What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

You mean where they USED to consider it a major issue, sufficently so that they expended considerable effort to pass federal laws that would further restrict 2A rights.

Bracy Act, 1994
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Asssault weapon ban, 1994
Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These were both major issues at the time, with considerable effort on both sides to pass/defeat the measure.

Since 1994, there's been no major federal initiative by liberals for increased gun control.
Why do you suppose that is?

16 years?

We are talking about today. No liberals are pushing major gun legislation. Why is the NRA still stirring up the gun nuts about liberals taking your guns away?

It is only an issue to get gun nuts to throw their childrens college education fund to the NRA

Try getting a handgun and getting one for concealed purposes in Maryland, NY, or Washington D.C.

NYC Laws are just as bad. Possessing a knife for self defense in public here is a crime.
Some of my nicer guns.

Kimber Pro Raptor II. 45 acp

Best revolver ever made a 1966 Colt Python .357 mag

My guns were lost in a tragic boating accident.
I'd suggest that yours be lost in a similar fashion rather than posting pictures of them on the internet.
Why? I am not hiding them. They are also properly registered.
16 years?

We are talking about today. No liberals are pushing major gun legislation. Why is the NRA still stirring up the gun nuts about liberals taking your guns away?

It is only an issue to get gun nuts to throw their childrens college education fund to the NRA

Try getting a handgun and getting one for concealed purposes in Maryland, NY, or Washington D.C.

NYC Laws are just as bad. Possessing a knife for self defense in public here is a crime.

Soon they will be outlawing Bricks and 2x4's then after that rocks and trees
Then after that they will make it manditory that all must have their hands bound in public.:lol:
What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

At one point, they pushed it rather strongly. Nowadays its hardly ever brought up.

If the anti-gun crowd is so right, if their argument is so sound – why pull back from the issue?

Liberals were too busy trying to keep the economy that Republicans fucked up from going completely down the tubes. Then there are the two wars. The deficit. The jobs situation. There is not a single part of the country Republicans didn't somehow damage.
I think the state of the economy concerns has overridden most social issues.
What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

At one point, they pushed it rather strongly. Nowadays its hardly ever brought up.

If the anti-gun crowd is so right, if their argument is so sound – why pull back from the issue?

Liberals were too busy trying to keep the economy that Republicans fucked up from going completely down the tubes. Then there are the two wars. The deficit. The jobs situation. There is not a single part of the country Republicans didn't somehow damage.

You are retarded. So by spending money you don't have, by quadrupling the debt, you think you are fixing the problem????? ;) :lol:
What happened to liberals pushing gun control?

At one point, they pushed it rather strongly. Nowadays its hardly ever brought up.

If the anti-gun crowd is so right, if their argument is so sound – why pull back from the issue?

Liberals were too busy trying to keep the economy that Republicans fucked up from going completely down the tubes. Then there are the two wars. The deficit. The jobs situation. There is not a single part of the country Republicans didn't somehow damage.

You are retarded. So by spending money you don't have, by quadrupling the debt, you think you are fixing the problem????? ;) :lol:

You are right..

The only way to fix any problem is to cut taxes.....that never impacts the deficit
Liberals were too busy trying to keep the economy that Republicans fucked up from going completely down the tubes. Then there are the two wars. The deficit. The jobs situation. There is not a single part of the country Republicans didn't somehow damage.

You are retarded. So by spending money you don't have, by quadrupling the debt, you think you are fixing the problem????? ;) :lol:

You are right..

The only way to fix any problem is to cut taxes.....that never impacts the deficit

Weelllll, when Reagan did it the tax revenues increased by a huge amount. So yeah I guess that's what we're sayin'.
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16 years?

We are talking about today. No liberals are pushing major gun legislation. Why is the NRA still stirring up the gun nuts about liberals taking your guns away?

It is only an issue to get gun nuts to throw their childrens college education fund to the NRA

Try getting a handgun and getting one for concealed purposes in Maryland, NY, or Washington D.C.

NYC Laws are just as bad. Possessing a knife for self defense in public here is a crime.

I have 2 knives for personal protection at home. A bayonet given to me by a Vietnam vet..and a throwing knife..which I can use quite well. I'd rather those..then guns.
You are right..

The only way to fix any problem is to cut taxes.....that never impacts the deficit

Weelllll, when Reagan did it the tax revenues increased by a huge amount. So yeah I guess that's what we're sayin'.

Prove it.

Revenues (the amount of money the government collected) nearly doubled after Reagan cut taxes.

That is because more people made more money, and paid therefore more taxes.
Try getting a handgun and getting one for concealed purposes in Maryland, NY, or Washington D.C.

NYC Laws are just as bad. Possessing a knife for self defense in public here is a crime.

I have 2 knives for personal protection at home. A bayonet given to me by a Vietnam vet..and a throwing knife..which I can use quite well. I'd rather those..then guns.

Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.

I'll stick to my shotguns and handgun assortment for personal protection.
M14, i think you need to look at the original intent of a gun in why it was developed and manufactured.
Firearms are firearms. All classes of firearms are protected by the 2nd.
In fact, those that have what you would call a 'military purpose' are -exactly- those that the 2nd is -supposed- to protect, given that part of the reason the amendment exists at all is making sure people have access to weapons suitable for militia use.

The M16 / AR15 was developed by the military to kill people. is this really a weapon that needs to be available to the general public?
See above. The right to arms is, ultimately, all about killing people.
Thus, there's no argument that a firearm 'designed to kill people' falls outside that right.

I DO have to wonder...
If the purpose of the AR15(et al) is to kill people and you se it in a manner that kills no one - are you using it incorrectly?

I am left of center and do not agree that the 2nd amendment should be repealed, but i dont see how allowing certain weapons to be sold to general public is good things?
No offense, but you not seeing a purpose for (x) is not a sound argument sufficient to take away the right to (x).

Is there any agreement here that "some" guns should be more regulated than others, and that some should not be sold to the public? im obviously not talking about all of them.
All classes of firearms are 'arms' as the term is used in the 2nd and as such, the right to them shall noe be infringed.
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Its your thread.....show where Liberals consider gun control to be a major issue
You mean where they USED to consider it a major issue, sufficently so that they expended considerable effort to pass federal laws that would further restrict 2A rights.

Bracy Act, 1994
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Asssault weapon ban, 1994
Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These were both major issues at the time, with considerable effort on both sides to pass/defeat the measure.

Since 1994, there's been no major federal initiative by liberals for increased gun control.
Why do you suppose that is?

Not for nothing, but Brady was in the Reagan administration. Not a Liberal.

His wife is the one who pushed it and she is a huge lefty.
NYC crime has gone way down. Gun control seems to be working out fine here.
Yeah? Show causation, not correlation.

And why?
Why? The current configuration of the Supreme Court makes it almost impossible for rational laws to survive a "Constitutional" challenge.
Rational laws -always- survive constitutional challenges.

They are in the pocket of the NRA and seem to like the crazy notion that it's an "indivdual" right..which it isn't.
Not that you can, in any way, show with any degree of soundness.
You mean where they USED to consider it a major issue, sufficently so that they expended considerable effort to pass federal laws that would further restrict 2A rights.

Bracy Act, 1994
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Asssault weapon ban, 1994
Federal Assault Weapons Ban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These were both major issues at the time, with considerable effort on both sides to pass/defeat the measure.

Since 1994, there's been no major federal initiative by liberals for increased gun control.
Why do you suppose that is?

Not for nothing, but Brady was in the Reagan administration. Not a Liberal.

His wife is the one who pushed it and she is a huge lefty.

So, Reagan Republican Brady did not even support his own law?

Does that mean Brady is a RINO??
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