What exactly is wrong/broken with internet in the US? (Net Neutrality)

Its not being "kept" from the public. If it was there wouldnt be 50 million articles about whats in the proposal
Yes the articles do know there is a bill and they have a general idea of what is in it but not the details. Remember the devil in in the details.

Or that there are 332 pages!!!!!
Have you not been paying attention?
The 332-page final draft FCC order was only delivered to the four other FCC commissioners three weeks ago. When Wheeler delivered the document, he took the unusual step of issuing a “gag order” to prevent its release before the FCC vote.
House Chair Demands Net Neutrality Gag Order Dropped
If you use more why shouldn't you pay more??

And thats what everyone does not want. There is literally not one upside to it...for the consumers anyway

The price of everything in the consumer world is based on use.

There is no flat fee for unlimited electricity why should there be for bandwidth?

I pay a flat fee to Verizon for unlimited local calls on my landline, and a flat fee to Verizon for unlimited calls on the Verizon wireless network.

But you pay a different fee for data.

Data and a phone call are 2 different animals
People it doesn't take 300+ pages of regulations to manage internet bandwidth, and that's just for starters. And why is this 300+ page monstrosity not been released for public review?
And how do you know it is 300+ pages if it hasn't been released yet? Because the same GOP hate radio shock jocks told you it is 300+ pages? The same ones who told you the 906 page PPACA bill was 2700 pages!

Look retard one of the 5 FCC panel members that is voting on this and has read it told us it was 300+ pages. Its ill informed dumb ass liberals like you who should refrain from voting and breeding.
If you use more why shouldn't you pay more??

I'd see that argument working better if I wasn't paying for a couple hundred satellite tv channels I never watch.

Whose fault is that?

Certainly not his... somebody needs to make sure he doesn't have to think for himself.
If you use more why shouldn't you pay more??

And thats what everyone does not want. There is literally not one upside to it...for the consumers anyway

The price of everything in the consumer world is based on use.

There is no flat fee for unlimited electricity why should there be for bandwidth?

I pay a flat fee to Verizon for unlimited local calls on my landline, and a flat fee to Verizon for unlimited calls on the Verizon wireless network.

But you pay a different fee for data.

Data and a phone call are 2 different animals

Jesus.. does he require that his be explained to him?
People it doesn't take 300+ pages of regulations to manage internet bandwidth, and that's just for starters. And why is this 300+ page monstrosity not been released for public review?
And how do you know it is 300+ pages if it hasn't been released yet? Because the same GOP hate radio shock jocks told you it is 300+ pages? The same ones who told you the 906 page PPACA bill was 2700 pages!

Look retard one of the 5 FCC panel members that is voting on this and has read it told us it was 300+ pages. Its ill informed dumb ass liberals like you who should refrain from voting and breeding.
Don't tell me, it was the Republican member!
It'll lead to censorship of content. First, they start with 'hate speech' and expand the definition to cover political dissent. Next step will be using the excuse of national security to ban access to sites they deem causes self-radicalization, etc., etc. The writing is on the wall.

Unfortunately it appears to be in swahili for progressives....

I am finding nothing that amounts to 300 pages. I would surmise that if there is a 300 page document, it is the legal jargon version of the 99 page document I've linked above.
And only 85 pages of the 99 are rules, the rest of the pages are comments from the members for and against.
At the bottom. a link to today's hearing.

The FCC s Net Neutrality Vote Here s What You Need To Know The Two-Way NPR

The proposed rules are pretty lengthy, but from an FCC fact sheet, here are the three things that the rules would ban that matter most to consumers:

"No Blocking: broadband providers may not block access to legal content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.

"No Throttling: broadband providers may not impair or degrade lawful Internet traffic on the basis of content, applications, services, or non-harmful devices.

"No Paid Prioritization: broadband providers may not favor some lawful Internet traffic over other lawful traffic in exchange for consideration — in other words, no 'fast lanes.' This rule also bans ISPs from prioritizing content and services of their affiliates."
DO you guys not realize how fast 33 M actually is?

I can download an entire HBO series, with youtbube streaming Tchkovsky while playing WoW on vent all at the same time, and keeping mozilla open with 15+ extra tabs, and it only costs $40 a month.

So tell me again, what is wrong with the internet in the United States?
and again, how does that faster internet help them compared to our internet?

In all honesty, it not much. Many people don't understand internet speed and how it works. One of the things I always laugh at is when people spend extra money to buy a modem or wireless router because the more expensive one is "faster." Hardware will not make your internet connection faster than whatever speed is traveling through the coax cable. The "slowest" modems and routers nowadays actually handle well more speed than the typical home internet connection (which is going to usually be around 20-25 Mbps). It's even funnier when they take that expensive hardware home and connect it to a splitter so that their cable and internet can run off the same inlet. That splitter just reduced your internet speed by half.

And no matter how fast your internet connection, your internet experience will always be limited by your machine's processing power. Of course, if you're using a laptop with a relatively modest processor connected to a wifi connection at about 15 Mbps you can still watch netflix HD content without any substantial lagging or interruption. But what the hell, let's just pay for more unused capacity anyway!

Once upon a time the internet was very lightweight and came to you over a phone line. One of the keys to skillful design of web pages was to avoid making it too heavy, and too demanding of bandwidth, thus slowing down the user experience. DSL was great because it minimized the loading times. But people are stupid gluttons. The drive for faster and faster internet connections has not substantially improved the user experience. Everyone thinks their internet is slow when the truth is your internet is being bloated out of control. Monstrously bandwidth heavy websites, loaded with an abundance of spyware that collects sellable data about your browsing history and habits, intrusive advertisements and pop-up blocker workarounds, and flashy drag-and-drop "features" are now the new norm. There is so much data that is now crammed into a web page that used to be 2 kilobytes in notepad that so called "high speed" internet in 2015 often takes longer to load a standard page than the internet of 2000.

The only thing faster speed seems to do is to create more room for more bloat.

The only real problem I have with my DSL is what you call, bloated web pages. If they down load a lot of content I usually just give up. Vidoes on those web sites take forever to load. What I do is see if the video is on utube and if it is I watch it on utube with no problems. Netflix is no problem. Downloading a game on the PS3, start and come back in 12 hours.

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