What happened with the women who said they were raped by Trump?

When is he going to be charged? It was about a week or so prior to the election. A handful of women said that Trump had raped them.

When will he be charged in those cases? Rape is a serious crime and should be dealt with seriously.

HUFPO reported that TRUMP RAPED A 13 YEAR OLD GIRL. He should be in jail for the rest of his life.

Why was interest in seeking justice for these poor women abandoned after Election Day?

Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It? | The Huffington Post

Gee I wonder. Possibly because it was just gutter tactics of the DNC.
Woman accusing Trump of raping her at 13 cancels her plan to go public

11 women accused Trump of varying levels of sexual misconduct.

Wow, those 11 criminal cases are going to be tough for Trump to defend.

It's amazing how all 11 accusers came out within about a week of the election...then all 11 seemed to go away after the election.

These abused women deserve justice.

Surely there are plenty of attorneys who will take up their cases pro bono.

Oh they "went away"?

Or YOU just didn't hear about them?

I suspect that distinction will sail over your hood.

The media took incredible interest in these 11 women who accused Trump of sexual assault.

Now the media abandons these poor women who have to deal with the trauma of being victims of sexual assault.

NOW you're getting the idea.

Hate to break this to ya but nobody requires everything that happens to be reported to you. Nomsayin'?
Oh, that is the same woman! :lmao:

Okay, a porn star who has sex with men on camera for money was so offended that Donald Trump tried to kiss her or something. :D

Porn star Jessica Drake claims Donald Trump offered $10G for sex

Oh, that is the same woman! :lmao:

Okay, a porn star who has sex with men on camera for money was so offended that Donald Trump tried to kiss her or something. :D

Porn star Jessica Drake claims Donald Trump offered $10G for sex


I'm uh, not an expert on this but I don't think porn stars "sleep" in their work. I mean would anybody watch that?

Also I've never figured this out --- how is it that everybody who does a porn film is a "star"? Aren''t there bad or mediocre porn actors? Smacks of a "participation" trophy.

All seriousness aside, a porn actress would be doing the job as a job. That's not the same as somebody forcing himself on you. As a woman you oughta kinda know that.
Well there's this.

Trump Accuser Summer Zervos Files Defamation Suit Against President-Elect
Trump accuser files defamation suit against the president-elect

And then there's Trump's response.

Trump Lawyers Claim Immunity In Sex Harassment Suit, Just As Bill Clinton Did
Trump Lawyers Claim Immunity In Sex Harassment Suit, Just As Bill Clinton Did

Trump lawyer to sex-assault accuser: You can’t sue him while he’s President
Trump lawyer to sex-assault accuser: You can’t sue the President

Bill Clinton's Paula Jones problem is going to bite Donald Trump in the ass. Trump had Paula Jones at one of the Hillary Clinton-Donald Trump debates. Kinda ironic isn't it? :2up:
As was stated at the time, leftists lie & make shit up, and also as predicted it was forgotten as quickly as it was fabricated.
Trump has already gone down in history as the president that "lies and makes shit up" at the most alarming rate as any president ever.

So all 13 women fabricated the stories? Even though he's had a long history of doing exactly what they accused him of doing?
I guess you believe Bill Cosby is innocent too, right?
The accusations were of conduct that did not amount to sexual assault.

Woman complained that he asked her to dinner.

Woman complained that he held her hand at dinner.

Woman complained that at a pool party, Trump provided a swimsuit and said she was beautiful.

Woman complained that he forcibly tried to kiss her, then offered her line of sex toys to sell.

Anonymous Woman claimed that Trump raped her when she was 13. When forced to make a court appearance admitted she made the whole thing up.

Yeah. They disappeared.
They're in hiding.

Ivana had no choice but to recant.

No sense in the trumpkins defending him or lying for him. Remember, it was drumpf who bragged that while his wife was at home pregnant, he was committing serial sexual assaults. All the women did was corroborate what he himself bragged.

The RWNJs have hit bottom.

No doubt all those women have been thoroughly scared shitless and threatened without mercy if they continued with their charges. That's how this fucking piece of shit works -- he intimidates the crap out of anyone who threatens him.
Exactly. It took a lot of courage for those women to step forward to discuss something so humiliating.
The pussy grabber deniers always fail to mention WHY they came forward. They explicitly said once they heard the serial sex offender DENY he's ever done anything like that on live TV, they knew their voice had to be heard.
When you listened to their accounts it was totally believable. The People Magazine writer's written account was filled with great details.
And to think the DEPLORABLES STILL voted for this scumbag was beyond belief.
To think they thought having your own private server was so much worse..
Mark Cuban said he personally knew another sexual assault victim of Trump's but since she didn't want to come forward for fear of what his base would do to her, he respected her privacy and didn't name her.
I 100% believe Mark Cuban.
BooHoo HOO HOO HOOOO!! liberals cant get anything to stick to Trump, and they are all still beating the dead lies and the shit bushes behind their outhouse to find some glue. I think it is so funnaaaaahhh that they show their stupidity, and complete lack of intellect every time they show themselves. Crawl back in your snake pits liberals it is going to be a long 16 to 32 years for you.
As was stated at the time, leftists lie & make shit up, and also as predicted it was forgotten as quickly as it was fabricated.
Trump has already gone down in history as the president that "lies and makes shit up" at the most alarming rate as any president ever.

So all 13 women fabricated the stories? Even though he's had a long history of doing exactly what they accused him of doing?
I guess you believe Bill Cosby is innocent too, right?
Well over half of the women that complained about Bill Cosby have had their claims dismissed.
BooHoo HOO HOO HOOOO!! liberals cant get anything to stick to Trump, and they are all still beating the dead lies and the shit bushes behind their outhouse to find some glue. I think it is so funnaaaaahhh that they show their stupidity, and complete lack of intellect every time they show themselves. Crawl back in your snake pits liberals it is going to be a long 16 to 32 years for you.

Too bad you missed Post 29
What about the one who was crying while sitting next to Gloria Allred? Lol! Talk about being overly dramatic because some guy tried to kiss you! Geez! Lol!
Imagine a woman making excuses for a serial sex offender and blaming and criticizing the victims. You should be ashamed of yourself.
As was stated at the time, leftists lie & make shit up, and also as predicted it was forgotten as quickly as it was fabricated.
Trump has already gone down in history as the president that "lies and makes shit up" at the most alarming rate as any president ever.

So all 13 women fabricated the stories? Even though he's had a long history of doing exactly what they accused him of doing?
I guess you believe Bill Cosby is innocent too, right?
Well over half of the women that complained about Bill Cosby have had their claims dismissed.
So you ARE on the side of yet another sexual sex abuser. You are an embarrassment to your sex. I hope you don't have daughters.

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