What happened with the women who said they were raped by Trump?

Gracie is not the brightest deplorable going.
Each woman said after they heard the pathological liar lie on TV saying he never assaulted any women.., they felt it was time to set the record straight.
So what youre saying is, not only was their timing extremely suspicious, but they also had the SAME story? Get the fuck out of here. You let me know if the cops take these rapes seriously, until then im not buying that bullshit. :laugh:
Each woman said after they heard the pathological liar lie on TV saying he never assaulted any women.., they felt it was time to set the record straight.
So what youre saying is, not only was their timing extremely suspicious, but they also had the SAME story? Get the fuck out of here. You let me know if the cops take these rapes seriously, until then im not buying that bullshit. :laugh:
There was NOTHING suspicious about it. Women that were assaulted by your perv heard him say he never abused women. He said it in front of 10 million people.
All of his victims were appalled.
Funny you fell for his lies and con.
PT Barnum was right about you.
Mark Cuban is an asshole.
Mark Cuban is an asshole.
Why because he's a real billionaire and tells the truth....
Unlike your pussygrabber?
You don't think Cuban ever grabbed pussy? Come on. Your user name is a misnomer.
Most noncriminals don't.
Only if asked. Your serial sex offender didn't.
Serial sex offender? lol. Now I know you have the wrong user name.

Clinton was no perfect man either, but he was a good potus. To be honest, I don't give a shit what they do...as long as they put the USA first during their escapades. Kinda like JFK. He was no angel either. I don't give a shit what Trump said or did while being a celeb and building his fortune. He can still run a country if he is allowed to and he is trying. Blow job, blue dresses, cigars, flings with hot hollywood skanks...whatever. As long as the job of being POTUS is done, who cares what he does?

And, I find it highly suspicious those women didn't say a word about it BEFORE he ran for potus. If they were so offended..why not speak up prior? Maybe him grabbing their pussy was what they wanted. It meant they caught his attention. Same way women sleep on directors couches to get best parts of a movie. So who is the whore? The man...or the woman?
Mark Cuban is an asshole.
Mark Cuban is an asshole.
Why because he's a real billionaire and tells the truth....
Unlike your pussygrabber?
You don't think Cuban ever grabbed pussy? Come on. Your user name is a misnomer.
Most noncriminals don't.
Only if asked. Your serial sex offender didn't.
Serial sex offender? lol. Now I know you have the wrong user name.

Clinton was no perfect man either, but he was a good potus. To be honest, I don't give a shit what they do...as long as they put the USA first during their escapades. Kinda like JFK. He was no angel either. I don't give a shit what Trump said or did while being a celeb and building his fortune. He can still run a country if he is allowed to and he is trying. Blow job, blue dresses, cigars, flings with hot hollywood skanks...whatever. As long as the job of being POTUS is done, who cares what he does?

And, I find it highly suspicious those women didn't say a word about it BEFORE he ran for potus. If they were so offended..why not speak up prior? Maybe him grabbing their pussy was what they wanted. It meant they caught his attention. Same way women sleep on directors couches to get best parts of a movie. So who is the whore? The man...or the woman?
I've only answered that question 4 times in this thread.
Maybe Hooked on Phonics would work for u.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself as a woman supporting this serial sex offender... and yes that's exactly what he is.

Donald Trump is a serial sexual predator
Reasonably reasoning...it's a legit question. Nobody said a word UNTIL he ran for Potus. That is a big red flag.

Anyway....I have no intention of bickering with such an unreasonable person that has tunnel vision and close minded. So..toodles.
Reasonably reasoning...it's a legit question. Nobody said a word UNTIL he ran for Potus. That is a big red flag.

Anyway....I have no intention of bickering with such an unreasonable person that has tunnel vision and close minded. So..toodles.

This. It's very suspicious that these stories didn't surface until it looked like Trump would actually win the election. If you look at someone like Bill Cosby, stories about him being a rapist have circulated for decades. Yet no such stories about Donald Trump ever surfaced until just before the election.
Woman accusing Trump of raping her at 13 cancels her plan to go public

11 women accused Trump of varying levels of sexual misconduct.

Wow, those 11 criminal cases are going to be tough for Trump to defend.

It's amazing how all 11 accusers came out within about a week of the election...then all 11 seemed to go away after the election.

These abused women deserve justice.

Surely there are plenty of attorneys who will take up their cases pro bono.

Anita Hill all over again. Paid off feminist sluts come out with the accusations when the Dem party needs it, then after there is zero proof, they vanish like a puff of smoke.

Standard play in the Dem playbook.
Are some of you implying these accusations were disingenuous and intended to get Hillary Clinton elected?

Isn't that hacking an election?
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I believe one of them has a case coming up

Trump is seeking an exemption because he is too busy being President. Shades of Jones v Clinton
If anyone honestly thinks we've seen the last of those women

They don't understand how presidential elections/term limits work

Sort of blowing your load early to go after him with them now.

If I was a woman I'd wait to burn his ass
Oh, that is the same woman! :lmao:

Okay, a porn star who has sex with men on camera for money was so offended that Donald Trump tried to kiss her or something. :D

Porn star Jessica Drake claims Donald Trump offered $10G for sex


I'm uh, not an expert on this but I don't think porn stars "sleep" in their work. I mean would anybody watch that?

Also I've never figured this out --- how is it that everybody who does a porn film is a "star"? Aren''t there bad or mediocre porn actors? Smacks of a "participation" trophy.

All seriousness aside, a porn actress would be doing the job as a job. That's not the same as somebody forcing himself on you. As a woman you oughta kinda know that.

He tried to kiss her is all! Apparently nothing more than THAT happened. Lol. I don't really consider a guy trying to kiss me if we are alone and talking or whatever to be a sexual assault as long as when I say no and back off, he stops. Forcing yourself on someone would be to continue with the said activity after being asked to stop. She said that he tried to kiss her and that he offered her money to "have sex" (better?) with him.
When is he going to be charged? It was about a week or so prior to the election. A handful of women said that Trump had raped them.

When will he be charged in those cases? Rape is a serious crime and should be dealt with seriously.

HUFPO reported that TRUMP RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL. He should be in jail for the rest of his life.

Why was interest in seeking justice for these poor women abandoned after Election Day?

Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It? | The Huffington Post
Because once the election was over they took the money the Clinton campaign had promised them and left.

The Clinton Crime Family and Hillary Rotten Clinton's & The Dastardly DNC set out from the very beginning with only ONE STRATEGY to defeat Donald Trump.

They thought they had the election in the bag from The Start. They were smug and arrogant, and they had the entire MSM behind them and even a Rigged Primary. All they had to do was just smear Donald Trump 24-7 with Fake News after Fake News story.

But Donald Trump was out to Campaign, while Clinton was drinking Champagne!

These morons are still in campaign mode for 2018. You think they'd change their strategy by now and actually get to work and do their jobs and engage in governance.

But what did they do instead? Commit Espionage; Leak Classified Information; and have Obama Bin Lying compromise any last shred of integrity he may have had.

Tarnished Legacy is all that he has left, and a pile of smoldering wreckage is about all that is left of The DNC.
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