What happened to honor, integrity, manners in people and politics?

Benghazi, Fast and Furious, sticking the IRS on conservatives, accusing Romney of killing some guys wife, all the racial rhetoric, etc.......Gotta love the liberal definition of the "high road"...... :thup:

Nice list. Where'd ya get it?

A much more reliable source than where you got your list of events/issues Obama has taken the high road on.....

Well then.....you must be a winner! Great job! I am going to steer clear of you from now on. I can't handle another beat down like that! Whew!
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

You truly are naïve and ignorant of American history.

Members of Congress and the Administration today are considerably more representative of Americans than in the 19th Century.

During the 19th Century and before, Congress and the WH were for the most part the sole purview of the wealthy and social elite; and indeed of only white Christian men.

You’d be well-advised to stop dwelling on contrived reactionary fantasies about an idealized American past that never actually existed and instead study and learn the truth of America’s past.

I'm not that naïve. Human nature being what it is, a person will play politics, but I can expect someone not to be a thief, adulterer, outright scam artist and be basically honest and have some integrity.

What I would be looking for is a man who could be held to his word with other nations (integrity)....
A man who main purpose in his life for the years he is in service of the nation is to be a statesman and make a difference for the country(focused, a sense of purpose)...
An exceedingly bright man with a great background in history and perhaps economics(well educated)...
A warm charming person who can be witty and welcoming to those who are uncomfortable(comforting)...
A man who will tell the details of a plan when they are not easy or popular to say(honesty)...

But CCJ's right though. This idyllic fantasy of life as a Norman Rockwell painting where men and women are genteel and children are little angels is just that --fantasy. The reality in those times, for all the mythology, was that those statesmen (and they were always men) were liars, cheaters, drunks, rapists, child molesters, adulterers and outright scam artists just as much as they are now, if not more so because they could more easily get away with it. And the children were commonly exploited, monetarily by their employers, physically by their own parents. You had a Congressman attack a Senator with a cane and then brandish a pistol on the Senate floor. You had a sitting Vice President shoot and kill an ex-Cabinet member.

Aspirations for the future are all well and good but don't delude yourself that the past was some romantic black-and-white episode of Lassie. Human nature doesn't change that much. And I guarantee you, pick any point in that past, strap in your time machine and go there, and you'll find the people of the day waxing wistful in the same way about their own past.
Nice list. Where'd ya get it?

A much more reliable source than where you got your list of events/issues Obama has taken the high road on.....

Well then.....you must be a winner! Great job! I am going to steer clear of you from now on. I can't handle another beat down like that! Whew!

No need for deflection, you think Obama is sooper dooper swell and everything he says is gospel, we get it..... :thup:
A much more reliable source than where you got your list of events/issues Obama has taken the high road on.....

Well then.....you must be a winner! Great job! I am going to steer clear of you from now on. I can't handle another beat down like that! Whew!

No need for deflection, you think Obama is sooper dooper swell and everything he says is gospel, we get it..... :thup:

What deflection? You owned me. Uncle! Uncle!
I see what was a thoughtful OP has turned into the good ole' finger pointing by both sides of the aisle,,again. The truth of the matter is that both sides are guilty and innocent. Why can't each side get familiar with the term "personal responsibility" and accept that their side isn't pristine and innocent. Facts just plain don't back that up.
Also, is it possible to ever have a thread that is not meant to flame and it stays that way with intelligent thoughtful posts?
I'm sure glad America isn't as polarized as this board.
Thanks for your time.

Can’t agree with you there.

It was a comprehensively ignorant post, nothing more than a reactionary rightist whining about how ‘terrible’ things are today and how ‘wonderful’ things were in the good old days.
When I look at how much snark, smack, posturing and trash talk has been coming out of DC since 2010?


Well? Consider the source.
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

You really need to research the political goings on from the start till now. You live in a fantasy world.
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

It really is sad. Decency is gone and replaced with vicious rhetoric. Wholesome tv shows are gone and replaced with the sleazy reality shows. Not a sign of intelligence on any of them.

The childish attitudes and trashy words from politicians mirrors the trashy people on reality shows that bring in large audiences.

It's the dumbing down of America where respect for others was the first casualty. Morals are disappearing, as well.

Liberals love this shit. Stupid people are far easier to control than those who understand what the American dream really means. I often hear that freedom has been replaced with freebies. It's so true. Eloquent and meaningful language has been replaced with cheap talk and empty promises.

Why do you think so many think Obama is so smart just because he can read off a teleprompter? They hear someone who sounds intelligent (to them, anyway) offering them more government aid and they think he's a god. When they hear the right talking about success coming through hard work, they freak out. Work is no fun and, besides, they've been promised care from cradle to grave for doing nothing.

We don't have the pride among the people like we used to. We don't have people growing up learning valuable lessons, like there is no such thing as a free lunch and it's wrong to take advantage of other people. Now, thanks to politicians buying votes through government dependence, many believe they are entitled to everything by virtue of being born.

All liberal laws and programs start with the premise that people are idiots and need to be told how to live. Sad part is, many of their supporters really are as dumb as a box of rocks, so they are impressed when "smart" politicians set guidelines for every aspect of their lives. Hey, as long as the giverment money comes each month, they'll abide by anything- except work.

Our honor, integrity and pride has been attacked for years. Those qualities stood in the way of those wanting to shred our constitution and create a population of mind numbed idiots that are willing to cede freedom and liberty for an EBT card.

We are nearly at 50% idiots vs the true patriots who realize why America was the most successful country. As we slide down the path of liberalism and lose the qualities that once made us great, there is no solace in knowing that too many Republicans thought getting along with the enemies of our constitution was more important than fighting them.

It will be no consolation for you but most of the Western world has suffered a similar decline.

There are, though, a few glimmers of light. The Australians recently through out K Rudd, a socialist and a nasty piece of work. And voted in Abbott, good guy, anti- warmist and slayer of PC.
You've posed a question that is most difficult to answer.

It is true that much of our past is shaded in memories that filter out the unwelcome.

It is also true that we have daily indoctrination today that tells us competition is uncivil and that equality in all respect is humane and socially acceptable.

How can people respect others when they have been taught not to respect themselves?

It is like people no longer understand that honor and integrity are both gifts you give yourself.
In most cases they have nothing to do with what anyone else does or thinks about it.


What a wise remark. We who are honest want to feel good about ourselves, the best of motivations.
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

It really is sad. Decency is gone and replaced with vicious rhetoric. Wholesome tv shows are gone and replaced with the sleazy reality shows. Not a sign of intelligence on any of them.

The childish attitudes and trashy words from politicians mirrors the trashy people on reality shows that bring in large audiences.

It's the dumbing down of America where respect for others was the first casualty. Morals are disappearing, as well.

Liberals love this shit. Stupid people are far easier to control than those who understand what the American dream really means. I often hear that freedom has been replaced with freebies. It's so true. Eloquent and meaningful language has been replaced with cheap talk and empty promises.

Why do you think so many think Obama is so smart just because he can read off a teleprompter? They hear someone who sounds intelligent (to them, anyway) offering them more government aid and they think he's a god. When they hear the right talking about success coming through hard work, they freak out. Work is no fun and, besides, they've been promised care from cradle to grave for doing nothing.

We don't have the pride among the people like we used to. We don't have people growing up learning valuable lessons, like there is no such thing as a free lunch and it's wrong to take advantage of other people. Now, thanks to politicians buying votes through government dependence, many believe they are entitled to everything by virtue of being born.

All liberal laws and programs start with the premise that people are idiots and need to be told how to live. Sad part is, many of their supporters really are as dumb as a box of rocks, so they are impressed when "smart" politicians set guidelines for every aspect of their lives. Hey, as long as the giverment money comes each month, they'll abide by anything- except work.

Our honor, integrity and pride has been attacked for years. Those qualities stood in the way of those wanting to shred our constitution and create a population of mind numbed idiots that are willing to cede freedom and liberty for an EBT card.

We are nearly at 50% idiots vs the true patriots who realize why America was the most successful country. As we slide down the path of liberalism and lose the qualities that once made us great, there is no solace in knowing that too many Republicans thought getting along with the enemies of our constitution was more important than fighting them.

See, you started the thread off on the right track and it actually had merit, and then you started your diatribe against "stupid liberals". The true vitriol in American politics began when Republicans started bashing Clinton. In return Dems bashed the crap out of GW, and with Obama it has gone from bad to worse as Republicans have become so vindictive it is tearing this country apart. All one need do is read the words in your post. The truth is you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. People do not listen constructively to those who constantly bash them. All it does is make you look closed minded and ignorant, and that's a shame because at times some of the things you say actually make sense.
Do you remember reading about people in history when individuals had honor, manners, integrity, honesty?

Children were heard saying "Yes, ma'am, No, sir." and "Thank you," was heard several times a day?

Have you ever read a letter from a soldier from the civil war to his wife and how he longed to hold her hand, take the long walks how he talks of being with her again?

The men that served our country in congress and the presidency were true Statesmen sacrificing their time and self interests for the interests of the country. Most of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence lost their homes, sometimes wives for their efforts. Early congressmen were poorly paid, presidents came home not millionaires, congressmen were not making money from lobbyists, didn't have money in freezers. Many should be behind bars.

Congressmen now fly around the world on the gov't dime, come out millionaires, have affairs, where's the statesmen? Is it possible to get any real statesmen in our Congress or presidency again?

It really is sad. Decency is gone and replaced with vicious rhetoric. Wholesome tv shows are gone and replaced with the sleazy reality shows. Not a sign of intelligence on any of them.

The childish attitudes and trashy words from politicians mirrors the trashy people on reality shows that bring in large audiences.

It's the dumbing down of America where respect for others was the first casualty. Morals are disappearing, as well.

Liberals love this shit. Stupid people are far easier to control than those who understand what the American dream really means. I often hear that freedom has been replaced with freebies. It's so true. Eloquent and meaningful language has been replaced with cheap talk and empty promises.

Why do you think so many think Obama is so smart just because he can read off a teleprompter? They hear someone who sounds intelligent (to them, anyway) offering them more government aid and they think he's a god. When they hear the right talking about success coming through hard work, they freak out. Work is no fun and, besides, they've been promised care from cradle to grave for doing nothing.

We don't have the pride among the people like we used to. We don't have people growing up learning valuable lessons, like there is no such thing as a free lunch and it's wrong to take advantage of other people. Now, thanks to politicians buying votes through government dependence, many believe they are entitled to everything by virtue of being born.

All liberal laws and programs start with the premise that people are idiots and need to be told how to live. Sad part is, many of their supporters really are as dumb as a box of rocks, so they are impressed when "smart" politicians set guidelines for every aspect of their lives. Hey, as long as the giverment money comes each month, they'll abide by anything- except work.

Our honor, integrity and pride has been attacked for years. Those qualities stood in the way of those wanting to shred our constitution and create a population of mind numbed idiots that are willing to cede freedom and liberty for an EBT card.

We are nearly at 50% idiots vs the true patriots who realize why America was the most successful country. As we slide down the path of liberalism and lose the qualities that once made us great, there is no solace in knowing that too many Republicans thought getting along with the enemies of our constitution was more important than fighting them.

See, you started the thread off on the right track and it actually had merit, and then you started your diatribe against "stupid liberals". The true vitriol in American politics began when Republicans started bashing Clinton. In return Dems bashed the crap out of GW, and with Obama it has gone from bad to worse as Republicans have become so vindictive it is tearing this country apart. All one need do is read the words in your post. The truth is you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. People do not listen constructively to those who constantly bash them. All it does is make you look closed minded and ignorant, and that's a shame because at times some of the things you say actually make sense.

All good points on fallacious rhetoric, but I'd disagree that it started with Clinton. It intensified there, but George H.W. Bush (with Lee Atwater writing the lyrics) was already using the word liberal as a slur in the election before Clinton, and it was just about then that Lush Rimjob arrived to stoke that fire.

Actually I'd say the redefinition goes back to Joe McCarthy; we went over this in more detail as a tangent over here.
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Political parties has trashed one another since the 1700!

So to place the blame now is kind of lame.

However, what has that to do with the actions of the general population? Why is it that an act of kindness or charity becomes newsworthy?

Sick person lying on the sidewalk. How many pass by, not wanting to become involved? How many fear to do anything due to possible legal reprisals? How many shrug and walk away, finding it too difficult for them to comprehend?

How many here know your neighbors - AND interact with them?

[I am one of those who avoid becoming involved with my neighbors as it always seems they want something from me once we supposedly become "friends". I only interact with family. What does that make me?]
The minute decency became a religious concept it was all over. Who are YOU to tell people what decency is?
It really is sad. Decency is gone and replaced with vicious rhetoric. Wholesome tv shows are gone and replaced with the sleazy reality shows. Not a sign of intelligence on any of them.

The childish attitudes and trashy words from politicians mirrors the trashy people on reality shows that bring in large audiences.

It's the dumbing down of America where respect for others was the first casualty. Morals are disappearing, as well.

Liberals love this shit. Stupid people are far easier to control than those who understand what the American dream really means. I often hear that freedom has been replaced with freebies. It's so true. Eloquent and meaningful language has been replaced with cheap talk and empty promises.

Why do you think so many think Obama is so smart just because he can read off a teleprompter? They hear someone who sounds intelligent (to them, anyway) offering them more government aid and they think he's a god. When they hear the right talking about success coming through hard work, they freak out. Work is no fun and, besides, they've been promised care from cradle to grave for doing nothing.

We don't have the pride among the people like we used to. We don't have people growing up learning valuable lessons, like there is no such thing as a free lunch and it's wrong to take advantage of other people. Now, thanks to politicians buying votes through government dependence, many believe they are entitled to everything by virtue of being born.

All liberal laws and programs start with the premise that people are idiots and need to be told how to live. Sad part is, many of their supporters really are as dumb as a box of rocks, so they are impressed when "smart" politicians set guidelines for every aspect of their lives. Hey, as long as the giverment money comes each month, they'll abide by anything- except work.

Our honor, integrity and pride has been attacked for years. Those qualities stood in the way of those wanting to shred our constitution and create a population of mind numbed idiots that are willing to cede freedom and liberty for an EBT card.

We are nearly at 50% idiots vs the true patriots who realize why America was the most successful country. As we slide down the path of liberalism and lose the qualities that once made us great, there is no solace in knowing that too many Republicans thought getting along with the enemies of our constitution was more important than fighting them.

See, you started the thread off on the right track and it actually had merit, and then you started your diatribe against "stupid liberals". The true vitriol in American politics began when Republicans started bashing Clinton. In return Dems bashed the crap out of GW, and with Obama it has gone from bad to worse as Republicans have become so vindictive it is tearing this country apart. All one need do is read the words in your post. The truth is you are part of the problem, not part of the solution. People do not listen constructively to those who constantly bash them. All it does is make you look closed minded and ignorant, and that's a shame because at times some of the things you say actually make sense.

All good points on fallacious rhetoric, but I'd disagree that it started with Clinton. It intensified there, but George H.W. Bush (with Lee Atwater writing the lyrics) was already using the word liberal as a slur in the election before Clinton, and it was just about then that Lush Rimjob arrived to stoke that fire.

Actually I'd say the redefinition goes back to Joe McCarthy; we went over this in more detail as a tangent over here.

True, with the actual split occurring at the end of Vietnam and during the 70s, when conservatives codified such idiocy as the ‘liberal media,’ blaming factual news accounts of the failed war in SE Asia as the reason why America lost that war. Shortly thereafter we see the rise of the social right, Christian fundamentalism as a political force, and the implementation of the republican Southern Strategy – all predicated on demonizing liberals and blaming them for all the world’s evils.

And the right continues to use that ignorant, bombastic rhetoric to this day.

Indeed, there are many younger conservatives and republicans who know only that hate and bombast, and are incapable of civil, pragmatic discourse as a consequence.

The proof of this can be found in the House among TPM republicans, and posters on this very forum, and in this very thread.
True, with the actual split occurring at the end of Vietnam and during the 70s, when conservatives codified such idiocy as the ‘liberal media,’ blaming factual news accounts of the failed war in SE Asia as the reason why America lost that war. Shortly thereafter we see the rise of the social right, Christian fundamentalism as a political force, and the implementation of the republican Southern Strategy – all predicated on demonizing liberals and blaming them for all the world’s evils.

And the right continues to use that ignorant, bombastic rhetoric to this day.

Indeed, there are many younger conservatives and republicans who know only that hate and bombast, and are incapable of civil, pragmatic discourse as a consequence.

The proof of this can be found in the House among TPM republicans, and posters on this very forum, and in this very thread.

Wow ... That is a cool theory.

I always thought it was a product of the 60's with the birth of the "perpetual excuse" for failure ... The rapid expansion of fast food restaurants and immediate gratification ... Along with the population's shift towards an inflated sense of self worth.

OP- The new bs GOP, thanks to Newt Gingrich and the bs talking points, big lie endless attacks on liberal everything, never say a word against other GOP, lies and never apologize for anything, then the greedy idiot billionnaire Pub propaganda machine churning out mindless brainwashed zombie loudmouths, total lack of respect for education and intelligence...

Society as a whole- Not so bad really, just those loudmouth racist angry white men again, and their stupid money grubbing kids...lol- Killing the nonrich under Reaganism hurts too. Great job, Pubbies.

Funny, I was going to say the direct opposite. OWS, many liberals and their lower class talking points that excuse mannerless ways, dishonesty, non working individuals, kids having babies and going on welfare, immigration and amnesty.

Conservatives want kids to stay in school and wait to have families, GOP do not stand behind GOP congressmen or women who get themselves in trouble, angry whitle men???lol? I just hate it when there's a white man who is founf guilty of something and those angry white men go looting and get those big TV's!!!! LOL!

Franco, I'm trying to be nice when I say this, but you are a waste of time.

I no longer respond to Franco..he's a dyed in the wool leftist fanatic bullshitter.
The guy would not know a fact if it was setting fire to the seat of his trousers.
I don't really understand why anyone would bother.
I see what was a thoughtful OP has turned into the good ole' finger pointing by both sides of the aisle,,again. The truth of the matter is that both sides are guilty and innocent. Why can't each side get familiar with the term "personal responsibility" and accept that their side isn't pristine and innocent. Facts just plain don't back that up.
Also, is it possible to ever have a thread that is not meant to flame and it stays that way with intelligent thoughtful posts?
I'm sure glad America isn't as polarized as this board.
Thanks for your time.

Can’t agree with you there.

It was a comprehensively ignorant post, nothing more than a reactionary rightist whining about how ‘terrible’ things are today and how ‘wonderful’ things were in the good old days.
This really has you libs all spun up....
True, with the actual split occurring at the end of Vietnam and during the 70s, when conservatives codified such idiocy as the ‘liberal media,’ blaming factual news accounts of the failed war in SE Asia as the reason why America lost that war. Shortly thereafter we see the rise of the social right, Christian fundamentalism as a political force, and the implementation of the republican Southern Strategy – all predicated on demonizing liberals and blaming them for all the world’s evils.

And the right continues to use that ignorant, bombastic rhetoric to this day.

Indeed, there are many younger conservatives and republicans who know only that hate and bombast, and are incapable of civil, pragmatic discourse as a consequence.

The proof of this can be found in the House among TPM republicans, and posters on this very forum, and in this very thread.

Wow ... That is a cool theory.

I always thought it was a product of the 60's with the birth of the "perpetual excuse" for failure ... The rapid expansion of fast food restaurants and immediate gratification ... Along with the population's shift towards an inflated sense of self worth.


It is this generation of liberals that created the element of 'self esteem'..
When I hear that term, it takes on the same irritating grind of fingernails dragging across a chalk board.

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