What has Dr. Susan Rice ever lied about - including Benghazi?

She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs
They do in Bengazi. And yes it was terror too, as was said immediately. And triggered by calls from the fundie Islamic Rush Limbaugh of Cairo/the Muslim world, like all the other attacks/protests that day, almost undoubtedly, dupe.

It wasn't over a video, fool
Almost undoubtedly was TRIGGERED by calls to protest the video, brainwashed functional idiot.
She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs

Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths
They knew it was an terror attack from the beginning, and she still lied about it.

The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.

No he didn't. Nice red herring though.
He said we wouldn't be coerced by terror. Same gd thing.

He was talking about 911. Subsequently he was asked was it terrorism and he said we don't know yet, did he not?
Susan Rice is simply a filthy lying piece of shit. Just like everybody else in the Obama Administration.

She got caught lying with Benghazi and she got caught lying about Obama not spying on Trump. She is a worthless dishonest corrupt affirmative action dimwit that never should have ever been part of government of this country. That is the kind of people that were brought in when that asshole Obama was elected President by all these stupid Moon Bats.
Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths
They knew it was an terror attack from the beginning, and she still lied about it.

The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.

No he didn't. Nice red herring though.
He said we wouldn't be coerced by terror. Same gd thing.

He was talking about 911. Subsequently he was asked was it terrorism and he said we don't know yet, did he not?
No, dupe. How the HELL could an attack on a US mission NOT be terror? So dumb...
Yeah she was stiff faced and necked trying to keep her eyes from darting or looking away as she lied into their eyes. It was extremely obvious to anyone that can accurately read body language.
I would really like to know.

Why are you trying to protect this liar?

What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.

There was some expert on the tube talking about her expressions and body language, he said she was lying
Susan Rice is simply a filthy lying piece of shit. Just like everybody else in the Obama Administration.

She got caught lying with Benghazi and she got caught lying about Obama not spying on Trump. She is a worthless dishonest corrupt affirmative action dimwit that never should have ever been part of government of this country. That is the kind of people that were brought in when that asshole Obama was elected President by all these stupid Moon Bats.
Fox and Rush etc lie, not Dems, (80% chance racist) dupe. Almost undoubtedly the video triggered it, tho attackers never were asked- although they told onlookers that. JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHER PROTESTS/ATTACKS THAT DAY. Brainwashed morons...
Yeah she was stiff faced and necked trying to keep her eyes from darting or looking away as she lied into their eyes. It was extremely obvious to anyone that can accurately read body language.
I would really like to know.

Why are you trying to protect this liar?

What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.

There was some expert on the tube talking about her expressions and body language, he said she was lying
Maybe she was nonplussed by the gigantic tidal wave of hate, bs, and character assassination of your disgraceful lying party and its giant propaganda machine, superdupe.
She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs

Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths
They knew it was an terror attack from the beginning, and she still lied about it.

The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.

Exactly. Even CNN's Candy Crowley shamed Romney with that fact during a debate.

You mean she stumped for Obama and went down in shame. Romney's assertion was correct, her response had no context whatsoever and fact checking wasn't her job......which she didn't do anyway.
She said the Benghazi attack was spontaneous due to a video.

We know that is not true. Spontaneous attacks do not include the use of RPGs

Here is what she said:

After U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice appeared on the Sunday political talk shows on September 16 to discuss Benghazi, the Obama administration came under fire for not calling the attack a planned act of "terrorism," and for engaging in a politically motivated "cover-up." But Rice made clear during her appearances that her comments were based on "our current best assessment" that the Libya attack was not premeditated, acknowledged that the perpetrators were "extremists," and said that future investigations and analyses by intelligence services "will tell us with certainty what transpired." It would later be revealed that her suggestion that the attack was linked to an anti-Islam video that had embroiled the Middle East came from talking points generated by the CIA.

Explainer: A Year Of Benghazi Myths

She lied, she was spoon fed the talking points from the WH.
RW BS propaganda. It was a close to spontaneous terror attack triggered by calls for protests of the video, almost undoubtedly. As Dems said all along, after some early confusion about a protest in Bengazi. Fox said the same at first, before they got their marching orders.
BENGHAZI FLASHBACK: When Fox News Reported That The ...
BENGHAZI FLASHBACK: When Fox News Reported That The Benghazi Attack Was Triggered By Anti-Islam Video
Oct 23, 2015 - Fox News Criticizes The Obama Administration For Saying The ... Think about it, when ithappened it was mortars and RPGs. .... But During The Night Of The Benghazi Attack, Fox News Itself Reported That The Video Inspired ...
I would really like to know.

Why are you trying to protect this liar?

What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.

Really? What did she do that was illegal as National Security Adviser? Facts? Proof?

As has been pointed out, your article provides the very proof you want.

Are you that stupid ?

If I wanted a Brownshirt tour, I'd read Media Matters.

Their very first shot out of the cannon is an unsubstantiated lie and it goes downhill from there.

Do you even read your own links ?
From mid-May through June, with mainstream outlets having caught on to the lack of evidence behind the right-wing's Benghazi smears, Fox began throwing out whatever allegations it could and hoping that something would stick.

The above is from Matty Gertz's POS.

Love how there is nothing to back these claims and it prints as facts when it is nothing but a subjective hack analysis.
They knew it was an terror attack from the beginning, and she still lied about it.

The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.

No he didn't. Nice red herring though.
He said we wouldn't be coerced by terror. Same gd thing.

He was talking about 911. Subsequently he was asked was it terrorism and he said we don't know yet, did he not?
No, dupe. How the HELL could an attack on a US mission NOT be terror? So dumb...
What the President Said About Benghazi | RealClearPolitics

If I wanted a Brownshirt tour, I'd read Media Matters.

Their very first shot out of the cannon is an unsubstantiated lie and it goes downhill from there.

Do you even read your own links ?
MM NEVER lies, superdupe.
The President called it a terrorist attack the day after it happened.

No he didn't. Nice red herring though.
He said we wouldn't be coerced by terror. Same gd thing.

He was talking about 911. Subsequently he was asked was it terrorism and he said we don't know yet, did he not?
No, dupe. How the HELL could an attack on a US mission NOT be terror? So dumb...
What the President Said About Benghazi | RealClearPolitics
Real CP LIES, like ALL RW sources that say Benghazi had nothing to do with the video. There is no way of being sure, since no attacker was ever asked. BUT all the other attacks that day were in reaction to calls for protest against it. DUHH. You dupes are truly brainwashed. And Obama said it was an act of terror the next day, if you speak english. And the night it HAPPENED, FOX said it was the video. You believe anything you're told, Ay caramba.

Fact Check: What about the security in Benghazi?
"Our country is only as strong as the character of our people and the service of those both civilian and military who represent us around the globe," he said. "No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done."
Dream on, honey dupe, she was lying.
Yeah she was stiff faced and necked trying to keep her eyes from darting or looking away as she lied into their eyes. It was extremely obvious to anyone that can accurately read body language.
Why are you trying to protect this liar?

What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.

There was some expert on the tube talking about her expressions and body language, he said she was lying
Maybe she was nonplussed by the gigantic tidal wave of hate, bs, and character assassination of your disgraceful lying party and its giant propaganda machine, superdupe.
Dream on, honey dupe, she was lying.
Yeah she was stiff faced and necked trying to keep her eyes from darting or looking away as she lied into their eyes. It was extremely obvious to anyone that can accurately read body language.
What did she lie about? Facts? Proof?
You can catch a dog in the act of licking his nuts right in front guests in your home, but the dog will never understand what he did wrong. Susan Rice, who is already known to be a liar after Benghazi, lied her ass off today about not spying on Trump's campaign, and the whole world saw it.

There was some expert on the tube talking about her expressions and body language, he said she was lying
Maybe she was nonplussed by the gigantic tidal wave of hate, bs, and character assassination of your disgraceful lying party and its giant propaganda machine, superdupe.
Not according to every reputable news outlet in the world, dupe of greedy idiot billionaires. Murdoch Fox, Adelson Examiner, Moonie Times etc...

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