What happens when democrats take back power?

The best possible thing would be the dissolution of the two-party system and getting money out of politics ... but since that ain't gonna happen, I'll settle for bipartisanship.

And since that ain't gonna happen, I'll settle for aliens blowing up Washington D.C.
Yes. The one-party solution always takes the money out of politics.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Considering that all trump and the republicans have been doing has been to "rip down" our country and strip it bare, the Democrats will have a lot of cleaning up and rebuilding what has been ruined by these animals.
Obama trashed this country to the point that it took somebody like Trump to clean and rebuild.
The pervert is attempting to destroy us. President Obama tried to build this country up. Now we will have to cleanse our nation after the destruction created by the current whore in the Oval Office. trump is a completely despicable dirty creature bent on destroying the U.S.A. He is complete filth.

You must have a pretty perverted view of what it means to "build this country back up."

DumBama was the most anti--business President in our lifetime. Forcing citizens to buy something they may not want, need, or can afford is the most anti-American policy any politician has ever come up with. In a later post you said you saluted your television set when our astronauts landed on the moon, but now you stick up for a guy what was supported by the US Communist party both elections.
Anti-business? Is "business" our major value? This country is a homeland for its people, a place to live, not a business commodity. President Obama was motivated to make this place a better home and made every effort in this direction. "Business" is fine as long as it realizes its place in our society and conducts itself accordingly.
Now he has been replaced by a cheap admitted whore who is trying to destroy our homeland. What he is destroying must be built back up after he is finished wrecking it, which I hope will be soon. I salute the country. I did not stand to salute Wall Street. I do not salute greedy trash who have no respect for their fellows and who tear down our values and dignity every day.

I guess I should have said if Republicans don't impeach him first. You can watch FOX NEWS video's from this link.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

And there's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt--:badgrin:

Why don't you cool it with the conspiracy theory bullshit? I'm starting to agree with the Trump supporters on this one. Fuck Russia. Fuck all that bullshit. If Mueller brings charges, we can talk. Until then, shut the fuck up about it. It means nothing.

Apparently you don't know that there are currently 4 Federal Grand Jury Indictments and 2 guilty plea's, are charges-:badgrin:

Mueller already has collusion and Obstruction of Justice.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

Trump has admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

Mueller has subpoenaed Duetsche banking records on Trump.

This on Manafort & Gates

This thread is what's going to happen when Democrats take over--here is your clue.

They're going to burn down the entire Republican party in 2018 is what they're going to do.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks about emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies. That will be their first order of business.

As far as we know, Mueller has jack shit on Trump. I don't give a rat's ass about Manafort or Popafuckhisface. Or Flynn either. If the president gets indicted, I'll pay attention. Otherwise it's just more hot air.

Mueller's investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Hope Hicks new communication director of Donald Trump has been questioned for the last two days by Mueller's office. She was the one that handled all of the emails, she is with Trump a lot and even worked with him prior to him running for POTUS. She knows a lot, and she's probably going to tell the truth the first time around, because she has seen Flynn, & Papadopoulos charged with a Felony for lying to the FBI.

Hope Hicks met with special counsel Robert Mueller's team for interviews today and Thursday, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.
Hicks was interviewed as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and any potential collusion with the Trump campaign.
Hope Hicks met with special counsel's team for interviews

So live your Trump dream as long as you can, it's very clear that Mueller is going after Trump for money laundering, Obstruction of Justice, and things we may not even know about yet.

The dumbest question anyone could possibly ask is "What's going to happen when Democrat's take over? They're going run the entire Republican party through a paper shredder with this is what they're going to do. You think this is bad, wait until they take over.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talk of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

If you really believe the REPs are going to lose 24 seats in historically red states next year you need mental help.
Pace yourself pal. Don't wear out your right hand.
With the economy soaring and job numbers/wages going up your chances of winning the majority in congress are less than nil!
Anti-business? Is "business" our major value? This country is a homeland for its people, a place to live, not a business commodity. President Obama was motivated to make this place a better home and made every effort in this direction. "Business" is fine as long as it realizes its place in our society and conducts itself accordingly.

Business is what puts food on our tables, roofs over our heads, clothes on our backs. It's how our society allocates the work that needs to be done in order to maintain it, and provides for the needs of individuals.

Without business, there is no society; nothing but random bands of impoverished, stone-age hunter/gatherers.
I guess I should have said if Republicans don't impeach him first. You can watch FOX NEWS video's from this link.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

And there's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt--:badgrin:

Why don't you cool it with the conspiracy theory bullshit? I'm starting to agree with the Trump supporters on this one. Fuck Russia. Fuck all that bullshit. If Mueller brings charges, we can talk. Until then, shut the fuck up about it. It means nothing.

Apparently you don't know that there are currently 4 Federal Grand Jury Indictments and 2 guilty plea's, are charges-:badgrin:

Mueller already has collusion and Obstruction of Justice.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

Trump has admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

Mueller has subpoenaed Duetsche banking records on Trump.

This on Manafort & Gates

This thread is what's going to happen when Democrats take over--here is your clue.

They're going to burn down the entire Republican party in 2018 is what they're going to do.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks about emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies. That will be their first order of business.

As far as we know, Mueller has jack shit on Trump. I don't give a rat's ass about Manafort or Popafuckhisface. Or Flynn either. If the president gets indicted, I'll pay attention. Otherwise it's just more hot air.

Mueller's investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Hope Hicks new communication director of Donald Trump has been questioned for the last two days by Mueller's office. She was the one that handled all of the emails, she is with Trump a lot and even worked with him prior to him running for POTUS. She knows a lot, and she's probably going to tell the truth the first time around, because she has seen Flynn, & Papadopoulos charged with a Felony for lying to the FBI.

Hope Hicks met with special counsel Robert Mueller's team for interviews today and Thursday, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.
Hicks was interviewed as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and any potential collusion with the Trump campaign.
Hope Hicks met with special counsel's team for interviews

So live your Trump dream as long as you can, it's very clear that Mueller is going after Trump for money laundering, Obstruction of Justice, and things we may not even know about yet.

The dumbest question anyone could possibly ask is "What's going to happen when Democrat's take over? They're going run the entire Republican party through a paper shredder with this is what they're going to do. You think this is bad, wait until they take over.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talk of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

If you really believe the REPs are going to lose 24 seats in historically red states next year you need mental help.
Pace yourself pal. Don't wear out your right hand.
With the economy soaring and job numbers/wages going up your chances of winning the majority in congress are less than nil!

when hasnt these leftists had delusional wishes

only to be butt hurt over and over


no one is even donating to the democrats these days

but then again who would

when they have become an organization of various hate groups

Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
By the looks of things, that they will never regain control of the Hill. The only way that they will be able to regain its control is? It is by infiltrating the Hill as Republicans. And then start making a lots of mistakes, that will get the public upset about the party, that they are willing to try out in desperation a new different party.
Anti-business? Is "business" our major value? This country is a homeland for its people, a place to live, not a business commodity. President Obama was motivated to make this place a better home and made every effort in this direction. "Business" is fine as long as it realizes its place in our society and conducts itself accordingly.

Business is what puts food on our tables, roofs over our heads, clothes on our backs. It's how our society allocates the work that needs to be done in order to maintain it, and provides for the needs of individuals.

Without business, there is no society; nothing but random bands of impoverished, stone-age hunter/gatherers.
Business is okay, really, but under the control of the rest of society, not leading it by the nose. It is important to point out here that "business" is a term that really is made up of a certain group of actual human people. Their activities may bring certain benefits to society, but they must be held accountable to the rest of society.
Anti-business? Is "business" our major value? This country is a homeland for its people, a place to live, not a business commodity. President Obama was motivated to make this place a better home and made every effort in this direction. "Business" is fine as long as it realizes its place in our society and conducts itself accordingly.

Business is what puts food on our tables, roofs over our heads, clothes on our backs. It's how our society allocates the work that needs to be done in order to maintain it, and provides for the needs of individuals.

Without business, there is no society; nothing but random bands of impoverished, stone-age hunter/gatherers.

Leftwing idiots believe business is an afterthought. They think Americans can live without business. It's difficult to express how stupid these numskulls are.
Anti-business? Is "business" our major value? This country is a homeland for its people, a place to live, not a business commodity. President Obama was motivated to make this place a better home and made every effort in this direction. "Business" is fine as long as it realizes its place in our society and conducts itself accordingly.

Business is what puts food on our tables, roofs over our heads, clothes on our backs. It's how our society allocates the work that needs to be done in order to maintain it, and provides for the needs of individuals.

Without business, there is no society; nothing but random bands of impoverished, stone-age hunter/gatherers.
Business is okay, really, but under the control of the rest of society, not leading it by the nose. It is important to point out here that "business" is a term that really is made up of a certain group of actual human people. Their activities may bring certain benefits to society, but they must be held accountable to the rest of society.

We all have to follow the law, numskull. Busismen aren't a race of criminals, like politicians. Business produces everything we consume. There is no society without business. Your belief that you can make a distinction between business and society is positively comical.
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Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?

Was it a waste of time when Barack Obama was pushing through his agenda with Executive Orders? (Not reconciliation!)
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Trump is a moron and everything he touched should be salted so it never grows again.

And all the white supremacist losers who came out of the closet need to be shoved back into their caves.

“I’m a reasonable person, damn it!...


...Why won’t anyone listen to me?!”

so you think his white supremacist trash are a good thing?
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?

Was it a waste of time when Barack Obama was pushing through his agenda with Executive Orders? (Not reconciliation!)

Yes. He should've done things the right way. Why do you think we're in this mess now? Because the Rs and the Ds can't play nice.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Which would be stupid.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
This is why we stop electing these bastards to office for life.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?

Was it a waste of time when Barack Obama was pushing through his agenda with Executive Orders? (Not reconciliation!)

Yes. He should've done things the right way. Why do you think we're in this mess now? Because the Rs and the Ds can't play nice.

He didn't though...did he? When Obama won election back in '08 he lectured the GOP leadership on the fact that elections have consequences yet a scant two years later after getting "shellacked" in the Mid Term elections...Barry lectured the entire country that he had a pen, a phone and would use them to rule by Executive Orders! That isn't two political parties refusing to play nice...that's ONE party ignoring the will of the voters!
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?

Was it a waste of time when Barack Obama was pushing through his agenda with Executive Orders? (Not reconciliation!)

Yes. He should've done things the right way. Why do you think we're in this mess now? Because the Rs and the Ds can't play nice.

He didn't though...did he? When Obama won election back in '08 he lectured the GOP leadership on the fact that elections have consequences yet a scant two years later after getting "shellacked" in the Mid Term elections...Barry lectured the entire country that he had a pen, a phone and would use them to rule by Executive Orders! That isn't two political parties refusing to play nice...that's ONE party ignoring the will of the voters!

So now we have round no.2 with Trump issuing EOs left and right and the republicans refusing bipartisanship. Where does it end? Well, probably not until the boomers are out of power. Then maybe we'll have some competent leadership with the Gen X'ers.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
A fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

Which would be stupid.

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