What Happens If 20,000 Migrants Enter Your City ?

Yea, disgusting




Imagine having the nerve to be proud of where you came from.
It certainly is disgusting when as said "they have no intention of ever assimilating to gringo culture and quite literally despise us"

But you cowardly DODGED that and then compounded the cowardice by changing the subject to good immigrants, who do assimilate, and don't despise us.

Every one of those groups of 'good immigrants' were once the 'bad immigrants' who refused to assimilate. Greeks, Italians, Irish, all were reviled as a foreign infiltration of our country. Now, they are held up ... even by you ... as examples of good immigrants of whom our country can be proud.

Seriously, learn the history of your own country. You're embarrassing the rest of us who paid attention in school.
Every one of those groups of 'good immigrants' were once the 'bad immigrants' who refused to assimilate. Greeks, Italians, Irish, all were reviled as a foreign infiltration of our country. Now, they are held up ... even by you ... as examples of good immigrants of whom our country can be proud.
The problem is you keep repeating the lie calling these invaders "immigrants." They are not.
You can't blame immigrants for taking what is offered them. Hate the game, not the players.
You can blame them for not being discerning enough to realize that what they are doing is in violation of US law, and that the people who are arranging the offers (puebla sin fronteras), are not authorized to do so, and are merely trying to gin up Democrat VOTES for the 2020 election.
Every one of those groups of 'good immigrants' were once the 'bad immigrants' who refused to assimilate. Greeks, Italians, Irish, all were reviled as a foreign infiltration of our country. Now, they are held up ... even by you ... as examples of good immigrants of whom our country can be proud.

Seriously, learn the history of your own country. You're embarrassing the rest of us who paid attention in school.
FALSE! The good immigrants of the past were good immigrants ALWAYS. They never were like these 21st century invaders. The old immigrants came here legally, did not demand things, with street protests, waving their old countries' flags.

And I don't need to learn about the immigration of the past in school. My mother was an immigrant from Denmark in 1929. They arrived legally, learned English with a year, had no bilingual programs, and were not reviled by anyone.

Same thing applies to my paternal grandparents from British Honduras (now called Belize). You are learning the "history of your own country" right now, with me as your teacher.
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You said, 'migrants'. That includes legal, illegal, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and Lithuanian. It includes, xtians, Jews, Muslims, Druids, and Agnostics

Just curious. Why is it offensive to you to refer to the followers of Jesus Christ as CHRISTIANS? Why the xtian nonsense?
Might be crude but the evidence is as plain as day. Some tribes are incompatible. Western europeans turned out to have more in common with one another than they thought once they started interacting more and more with the wider world. What good, other than spicy food has "diversity" (aka less white people) gotten us? More crime, more jealousy, more anger and more hate. 200 years later and africans still haven't quite assimilated. We weren't meant to live like this.
You said, 'migrants'. That includes legal, illegal, white, black, Asian, Hispanic, and Lithuanian. It includes, xtians, Jews, Muslims, Druids, and Agnostics

Just curious. Why is it offensive to you to refer to the followers of Jesus Christ as CHRISTIANS? Why the xtian nonsense?

Abbreviation ... I'm all about brevity.
Not the new migrants. They only thing they own is the clothes they're wearing.

Immigrants coming to America with nothing is hardly a new story in our country, and it's what makes us great.


Please. These people had to make their own way. Today, America is a welfare state. Asking the citizens of this country to support people they don't even want here is immoral.

Might be crude but the evidence is as plain as day. Some tribes are incompatible. Western europeans turned out to have more in common with one another than they thought once they started interacting more and more with the wider world. What good, other than spicy food has "diversity" (aka less white people) gotten us? More crime, more jealousy, more anger and more hate. 200 years later and africans still haven't quite assimilated. We weren't meant to live like this.
True. Multiculturalism is an abomination. National borders exist for a good reason.
The political ideology that best fits my beliefs is Libertarian. As a Libertarian, I believe several things concerning immigration.

1. Immigration, is good for America, it always has been. Our country wouldn't be what it is today, the good and the bad, without it.

2. Illegal immigration is wrong. It is a violation of the law of the land and allows people to flout our national sovereignty. However, if you're going to take a stand against illegal immigration, make very clear that you're speaking of illegal immigration and not racially vilifying any group.

3. The current legal immigration process is too difficult. It is a bloated and tangled government bureaucracy that does precious little vetting of immigrants to our country and encourages illegal immigration.

4. Taxpayer funded subsidies to immigrants, legal or otherwise, is wrong.

5. Demonizing groups of immigrants, regardless of how they came here. For every Hispanic illegal immigrant in this country, there are more than 10 Hispanic persons who are here legally or were born in the US.

6. Appeals to racism are both wrong and stupid. It is as wrong to racially vilify Hispanic Americans as it was to vilify Irish or Italian immigrants. To say this is a country for whites, or for xtians, or for any other ethnicity alone is not only vile, it represents a very different ideology to that on which America was founded.
"diversity" (aka less white people) gotten us?

That would be 'fewer', not 'less'.

If you're going to live in this country, learn the language.

Well excuse me professor for screwing up my grammar. I might not be the most eloquent fucker around here but I think I do pretty well for someone without much in the way of a formal education. Go ahead and look down your hooked nose at me from your ivory tower, that's fine. Just know it's lowly people like me and my family that have to bear the brunt of the failure of your multiculturalism experiment.
Not the new migrants. They only thing they own is the clothes they're wearing.

Immigrants coming to America with nothing is hardly a new story in our country, and it's what makes us great.


Please. These people had to make their own way. Today, America is a welfare state. Asking the citizens of this country to support people they don't even want here is immoral.


In fact, if you learn about the history of immigration in this country, you will learn that it took each wave of immigrants as many as several generations to assimilate into America. It wasn't that long ago, when the public services of many major cities were dominated by those of Irish and Italian descent. This is a direct result of political graft at a city level. Ethnic city councilors or aldermen handed out city jobs to their communities in exchange for votes.

This has been the pattern of immigration for centuries in America.
I have known plenty of immigrants. None of them treated like mexican illegal so called imigrants are NOW. Why are they so special? They dispace poor American workers of all races, over the last thirty years. Mexican workers are the new cheap disposable neoslaves. So this is what lib NPCs call humanitarian? Oh, goody.
Just know it's lowly people like me and my family that have to bear the brunt of the failure of your multiculturalism experiment.

Among the first 'white men' to set foot in this country. Many were Spanish, their captain was Italian. The fleets interpreter was a Jew.

America has been a multicultural 'experiment' since 1492.

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