What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

116 posts, and we do not have a list of Republican accomplishments in the last 20 years. :blahblah:

There have been several lists. You're just too fucking stupid to read them.

The R Party has done a couple of things some might consider accomplishments. They have divided our country along ideological lines; have made compromise a dirty word; they appealed to the inherent greed and fear of human nature (it's your money, poor people are dangerous and after your money); rejected traditional R themes (Isolationism) and embaked on a foreign policy of Imperialism and nation building; embraced as allies the military-industrial comples, the energy and medical cartels all at the expense of the American people and ignored domestic issues along with the environment and our nations infrustructure.
They have done great harm, and only someone too stupid to comprehend would defend them.

You have perfectly described the Democratic Party over the last 15 years. Class warfare, racial warfare, adventures in Serbia, Sudan, Haiti etc, loss of individual rights, weakening of our alliances, weakening of our economy, etc.
There have been several lists. You're just too fucking stupid to read them.

The R Party has done a couple of things some might consider accomplishments. They have divided our country along ideological lines; have made compromise a dirty word; they appealed to the inherent greed and fear of human nature (it's your money, poor people are dangerous and after your money); rejected traditional R themes (Isolationism) and embaked on a foreign policy of Imperialism and nation building; embraced as allies the military-industrial comples, the energy and medical cartels all at the expense of the American people and ignored domestic issues along with the environment and our nations infrustructure.
They have done great harm, and only someone too stupid to comprehend would defend them.

You have perfectly described the Democratic Party over the last 15 years. Class warfare, racial warfare, adventures in Serbia, Sudan, Haiti etc, loss of individual rights, weakening of our alliances, weakening of our economy, etc.

You really are intellectually light, added to being nasty and dishonest you are the archetype of a RW Republican - normal R's must really detest you. Me, I find you funny, in a very queer way. That said, you are as usual full of shit.
There is no truth to your assertion of class warfare or racial warfare in America today, check out America in the 50's and 60's for examples of what happens when the races collide: "Violence in America" if still in print is a good chronicle of this era.
Serbia is no Iraq, Clinton went in for humanitarian reasons and the success can't be denied. Iraq on the other hand is a SNAFU, when we invaded, when we occupied and even today - a trillion dollars and thousands of lives later.
Sudan too was a humanitarian adventure, one that failed. Good intentions matter, now, Bush bombing residential areas of Iraq trying to (and successfully) killing the sons of Saddam is not a 'good intention' - it was evil for collatoral damage matters.
"Loss of individual rights", more bull shit. The radical R's still want to deny basic human rights to alleged terrorists, even those who happen to be American citizens. Now, I know chicken shit little chicken hawks like you Rabbi only give a damn about your self. But, this nation used to stand for human rights - the RW sure destroyed that image.
And the economy got fucked up by the moron you so love and admire. Bush cut taxes and expanded the Federal Government while engaging in a war of choice.
And you wonder why I believe you're a liar and a fool?
The R Party has done a couple of things some might consider accomplishments. They have divided our country along ideological lines; have made compromise a dirty word; they appealed to the inherent greed and fear of human nature (it's your money, poor people are dangerous and after your money); rejected traditional R themes (Isolationism) and embaked on a foreign policy of Imperialism and nation building; embraced as allies the military-industrial comples, the energy and medical cartels all at the expense of the American people and ignored domestic issues along with the environment and our nations infrustructure.
They have done great harm, and only someone too stupid to comprehend would defend them.

You have perfectly described the Democratic Party over the last 15 years. Class warfare, racial warfare, adventures in Serbia, Sudan, Haiti etc, loss of individual rights, weakening of our alliances, weakening of our economy, etc.

You really are intellectually light, added to being nasty and dishonest you are the archetype of a RW Republican - normal R's must really detest you. Me, I find you funny, in a very queer way. That said, you are as usual full of shit.
There is no truth to your assertion of class warfare or racial warfare in America today, check out America in the 50's and 60's for examples of what happens when the races collide: "Violence in America" if still in print is a good chronicle of this era.
Serbia is no Iraq, Clinton went in for humanitarian reasons and the success can't be denied. Iraq on the other hand is a SNAFU, when we invaded, when we occupied and even today - a trillion dollars and thousands of lives later.
Sudan too was a humanitarian adventure, one that failed. Good intentions matter, now, Bush bombing residential areas of Iraq trying to (and successfully) killing the sons of Saddam is not a 'good intention' - it was evil for collatoral damage matters.
"Loss of individual rights", more bull shit. The radical R's still want to deny basic human rights to alleged terrorists, even those who happen to be American citizens. Now, I know chicken shit little chicken hawks like you Rabbi only give a damn about your self. But, this nation used to stand for human rights - the RW sure destroyed that image.
And the economy got fucked up by the moron you so love and admire. Bush cut taxes and expanded the Federal Government while engaging in a war of choice.
And you wonder why I believe you're a liar and a fool?

You must believe I am a liar and a fool. To believe otherwise would be to acknowledge that the views and facts I have put forward are real. And that would utterly destroy your carefully cultivated world view wherein Republicans/Conservatives are rapacious wolves and Democrats/Liberals stick up for the common man.
That of course is total bosh. It is obviously so and has been proven many times over. But you must believe it because somewhere you got the idea that it just is. So evidence to the contrary must be dismissed and thsoe professing it must be demonized.
Sucks to be you.
Providing opposition to Democrats is what the GOP has done positively for the last 20 years.
Same as the Democrats running in opposition to Republicans positively over the last 20 years.
Partisan politics and the blind loyalty toeither party that is practiced thesed days is what has ruined America.
People will believe ANYTHING anti Obama without question.
They KNOW it is not true but they will forward the lies in e-mails as "proof".
Same thing when Bush was President.
You have perfectly described the Democratic Party over the last 15 years. Class warfare, racial warfare, adventures in Serbia, Sudan, Haiti etc, loss of individual rights, weakening of our alliances, weakening of our economy, etc.

You really are intellectually light, added to being nasty and dishonest you are the archetype of a RW Republican - normal R's must really detest you. Me, I find you funny, in a very queer way. That said, you are as usual full of shit.
There is no truth to your assertion of class warfare or racial warfare in America today, check out America in the 50's and 60's for examples of what happens when the races collide: "Violence in America" if still in print is a good chronicle of this era.
Serbia is no Iraq, Clinton went in for humanitarian reasons and the success can't be denied. Iraq on the other hand is a SNAFU, when we invaded, when we occupied and even today - a trillion dollars and thousands of lives later.
Sudan too was a humanitarian adventure, one that failed. Good intentions matter, now, Bush bombing residential areas of Iraq trying to (and successfully) killing the sons of Saddam is not a 'good intention' - it was evil for collatoral damage matters.
"Loss of individual rights", more bull shit. The radical R's still want to deny basic human rights to alleged terrorists, even those who happen to be American citizens. Now, I know chicken shit little chicken hawks like you Rabbi only give a damn about your self. But, this nation used to stand for human rights - the RW sure destroyed that image.
And the economy got fucked up by the moron you so love and admire. Bush cut taxes and expanded the Federal Government while engaging in a war of choice.
And you wonder why I believe you're a liar and a fool?

You must believe I am a liar and a fool. To believe otherwise would be to acknowledge that the views and facts I have put forward are real. And that would utterly destroy your carefully cultivated world view wherein Republicans/Conservatives are rapacious wolves and Democrats/Liberals stick up for the common man.
That of course is total bosh. It is obviously so and has been proven many times over. But you must believe it because somewhere you got the idea that it just is. So evidence to the contrary must be dismissed and thsoe professing it must be demonized.
Sucks to be you.

Nice strawman Rabbi. I did not say R's/C's are "rapacious wolves", I simply and accurately pointed out how fucked up they are at governing and the many mistakes and wrong headed decisions the R's made over the last 20 years (and your effort to attribute R fuck ups to D's makes you a liar, btw).
You and other RW Fringers, reactionaries and radicals like to rewrite history, making you and they liars, dishonest and because some of you actually believe the propaganda from the Minister of Truth - Rush Limbaugh - fools.
I don't call you a liar and a fool out of spite, or because I disagree with you. You are a liar, by omission and commission as well as a fool, for even you begin to believe your own bull shit.
You really are intellectually light, added to being nasty and dishonest you are the archetype of a RW Republican - normal R's must really detest you. Me, I find you funny, in a very queer way. That said, you are as usual full of shit.
There is no truth to your assertion of class warfare or racial warfare in America today, check out America in the 50's and 60's for examples of what happens when the races collide: "Violence in America" if still in print is a good chronicle of this era.
Serbia is no Iraq, Clinton went in for humanitarian reasons and the success can't be denied. Iraq on the other hand is a SNAFU, when we invaded, when we occupied and even today - a trillion dollars and thousands of lives later.
Sudan too was a humanitarian adventure, one that failed. Good intentions matter, now, Bush bombing residential areas of Iraq trying to (and successfully) killing the sons of Saddam is not a 'good intention' - it was evil for collatoral damage matters.
"Loss of individual rights", more bull shit. The radical R's still want to deny basic human rights to alleged terrorists, even those who happen to be American citizens. Now, I know chicken shit little chicken hawks like you Rabbi only give a damn about your self. But, this nation used to stand for human rights - the RW sure destroyed that image.
And the economy got fucked up by the moron you so love and admire. Bush cut taxes and expanded the Federal Government while engaging in a war of choice.
And you wonder why I believe you're a liar and a fool?

You must believe I am a liar and a fool. To believe otherwise would be to acknowledge that the views and facts I have put forward are real. And that would utterly destroy your carefully cultivated world view wherein Republicans/Conservatives are rapacious wolves and Democrats/Liberals stick up for the common man.
That of course is total bosh. It is obviously so and has been proven many times over. But you must believe it because somewhere you got the idea that it just is. So evidence to the contrary must be dismissed and thsoe professing it must be demonized.
Sucks to be you.

Nice strawman Rabbi. I did not say R's/C's are "rapacious wolves", I simply and accurately pointed out how fucked up they are at governing and the many mistakes and wrong headed decisions the R's made over the last 20 years (and your effort to attribute R fuck ups to D's makes you a liar, btw).
You and other RW Fringers, reactionaries and radicals like to rewrite history, making you and they liars, dishonest and because some of you actually believe the propaganda from the Minister of Truth - Rush Limbaugh - fools.
I don't call you a liar and a fool out of spite, or because I disagree with you. You are a liar, by omission and commission as well as a fool, for even you begin to believe your own bull shit.

Sorry. Calling names doesn't help your argument and makes you look like an even bigger idiot than you already are.
GOP achievements have been many and well documented. Democratic failures have been equally many. Occasionally both parties reverse roles.
Currently the Democrats are intent on destroying this country through really bad legislation and policies. In furtherance of this they are ramping up the hate speech in the hopes that useful idiots like yourself will fall for it. And they were right in your case.
You must believe I am a liar and a fool. To believe otherwise would be to acknowledge that the views and facts I have put forward are real. And that would utterly destroy your carefully cultivated world view wherein Republicans/Conservatives are rapacious wolves and Democrats/Liberals stick up for the common man.
That of course is total bosh. It is obviously so and has been proven many times over. But you must believe it because somewhere you got the idea that it just is. So evidence to the contrary must be dismissed and thsoe professing it must be demonized.
Sucks to be you.

Nice strawman Rabbi. I did not say R's/C's are "rapacious wolves", I simply and accurately pointed out how fucked up they are at governing and the many mistakes and wrong headed decisions the R's made over the last 20 years (and your effort to attribute R fuck ups to D's makes you a liar, btw).
You and other RW Fringers, reactionaries and radicals like to rewrite history, making you and they liars, dishonest and because some of you actually believe the propaganda from the Minister of Truth - Rush Limbaugh - fools.
I don't call you a liar and a fool out of spite, or because I disagree with you. You are a liar, by omission and commission as well as a fool, for even you begin to believe your own bull shit.

Sorry. Calling names doesn't help your argument and makes you look like an even bigger idiot than you already are.
GOP achievements have been many and well documented. Democratic failures have been equally many. Occasionally both parties reverse roles.
Currently the Democrats are intent on destroying this country through really bad legislation and policies. In furtherance of this they are ramping up the hate speech in the hopes that useful idiots like yourself will fall for it. And they were right in your case.

LMAO, you still fall back on bull shit, "GOP achievments have been many and well documented". Documented where and by whom? RW propagandists and their fellow travelers such as you? I've read your posts, I stand by my assessment, you are a liar and a fool. Now, you may consider that name calling, I consider it an apt description of the body of your 'work'. Name calling, hmmm, kind of like your signature?
Nice strawman Rabbi. I did not say R's/C's are "rapacious wolves", I simply and accurately pointed out how fucked up they are at governing and the many mistakes and wrong headed decisions the R's made over the last 20 years (and your effort to attribute R fuck ups to D's makes you a liar, btw).
You and other RW Fringers, reactionaries and radicals like to rewrite history, making you and they liars, dishonest and because some of you actually believe the propaganda from the Minister of Truth - Rush Limbaugh - fools.
I don't call you a liar and a fool out of spite, or because I disagree with you. You are a liar, by omission and commission as well as a fool, for even you begin to believe your own bull shit.

Sorry. Calling names doesn't help your argument and makes you look like an even bigger idiot than you already are.
GOP achievements have been many and well documented. Democratic failures have been equally many. Occasionally both parties reverse roles.
Currently the Democrats are intent on destroying this country through really bad legislation and policies. In furtherance of this they are ramping up the hate speech in the hopes that useful idiots like yourself will fall for it. And they were right in your case.

LMAO, you still fall back on bull shit, "GOP achievments have been many and well documented". Documented where and by whom? RW propagandists and their fellow travelers such as you? I've read your posts, I stand by my assessment, you are a liar and a fool. Now, you may consider that name calling, I consider it an apt description of the body of your 'work'. Name calling, hmmm, kind of like your signature?

I hear there are drugs that can help your delusions. Just saying.
Sorry. Calling names doesn't help your argument and makes you look like an even bigger idiot than you already are.
GOP achievements have been many and well documented. Democratic failures have been equally many. Occasionally both parties reverse roles.
Currently the Democrats are intent on destroying this country through really bad legislation and policies. In furtherance of this they are ramping up the hate speech in the hopes that useful idiots like yourself will fall for it. And they were right in your case.

LMAO, you still fall back on bull shit, "GOP achievments have been many and well documented". Documented where and by whom? RW propagandists and their fellow travelers such as you? I've read your posts, I stand by my assessment, you are a liar and a fool. Now, you may consider that name calling, I consider it an apt description of the body of your 'work'. Name calling, hmmm, kind of like your signature?

I hear there are drugs that can help your delusions. Just saying.

Maybe you ought to learn to listen more carefully. Drugs and drug withdrawl can and do cause hullucinations. As for delusions, the talking points you continuously post might well be so defined.
The bush administration created the Department of Homeland security. Why because the National Security Agency didn't do their job. Thanks small government concervatives
LMAO, you still fall back on bull shit, "GOP achievments have been many and well documented". Documented where and by whom? RW propagandists and their fellow travelers such as you? I've read your posts, I stand by my assessment, you are a liar and a fool. Now, you may consider that name calling, I consider it an apt description of the body of your 'work'. Name calling, hmmm, kind of like your signature?

I hear there are drugs that can help your delusions. Just saying.

Maybe you ought to learn to listen more carefully. Drugs and drug withdrawl can and do cause hullucinations. As for delusions, the talking points you continuously post might well be so defined.

No, idiot. No wonder you can't get anything right.
20 years?


1990-2010 right?

Bush's were the only one's in Power.. You really want to talk about what they've done?

apart from being Neo-Cons?

I guess Bill Clinton was just a figment of your imagination?
The bush administration created the Department of Homeland security. Why because the National Security Agency didn't do their job. Thanks small government concervatives

He created the Department of Homeland Security because we rarely imagined that anyone would attack us here in the United States. The Department of Defense is intended to protect us from enemies from outside the country and Homeland Defense is supposed to protect us from enemies from within. The NSA is hamstrung buy whining liberals complaining about wire-tapping. Every time a lib gets in the White House they relax our security to the point where we come under attack. Google Jamie Gorelick if you want to know what caused 9/11.

Jamie Gorelick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article's citation style may be unclear. The references used may be made clearer with a different or consistent style of citation, footnoting, or external linking. (April 2010)

Jamie S. Gorelick (pronounced /ɡəˈrɛlɪk/; born May 6, 1950) is an American attorney, presently representing BP.[1] She was Deputy Attorney General of the United States during the Clinton administration. She was appointed by former Senate Democratic Leader Tom Daschle to serve as a commissioner on the bipartisan National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, which sought to investigate the circumstances leading up to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and also served as Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae. Her involvement in many of the major tragedies and high-profile American scandals of the past two decades has led some in the press to dub her the "Mistress of Disaster."[2]
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The GOP's policies of cutting taxes without cutting spending have put the country on a fiscal death spiral.
When I saw this utube, as an independent, I thought it was unfair to Republicans. I think we at USMB can make it's own list.

Political Irony Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

I would like to start it off;

1). Republicans passed legislation in Arizona that will push the immigration question with Mexico into the news, and hopefully force some kind of resolution.

2). Republicans took bold steps in the last days of the Bush administration to stave off economic collapse.

3). Republicans got something going for national security by creating the Department of Homeland security.

What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

They created MORE government? That's their "success"? Hilarious.

Even you couldn't name more than three things over 20 years. Ha ha ha ha ho ho ha ha he he chuckle giggle burp - oh, 'scuse me.
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The GOP's policies of cutting taxes without cutting spending have put the country on a fiscal death spiral.

No actually things were fine until Obama decided to boost spending to an unprecedented level of GDP. That is the unsustainable part.
Of course I guess it was the GOP that extended the Bush tax cuts, right?
The GOP's policies of cutting taxes without cutting spending have put the country on a fiscal death spiral.

No actually things were fine until Obama decided to boost spending to an unprecedented level of GDP. That is the unsustainable part.
Of course I guess it was the GOP that extended the Bush tax cuts, right?

What exactly did he spend it on?:popcorn:
When I saw this utube, as an independent, I thought it was unfair to Republicans. I think we at USMB can make it's own list.

Political Irony Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

I would like to start it off;

1). Republicans passed legislation in Arizona that will push the immigration question with Mexico into the news, and hopefully force some kind of resolution.

2). Republicans took bold steps in the last days of the Bush administration to stave off economic collapse.

3). Republicans got something going for national security by creating the Department of Homeland security.

What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

They created MORE government? That's their "success"? Hilarious.

Even you couldn't name more than three things over 20 years. Ha ha ha ha ho ho ha ha he he chuckle giggle burp - oh, 'scuse me.

Has anyone mentioned that when they had control of Congress they gave us the only surplus in those 20 years. Clinton took the credit and had to be drug kicking and screaming, but they passed it and placed it on his desk to sign. He was bright enough to sign it.
The GOP's policies of cutting taxes without cutting spending have put the country on a fiscal death spiral.

No actually things were fine until Obama decided to boost spending to an unprecedented level of GDP. That is the unsustainable part.
Of course I guess it was the GOP that extended the Bush tax cuts, right?

What exactly did he spend it on?:popcorn:

Nobody can say for sure. Maybe part of it went to the billion dollars he's already sure he'll get for his re-election, or maybe it went to propping up unions all over the country. He already let it slip that there were no shovel-ready projects out there. That was simply a slogan his senior economic adviser said.

What was really strange was all of the loans we gave to foreign banks and oil companies. We borrowed trillions and he gave away 1/3 of it to prop up foreign banks.

I've been looking around the post I work at and there is alot of construction going on. New mega-barracks complexes are springing up everywhere. An indoor shooting range they built last year has been rendered unusable because the EPA said it was too noisy. Jesus Christ. Haven't they ever heard of ear-plugs?
Several refurbished swimming pools are sitting unused and uncleaned collecting dirt and turning green with algae never having been used.
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