What happens when democrats take back power?

The biggest problem in this country is that right-wing nutjobs actually believe the incredibly stupid shit they've written in this thread. There is no rational way to understand why their thinking, like their entire view of reality, is so... twisted and delusional.
The biggest problem in this country is that right-wing nutjobs actually believe the incredibly stupid shit they've written in this thread. There is no rational way to understand why their thinking, like their entire view of reality, is so... twisted and delusional.
What are you - some kind of a saint?
No. Its you leftist traitors that need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you. That alone makes you one stupid sunbich.
The biggest problem in this country is that right-wing nutjobs actually believe the incredibly stupid shit they've written in this thread. There is no rational way to understand why their thinking, like their entire view of reality, is so... twisted and delusional.
What are you - some kind of a saint?
No. Its you leftist traitors that need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you. That alone makes you one stupid sunbich.
I'm not a leftist you stupid fuck.

I actually support a couple of trump's efforts. But, overall, I think trump is a disastor for America. And we'll be dealing with the damage his stupidity and arrogance are doing, for decades.

And I don't count on the "government" to do shit for me. Overall you're simply hateful and stupid. You don't know shit about me, dumbass. I'm pretty much in the middle. What I want is some sanity. I want what is best for America as a whole.
The first thing they'll do when they take over in 2018 is start impeachment proceedings on Trump.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.


I guess I should have said if Republicans don't impeach him first. You can watch FOX NEWS video's from this link.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

And there's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt--:badgrin:

Why don't you cool it with the conspiracy theory bullshit? I'm starting to agree with the Trump supporters on this one. Fuck Russia. Fuck all that bullshit. If Mueller brings charges, we can talk. Until then, shut the fuck up about it. It means nothing.

Apparently you don't know that there are currently 4 Federal Grand Jury Indictments and 2 guilty plea's, are charges-:badgrin:

Mueller already has collusion and Obstruction of Justice.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

Trump has admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

Mueller has subpoenaed Duetsche banking records on Trump.

This on Manafort & Gates

This thread is what's going to happen when Democrats take over--here is your clue.

They're going to burn down the entire Republican party in 2018 is what they're going to do.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks about emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies. That will be their first order of business.

As far as we know, Mueller has jack shit on Trump. I don't give a rat's ass about Manafort or Popafuckhisface. Or Flynn either. If the president gets indicted, I'll pay attention. Otherwise it's just more hot air.

Mueller's investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Hope Hicks new communication director of Donald Trump has been questioned for the last two days by Mueller's office. She was the one that handled all of the emails, she is with Trump a lot and even worked with him prior to him running for POTUS. She knows a lot, and she's probably going to tell the truth the first time around, because she has seen Flynn, & Papadopoulos charged with a Felony for lying to the FBI.

Hope Hicks met with special counsel Robert Mueller's team for interviews today and Thursday, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.
Hicks was interviewed as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and any potential collusion with the Trump campaign.
Hope Hicks met with special counsel's team for interviews

So live your Trump dream as long as you can, it's very clear that Mueller is going after Trump for money laundering, Obstruction of Justice, and things we may not even know about yet.

The dumbest question anyone could possibly ask is "What's going to happen when Democrat's take over? They're going run the entire Republican party through a paper shredder with this is what they're going to do. You think this is bad, wait until they take over.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talk of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.
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Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Considering that all trump and the republicans have been doing has been to "rip down" our country and strip it bare, the Democrats will have a lot of cleaning up and rebuilding what has been ruined by these animals.

I guess I should have said if Republicans don't impeach him first. You can watch FOX NEWS video's from this link.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

And there's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on an NBC interview with Lestor Holt--:badgrin:

Why don't you cool it with the conspiracy theory bullshit? I'm starting to agree with the Trump supporters on this one. Fuck Russia. Fuck all that bullshit. If Mueller brings charges, we can talk. Until then, shut the fuck up about it. It means nothing.

Apparently you don't know that there are currently 4 Federal Grand Jury Indictments and 2 guilty plea's, are charges-:badgrin:

Mueller already has collusion and Obstruction of Justice.
Mueller already has collusion & obstruction of justice--he's going after this Trump russian mob now.

Trump has admitted to Obstruction of Justice.

Mueller has subpoenaed Duetsche banking records on Trump.

This on Manafort & Gates

This thread is what's going to happen when Democrats take over--here is your clue.

They're going to burn down the entire Republican party in 2018 is what they're going to do.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talks about emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies. That will be their first order of business.

As far as we know, Mueller has jack shit on Trump. I don't give a rat's ass about Manafort or Popafuckhisface. Or Flynn either. If the president gets indicted, I'll pay attention. Otherwise it's just more hot air.

Mueller's investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate which took 2 years 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.

Hope Hicks new communication director of Donald Trump has been questioned for the last two days by Mueller's office. She was the one that handled all of the emails, she is with Trump a lot and even worked with him prior to him running for POTUS. She knows a lot, and she's probably going to tell the truth the first time around, because she has seen Flynn, & Papadopoulos charged with a Felony for lying to the FBI.

Hope Hicks met with special counsel Robert Mueller's team for interviews today and Thursday, sources familiar with the matter confirmed to ABC News.
Hicks was interviewed as part of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and any potential collusion with the Trump campaign.
Hope Hicks met with special counsel's team for interviews

So live your Trump dream as long as you can, it's very clear that Mueller is going after Trump for money laundering, Obstruction of Justice, and things we may not even know about yet.

The dumbest question anyone could possibly ask is "What's going to happen when Democrat's take over? They're going run the entire Republican party through a paper shredder with this is what they're going to do. You think this is bad, wait until they take over.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi and endless talk of emails, it's not hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

I despise Trump and I despise the republican party. You assume too much about people.
The biggest problem in this country is that right-wing nutjobs actually believe the incredibly stupid shit they've written in this thread. There is no rational way to understand why their thinking, like their entire view of reality, is so... twisted and delusional.
What are you - some kind of a saint?
No. Its you leftist traitors that need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you. That alone makes you one stupid sunbich.
I'm not a leftist you stupid fuck.

I actually support a couple of trump's efforts. But, overall, I think trump is a disastor for America. And we'll be dealing with the damage his stupidity and arrogance are doing, for decades.

And I don't count on the "government" to do shit for me. Overall you're simply hateful and stupid. You don't know shit about me, dumbass. I'm pretty much in the middle. What I want is some sanity. I want what is best for America as a whole.
You stupid ass. You want sanity, yet you are totally insane. You are a leftist - yet you are too damn stupid to even realize it. Trump is down the middle on many issues dumass. If you don't support Trump, you're supporting the left. Idiot.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Considering that all trump and the republicans have been doing has been to "rip down" our country and strip it bare, the Democrats will have a lot of cleaning up and rebuilding what has been ruined by these animals.
Obama trashed this country to the point that it took somebody like Trump to clean and rebuild.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Considering that all trump and the republicans have been doing has been to "rip down" our country and strip it bare, the Democrats will have a lot of cleaning up and rebuilding what has been ruined by these animals.
Obama trashed this country to the point that it took somebody like Trump to clean and rebuild.
The pervert is attempting to destroy us. President Obama tried to build this country up. Now we will have to cleanse our nation after the destruction created by the current whore in the Oval Office. trump is a completely despicable dirty creature bent on destroying the U.S.A. He is complete filth.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Considering that all trump and the republicans have been doing has been to "rip down" our country and strip it bare, the Democrats will have a lot of cleaning up and rebuilding what has been ruined by these animals.
Obama trashed this country to the point that it took somebody like Trump to clean and rebuild.
The pervert is attempting to destroy us. President Obama tried to build this country up. Now we will have to cleanse our nation after the destruction created by the current whore in the Oval Office. trump is a completely despicable dirty creature bent on destroying the U.S.A. He is complete filth.
You leftist traitors are funny!
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Considering that all trump and the republicans have been doing has been to "rip down" our country and strip it bare, the Democrats will have a lot of cleaning up and rebuilding what has been ruined by these animals.
Obama trashed this country to the point that it took somebody like Trump to clean and rebuild.
The pervert is attempting to destroy us. President Obama tried to build this country up. Now we will have to cleanse our nation after the destruction created by the current whore in the Oval Office. trump is a completely despicable dirty creature bent on destroying the U.S.A. He is complete filth.
You leftist traitors are funny!
I don't know how one defines a "leftist" and I have never been, and never will be a traitor. Some of us Americans prefer to live with honor, dignity, and patriotism. I don't know how old you are, sonny, but when I was a kid, I was alone in the house when our astronauts landed on the moon and planted the flag of the United States of America. I stood up and saluted the television. This was just me being proud of my country and it's accomplishments. Don't you dare ever accuse me of being a traitor just because I can't stand the traitorous whore in the White House and his con-men.
With any luck the Dems will take back the Senate and never again will the same party hold both of them. That would be the best possible thing to happen for the country.
You claim you're a libetarian, but that post just proved you're a fascist. No libertarian would ever support the fascist party.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?
Considering that all trump and the republicans have been doing has been to "rip down" our country and strip it bare, the Democrats will have a lot of cleaning up and rebuilding what has been ruined by these animals.
Obama trashed this country to the point that it took somebody like Trump to clean and rebuild.
The pervert is attempting to destroy us. President Obama tried to build this country up. Now we will have to cleanse our nation after the destruction created by the current whore in the Oval Office. trump is a completely despicable dirty creature bent on destroying the U.S.A. He is complete filth.

You must have a pretty perverted view of what it means to "build this country back up."

DumBama was the most anti--business President in our lifetime. Forcing citizens to buy something they may not want, need, or can afford is the most anti-American policy any politician has ever come up with. In a later post you said you saluted your television set when our astronauts landed on the moon, but now you stick up for a guy what was supported by the US Communist party both elections.
With any luck the Dems will take back the Senate and never again will the same party hold both of them. That would be the best possible thing to happen for the country.
You claim you're a libetarian, but that post just proved you're a fascist. No libertarian would ever support the fascist party.

Reading comprehension is not your strong point I see. I do not support either party which is why I want the Senate in the hands of one party and the White House in the hands of the other. The house is basically useless these days so I could not care less who controls it. But as long as the White House and the Senate are in different hands then there is a check put on what either side can do and neither can be given free reign to fuck up the country even more.

On a side not, Fascism is a far right political ideology, not one of the left. I know the emails you get from the GOP tell you to use that as a talking point, but all it does is make you look even more stupid
"We can never totally eliminate liberalism.. We need it around to remind people of what they would do to this country if they have power."
Rush Limbaugh

Obama was the poster boy for what liberalism is all about: government forcing people to buy things they may not want or can afford; promoting weirdos in dresses going into our daughters bathroom at school; government running every industry it can get it's hands on; government dependency hitting new records......

When people get pissed off at Republicans, they will foolishly vote in Democrats again. But the best argument for Republican leadership is what Democrats do when they do have power. Hopefully, the stink of the Obama administration will last for a long time, but unfortunately, people have short memories.

C'mon, man. I'm not a fan of the democrats, but quoting Rush? Really?

I know you're not stupid. I don't agree with probably 75% of the things you believe in, but you're not stupid. Quoting Rush Limbaugh? That is stupid. Don't do that.

Why, because the truth hurts?

During the time Democrats were losing power in Congress and governorships, the Democrats thought it a good idea to create a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Rush addressed this concept.

He said that the left could never create a left Rush Limbaugh. That's because the success of his show was built on Democrats. He plays what they say, he reads what they write, he posts their videos. As Rush stated, the left is the entertainment of his show. That's why the left could never duplicate it.

And just how is Rush incorrect with the quote I posted? The reason Democrats lost so much power is because they had power, and people witnessed the results and completely rejected it.

Did you ever wonder why Democrats do anything they can to stop conservative speakers? It's because they are scared of the message they might deliver. Conservatism is common sense. Conservatism is constitutional. Liberals are scared to death of common sense and the Constitution. If conservatives speak, they just may convert some young brainwashed liberal minds.

On the other hand, we have no quarrels with Democrat speech. We want people to hear what liberalism is about. It's the best advertisement for Republican leadership. We don't protest it, we don't try to stop it, we don't riot or threaten anybody over it. We want Americans to hear about liberalism. It only benefits us.

Conservative is great ... until you start running into the homophobia, the racism, the conspiracy theories, the blatant disregard for peoples' health, the religious nutjobbery, the willingness to look the other way when their leaders are misbehaving, their love of corporate welfare and obvious favoritism of the wealthy ...

You know; all the things that aren't actually part of conservatism, but tend to come with the territory for some reason.

Liberalism (modern definition) has its own share of demons ... but that doesn't excuse what conservatism has come to represent in the public domain.

What homophobia, racism and conspiracy do you speak of. Give us some examples.

Democrats are the leaders in conspiracy theories. A year into this idiotic unproven Russia collusion investigation is a perfect example.

Favoritism of the wealthy? The wealthy never made more money than under DumBama. How did Hillary set a new record for campaign contributions--from the homeless? And what Republican was ever paid 500K by Wall street for a speech? When she was running, she couldn't even pack a high school gymnasium for her speeches.

Here rants about the one-percent when she and her husband were part of the one-percnet. Give me a break.

C'mon bruh.

Homophobia? Just look at Roy Moore. Enough said, I think.

Racism? White supremacists firmly identifying as right-wing have been super pumped since Trump took office. Look at Charlottesville.

Conspiracy? Pizza Gate? 3 million illegal immigrants voting in the election? Obama is a Muslim spy? You serious? It would probably take me an hour to go through them all if I did a little research.

Favoritism of the wealthy? The proposed tax plans, as an easy example. I never said the dems didn't favor the wealthy as well. Life itself favors them. But I don't see the dems being so brazen about it.

They can't be brazen about it. Doing so would expose their lies. Nearly every extremely financially successful person in the country supports Democrats. Why do you think that is?

The only reason white supremacists supported Trump is because of the Mexican invasion in this country. That's it. Even though middle-east travel bans and border walls have nothing to do with race, it fits their narrative.

What Roy Moore said? How about these gems?

"Twenty years ago, this guy (referring to Obama) would have been serving us coffee."
"Romney said he wants to unchain Wall Street, Republicans want to put ya'all back in chains."
"But Obama couldn't sell watermelons if you gave him state troopers to flag down traffic!"
"You cannot go to a 7-11 unless you have an Indian accent."
"My grandmother was a typical white person."
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?

You really believe that Trump and the GOP are doing things, don’t you?

So precious!
They ain't changing SCOTUS are they?

No. But SCOTUS doesn't write law. And the conservative judges are supposed to be constitutionalists, remember? They don't bring their own politics into it. Or so they say ...

Oh, but they do!

And when they do they come up with some real doozies.

Roe v, Wade/

More tragical, more devastating and more immoral than slavery.
Because they will eventually. The house, the senate, and/or the oval office. They will regain control, especially given how unpopular this administration and the republican party currently are.

We'll have to go through ALL this bullshit again. They'll just rip down everything Trump and the republicans are doing right now, since it's all being pushed through reconciliation. So everything going on right now is basically a waste of time, effort, and taxpayer dollars.

Does no one else take issue with that? Am I the crazy one?

The Left Wing cultural, moral and economic philosophies are backwards. In our state the areas with all of the crime, corruption, bad schools and poverty are in the Democrat congressional districts.

Democrat Voters are motivated by hate.
Democrat Politicians are motivated by greed.
They ain't changing SCOTUS are they?
Trump WILL put one or two more REP judges on the SC befoe the end of his term.
Make no mistake.
The ONLY reason the LIBs are so desperate to get rid of Trump is to try to prevent that from happening.
The LIBs are so fucking stupid they don't understand that if Trump is removed they aren't going to get Hillary as President.
Pence would become President. Then GOD HELP the LIBs!!!!!!
Ted Cruz on the SC bench and Trey Gowdy would be AG!
And school kids would be saying the Lord's Prayer twice a day!
Careful what you wish for LIBs.

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