What happened with the women who said they were raped by Trump?

I wonder if the victims can describe Trump's penis the way Monica Lewinsky described the bend to the left in Bill Clinton's penis.

You have to admit is pretty funny that even Bill Clinton's dick tends to go to the left.

Hillary wouldn't know.

It has an odd orange hue.....

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I wonder if the victims can describe Trump's penis the way Monica Lewinsky described the bend to the left in Bill Clinton's penis.

You have to admit is pretty funny that even Bill Clinton's dick tends to go to the left.

Hillary wouldn't know.

It has an odd orange hue.....

And it's the biggest best and most orangest in the world. Amazing, incredible penis. Many people have said that. I have ColonelAngus looking into it right now, it's unbelievable what he's found. I understand he's still looking at it.
Woman accusing Trump of raping her at 13 cancels her plan to go public

11 women accused Trump of varying levels of sexual misconduct.

Wow, those 11 criminal cases are going to be tough for Trump to defend.

It's amazing how all 11 accusers came out within about a week of the election...then all 11 seemed to go away after the election.

These abused women deserve justice.

Surely there are plenty of attorneys who will take up their cases pro bono.

Anita Hill all over again. Paid off feminist sluts come out with the accusations when the Dem party needs it, then after there is zero proof, they vanish like a puff of smoke.

Standard play in the Dem playbook.
Also Herman Cain. It has become standard operating procedure for Dims. That's the well of douche baggery they have fallen into. People have gotten wise to it. That's one reason it didn't work in the last election.
Reasonably reasoning...it's a legit question. Nobody said a word UNTIL he ran for Potus. That is a big red flag.

Anyway....I have no intention of bickering with such an unreasonable person that has tunnel vision and close minded. So..toodles.

Actually they did say a word. Again, whether it makes it to the press and to your eyes or not doesn't mean it didn't happen. That's what I was telling the OP who came in bellowing "if I didn't hear about it, it didn't happen". But yes I remember them having other friends who corroborated.

I don't recall any of them having corroborating witnesses. Most of their stories fell apart within hours. If they did "corroborate" they only did so after the story became public. There's a common thread for all these stories: They happened 10 or more years ago. There were no witnesses. The stories had details that couldn't have possibly occurred. Witnesses said the events didn't occur.

They're just a bunch of gold digging bitches Trump gave the cold shoulder to.
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Anyways, I was reading some comments about that story and apparently this woman was in a porn "Anal Cream Pie." God, how gross! LOL! :puke:

Trump's taste inwomen

Bingo. He chose her, not the other way 'round.

I guess when one's taste in food is Rump Tower Tacos and KFC, one is kind of oblivious to all that.
Also makes ya kinda grateful that Rump Steaks and Rump Water (Rump water! :puke: ) went outta bidness.

The only problem: It never happened.
He didn't assault her at the time. When it happened she was dreaming of being the next Mrs. Trump. When hillary cast out her net this crab showed up recalling that for one brief shining moment Donald Trump kissed her, or she thought he kissed her, or she wanted him to kiss her. She forgot which. She was disgusted. Just not disgusted enough to tell him to shove that massage up his ass.
Woman accusing Trump of raping her at 13 cancels her plan to go public

11 women accused Trump of varying levels of sexual misconduct.

Wow, those 11 criminal cases are going to be tough for Trump to defend.

It's amazing how all 11 accusers came out within about a week of the election...then all 11 seemed to go away after the election.

These abused women deserve justice.

Surely there are plenty of attorneys who will take up their cases pro bono.

Anita Hill all over again. Paid off feminist sluts come out with the accusations when the Dem party needs it, then after there is zero proof, they vanish like a puff of smoke.

Standard play in the Dem playbook.
Also Herman Cain. It has become standard operating procedure for Dims. That's the well of douche baggery they have fallen into. People have gotten wise to it. That's one reason it didn't work in the last election.
Dems even tried to hang a bimbo on John McCain.
They're in hiding.

Ivana had no choice but to recant.

No sense in the trumpkins defending him or lying for him. Remember, it was drumpf who bragged that while his wife was at home pregnant, he was committing serial sexual assaults. All the women did was corroborate what he himself bragged.

The RWNJs have hit bottom.

When were all these sexual assaults? You do understand that a man talking to another man about grabbing pussy is not sexual assault don't you.

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I think she was the one who was crying too. Come on. Geez. Poor anal cream pie, a rich guy tried to kiss her and offered her money for sex!

That's prolly why she was crying --- she knows Rump never pays his clients.
So you're admitting she's a hooker?

He doesn't have to admit it. That's basically what she is. Lol.

We can't be sure 100% that Melania is a hooker.........Only 99%
I think she was the one who was crying too. Come on. Geez. Poor anal cream pie, a rich guy tried to kiss her and offered her money for sex!

That's prolly why she was crying --- she knows Rump never pays his clients.
So you're admitting she's a hooker?

He doesn't have to admit it. That's basically what she is. Lol.

We can't be sure 100% that Melania is a hooker.........Only 99%

But YOU we can be 100% sure about, troll.
I think she was the one who was crying too. Come on. Geez. Poor anal cream pie, a rich guy tried to kiss her and offered her money for sex!

That's prolly why she was crying --- she knows Rump never pays his clients.
So you're admitting she's a hooker?

He doesn't have to admit it. That's basically what she is. Lol.

We can't be sure 100% that Melania is a hooker.........Only 99%

Melania did an "anal cream pie" movie? Lol! I don't think so.

Just admit it, that "woman" is disgusting. :D
Then of course we have the scumbag's own words on audio. But that means nothing to you either, right?
Deplorable indeed.

You mean this audio?
"I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they LET you do it,.
Grab them by the pussy, You can do anything.”

You know the one where it's CLEARLY stated that is was consensual. So tell me how is that any different than any other Rap star, Rock star, famous Athlete or movie star and their groupies? You know the ones the you on the left so much admire

Why are you people on the left always lying?
Liar. Nowhere was it even implied it was consensual.
Ah yes it does. "And when you’re a star they LET you do it," key words "LET YOU DO IT". Perhaps you lack reading and listening comprehension skills..
You've excuse this lunatic with sexual assault,.
Really? Do you have any proof? Didn't think so. Liar
mocking the handicapped,
Oh do you mean the same spastic fluttering arm gestures that he used to mock Jeb Bush, M

racism, misogyny, xenophobia and chronic lying.
You actuallly thought this disgusting piece of trash would be a good president with absolutely no experience for the job.
I'm thrilled he has no legislative achievements( where Obama had three major ones this early in his presidency) and he's turning out to be an international laughing stock. Swedish president: What are you smoking?

How's that instant repeal and replacement of the ACA working out for you. Lol

History will not be kind to you Deplorables. In the not too distant future you'll be too embarrassed to even admit you supported this American traitor.[/QUOTE]
I think she was the one who was crying too. Come on. Geez. Poor anal cream pie, a rich guy tried to kiss her and offered her money for sex!

That's prolly why she was crying --- she knows Rump never pays his clients.
So you're admitting she's a hooker?

He doesn't have to admit it. That's basically what she is. Lol.

We can't be sure 100% that Melania is a hooker.........Only 99%
And another one. Dang I should be paid.
Then of course we have the scumbag's own words on audio. But that means nothing to you either, right?
Deplorable indeed.

You mean this audio?
"I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they LET you do it,.
Grab them by the pussy, You can do anything.”

You know the one where it's CLEARLY stated that is was consensual. So tell me how is that any different than any other Rap star, Rock star, famous Athlete or movie star and their groupies? You know the ones the you on the left so much admire

Why are you people on the left always lying?
Liar. Nowhere was it even implied it was consensual.
Ah yes it does. "And when you’re a star they LET you do it," key words "LET YOU DO IT". Perhaps you lack reading and listening comprehension skills..
You've excuse this lunatic with sexual assault,.
Really? Do you have any proof? Didn't think so. Liar
mocking the handicapped,
Oh do you mean Trump using the same spastic fluttering arm gestures that he used to mock Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz? He mocked that reporter for lying.
However, I do remember your hero, Obama mocking and making fun of the Special Olympics on the Tonight Show...but being that you've proven to be a lying partisan, I'm sure you had no problem with Obama making fun children with special needs.
racism, misogyny, xenophobia
Really???? You have any proof, citations to back up those claims? Didn't think so, liar.
and chronic lying.
I think you're mistaken Trump for Hilary She was the proven chronic liar ... like yourself.
You actuallly thought this disgusting piece of trash would be a good president with absolutely no experience for the job..
Actually Trump was far from my first choice. I was a Rand Paul supporter. It shows how ignorant you are. However, Trump is shaping up to be a better President than both Obama and Bush. And speaking of "no experience for the job", Obama only served a half term as junior senator before becoming President so where's your outrage? Oh that's right, you're a partisan hack.
How's that instant repeal and replacement of the ACA working out for you. Lol.
Oh, do you mean that disaster Obamacare that most of hard working middle class voters detest? Yes your owns it and will still be blamed upon it's eventual implosion.

Seriously Reasonable. Just look at yourself? You're ranting and lying and making an ass of yourself.

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