What happened the LAST time we hit the National Debt Ceiling?

So you're not contending that the Federal Government needs to find new investors to pay off the old investors?

You have a severe reading comprehension disability
That's the spirit when faced with a question you cannot answer resort to vague, non sequitur personal attacks, it keeps you from having to face the reality that your logic is flawed.

I believe preserving the bank accounts of Americans is a good reason.
A good reason for continuing a ponzi scheme?

Do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is?

Using your rational we should have just let Bernie keep on truckin' , after all it was cruel letting those investors in on the fact that they were broke, could have let them go on fat, dumb & happy for at least a few more years.

I'm guessing your checking account is empty, otherwise you would be more concerned about the possibility of it vaporizing overnight.
Either that or I've managed to face reality and plan accordingly. :dunno:

I'm very sorry you have no bank deposits. Get a job.
Do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is?
Of course not , I'm waiting for you to explain it so I can point out the flaws in your logic, after all, it was so much fun the first time.

I'm very sorry you have no bank deposits. Get a job.

Yes of course, I don't know what I was thinking, instead of planning for the worst and hoping for the best, I should adopt your strategy of hoping for the best and planning for a miracle. :rolleyes:
Do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is?
Of course not
Then why did you use the term?
, I'm waiting for you to explain it so I can point out the flaws in your logic, after all, it was so much fun the first time.
Do you have the internet?

Yes of course, I don't know what I was thinking, instead of planning for the worst and hoping for the best, I should adopt your strategy of hoping for the best and planning for a miracle. :rolleyes:

I'm not really sure how you equate your not having any bank deposits as "planning for the worse"
Wow! That has never happened before!! This is the first time in American history when the debt ceiling was raised and spending increased!!!! Alert the media!

.. Two police officers apprehend a serial killer mid-homicide, first cops says "let's put this guy in prison so he can never do this again!", second cop says "It's nothing to worry about, he does this all the time".

Guess which cop you get to play in the made for television movie?

Bad analogy. Try again. It would be more like the first cop saying, "Let's arrest this murderer because he likes the Mets, even though we have been letting Yankee fans who are murderers go."

Upset I didn't buy into the narrow frame the OP was trying to get us to view this issue in, eh? As if this was something new, uniquely Obama-esque. As if he was the first serial killer in history. But when we pull back and look at the big picture, we find a whole landscape of red and blue serial killers.
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Do you even know what a Ponzi scheme is?
Of course not
Then why did you use the term?
Probably something to do with the fact that it fit the circumstances, then again I could have just been channeling Ivar Krueger, still waiting to hear your explanation though. :popcorn:

Do you have the internet?
No, what's "the interent" ? never heard of it.

I'm not really sure how you equate your not having any bank deposits as "planning for the worse"

Surely you can do better than that, if you're going attempt to insult people it's common courteousy to at least make an effort to actually BE INSULTING.
It is really unfortunate we do not hold our own side accountable to its own principles. We really need to start calling out the hypocricies. When Bush and the Republican House and Senate began doubling the national debt, they should have been roundly rejected. The hue and cry should have been deafening...from the Right.

The Right lost all its moral high ground on fiscal conservatism during the Bush years.

The Right also lost its moral high ground on marriage with the serial adulterers we have tolerated. Hell, the GOP just elevated an adulterous Governor to national office! It takes a lot of nerve to lecture about the sacredness of marriage in light of all that garbage.

I don't think there is really anything left to the right wing any more. It's all gone. We willfully gave it all up.

For worldly power.
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Wow! That has never happened before!! This is the first time in American history when the debt ceiling was raised and spending increased!!!! Alert the media!

.. Two police officers apprehend a serial killer mid-homicide, first cops says "let's put this guy in prison so he can never do this again!", second cop says "It's nothing to worry about, he does this all the time".

Guess which cop you get to play in the made for television movie?

Bad analogy. Try again. It would be more like the first cop saying, "Let's arrest this murderer because he likes the Mets, even though we have been letting Yankee fans who are murderers go."
OIC, you were trying to point out the hypocrisy, no offense but your irony was just a smidgeon outside on that pitch, besides IMHO my analogy was more humorous.

......But fair is fair, so, you get to play the lovable but slightly eccentric assistant DA in the made for television movie. :razz:
Expressing a preference for genuine responsibility is suddenly the new liberoidal way of saying, "you want to bankrupt the checking accounts of Americans!"

What transparently dishonest bullshit rhetoric.
It is really unfortunate we do not hold our own side accountable to its own principles.
That's a good point, one of these days I'm going to find me a side so I can beat it about the head & ears with it's own principles. :D

We really need to start calling out the hypocricies. When Bush and the Republican House and Senate began doubling the national debt, they should have been roundly rejected. The hue and cry should have been deafening...from the Right.

The Right lost all its moral high ground on fiscal conservatism during the Bush years.

The Right also lost its moral high ground on marriage with the serial adulterers we have tolerated. Hell, the GOP just elevated an adulterous Governor to national office! It takes a lot of nerve to lecture about the sacredness of marriage in light of all that garbage.

I don't think there is really anything left to the right wing any more. It's all gone. We willfully gave it all up.

For worldly power.
I agree, but on the other hand the behavior on "the left" has been just as reprehensible.
Um, Obama got us downgraded, then stopped all White House Tours?

The agency that downgraded us stated that they did so based on the actions of the R party. But, you are welcome to your fantasies.


There's really no excuse for what the GObP/Repub party has done to this country. They said they were going to bring down the US, that they would stop Obama from doing the job we elected him to do and that's what they've done.

They have refused to do their own job and that in itself is pretty laughable when you consider they're on vacation two thirds of the year.

Now, they're getting ready to screw us over again and again, they will blame President Obama for the damage they do.

There was a time when I voted Republican. Not anymore. The more I read and see of them, the more certain I am that the Republican party no longer works for the USA.

Um, Obama got us downgraded, then stopped all White House Tours?

The agency that downgraded us stated that they did so based on the actions of the R party. But, you are welcome to your fantasies. * * * *

^ untrue. But coming from Muddly Dullwit, honesty isn't ever expected.

In truth, what S&P DID say was (to summarize):

"More broadly, the downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges to a degree more than we envisioned when we assigned a negative outlook to the rating on April 18, 2011. Since then, we have changed our view of the difficulties in bridging the gulf between the political parties over fiscal policy, which makes us pessimistic about the capacity of Congress and the Administration to be able to leverage their agreement this week into a broader fiscal consolidation plan that stabilizes the government's debt dynamics any time soon."[14]

"The political brinksmanship of recent months highlights what we see as America's governance and policymaking becoming less stable, less effective, and less predictable than what we previously believed. The statutory debt ceiling and the threat of default have become political bargaining chips in the debate over fiscal policy. Despite this year's wide-ranging debate, in our view, the differences between political parties have proven to be extraordinarily difficult to bridge, and, as we see it, the resulting agreement fell well short of the comprehensive fiscal consolidation program that some proponents had envisaged until quite recently. Republicans and Democrats have only been able to agree to relatively modest savings on discretionary spending while delegating to the Select Committee decisions on more comprehensive measures. It appears that for now, new revenues have dropped down on the menu of policy options. In addition, the plan envisions only minor policy changes on Medicare and little change in other entitlements, the containment of which we and most other independent observers regard as key to long-term fiscal sustainability."[14]
-- Lifted from Icky Wiki. United States federal government credit-rating downgrade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It cites to a dead link, BUT via a link trail one can easily get to S&P | United States of America Long-Term Rating Lowered To 'AA+' Due To Political Risks, Rising Debt Burden; Outlook Negative | Americas

In short, Muddly dullwit is just a lame ass dishonest hack, a pitiable liar.
Considering that never before had a party actually made raising the ceiling into a crisis that caused economic harm, let alone 1% cut in growth for 2 years, it's obvious to the whole world except brainwashed Pub dupe ignoramuses who was at fault. DER (Boehner: "I got 98% of what I wanted:...)
Considering that never before had a party actually made raising the ceiling into a crisis that caused economic harm, let alone 1% cut in growth for 2 years, it's obvious to the whole world except brainwashed Pub dupe ignoramuses who was at fault. DER (Boehner: "I got 98% of what I wanted:...)

^ the pathetic imbecility of modern American "liberal" political "philosophy" is on display.

Those morons (assholes like FrancoTub) see NOTHING at all amiss in a SERIES of ever increasing debt "ceilings."

These lolberals are clearly unable to think anything through.
Um, Obama got us downgraded, then stopped all White House Tours?

Downgraded by who?

The folks who assess debt risks.

"The folks"? lol. Which ones would that be? The people buying and selling the bonds? Or the people who gave Lehman Bros. debt an investment grade rating just before they filed for bankruptcy? You actually take the credit rating agencies seriously after 2009? Really?
Considering that never before had a party actually made raising the ceiling into a crisis that caused economic harm, let alone 1% cut in growth for 2 years, it's obvious to the whole world except brainwashed Pub dupe ignoramuses who was at fault. DER (Boehner: "I got 98% of what I wanted:...)

^ the pathetic imbecility of modern American "liberal" political "philosophy" is on display.

Those morons (assholes like FrancoTub) see NOTHING at all amiss in a SERIES of ever increasing debt "ceilings."

These lolberals are clearly unable to think anything through.

What's amazing is you see nothing wrong with zeroing out the bank deposits of hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans just because some tea bagger told you it would be fun.
Considering that never before had a party actually made raising the ceiling into a crisis that caused economic harm, let alone 1% cut in growth for 2 years, it's obvious to the whole world except brainwashed Pub dupe ignoramuses who was at fault. DER (Boehner: "I got 98% of what I wanted:...)

^ the pathetic imbecility of modern American "liberal" political "philosophy" is on display.

Those morons (assholes like FrancoTub) see NOTHING at all amiss in a SERIES of ever increasing debt "ceilings."

These lolberals are clearly unable to think anything through.

What's amazing is you see nothing wrong with zeroing out the bank deposits of hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans just because some tea bagger told you it would be fun.

Not half as amazing as the complete lack of truth value in your claim.

Whoever gives you lolberals your talking pointlesses is very deficient on "fact checking." Either that or lying is just not a thing they care about doing.
Downgraded by who?

The folks who assess debt risks.

"The folks"? lol. Which ones would that be? The people buying and selling the bonds? Or the people who gave Lehman Bros. debt an investment grade rating just before they filed for bankruptcy? You actually take the credit rating agencies seriously after 2009? Really?

Are you always that stupid or is this just a new technique for you, you ass clown joke?

The "folks" included S&P.

Try to keep up, ya asshole.
OooPooPahDoo said:
Do you have the internet?
No, what's "the interent" ? never heard of it.

I've never heard of "the interent", either. I asked if you had "the internet", you blubbering fucking idiot.

That's the best you can do, a typo? Why does it not surprise me that pettiness is included among your plethora of obvious character flaws. :lol:

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