What Happens if the Election Audits Go Trump's Way?

No sane person will believe what the Ninjas say at the end.
Then they can believe the missing ballots and the illegal ones that will be found.
The point is, a declaration of large scale cheating coming out of the audit/audits could have the power to mobilize more than just a million Trump supporters with guns and intent on the use of deadly force.

This is the intent of any and all of the audits or coming audits.

In that there is hope for Trump.

and in that America faces a possibility of the taking down of its democracy!
No sane person will believe what the Ninjas say at the end.
Then they can believe the missing ballots and the illegal ones that will be found.
The point is, a declaration of large scale cheating coming out of the audit/audits could have the power to mobilize more than just a million Trump supporters with guns and intent on the use of deadly force.

This is the intent of any and all of the audits or coming audits.

In that there is hope for Trump.

and in that America faces a possibility of the taking down of its democracy!
What kind of bullshit is that? The violence comes from the Left. Also exercising your rights and challenging an election is how a democracy works, you stupid turd.
Let’s see...

If Cyber Ninja reports anything major, they will probably have to redo the audit using a legitimate election audit company.

If anything is found in Maricopa County, they would have to audit EVERY County in Arizona under the same rules.

Then if all the audits in Arizona show Trump wonk then Trump could get 10 more electoral votes for 242

Now, if you really want to get serious about the 2020 election, you have to do an in depth audit of EVERY state
Not just the ones Biden won

if an audit in every state is necessary, sounds good to me.
One question
Please answer honestly

If we had another election and Trump still lost, Would he and his minions accept the results?

On the eve of the Election, Joe Biden was practically under strict orders NOT to accept the results of the election other than victory. Why shouldn't the opposition take the same approach? I don't think either side is in a position to hold the other side accountable for accepting the results of an Election these days. It's been that way since 2000.
What audits? The audits run by "Cyber Ninjas", a company run by a CEO who has pushed the "rigged" conspiracy, the audits that clearly won't pass DOJ muster, or any judicial muster?

This is madness. The Trumpsters still don't understand that this Kabuki Theater, to keep them angry and contributing and voting. You. Are. Being. Conned.

You really do sound afraid. Sad. :(
No sane person will believe what the Ninjas say at the end.
Then they can believe the missing ballots and the illegal ones that will be found.
The point is, a declaration of large scale cheating coming out of the audit/audits could have the power to mobilize more than just a million Trump supporters with guns and intent on the use of deadly force.

This is the intent of any and all of the audits or coming audits.

In that there is hope for Trump.

and in that America faces a possibility of the taking down of its democracy!
What kind of bullshit is that? The violence comes from the Left.
There's a possibility that Trump's supporters won't have the balls to do what will be necessary for Trump to take back the presidency.
But there is no legal means left with which to do it.
No proper and official audit is possible now that the illegal auditors have been able to handle the ballots unscrutinized by the other side.

Trump's only way of winning the presidency is in the 2024 election.

All other routes will be illegal and will require violent force. If Trump supporters don't do that, as you suggest, then ..............................
No sane person will believe what the Ninjas say at the end.
Then they can believe the missing ballots and the illegal ones that will be found.
The point is, a declaration of large scale cheating coming out of the audit/audits could have the power to mobilize more than just a million Trump supporters with guns and intent on the use of deadly force.

This is the intent of any and all of the audits or coming audits.

In that there is hope for Trump.

and in that America faces a possibility of the taking down of its democracy!
What kind of bullshit is that? The violence comes from the Left.
There's a possibility that Trump's supporters won't have the balls to do what will be necessary for Trump to take back the presidency.
But there is no legal means left with which to do it.
No proper and official audit is possible now that the illegal auditors have been able to handle the ballots unscrutinized by the other side.

Trump's only way of winning the presidency is in the 2024 election.

All other routes will be illegal and will require violent force. If Trump supporters don't do that, as you suggest, then ..............................
There are plenty of legal means left. You are a dummy.
What kind of bullshit is that? The violence comes from the Left.
There's a possibility that Trump's supporters won't have the balls to do what will be necessary for Trump to take back the presidency.
But there is no legal means left with which to do it.
No proper and official audit is possible now that the illegal auditors have been able to handle the ballots unscrutinized by the other side.

Trump's only way of winning the presidency is in the 2024 election.

All other routes will be illegal and will require violent force. If Trump supporters don't do that, as you suggest, then ..............................
There are plenty of legal means left. You are a dummy.
By a stretch of the imagination the scotus could rule in favour of Trump. The possibility is too small to consider. there is no other way for Trump before 2024 elections.

But you could always offer some other way to overturn the 2020 election?

The audit/audits to come are hope for Trump, only by illegal means and by violent force.
But they don't do that, as you suggest.

I think there is still a glimmer of hope that results of the audit/audits could mobilize a million Trump supporters with guns and determination!

Merrick Garland and the DOJ see that possibility too!
Don't be afraid to acknowledge that which excites you.
No sane person will believe what the Ninjas say at the end.
What would a moonbat like you know about sanity?
The point in Trump's favour is, easily a million, and more likely several millions will believe the cyber ninjas' announced results.

Which of course won't offer any legal leg up for Trump, but will offer the kind of support the audit/audits are designed to bring.

If it goes well for Trump, America could see a force for Trump numbering in the hundreds of thousands or even millions.

It will be a force that will require America's military to match!

But then there's the question on which way the military's loyalty will go!
Neither side in the fight can allow themselves to explore the possibilities and probabilities because to do so would be politically incorrect for upholding their side.

I happen to know that you're politically attuned and smart enough to understand.

As a Canadian with no dog in the fight, I have the luxury of speculating out loud.
Actually, we have entertained Trumps LIES for too long

He has too big an ego to admit he lost and he lost badly in a fair election.
Time to put your big girl panties on and join the real world
Let’s see...

If Cyber Ninja reports anything major, they will probably have to redo the audit using a legitimate election audit company.

If anything is found in Maricopa County, they would have to audit EVERY County in Arizona under the same rules.

Then if all the audits in Arizona show Trump wonk then Trump could get 10 more electoral votes for 242

Now, if you really want to get serious about the 2020 election, you have to do an in depth audit of EVERY state
Not just the ones Biden won

if an audit in every state is necessary, sounds good to me.
One question
Please answer honestly

If we had another election and Trump still lost, Would he and his minions accept the results?

On the eve of the Election, Joe Biden was practically under strict orders NOT to accept the results of the election other than victory. Why shouldn't the opposition take the same approach? I don't think either side is in a position to hold the other side accountable for accepting the results of an Election these days. It's been that way since 2000.
No such thing happened

Biden has lost before and he accepted the results with grace and dignity. Stop with the “you guys would have done the same thing BS“
We wouldn’t and neither would most Republicans

Trump has pulled the stolen election rant EVERY time he has lost......You morons keep falling for it
Nothing changes. The results of an extremely partisan result in the Cyber Ninja's audit is already baked into the cake.
This "reinstatement" thing is a total fantasy.. The election is over, the recounts are over, the election results have been certified, and the new president has been sworn in.

No further "audits" have any official status or weight. The only results of the farce being conducted in Arizona are that the chain of custody of the ballots has been broken, compromising the ballots, and the machines involved cannot be used again.

SCOTUS may decide differently if the evidence does show voter fraud in those states in question.

trump supporters have contended for months that evidence exists, but how do you know this if you are still digging for it?Either you have it or you don't. You are plugging for a guy who said, before the election even began, that if he didn't win, the election was rigged. How would he know?

It is very suspicious that the evidence that was submitted to the various courts as part of official legal filings has not been posted anywhere that is accessible. Why wasn't this made public? Where are these documents?

Additional partisan fishing expeditions have no official status.
Nothing changes. The results of an extremely partisan result in the Cyber Ninja's audit is already baked into the cake.
There's a good chance of the Cyber ninjas coming down with nothing, if one considers that would put an end to the audit nonsense.
Trump wants it to continue indefinitely of course.
What kind of bullshit is that? The violence comes from the Left.
There's a possibility that Trump's supporters won't have the balls to do what will be necessary for Trump to take back the presidency.
But there is no legal means left with which to do it.
No proper and official audit is possible now that the illegal auditors have been able to handle the ballots unscrutinized by the other side.

Trump's only way of winning the presidency is in the 2024 election.

All other routes will be illegal and will require violent force. If Trump supporters don't do that, as you suggest, then ..............................
There are plenty of legal means left. You are a dummy.
By a stretch of the imagination the scotus could rule in favour of Trump. The possibility is too small to consider. there is no other way for Trump before 2024 elections.

But you could always offer some other way to overturn the 2020 election?

The audit/audits to come are hope for Trump, only by illegal means and by violent force.
But they don't do that, as you suggest.

I think there is still a glimmer of hope that results of the audit/audits could mobilize a million Trump supporters with guns and determination!

Merrick Garland and the DOJ see that possibility too!
Don't be afraid to acknowledge that which excites you.
When fraud is proven a lot is going to change in 2022.

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