported ATT's efforts to prevent these regulations from taking effect. Why anyone but the ISPs would want such a tiered system is a mystery, but there it is.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.

Monopolies come about through lack of regulation, not because of it.

Dead wrong. Name one monopoly that exists because of lack of government regulation.

That's not the point, obscene child. Rather, name one monopoly that govt regulation created.

Your local electric power utility
Your local Sewer service
Your local Water service
Your local Cable service
Your local Sanitation service
The Post office
Bell Telephone
Airlines prior to deregulation
Railroads in California
All unions

To name a few.
The only thing wrong is that the government hasn't been able to get its hands into it and the statists, of course, support anything the government wants to do so they line up like lemmings to cheer it on.

Oh really? Try subscribing to and using Comcast, then try complaining about their service. They are the most incompetent company I've ever seen, and that isn't going to change unless there are enforceable standards in the industry. Moreover, if you want to pay on a tiered scale, then you should have supported ATT's efforts to prevent these regulations from taking effect. Why anyone but the ISPs would want such a tiered system is a mystery, but there it is.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.

Comcast is the cable provider in my area. Unfortunately, they are the most incompetent provider on the planet. Fortunately, I don't have to rely on them for either internet, phone service, or television, because ATT Uverse is also available here.

And since I am a recent immigrant to this area, to suggest that I had anything to do with which cable provider was chosen is, shall we say, a fantasy on your part.
What's wrong with the internet?
The Government doesn't control what is said, nor do they make enough money off it.
Monopolies come about through lack of regulation, not because of it.

That is the stupidest post you've ever written - and you write some stupid shit...

It works both ways, companies that join the business early can take advantage of the lack of regulation to crowd out and out price others and then work with the government to erect barriers to prevent others from starting up.

The real solution would be to have effective regulation that both protects consumers and encourages competition. Unfortunately that kind of regulation is hard to come by in this day and age.
Let's say, you are an innovator entrepreneur, and you spend a lot of time and money to create something, like a new type of smart phone that does something unique and special that relies on an ISP, and you bring it to the market place, ahead of all of your competitors, and you sell the hell out of the new phone, but then the internet service provider, decides to block this phone's ap that does this new and special thing, and makes it near impossible for all of the customers that purchased this new phone with this new capability to use it.

And then you find out, the internet service provider, stopped your new and creative idea from working by not giving the customers the juice to run it BECAUSE they were working an exclusive future deal with one of your competitors that you had beaten to the market place, to provide an alternative phone/service. THIS HAPPENED.

THAT is what net neutrality will stop.... The ISP should NOT have control over which business/entrepreneur/innovator is successful and who is not....competition will be stifled if we let the ISP's pick and choose...it will hurt entrepreneurs and innovators, when they would have no idea if what they invent will even be allowed to get the internet access it needs...and innovators will not be able to get financing for their inventions with the insecurity of not knowing if the ISP is going to decide to block your idea because they want to do business with one of your competitors that you are trying to beat to the market place....Lenders won't lend, to the newbie innovators if it is going to COST the newbie a large sum payoff to the ISP which used to cost him only 100 bucks a month for his internet service....only the big monied corporations would get the juice....the ISP will be the picker of the winners and the losers of new ideas based on how much money they have to give... THAT'S JUST PLAIN WRONG and will hurt us.

Net neutrality is a good thing...it basically says, YOUR ISP does NOT own the internet....we all do, and all should have equal access through any provider, and the provider should not be the one who chooses what we want to view or see or post or upload or download etc etc etc, once we have paid for the monthly service....

Do you really want the ISP to choose for you? HELL NO!!!
The FCC won't "force" corporations to improve the internet, competition will. What are Republicans afraid of, why are they against the free market/consumers choosing winners?

Neutrality allows competition.
Competition from the innovators, with competition the smart, the hard working, the best-----the best will win. That's how a real free market works - right?

FCC votes for net neutrality, a ban on paid fast lanes, and Title II
by Jon Brodkin
Feb 26, 2015


Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, the longest-tenured commissioner and someone who supported Title II five years ago, said the net neutrality order does not address only theoretical harms.

"This is more than a theoretical exercise," she said. "Providers here in the United States have, in fact, blocked applications on mobile devices, which not only hampers free expression, it also restricts innovation by allowing companies, not the consumer, to pick winners and losers."


If you want a free market, then simply stop the government from interfering. The phrase "government regulated free market" is an oxymoron. If an Service provider blocks some app you want, then switch to another service provider. That's how the free market is supposed to work: competition among providers forces them to provide consumers with what they want.

Oh really? Try subscribing to and using Comcast, then try complaining about their service. They are the most incompetent company I've ever seen, and that isn't going to change unless there are enforceable standards in the industry. Moreover, if you want to pay on a tiered scale, then you should have supported ATT's efforts to prevent these regulations from taking effect. Why anyone but the ISPs would want such a tiered system is a mystery, but there it is.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.

Monopolies come about through lack of regulation, not because of it.

Dead wrong. Name one monopoly that exists because of lack of government regulation.

That's not the point, obscene child. Rather, name one monopoly that govt regulation created.

Your local electric power utility
Your local Sewer service
Your local Water service
Your local Cable service
Your local Sanitation service
The Post office
Bell Telephone
Airlines prior to deregulation
Railroads in California
All unions

To name a few.
Marvelous, obscene child, govts are monopolies.
Rather, name one monopoly that govt regulation created.

All unions

To name a few.
Talk about your No-Information Voter!
Unions are a government regulated monopoly, now that's rich! :rofl::lmao:

To be technically correct, they are what economists refer to as a "monopsony," a market form in which only one buyer interfaces with would-be sellers of a particular product. They are entirely government creations because without government forcing corporations to deal with mandatory unions, they would be entirely toothless.
If you want a free market, then simply stop the government from interfering. The phrase "government regulated free market" is an oxymoron. If an Service provider blocks some app you want, then switch to another service provider. That's how the free market is supposed to work: competition among providers forces them to provide consumers with what they want.

In almost every major market cable service is a government protected monopoly. Your local government created the problems you whine about. I'm sure you supported it when they granted the monopoly. Liberals should just buy a revolver and point it at their own heads.

Monopolies come about through lack of regulation, not because of it.

Dead wrong. Name one monopoly that exists because of lack of government regulation.

That's not the point, obscene child. Rather, name one monopoly that govt regulation created.

Your local electric power utility
Your local Sewer service
Your local Water service
Your local Cable service
Your local Sanitation service
The Post office
Bell Telephone
Airlines prior to deregulation
Railroads in California
All unions

To name a few.
Marvelous, obscene child, govts are monopolies.

Yes they are, but aside from the Post Office everything I listed are private companies which some government granted a monopoly to.

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