What exactly is wrong/broken with internet in the US? (Net Neutrality)

So all of this so people can watch movies faster? Is that what I am getting out of this?

I suspect that's exactly what you are getting out of this. Because it's what you want to get out of it. Clearly, you have no interest in paying attention to the many points I made about why people support net neutrality, such as...

1. Objections to the fact that consumers are not receiving the product they paid the cable company for (internet at X speed).
2. Concerns about the negative effects on small businesses having to pay for internet visibility after they've already paid for their website and their web based advertisements.
3. Concerns about conflicts of interests where service providers are now also content providers, and are restricting access to alternative content while holding the only means of access to that alternative content, and the fact that this creates an anti-competitive environment that is detrimental to consumers.

Maybe if I actually saw any of that happening then I would be concerned. What I do get when I google is millions of web pages to choose from with some ads on the side. I assumed that the companies in those ads paid to be there just like they pay when I drive down the road and see a bill board.

If a small company is being unfairly chaged or ripped off there are legal venues they can pursue. The government does not have to be the solution to everything.
I was told by a person in my congressmans office that 80% of the traffic on comcast is netflix.
And you are stupid enough to believe your bought and paid for congressman!
CNET claims netflix and YouTube COMBINED make up only 50.31% of the internet traffic, so how can netflix alone take up 80%?

50 percent is still a lot.
Yeah, but it is not 80% and it is not netflix alone. Obviously Comcast has bought and paid for this congressman for him to spread the comcast propaganda. And I'm sure this same lying congressman is against net neutrality.

Just for the record you are right:

Netflix Remains King of Bandwidth Usage While YouTube Declines Variety

The No. 1 subscription VOD service accounted for 34.2% of all downstream usage during primetime hours, up from 31.6% in the second half of 2013, according to network-equipmentvendor Sandvine. Peak period is defined as 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Sandvine’s reports.

YouTube dropped to 13.2% of total peak downstream usage in March from 18.6% in the second half of 2013, according to the report. Amazon Instant Video continues to gain, but still accounts for only 1.9% of downstream traffic vs. 1.6% last fall, while Hulu usage increased slightly from 1.4% to 1.7% share.
I'd like to know who spoonfed edthecynic that 332 pages bullshit lol
Who is the source of all the lies the Right parrots?

February 24, 2015
RUSH: Yes, nobody can see it before they vote on it, and you think this is good? They've got 330 pages of regulations that are going to just take over the Internet.
I'd like to know who spoonfed edthecynic that 332 pages bullshit lol
Who is the source of all the lies the Right parrots?

February 24, 2015
RUSH: Yes, nobody can see it before they vote on it, and you think this is good? They've got 330 pages of regulations that are going to just take over the Internet.

LMAO...This is why the right is constantly talking about the left following talking points to destract from them following talking points lol
How do you know the slow-downs are on the pipes and not at the source/servers of the providers you are using?

I agree, it does not sound like it's an internet speed problem. You can have real time speeds of 1 billionMbps and still lag the fuck out if the server you go too is lazy as chit. She would have to have incredibly low speeds to have that problem, like, just past dialup.
Exactly, the fastest servers I have ever downloaded from, like a system upgrade from Apple, were 3Mbps, so I asked Optimum if they offered a 3 Mbps for less than the 20 Mbps they were charging me for. I pointed out that I am a senior and am the only person using the internet and don't need more than 3 Mbps. But they will only sell me 20 Mbps while only delivering less than 7 Mbps.

The ISPs are crooks, and if you weren't only interested in going against Obama, you would never defend being forced to pay for what you aren't getting.

I do agree with this idea but it doesn't take 300 pages of regs to fix this. Their selling of bandwidth speed sure seems to be a rip off. I am not sure what justifications they have for charging more. Does it take more equipment? Certainly for me one problem is that fiber optics will never come to my house. So my choices are DSL, which I am actually using now because of the cost of cable internet. My DSL works fine for posting and buying on line, not so much for gaming or video downloads although with time even that isn't bad except in comparision.

I am not sure of what are my internet options. What I do know is that for something that the left is trying to convince me is bad, everyone uses. I was at work the other day and on break everyone around me was on the internet looking at videos and such, with their phones. Amazing. I would do the same I think but I don't want to carry a phone that doesn't fit into my pocket.

Better help this debate.

Freewill, this is not about bandwidth or speed but about content.

Net Neturality stops Comcast redirecting all google.com page requests to Comcast serch engine which priotises the search engine to people who pay. That is big corps instead on mom and pop outfits. Comcast can throttle down some sites and push others.
They don't have to tell you like Goggle tell you who is paying today and who is not.

It effectively means you service provider can rig the internet to suit themselves and not tell you. So they have a hotels site they prefer you get that first and major competitors pushed to page 100...
They can also cut down Netflix or Amazon unless they pay. Today they do pay extra for access.

So the Freewill you talk about is taken away from you by your provider in a corporate meeting and you will not be told. So in your world every search of conservative topics could be pointing to liberal websites.
Now commercializing this will allow providers to give out internet at low prices because every time you want to buy something you are pushed to Amazon and the service provider is taking a cut without you knowing.

Net neutralization is about treating all roads on the internet fairly, it is about equal free expression. This is a fight between Telecom operators and content providers, Telecom providers want to be able to control what you can access and content providers want the world to be equal.

I am surprised that GOP has gone against their own principles on this one. I thought they are about fair opportunity for everyone achieve on their own merits, this is the equivalent of black empowerment without good reason.

I was told by a person in my congressmans office that 80% of the traffic on comcast is netflix. All those movie downloads are slowing the system for everyone else. Why shouldn't comcast be able to throttle netflix back to maintain an acceptable experience for their other customers?

One what your congressman said is crap... Netflix is 30% of traffic....
Netflix and YouTube make up majority of US internet traffic new report shows Technology The Guardian

Next you pay Comcast for the service, you want Netflix, so it is your choice. You paid to download movies, why is it any business of anyone including Comcast where you do load that information from? You say you want the government out of the internet but you are happy for comcast to do it to you in secrecy...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Seriously, why is there even a giant FCC ruling and political debate going on about the "freedom of the internet." There is nothing wrong with the fucking internet in the United States. Why on earth do we suddenly need a major government intervention where there is no problem?
The Internet in the US is bullshit. Overpriced, corporate, slow, and often unavailable at any decent speed or at all. Time to grow up, as usual, America.

And by the way, dick nose, the Internet here is just as fast or faster than most of the industrialized world.

Download Speed by Country Net Index from Ookla

Was that video made by Internet companies? That guy is ridiculous. He said if you lowered Internet bandwith, people would go with a different service provider?

Hello! Knock knock!

That Internet provider would simply make people pay more for more bandwidth. If everyone did it, there wouldn't be any place to go. That's how my provider works. It sucks. Make it the same for every one. Service providers would then make more bandwidth available. Let's concentrate on selling services and goods over the Internet. That would make equal footing for everyone. Not charge for communication. Right now, people trying to get ahead are forced out of the market by not being able to pay for a competitive service.

This idea that if you give everyone equal access, then they will take away your right to free speech is about as retarded as any of the other weird and zany conspiracies ignorant right wingers manage to imagine in their little delusional minds. If they spent their time on real issues and problems, instead of the banal, they actually might solve a real problem. How they are brainwashed into defending bullshit, I'll never know. Don't they get it? More bandwidth is even good for them, good for everybody.
Maybe if I actually saw any of that happening then I would be concerned. What I do get when I google is millions of web pages to choose from with some ads on the side. I assumed that the companies in those ads paid to be there just like they pay when I drive down the road and see a bill board.

But it has started happening. Netflix is the best example. Cable companies blocked content that competed with their own content. Consumers who paid for X speed were not getting X speed.

If a small company is being unfairly chaged or ripped off there are legal venues they can pursue. The government does not have to be the solution to everything.

That is an interesting pair of sentences to juxtapose. "Legal venues they can pursue" is government.

But more importantly, there aren't legal venues they can pursue. Not at this point. It's all perfectly legal, and there are no protections or avenues for recourse. That is what supporters of net neutrality are looking for, before it these kinds of practices get out of hand.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Seriously, why is there even a giant FCC ruling and political debate going on about the "freedom of the internet." There is nothing wrong with the fucking internet in the United States. Why on earth do we suddenly need a major government intervention where there is no problem?
u guys put the GOP in charge either by not showing up in the midterm or by voting for them. Now you will see the corporations take over the net.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Seriously, why is there even a giant FCC ruling and political debate going on about the "freedom of the internet." There is nothing wrong with the fucking internet in the United States. Why on earth do we suddenly need a major government intervention where there is no problem?
u guys put the GOP in charge either by not showing up in the midterm or by voting for them. Now you will see the corporations take over the net.

Why did the corporations take over the net in the past 20 years before Obama the Savior came to be President? What about Obama's last six years? Why didn't Obama care about this then?

The internet is fine. It is isn't broke, don't try to fix it.
This is a direct result of the far left lobbying the White House to stop the FCC from reaching a reasonable compromise. The new rules just voted on are very different from the ones the FCC circulated in March for comment. These rules were cooked up at the White House and, of course, the three Democrats on the panel are sheepishly supporting them.
DO you guys not realize how fast 33 M actually is?

I can download an entire HBO series, with youtbube streaming Tchkovsky while playing WoW on vent all at the same time, and keeping mozilla open with 15+ extra tabs, and it only costs $40 a month.

So tell me again, what is wrong with the internet in the United States?

1 - That actually has little to do with internet speed, and is more about processor speed and ram.

2 - It has nothing to do with preserving net neutrality.
This is a direct result of the far left lobbying the White House to stop the FCC from reaching a reasonable compromise. The new rules just voted on are very different from the ones the FCC circulated in March for comment. These rules were cooked up at the White House and, of course, the three Democrats on the panel are sheepishly supporting them.

You see, liberals think it's terrible that some companies and people do better than other companies and people, and of course they assume that the winners are winning by foul play and exploitation. So they want the government to step in and "fix" any sector where this is happening. The problem, of course, is that whengovernment steps in to equalize results, it punishes the best and the brightest to "help" everyone else and ends up making things worse overall.
You see, liberals think it's terrible that some companies and people do better than other companies and people, and of course they assume that the winners are winning by foul play and exploitation. So they want the government to step in and "fix" any sector where this is happening. The problem, of course, is that whengovernment steps in to equalize results, it punishes the best and the brightest to "help" everyone else and ends up making things worse overall.

You seem to be in the wrong thread.
Yup, ugly American moron hater dupes, everythng is great in Reaganist corporate America. See sig and keep those Foxbot blinkers on. We love paying 5x as much as Europe for crap internet! RW idiocy...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Seriously, why is there even a giant FCC ruling and political debate going on about the "freedom of the internet." There is nothing wrong with the fucking internet in the United States. Why on earth do we suddenly need a major government intervention where there is no problem?
u guys put the GOP in charge either by not showing up in the midterm or by voting for them. Now you will see the corporations take over the net.

Why did the corporations take over the net in the past 20 years before Obama the Savior came to be President? What about Obama's last six years? Why didn't Obama care about this then?

The internet is fine. It is isn't broke, don't try to fix it.
Not a fix a takeover. The american people have spoken when they didn't show up and vote.
Yup, ugly American moron hater dupes, everythng is great in Reaganist corporate America. See sig and keep those Foxbot blinkers on. We love paying 5x as much as Europe for crap internet! RW idiocy...

crap internet? Are you still using this?


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