What happened to honor, integrity, manners in people and politics?

what happened, look at the elected Democrats in office today and all the vile names they called the people just over the, government shutdown...

that's what happened, they have been breeding hate and divide for a lot of years...We watched it's sickening display all through the Bush President

and now in ride's the biggest hater and divider of all times, Obama

all the things you asked in the title, are long gone in this day and age...

it's a sad party of reality
True, with the actual split occurring at the end of Vietnam and during the 70s, when conservatives codified such idiocy as the ‘liberal media,’ blaming factual news accounts of the failed war in SE Asia as the reason why America lost that war. Shortly thereafter we see the rise of the social right, Christian fundamentalism as a political force, and the implementation of the republican Southern Strategy – all predicated on demonizing liberals and blaming them for all the world’s evils.

And the right continues to use that ignorant, bombastic rhetoric to this day.

Indeed, there are many younger conservatives and republicans who know only that hate and bombast, and are incapable of civil, pragmatic discourse as a consequence.

The proof of this can be found in the House among TPM republicans, and posters on this very forum, and in this very thread.

Wow ... That is a cool theory.

I always thought it was a product of the 60's with the birth of the "perpetual excuse" for failure ... The rapid expansion of fast food restaurants and immediate gratification ... Along with the population's shift towards an inflated sense of self worth.


It is this generation of liberals that created the element of 'self esteem'..
When I hear that term, it takes on the same irritating grind of fingernails dragging across a chalk board.

When I read your posts I hear the same sound.

"Self-esteem" has nothing to do with politics. Liberal or otherwise.
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

It really is sad. Decency is gone and replaced with vicious rhetoric. Wholesome tv shows are gone and replaced with the sleazy reality shows. Not a sign of intelligence on any of them.

The childish attitudes and trashy words from politicians mirrors the trashy people on reality shows that bring in large audiences.

It's the dumbing down of America where respect for others was the first casualty. Morals are disappearing, as well.

Liberals love this shit.

Clementine, you said that very well! Thank you! I'm not alone in my feelings.


Never has there been a greater example of the "party of stupid"
Here's a rule of POLITICS that I suspect few of you truly understand:

You cannot shame people without honor
Here's a rule of POLITICS that I suspect few of you truly understand:

You cannot shame people without honor

Poor Candycorn....She just doesn't get it. We'll just leave her alone...
I see this pity party is still going on. All one need do is get copies of Newspapers from the early 1800's through to when TV took over to see that hate whining name calling and filth have ALWAYS been part of politics. The only exception being Washington.
What happened to honor, integrity, manners in people and politics?
It went out the window with respect for the American people, respect for the office of the president, respect for the sick and dying, respect for the homeless, respect for the elderly, respect for women's rights, and respect for education. All in the name of Tea Party bigotry and their fascist philosophy.
What happened to honor, integrity, manners in people and politics?
It went out the window with respect for the American people, respect for the office of the president, respect for the sick and dying, respect for the homeless, respect for the elderly, respect for women's rights, and respect for education. All in the name of Tea Party bigotry and their fascist philosophy.

So are you saying that someone's position, health, wealth, age, gender or education ... Have anything to do with whether or not they should be respected?
If so ... I am totally pissed off that I thought there was a lot more required to earn the true respect of others ... And I have been busting my ass for yet another thing other people think they are just entitled to.

Damn I am stupid ... I surrender, because I didn't know respect was free ...

What happened to honor, integrity, manners in people and politics?
It went out the window with respect for the American people, respect for the office of the president, respect for the sick and dying, respect for the homeless, respect for the elderly, respect for women's rights, and respect for education. All in the name of Tea Party bigotry and their fascist philosophy.

you must of just been born under the Dear leader huh?
so you don't know anything that went under Bush and all the respect he got shown, and the TEA PARTY wasn't around then...
good grief...seriously, the Tea party are all the older, seniors, who are the sick and dying, some are probably homeless, womens rights they were probably around to vote for them to have rights to vote,..... respect for education?....that is so stupid but it's a shame you don't HAVE RESPECT for those very people in your post... who have been around this government before you were even a twinkle in your parents eyes....
but you are a good little sheep follower
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Here's some examples of what happened to all those





Durbin defends Facebook post alleging GOP leader's Obama remark

By Mario Trujillo - 10/28/13 12:24 PM ET
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) on Monday defended his decision not to remove a Facebook post alleging that a GOP House leader told President Obama “I cannot even stand to look at you,” saying he would have been accused of trying to run away from his statement.

Instead, after the White House took the blame for passing along incorrect information last week, Durbin updated his Facebook wall and urged people to move beyond the incident.

“If I had pulled it off, they would have said ‘You’re trying to run away from it,’” Durbin said at an event in Chicago, according to Bloomberg News.

Durbin made some of his first public comments since the incident drew rebuke from House Republicans, who demanded a retraction and an apology.

Read more: Durbin defends Facebook post alleging GOP leader's Obama remark - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
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[ame=http://youtu.be/wfl55GgHr5E]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
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Members of Congress and the Administration today are considerably more representative of Americans than in the 19th Century.

During the 19th Century and before, Congress and the WH were for the most part the sole purview of the wealthy and social elite; and indeed of only white Christian men.

So basically what you are saying is that white Christian men had better manners than the Congress and the WH we have today.

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