What exactly is wrong/broken with internet in the US? (Net Neutrality)

The entire opposition to Net Neutrality goes like this: Obama wants it? I dont like it

Why? IDK but I'm sure its gonna be bad

Because the 332 page book of regulations is being kept secret before they pass it.
Why does that not upset anyone? How can you be for it, if you don't know the specifics of what is in it?
If you use more why shouldn't you pay more??

And thats what everyone does not want. There is literally not one upside to it...for the consumers anyway

The price of everything in the consumer world is based on use.

There is no flat fee for unlimited electricity why should there be for bandwidth?
The entire opposition to Net Neutrality goes like this: Obama wants it? I dont like it

Why? IDK but I'm sure its gonna be bad
Exactly as they were programmed by their MessiahRushie!

Leave the Internet Alone!
February 20, 2015
RUSH: Look it, all you need to know is Obama wants it; you should oppose it. It's that simple.

I can't help but laugh at Verizon. Such idiots. They really screwed the pooch with mobile data a while back. They wanted to attract more customers by creating the fastest wireless data network in the country, and paired it with unlimited data packages. But they didn't consider that the logical result would be customers with unlimited data on the fastest wireless network in the country would use gargantuan amounts of data.
The entire opposition to Net Neutrality goes like this: Obama wants it? I dont like it

Why? IDK but I'm sure its gonna be bad

Because the 332 page book of regulations is being kept secret before they pass it.
Why does that not upset anyone? How can you be for it, if you don't know the specifics of what is in it?

The same way you can be against it I guess. But from the plans I've heard from the cable coms there is no benefit in letting them slow down sites or charge for faster lanes to the consumer at all....ever ever ever
If you use more why shouldn't you pay more??

And thats what everyone does not want. There is literally not one upside to it...for the consumers anyway

The price of everything in the consumer world is based on use.

There is no flat fee for unlimited electricity why should there be for bandwidth?

I pay a flat fee to Verizon for unlimited local calls on my landline, and a flat fee to Verizon for unlimited calls on the Verizon wireless network.
The Government needs total control over the dissemination of information, the Internet is a threat to that
The entire opposition to Net Neutrality goes like this: Obama wants it? I dont like it

Why? IDK but I'm sure its gonna be bad
Exactly as they were programmed by their MessiahRushie!

Leave the Internet Alone!
February 20, 2015
RUSH: Look it, all you need to know is Obama wants it; you should oppose it. It's that simple.

At this point every one should be opposed to it, simply because it is being kept from the public.
How can you support this without knowing what exactly those 332 secret pages contain. Are you really that dumb to want the government to pass something
without knowing what it contains? That is like giving a blank check to Bernie Madoff and saying I trust you
The bottom line is this. Internet, all things considered, is a pretty good deal. That's causing a lot of teeth grinding and fist clenching with the providers...

...they can see all that room for squeezing the consumers more before the consumer will object, and they want that.
Its not being "kept" from the public. If it was there wouldnt be 50 million articles about whats in the proposal

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