What Happens When You Die - Life After Death - The Great White Throne Judgement


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A must see video for any atheist, sinner, unbeliever.
Repent, otherwise it would be too late!
Don't believe lying medias, politicians, celebrities etc.
Think on saving your soul.
These five minutes watching can change and save your life and soul.

I look at your life as a book. You spend your life writing your book. Some books are interesting, others are not.

Once you die, your book is placed on a shelf. Some books are read often, others are quickly forgotten
A must see video for any atheist, sinner, unbeliever.
Repent, otherwise it would be too late!
Don't believe lying medias, politicians, celebrities etc.
Think on saving your soul.
These five minutes watching can change and save your life and soul.

There is no way anyone knows for sure what happens when people die except for those already dead. We can speculate based on science, near-death experiences (which aren’t reliable bc we can’t know for sure if it’s just our brains playing tricks on us) and religious beliefs.

I believe in life after death, not bc of any evidence it exists but more for personal happiness—I don’t want to accept that everything that makes me who I am will suddenly cease to exist. For me it’s an extremely depressing notion.
A must see video for any atheist, sinner, unbeliever.
Repent, otherwise it would be too late!
Don't believe lying medias, politicians, celebrities etc.
Think on saving your soul.
These five minutes watching can change and save your life and soul.

I'm not watching that video. If there is a point and you understand it, then make it yourself.

Do you remember what happened before you were born?


Well it will be just like that after you die.
I don’t want to accept that everything that makes me who I am will suddenly cease to exist. For me it’s an extremely depressing notion.
Ding ding ding

An existential crisis resulting from the trait of introspective self awareness. And the source of all of our afterlife myths. Totally understandable and expected.
Prove it.

Do you remember exactly what you were doing May 9, eleven years ago?

Yes! That's my sister's birthday.

Sorry dude, you're not getting around this. That experience you had before you were born? That's what it will be like for you after you die. It's not a comicated concept.
I don’t want to accept that everything that makes me who I am will suddenly cease to exist. For me it’s an extremely depressing notion.
Ding ding ding

An existential crisis resulting from the trait of introspective self awareness. And the source of all of our afterlife myths. Totally understandable and expected.
Would you say you are a materialist then? That everything proceeds from the material world?
Nothing happens when you die.
Do you believe in a life force?
Not a big fan of star wars.
So if someone said they were an atheist and that they believed in a life force do you think that would make sense?
I would say they watch too many movies.
I'll take that as a no, it does not make sense to you that someone who believes in a life force and claims to be an atheist does not make sense to you. It doesn't make sense to me either.

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