What happened to honor, integrity, manners in people and politics?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

You truly are naïve and ignorant of American history.

Members of Congress and the Administration today are considerably more representative of Americans than in the 19th Century.

During the 19th Century and before, Congress and the WH were for the most part the sole purview of the wealthy and social elite; and indeed of only white Christian men.

You’d be well-advised to stop dwelling on contrived reactionary fantasies about an idealized American past that never actually existed and instead study and learn the truth of America’s past.
Yes, Gracie, it is. If someone would come in, would we be able to identify him or her?
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

It really is sad. Decency is gone and replaced with vicious rhetoric. Wholesome tv shows are gone and replaced with the sleazy reality shows. Not a sign of intelligence on any of them.

The childish attitudes and trashy words from politicians mirrors the trashy people on reality shows that bring in large audiences.

It's the dumbing down of America where respect for others was the first casualty. Morals are disappearing, as well.

Liberals love this shit. Stupid people are far easier to control than those who understand what the American dream really means. I often hear that freedom has been replaced with freebies. It's so true. Eloquent and meaningful language has been replaced with cheap talk and empty promises.

Why do you think so many think Obama is so smart just because he can read off a teleprompter? They hear someone who sounds intelligent (to them, anyway) offering them more government aid and they think he's a god. When they hear the right talking about success coming through hard work, they freak out. Work is no fun and, besides, they've been promised care from cradle to grave for doing nothing.

We don't have the pride among the people like we used to. We don't have people growing up learning valuable lessons, like there is no such thing as a free lunch and it's wrong to take advantage of other people. Now, thanks to politicians buying votes through government dependence, many believe they are entitled to everything by virtue of being born.

All liberal laws and programs start with the premise that people are idiots and need to be told how to live. Sad part is, many of their supporters really are as dumb as a box of rocks, so they are impressed when "smart" politicians set guidelines for every aspect of their lives. Hey, as long as the giverment money comes each month, they'll abide by anything- except work.

Our honor, integrity and pride has been attacked for years. Those qualities stood in the way of those wanting to shred our constitution and create a population of mind numbed idiots that are willing to cede freedom and liberty for an EBT card.

We are nearly at 50% idiots vs the true patriots who realize why America was the most successful country. As we slide down the path of liberalism and lose the qualities that once made us great, there is no solace in knowing that too many Republicans thought getting along with the enemies of our constitution was more important than fighting them.
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Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

You truly are naïve and ignorant of American history.

Members of Congress and the Administration today are considerably more representative of Americans than in the 19th Century.

During the 19th Century and before, Congress and the WH were for the most part the sole purview of the wealthy and social elite; and indeed of only white Christian men.

You’d be well-advised to stop dwelling on contrived reactionary fantasies about an idealized American past that never actually existed and instead study and learn the truth of America’s past.

That chip on your shoulder is really showing.
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

You truly are naïve and ignorant of American history.

Members of Congress and the Administration today are considerably more representative of Americans than in the 19th Century.

During the 19th Century and before, Congress and the WH were for the most part the sole purview of the wealthy and social elite; and indeed of only white Christian men.

You’d be well-advised to stop dwelling on contrived reactionary fantasies about an idealized American past that never actually existed and instead study and learn the truth of America’s past.

I'm not that naïve. Human nature being what it is, a person will play politics, but I can expect someone not to be a thief, adulterer, outright scam artist and be basically honest and have some integrity.

What I would be looking for is a man who could be held to his word with other nations (integrity)....
A man who main purpose in his life for the years he is in service of the nation is to be a statesman and make a difference for the country(focused, a sense of purpose)...
An exceedingly bright man with a great background in history and perhaps economics(well educated)...
A warm charming person who can be witty and welcoming to those who are uncomfortable(comforting)...
A man who will tell the details of a plan when they are not easy or popular to say(honesty)...
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

It really is sad. Decency is gone and replaced with vicious rhetoric. Wholesome tv shows are gone and replaced with the sleazy reality shows. Not a sign of intelligence on any of them.

The childish attitudes and trashy words from politicians mirrors the trashy people on reality shows that bring in large audiences.

It's the dumbing down of America where respect for others was the first casualty. Morals are disappearing, as well.

Liberals love this shit. Stupid people are far easier to control than those who understand what the American dream really means. I often hear that freedom has been replaced with freebies. It's so true. Eloquent and meaningful language has been replaced with cheap talk and empty promises.

Why do you think so many think Obama is so smart just because he can read off a teleprompter? They hear someone who sounds intelligent (to them, anyway) offering them more government aid and they think he's a god. When they hear the right talking about success coming through hard work, they freak out. Work is no fun and, besides, they've been promised care from cradle to grave for doing nothing.

We don't have the pride among the people like we used to. We don't have people growing up learning valuable lessons, like there is no such thing as a free lunch and it's wrong to take advantage of other people. Now, thanks to politicians buying votes through government dependence, many believe they are entitled to everything by virtue of being born.

All liberal laws and programs start with the premise that people are idiots and need to be told how to live. Sad part is, many of their supporters really are as dumb as a box of rocks, so they are impressed when "smart" politicians set guidelines for every aspect of their lives. Hey, as long as the giverment money comes each month, they'll abide by anything- except work.

Our honor, integrity and pride has been attacked for years. Those qualities stood in the way of those wanting to shred our constitution and create a population of mind numbed idiots that are willing to cede freedom and liberty for an EBT card.

We are nearly at 50% idiots vs the true patriots who realize why America was the most successful country. As we slide down the path of liberalism and lose the qualities that once made us great, there is no solace in knowing that too many Republicans thought getting along with the enemies of our constitution was more important than fighting them.

Clementine, you said that very well! Thank you! I'm not alone in my feelings.
We've allowed government to grow too large. The Founding Fathers should have put limits on it's rate of growth. Too late now. We created a monster and now it's turning on us.
what happened? liberalism
manners, honesty, integrity and morality has since went down the drain
mist of the time it is offensive to some and has become un PC
OP- The new bs GOP, thanks to Newt Gingrich and the bs talking points, big lie endless attacks on liberal everything, never say a word against other GOP, lies and never apologize for anything, then the greedy idiot billionnaire Pub propaganda machine churning out mindless brainwashed zombie loudmouths, total lack of respect for education and intelligence...

Society as a whole- Not so bad really, just those loudmouth racist angry white men again, and their stupid money grubbing kids...lol- Killing the nonrich under Reaganism hurts too. Great job, Pubbies.
OP- The new bs GOP, thanks to Newt Gingrich and the bs talking points, big lie endless attacks on liberal everything, never say a word against other GOP, lies and never apologize for anything, then the greedy idiot billionnaire Pub propaganda machine churning out mindless brainwashed zombie loudmouths, total lack of respect for education and intelligence...

Society as a whole- Not so bad really, just those loudmouth racist angry white men again, and their stupid money grubbing kids...lol- Killing the nonrich under Reaganism hurts too. Great job, Pubbies.

Funny, I was going to say the direct opposite. OWS, many liberals and their lower class talking points that excuse mannerless ways, dishonesty, non working individuals, kids having babies and going on welfare, immigration and amnesty.

Conservatives want kids to stay in school and wait to have families, GOP do not stand behind GOP congressmen or women who get themselves in trouble, angry whitle men???lol? I just hate it when there's a white man who is founf guilty of something and those angry white men go looting and get those big TV's!!!! LOL!

Franco, I'm trying to be nice when I say this, but you are a waste of time.
I care about your opinion, brainwashed hater dupe. LOL. BLAME PUB VICTIMS MUCH...MEMORIZE SIG, PARA 1, and change the gd channel. lol.

I care about your opinion, brainwashed hater dupe. LOL. BLAME PUB VICTIMS MUCH...MEMORIZE SIG, PARA 1, and change the gd channel. lol.


Thank you for your response.
OP- The new bs GOP, thanks to Newt Gingrich and the bs talking points, big lie endless attacks on liberal everything, never say a word against other GOP, lies and never apologize for anything, then the greedy idiot billionnaire Pub propaganda machine churning out mindless brainwashed zombie loudmouths, total lack of respect for education and intelligence...

Society as a whole- Not so bad really, just those loudmouth racist angry white men again, and their stupid money grubbing kids...lol- Killing the nonrich under Reaganism hurts too. Great job, Pubbies.

Funny, I was going to say the direct opposite. OWS, many liberals and their lower class talking points that excuse mannerless ways, dishonesty, non working individuals, kids having babies and going on welfare, immigration and amnesty.

Conservatives want kids to stay in school and wait to have families, GOP do not stand behind GOP congressmen or women who get themselves in trouble, angry whitle men???lol? I just hate it when there's a white man who is founf guilty of something and those angry white men go looting and get those big TV's!!!! LOL!

Franco, I'm trying to be nice when I say this, but you are a waste of time.

I no longer respond to Franco..he's a dyed in the wool leftist fanatic bullshitter.
The guy would not know a fact if it was setting fire to the seat of his trousers.

Our "leaders" (cough) are ultimately a reflection of ourselves.

And by and large, we've become a population of shallow, intellectually incurious narcissists who care far more about cheap fame, easy money and contrived image than in practicing modesty, responsibility, self-reflection and courtesy.

So what would we expect?

Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

You truly are naïve and ignorant of American history.

Members of Congress and the Administration today are considerably more representative of Americans than in the 19th Century.

During the 19th Century and before, Congress and the WH were for the most part the sole purview of the wealthy and social elite; and indeed of only white Christian men.

You’d be well-advised to stop dwelling on contrived reactionary fantasies about an idealized American past that never actually existed and instead study and learn the truth of America’s past.

While that time in history was far from perfect, it's unfortunate that some would want to marginalize the impact that those "wealthy white Christian men" had on forming the foundation of our great nation.
Here's a fact for you.

Our current President has absolutely taken the high road and attempted to keep the conversation elevated while in office. He has done so in the face of historic levels f opposition and disrespect for the office that he holds.

I'm guessing some of you see it differently.

Personal responsibility, folks. Try some.
Here's a fact for you.

Our current President has absolutely taken the high road and attempted to keep the conversation elevated while in office. He has done so in the face of historic levels f opposition and disrespect for the office that he holds.

I'm guessing some of you see it differently.

Personal responsibility, folks. Try some.

He has chosen his roads cleverly, and he's made remarks when they suit his purpose that are far from elevated. I don't see how he's any more opposed and disrespected than Bush.

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