What happened the LAST time we hit the National Debt Ceiling?

^ the pathetic imbecility of modern American "liberal" political "philosophy" is on display.

Those morons (assholes like FrancoTub) see NOTHING at all amiss in a SERIES of ever increasing debt "ceilings."

These lolberals are clearly unable to think anything through.

What's amazing is you see nothing wrong with zeroing out the bank deposits of hundreds of thousands to millions of Americans just because some tea bagger told you it would be fun.

Not half as amazing as the complete lack of truth value in your claim.

Whoever gives you lolberals your talking pointlesses is very deficient on "fact checking." Either that or lying is just not a thing they care about doing.

You evidently are not aware that your bank account is insured by funds which are almost exclusively invested in U.S. Treasuries. If U.S. Treasuries fail, that means your bank account - and mine - is no longer insured. And although this very fact alone will be enough to trigger a bank run, the additional fact that large portions of bank deposits themselves are invested in U.S. Treasuries guarantees it.
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The folks who assess debt risks.

"The folks"? lol. Which ones would that be? The people buying and selling the bonds? Or the people who gave Lehman Bros. debt an investment grade rating just before they filed for bankruptcy? You actually take the credit rating agencies seriously after 2009? Really?

Are you always that stupid or is this just a new technique for you, you ass clown joke?

The "folks" included S&P.

Try to keep up, ya asshole.

Is that the same S&P that gave AAA ratings to subprime garbage?

The same S&P that rated Lehman debt as "A" until the very day Lehman filed bankruptcy and who had them as "AAA" a quarter before?

OK. Why should we trust those guys exactly? Seems like they're idiots when it comes to rating credit, wouldn't you say? They're at least not any better than the average joe who can read a fucking newspaper.

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