What Happens If 20,000 Migrants Enter Your City ?

If they came to Hayward California they would cause rents and home prices to rise. They would have to find work in other towns as most every one who lives here does. We have public transport so no problem there.
San Francisco is trying out a new public refuse can that will alert collectors when it is almost full so they can be emptied before they overflow. As for everything else i do not think there is as much of a problem as you think.
I lived in Hayward before I saw the err of my ways, and left California and moved to Florida. Hayward is no better insulated from the Harms of Immigration as listed in Post # 36, as any other American city. In fact, it's probably worse off than most, since it is closer to the Mexican border than most US cities, and is more susceptible to invasion by the caravans.

I'll never forget when I went to an emergency room in Mountain View, with an actual emergency (hives), and the clerk told me to go to the waiting room. I did, and there were 40 seats there, every one of them with a Mexican sitting in it.

Also, Hayward has a population of about 150,000. It could handle a sudden influx of 20,000 people a bit easier than towns with very small populations. But even in Hayward, you might reconsider your view of how much of a problem 20,000 indigent invaders are to you, if one of them sticks a knife in your gut, to take your money. Suddenly it will be a problem FOR YOU.
America did the same thing with the pizza.



Very much on topic.

Two of America's favorite foods ... brought to you courtesy of .... immigrants.
Very much on topic.

Two of America's favorite foods ... brought to you courtesy of .... immigrants.
OFF TOPIC. We've already got pizza, lasagna, chow mein, burritos and taquitos. Don't need any more ethnic foods. We also don't need >>

Harms of Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter

Sometimes the more you try to derail a thread, you more you put it right on track. :biggrin:
Embrace cultural diversity ...



NATION - a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common. (Webster's New World College Dictionary, 5th ed.)

As opposed to a mish-mash, tangle of squabbling nationalities.
a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.

America hasn't been that for 40,000 years. Our nation has always been, and will continue to be, a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual continent.
America hasn't been that for 40,000 years. Our nation has always been, and will continue to be, a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual continent.
Absolutely NOT. America has a distinctive culture and language, that anyone born here or elsewhere, assimilates to, and is part of.

If you don't know this, you are very ignorant.
America hasn't been that for 40,000 years. Our nation has always been, and will continue to be, a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual continent.
Absolutely NOT. America has a distinctive culture and language, that anyone born here or elsewhere, assimilates to, and is part of.

If you don't know this, you are very ignorant.

Our 'disntinctive' language contains words and phrases from Spanish, German, French, Yiddish, Chinese, and several other languages. Our dress is a collection of different ethnic styles, our art and music borrows heavily from the cultures from around the world.

What makes America unique is how quickly we assimilate the best from other cultures and appropriate it for ourselves. It is one of our best features.

From what part of the world did your family come? You're obviously not Native American, Ms Warren.
And where are you from mr SS benefit sucker
Under the mistake you've paid for your benefits
Love the "English for the english"
Had their DNA checked, Turkish and African genes
Be careful what you wish for
Upon what do you base the notion that I haven't paid for my Social Security ?

And didn't you previously mention something about VA benefits ? Well, are you a US military veteran? I would doubt that you are. Maybe if you paid for VA benefits, by serving in the military, you'd HAVE some VA benefits now. You get what you pay/work for. :biggrin:

And where are YOU from, Mr illegal alien ass-kisser ? Mexico ? China ? India ? Phillipines ? (the top 4 US economy pillagers)

Nice foul mouth as usual.
It's called The literature darlin.
The average old white fart will take out 40% more than he put in.
Look it up.
Why am I reminded of the old joke "if you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits and indoctrination"
What do I expect from an old white fart who has a wife cheater as his moniker?
America hasn't been that for 40,000 years. Our nation has always been, and will continue to be, a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual continent.
Absolutely NOT. America has a distinctive culture and language, that anyone born here or elsewhere, assimilates to, and is part of.

If you don't know this, you are very ignorant.

Our 'disntinctive' language contains words and phrases from Spanish, German, French, Yiddish, Chinese, and several other languages. Our dress is a collection of different ethnic styles, our art and music borrows heavily from the cultures from around the world.

What makes America unique is how quickly we assimilate the best from other cultures and appropriate it for ourselves. It is one of our best features.

From what part of the world did your family come? You're obviously not Native American, Ms Warren.

I always am amused at the "keep England for the English" board members.
Made the mistake of having their DNA tested. Turks, Africans etc!!!!
All stupid theory.
Too much knees news.
No, we got better restaurants, home health care, more stores,
Looks like we need another reminder of what "we got" >>>

Harms of Immigration
1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).
2. Wage reduction.
3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).
4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).
5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.
6. Increased crime.
7. Increased traffic congestion.
8. Increased pollution.
9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.
10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.
11. Overcrowding in government offices.
12. Overcrowding in schools.
13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.
14. Cultural erosion.
15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)
16. Introduction of foreign diseases
17. Influx of terrorists.
18. Wildfires
19. Litter
What uneducated class do you belong too?
My early 2 early 20s lady relatives both earn $80k
One a plastics engineer, the other an environmental engineer.
It's always been the same, get a good Ed then you won't have to suck off socialist benefits. Easy really if you have 1/2 a brain
Foreign diseases?
You do know they pay for your benefits?
Our population is way to old and uneducated
Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things. Many if not most, are destitute. Will they get immediate help ? How ? From whom ?

And if help doesn't come immediately to these migrants, will they turn to crime ? Will they steal cars (thereby increasing traffic congestion immensely) Will they burglarize, or just rob people in the streets ? Will they have communicable diseases ?

Will they overwhelm the social services department ? Will they overwhelm hospital ERs. What about school classrooms ? Will they cause massive litter problems ?

What if these 20,000 all stream into Douglas, AZ ? With a last counted population of just over 17,000, there would be more illegal aliens than residents (and who knows how many of those residents are illegal aliens themselves ?). What will happen to Douglas AZ ? (or its residents ? ; or the migrants ?) Anyone want to venture a guess ?

How about Loving, New Mexico ? Their population is only 1,413. Imagine them being swamped by 20,000 penniless, illegal migrants. How about Van Horn, Texas, with a population of 2,063. With a sudden influx of migrants 10 times their population, what would it be like for the residents of this town ?

Maybe those who say we don't need a wall, and there is no emergency, would like to tell us how these folks will get along ?

U.S. tracking three migrant caravans, one with 12,000 people
We should be upgrading Ellis Island to address our refugee problem.
Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things. Many if not most, are destitute. Will they get immediate help ? How ? From whom ?

And if help doesn't come immediately to these migrants, will they turn to crime ? Will they steal cars (thereby increasing traffic congestion immensely) Will they burglarize, or just rob people in the streets ? Will they have communicable diseases ?

Will they overwhelm the social services department ? Will they overwhelm hospital ERs. What about school classrooms ? Will they cause massive litter problems ?

What if these 20,000 all stream into Douglas, AZ ? With a last counted population of just over 17,000, there would be more illegal aliens than residents (and who knows how many of those residents are illegal aliens themselves ?). What will happen to Douglas AZ ? (or its residents ? ; or the migrants ?) Anyone want to venture a guess ?

How about Loving, New Mexico ? Their population is only 1,413. Imagine them being swamped by 20,000 penniless, illegal migrants. How about Van Horn, Texas, with a population of 2,063. With a sudden influx of migrants 10 times their population, what would it be like for the residents of this town ?

Maybe those who say we don't need a wall, and there is no emergency, would like to tell us how these folks will get along ?

U.S. tracking three migrant caravans, one with 12,000 people
We should be upgrading Ellis Island to address our refugee problem.
We have 350000000 people here. 12 k is nothing
It's well known we have an aging population.
Immigrants, as always will keep us white boy rubes as they assimilate
Thank god we have mexican restaurants now.
Zero in the 60's
And where are you from mr SS benefit sucker
Under the mistake you've paid for your benefits
Love the "English for the english"
Had their DNA checked, Turkish and African genes
Be careful what you wish for
Upon what do you base the notion that I haven't paid for my Social Security ?

And didn't you previously mention something about VA benefits ? Well, are you a US military veteran? I would doubt that you are. Maybe if you paid for VA benefits, by serving in the military, you'd HAVE some VA benefits now. You get what you pay/work for. :biggrin:

And where are YOU from, Mr illegal alien ass-kisser ? Mexico ? China ? India ? Phillipines ? (the top 4 US economy pillagers)

I'm just surprised you post a wife cheater and our anti military complex Dwight .
All the military related spending is 1/2 our discretion now.
No wonder we have crappy roads and education
Talk about a bunch of paranoids who never had the crap bombed out of them or never were in hand to hand.
Glorification unlimited
Ever lived anywhere but Tennessee?
And where are you from mr SS benefit sucker
Under the mistake you've paid for your benefits
Love the "English for the english"
Had their DNA checked, Turkish and African genes
Be careful what you wish for
Upon what do you base the notion that I haven't paid for my Social Security ?

And didn't you previously mention something about VA benefits ? Well, are you a US military veteran? I would doubt that you are. Maybe if you paid for VA benefits, by serving in the military, you'd HAVE some VA benefits now. You get what you pay/work for. :biggrin:

And where are YOU from, Mr illegal alien ass-kisser ? Mexico ? China ? India ? Phillipines ? (the top 4 US economy pillagers)

Please read.
No one said you didn't pay in.
Just said most collect more.
Hope you are not one of them
Social Security: Many pay more in taxes than they'll get in benefits
And where are you from mr SS benefit sucker
Under the mistake you've paid for your benefits
Love the "English for the english"
Had their DNA checked, Turkish and African genes
Be careful what you wish for
Upon what do you base the notion that I haven't paid for my Social Security ?

And didn't you previously mention something about VA benefits ? Well, are you a US military veteran? I would doubt that you are. Maybe if you paid for VA benefits, by serving in the military, you'd HAVE some VA benefits now. You get what you pay/work for. :biggrin:

And where are YOU from, Mr illegal alien ass-kisser ? Mexico ? China ? India ? Phillipines ? (the top 4 US economy pillagers)

Absolutely not.
I'm a proud all white Christian zero education white rube
I guess you don't even research how we pillaged people for oil?
We installed the South American dictators.
Now whining about the caravans that we created?
Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things. Many if not most, are destitute. Will they get immediate help ? How ? From whom ?

And if help doesn't come immediately to these migrants, will they turn to crime ? Will they steal cars (thereby increasing traffic congestion immensely) Will they burglarize, or just rob people in the streets ? Will they have communicable diseases ?

Will they overwhelm the social services department ? Will they overwhelm hospital ERs. What about school classrooms ? Will they cause massive litter problems ?

What if these 20,000 all stream into Douglas, AZ ? With a last counted population of just over 17,000, there would be more illegal aliens than residents (and who knows how many of those residents are illegal aliens themselves ?). What will happen to Douglas AZ ? (or its residents ? ; or the migrants ?) Anyone want to venture a guess ?

How about Loving, New Mexico ? Their population is only 1,413. Imagine them being swamped by 20,000 penniless, illegal migrants. How about Van Horn, Texas, with a population of 2,063. With a sudden influx of migrants 10 times their population, what would it be like for the residents of this town ?

Maybe those who say we don't need a wall, and there is no emergency, would like to tell us how these folks will get along ?

U.S. tracking three migrant caravans, one with 12,000 people
We should be upgrading Ellis Island to address our refugee problem.
We have 350000000 people here. 12 k is nothing
It's well known we have an aging population.
Immigrants, as always will keep us white boy rubes as they assimilate
Thank god we have mexican restaurants now.
Zero in the 60's
we should not have a refugee problem on our southern border if they could be going to Ellis Island, instead. An upgraded Ellis Island could process that group in a single day.

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