What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

I believe you either have a reading comprehension issue or I did not articulate myself properly.
I will take the blame as I was the one who spoke, so I will say it differently.

The republican Party and the Democratic party are the two entities that create a two party system; a system that works. Regardless of the stance of either party, the two party system opens the door to debate. Debate is healthy as it pertains to legislation. It allows the lawmakers as well as the American People an opportunity to see issues from different points of view.

Not quite sure why you had to drag in race and science. Cant for the life of me see where the hell I said anything about the two parties being identical.
But whatever.

Anyway, I said it as clearly as I can. Do with it what you wish.

Mr. J, I wonder if you will allow this 'fly in the ointment.' While I can get behind your post, as in "the two party system opens the door to debate. Debate is healthy ..." there is an unspoken assumption, which, alas, is missing from your statement.

The Fourth Estate.

A free and unbiased press would be necessary to have a healthy and open debate. We do not have such.

BTW, Mr. J, I take exception to your back-hand to deanie-weanie: I have always considered that my prerogative.
Please consider this, as tempting as it is.

I can not and do not blame either party for the irresponsibility of the press. Both parties enter into debate as they should. And on the most part it works.

I do take exception to BOTH parties and their abuse of the irresponsibility of the press.

One thing to use the press to get yourself elected. Another thing to use the press to INTENTIONALLY get out spun information.

As for the back hand. Referring to what? I lost you there. My brain is a bit fried.

This is an incorrect view: the MSM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

Example: "
From April 23 to May 3, the top three television networks offered viewers 50 stories and interview segments on their morning and evening news programs. The tone was strongly hostile to the law and promotional to the "growing storm" of left-wing protesters: 37 stories (or 74 percent) were negative, 10 were neutral, and only three were positive toward the Arizona law's passage -- 12 negative stories for every one that leaned positive. Stories were much kinder and sympathetic to illegal aliens than they were to police officers. Cops were potential abusers of power. Entering the country illegally was not an abuse of power. It was portrayed as an honorable step by the powerless.

The soundbite count was also slanted, with 92 quotes against the law and only 52 in favor. The pro-law numbers, however, included many soundbites of Arizona public officials defending themselves against liberal charges that they were racists or in favor of racial profiling."

Read more: MRC Study: By 12 to 1, ABC, CBS, and NBC Rip Arizona's Immigration Law | NewsBusters.org
So I go and look it up and it was 1868. My bad. Off by one digit. I said 1968. Eyes old.

Do you know the reason for the amendment? Pop quiz.

Without going and looking it up, I think it defines citizenship (not talking about clauses).

If this were public school that answer would be worth 100%- and 6% of Republicans would agree!

Careful now, you have a reputation around here.
When I saw this utube, as an independent, I thought it was unfair to Republicans. I think we at USMB can make it's own list.

Political Irony Shortest List Ever — Republican accomplishments of the last 20 years

I would like to start it off;

1). Republicans passed legislation in Arizona that will push the immigration question with Mexico into the news, and hopefully force some kind of resolution.

2). Republicans took bold steps in the last days of the Bush administration to stave off economic collapse.

3). Republicans got something going for national security by creating the Department of Homeland security.

What has the Republican Party done for this country in the last 20 years?

Heck, you came up with three pretty quickly. Maybe you should go on Chris Matthews. You'd do better than that schmuck in the video.
Mr. J, I wonder if you will allow this 'fly in the ointment.' While I can get behind your post, as in "the two party system opens the door to debate. Debate is healthy ..." there is an unspoken assumption, which, alas, is missing from your statement.

The Fourth Estate.

A free and unbiased press would be necessary to have a healthy and open debate. We do not have such.

BTW, Mr. J, I take exception to your back-hand to deanie-weanie: I have always considered that my prerogative.
Please consider this, as tempting as it is.

I can not and do not blame either party for the irresponsibility of the press. Both parties enter into debate as they should. And on the most part it works.

I do take exception to BOTH parties and their abuse of the irresponsibility of the press.

One thing to use the press to get yourself elected. Another thing to use the press to INTENTIONALLY get out spun information.

As for the back hand. Referring to what? I lost you there. My brain is a bit fried.

This is an incorrect view: the MSM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

Democratic party, s'il te plait.

And, that's the most perfectly absurd thing I've ever heard.
They gave us Reagan!,... need I say more??.....

yea we all lover higher taxes and more government in our lives! YAY REAGAN!
Again lib's just say something and "poof!", it's true!! Retard!!

who pushed the drug war to where it is today?

and reagan raised taxed higher as a percent of gdp than any president in history.

once again your ad hominem falls flat. try to address the post and the poster.
yea we all lover higher taxes and more government in our lives! YAY REAGAN!
Again lib's just say something and "poof!", it's true!! Retard!!

who pushed the drug war to where it is today?

and reagan raised taxed higher as a percent of gdp than any president in history.

once again your ad hominem falls flat. try to address the post and the poster.
He cut corporate taxes and spurred job growth, doubled the tax revenue, and won the cold war! At least we got something for our money for a change!!
The GOP Congress balanced the budget under Clinton. They impeached the bastard as well, making a Democrat the only president to be impeached in this century.
Bush understood that the present situation is a new "war by other means" rather than the police action Clinton wanted to treat it as.
Ditto on the Supreme Court nominees.

Remind us what Democrats have done, other than raising taxes, extending civil rights to terrorists, pissing off our allies, emboldening our enemies, raising taxes and wrecking the economy with new mandates.

It is hardly an accomplishment for the Republican Party to mis-use impeachment law for merely for political gain.

What a coincidence that you would ask about Democratic Party contibutions to America. Since you want to go that way. My grandpop, a member of the Democratic National Committee passed on a newsletter from Obama/Biden emphasizing what they consider to be their accomplishments over the last 15 months. This is internal Democratic Party correspondence.

~historic passage of comprehensive health care reform legislation despite intense GOP resistence.

~the American economy has been pulled back from the brink of collapse.

~American financial institutions and investment markets are being better regulated.

~additional relief is being provided to Americans who are unemployed.

~Troops are being redeployed from Iraq to Afghanistan.

~America's stature in the world community has been improved.

In the works, and coming up next.

~Clean energy policy to slow climate change and improve our economic and national security.
~Improving the security of our nation from the threat of terrorism.
~further efforts to rebuild our economy and combat unemployment.


I see old wounds are being opened. Reagan really does not qualify for this thread we are talking Republican accomplishments from 1990-2010. I happened to receive a list of Obama/Biden accomplishments which seems reasonable. There have been some solid Republican accomplishments offered here, but we do not have a complete list of Republican Party accomplishments. Does anyone have one? Is there a way to bring a list together?
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Again lib's just say something and "poof!", it's true!! Retard!!

who pushed the drug war to where it is today?

and reagan raised taxed higher as a percent of gdp than any president in history.

once again your ad hominem falls flat. try to address the post and the poster.
He cut corporate taxes and spurred job growth, doubled the tax revenue, and won the cold war! At least we got something for our money for a change!!

so now you are deflecting away... typical
The GOP Congress balanced the budget under Clinton. They impeached the bastard as well, making a Democrat the only president to be impeached in this century.
Bush understood that the present situation is a new "war by other means" rather than the police action Clinton wanted to treat it as.
Ditto on the Supreme Court nominees.

Remind us what Democrats have done, other than raising taxes, extending civil rights to terrorists, pissing off our allies, emboldening our enemies, raising taxes and wrecking the economy with new mandates.

It is hardly an accomplishment for the Republican Party to mis-use impeachment law for merely for political gain.

What a coincidence that you would ask about Democratic Party contibutions to America. Since you want to go that way. My grandpop, a member of the Democratic National Committee passed on a newsletter from Obama/Biden emphasizing what they consider to be their accomplishments over the last 15 months. This is internal Democratic Party correspondence.

~historic passage of comprehensive health care reform legislation despite intense GOP resistence.

~the American economy has been pulled back from the brink of collapse.

~American financial institutions and investment markets are being better regulated.

~additional relief is being provided to Americans who are unemployed.

~Troops are being redeployed from Iraq to Afghanistan.

~America's stature in the world community has been improved.

In the works, and coming up next.

~Clean energy policy to slow climate change and improve our economic and national security.
~Improving the security of our nation from the threat of terrorism.
~further efforts to rebuild our economy and combat unemployment.


I see old wounds are being opened. Reagan really does not qualify for this thread we are talking Republican accomplishments from 1990-2010. I happened to receive a list of Obama/Biden accomplishments which seems reasonable. There have been some solid Republican accomplishments offered here, but we do not have a complete list of Republican Party accomplishments. Does anyone have one? Is there a way to bring a list together?

They broke the unions, decimated the middle class, and raided the treasury via military spending, all for the benefit of the wealthiest of Americans, which was the plan. Hence they've been very successful.
116 posts, and we do not have a list of Republican accomplishments in the last 20 years. :blahblah:
They gave Bubba a balanced budget...to which he took full credit.

Funny....the Dems torpedoed Bush but the GOP helped Bubba earn his claim to fame.

All he had to do was sign the friggen thing.

Now when it comes to impeaching the trouser-snake...that's another thing entirely.
116 posts, and we do not have a list of Republican accomplishments in the last 20 years. :blahblah:

There have been several lists. You're just too fucking stupid to read them.

The R Party has done a couple of things some might consider accomplishments. They have divided our country along ideological lines; have made compromise a dirty word; they appealed to the inherent greed and fear of human nature (it's your money, poor people are dangerous and after your money); rejected traditional R themes (Isolationism) and embaked on a foreign policy of Imperialism and nation building; embraced as allies the military-industrial comples, the energy and medical cartels all at the expense of the American people and ignored domestic issues along with the environment and our nations infrustructure.
They have done great harm, and only someone too stupid to comprehend would defend them.

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