What Happens If 20,000 Migrants Enter Your City ?

Better restaurants!

Who in the hell eats oyster crackers without oyster stew?

Ahhh a special blend of Canaanites and birds....

Named for people who believe in term limits.
Like death?

Like this guy ...

Damn fascist sticks always give it away..

But, Cincinnatus seems to be an exception to the axiom that 'absolute power corrupts, absolutely'.

At least that's how the story goes.
Ahhh a special blend of Canaanites and birds....

Named for people who believe in term limits.
Like death?

Like this guy ...

Damn fascist sticks always give it away..

But, Cincinnatus seems to be an exception to the axiom that 'absolute power corrupts, absolutely'.

At least that's how the story goes.
I know it I find myself unable to stop eating the entire package of M&M's..
Yes, YOUR city. Where YOU live. These 20,000 people are going to need a place to live, food, medical care, and other things. Many if not most, are destitute. Will they get immediate help ? How ? From whom ?

And if help doesn't come immediately to these migrants, will they turn to crime ? Will they steal cars (thereby increasing traffic congestion immensely) Will they burglarize, or just rob people in the streets ? Will they have communicable diseases ?

Will they overwhelm the social services department ? Will they overwhelm hospital ERs. What about school classrooms ? Will they cause massive litter problems ?

What if these 20,000 all stream into Douglas, AZ ? With a last counted population of just over 17,000, there would be more illegal aliens than residents (and who knows how many of those residents are illegal aliens themselves ?). What will happen to Douglas AZ ? (or its residents ? ; or the migrants ?) Anyone want to venture a guess ?

How about Loving, New Mexico ? Their population is only 1,413. Imagine them being swamped by 20,000 penniless, illegal migrants. How about Van Horn, Texas, with a population of 2,063. With a sudden influx of migrants 10 times their population, what would it be like for the residents of this town ?

Maybe those who say we don't need a wall, and there is no emergency, would like to tell us how these folks will get along ?

U.S. tracking three migrant caravans, one with 12,000 people
I would like to correct the OP. You don't mean "IMMIGRANTS." You mean illegal aliens, and yes, Virginia, there is a difference. A huge difference. Why do some people keep confusing the two?
not sure what you mean. we have no immigration clause.
Nobody is above the law clause. Not even sneaky Mexicans. Everyone else managed to immigrate legally, follow the immigration laws, up to and including my great grand parents. Why can't modern Mexicans? What makes them soooo special they get sanctuary FROM immigration laws? And especially, since nobody was given a vote to approve it?
Nobody is above the law clause. Not even sneaky Mexicans. Everyone else managed to immigrate legally, follow the immigration laws, up to and including my great grand parents. Why can't modern Mexicans? What makes them soooo special they get sanctuary FROM immigration laws? And especially, since nobody was given a vote to approve it?
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution.
Any month that ONLY 20,000 arrive here is an off month. (South Florida)

Florida is up with the top 4 in illegal immigrants. Miami is a Cuban, Jamaican, Haitian immigrant city. Broward & Palm Beach counties, Mexican, Colombian and a mix of all South American countries...with a few whitey holdouts still hangin on.

Good luck finding anyone puede habla Inglés
I go to the DMV. Three Mexicans standing under a sign that says only one person per booth. Two of the three giving the test taker hints. And then there's the motor voter law, that gives Mexican illegals voting rights. Wow, something seams little broken...
Tourism is the first, second, or third largest employer in twenty-nine States. Why are we losing money on border policy?
I go to the DMV. Three Mexicans standing under a sign that says only one person per booth. Two of the three giving the test taker hints. And then there's the motor voter law, that gives Mexican illegals voting rights. Wow, something seems a little broken...
I go to the DMV. Three Mexicans standing under a sign that says only one person per booth. Two of the three giving the test taker hints. And then there's the motor voter law, that gives Mexican illegals voting rights. Wow, something seems a little broken...

yep....no worries, as soon as America falls and becomes JUST LIKE their shit hole country and the free bennies all run out...they'll all go home.
a stable, historically developed community of people, with a territory, economic life, distinctive culture, and language in common.

America hasn't been that for 40,000 years. Our nation has always been, and will continue to be, a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious, multi-lingual continent.

Oh good grief you are so full of shit. How much does Soros pay you to post this nonsense? America was founded by and for white Christians. Not african Hutus or Mexican serpent worshippers.

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