What Have You Done?

KKK defends Trump

There is no reason to have a KKK around......the Republicans have stolen their platform

The KKK supported Hillary, Shitflinger.

You know this, but you virtually always lie.


Fat Donnie's father was a member of the KKK

Albert Gore is Donald Trump's father? :eek:

Oh, you're just lying, as always..

Well, you're a Stalinist, it's your way.

Trump was raised by a klan member

Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree

That's as true as your avi.

You believe I am not Herman Munster?
Have any proof of that?
KKK defends Trump

There is no reason to have a KKK around......the Republicans have stolen their platform

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, is less keen to give Mr Trump the dubious benefit of his support.

“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Fake News publicity stunt

The Klan and GOP have the same political platform....Anti-immigrant, anti-muslim, anti-gay

The democratic party and GOP have the same political platform?

Oh, you're just lying, as always,,,

Uncensored2008 and Pol Pot have the same agenda

Pol Pot was a Leftist....just like you.

Nice diversion Frau Braun
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

Wow, do you assholes ever look in the mirror?

1) Donald Trump has brought haste speak to the surface with his bigotry & violence encouraging talk. Trump even bragged about his penis size on TV. He told followers that if they were arrested for violence against protesters that he would cover their legal fees. Trump resorts to name calling & trashed the military service of John McCain.

2) Donald Trump just condemned thousands of Americans to death & more to illness by ending the requirements for emissions. He will throw millions off of health insurance which will kill thousands. He just said it is OK to Americans to discriminate. He said police brutality is OK. e said racial inequality is OK. He tried to worm our of a court case citing the judge was Hispanic.

3) If you tradition includes discrimination than fuck your traditions. I don't care if your family have been white supremacists for generations, you van go fuck yourselves.

4) Sorry but Bill Clinton was never arrested for Rape. Clinton was not a "purjurer" when he was elected. I know how uninformed you are but there is a legal definition of having sex. Clinton argued that what j=ppened was not covered by that law. If you & I has sex, what happened? We both know intercourse.

You actually did vore for a man that had been accused by many women for inappropriate behavior, accused by a woman who said Trump raped here when she was 14 & had a witness, caught on tape admitting to groping women, accused by his former wife of rape, and said he would date his daughter. All of those thongs & yet you voted for Trump.

You also voted for a business cheat who screwedc contractors out of millions. Who had a fraudulent university.

You also voted for a man ho said John McCain was not a hero, he did not like POWs, and attacked a Gold Star family.

If you voted for Trump, you approve of child rape, harassing women, trashing our troops, defrauding people, cheating in business and constantly lying.

So fuck you & your fake outrage.

. "I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said." William F. Buckley
Liberals created our Democracy

Conservatives supported the King

So you're saying that liberals today are the same liberals as back then.

But Democrats today are not the same Democrats from back then.

Do you realize how stupid you sound? Don't answer that, its rhetorical question.
You are correct... All the racist Southern conservatives and other conservatives went over to the GOP from 19 65 - 85.
Good riddance...

The Republican Party was created to fight slavery, segregation and the supporters of same....the Democrats.

None of that has ever changed.

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

I love it when Republicans remind us of what an enlightened party they used to be.....150 years ago
Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, is less keen to give Mr Trump the dubious benefit of his support.

“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Fake News publicity stunt

The Klan and GOP have the same political platform....Anti-immigrant, anti-muslim, anti-gay

The democratic party and GOP have the same political platform?

Oh, you're just lying, as always,,,

Uncensored2008 and Pol Pot have the same agenda

Pol Pot was a Leftist....just like you.

Nice diversion Frau Braun

Frau Braun was a Nazi....a Leftist, like you.

There can be no finer example of the axiom "To know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side."

To refer to me as one of your kind.....a Nazis or a Fascist.....is proof.

Only a Leftist....you....can be identified as one of the Shameful Six.....Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Liberals or Progressives.

So, once again....you've served your purpose.

You're not lying about being a 'rightwinger'......are you?
Liberals created our Democracy

Conservatives supported the King

So you're saying that liberals today are the same liberals as back then.

But Democrats today are not the same Democrats from back then.

Do you realize how stupid you sound? Don't answer that, its rhetorical question.
You are correct... All the racist Southern conservatives and other conservatives went over to the GOP from 19 65 - 85.
Good riddance...

The Republican Party was created to fight slavery, segregation and the supporters of same....the Democrats.

None of that has ever changed.

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

I love it when Republicans remind us of what an enlightened party they used to be.....150 years ago

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?
Fake News publicity stunt

The Klan and GOP have the same political platform....Anti-immigrant, anti-muslim, anti-gay

The democratic party and GOP have the same political platform?

Oh, you're just lying, as always,,,

Uncensored2008 and Pol Pot have the same agenda

Pol Pot was a Leftist....just like you.

Nice diversion Frau Braun

Frau Braun was a Nazi....a Leftist, like you.

There can be no finer example of the axiom "To know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side."

To refer to me as one of your kind.....a Nazis or a Fascist.....is proof.

Only a Leftist....you....can be identified as one of the Shameful Six.....Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Liberals or Progressives.

So, once again....you've served your purpose.

You're not lying about being a 'rightwinger'......are you?

Ahhhhh...Yes, Frau Braun
Your repeated support of Nazi domination of Europe is well documented
Liberals created our Democracy

Conservatives supported the King

So you're saying that liberals today are the same liberals as back then.

But Democrats today are not the same Democrats from back then.

Do you realize how stupid you sound? Don't answer that, its rhetorical question.
You are correct... All the racist Southern conservatives and other conservatives went over to the GOP from 19 65 - 85.
Good riddance...

The Republican Party was created to fight slavery, segregation and the supporters of same....the Democrats.

None of that has ever changed.

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

I love it when Republicans remind us of what an enlightened party they used to be.....150 years ago

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

They teach you that at Columbia?
The democratic party and GOP have the same political platform?

Oh, you're just lying, as always,,,

Uncensored2008 and Pol Pot have the same agenda

Pol Pot was a Leftist....just like you.

Nice diversion Frau Braun

Frau Braun was a Nazi....a Leftist, like you.

There can be no finer example of the axiom "To know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side."

To refer to me as one of your kind.....a Nazis or a Fascist.....is proof.

Only a Leftist....you....can be identified as one of the Shameful Six.....Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Liberals or Progressives.

So, once again....you've served your purpose.

You're not lying about being a 'rightwinger'......are you?

Ahhhhh...Yes, Frau Braun
Your repeated support of Nazi domination of Europe is well documented

Sooo.....why can't you find any such quote?

So....what is your condition today? Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?
So you're saying that liberals today are the same liberals as back then.

But Democrats today are not the same Democrats from back then.

Do you realize how stupid you sound? Don't answer that, its rhetorical question.
You are correct... All the racist Southern conservatives and other conservatives went over to the GOP from 19 65 - 85.
Good riddance...

The Republican Party was created to fight slavery, segregation and the supporters of same....the Democrats.

None of that has ever changed.

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

I love it when Republicans remind us of what an enlightened party they used to be.....150 years ago

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

They teach you that at Columbia?

Since you've avoided the challenge like the plague, we can conclude that you know that Bill Clinton....the personification of the Democrat Party....has been a life-long racist.

Must be true of the entire party, then....huh?
Uncensored2008 and Pol Pot have the same agenda

Pol Pot was a Leftist....just like you.

Nice diversion Frau Braun

Frau Braun was a Nazi....a Leftist, like you.

There can be no finer example of the axiom "To know what the Left is guilty of, note what they claim about the other side."

To refer to me as one of your kind.....a Nazis or a Fascist.....is proof.

Only a Leftist....you....can be identified as one of the Shameful Six.....Nazis, Communists, Fascists, Socialists, Liberals or Progressives.

So, once again....you've served your purpose.

You're not lying about being a 'rightwinger'......are you?

Ahhhhh...Yes, Frau Braun
Your repeated support of Nazi domination of Europe is well documented

Sooo.....why can't you find any such quote?

So....what is your condition today? Serious, Critical, Grave, Stable....can I get my hopes up?

As our resident Nazi sympathizer your weak protests fall flat
You are correct... All the racist Southern conservatives and other conservatives went over to the GOP from 19 65 - 85.
Good riddance...

The Republican Party was created to fight slavery, segregation and the supporters of same....the Democrats.

None of that has ever changed.

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

I love it when Republicans remind us of what an enlightened party they used to be.....150 years ago

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

They teach you that at Columbia?

Since you've avoided the challenge like the plague, we can conclude that you know that Bill Clinton....the personification of the Democrat Party....has been a life-long racist.

Must be true of the entire party, then....huh?
Frau Braun

I believe you have him confused with Fat Donnie
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

Wow, do you assholes ever look in the mirror?

1) Donald Trump has brought haste speak to the surface with his bigotry & violence encouraging talk. Trump even bragged about his penis size on TV. He told followers that if they were arrested for violence against protesters that he would cover their legal fees. Trump resorts to name calling & trashed the military service of John McCain.

2) Donald Trump just condemned thousands of Americans to death & more to illness by ending the requirements for emissions. He will throw millions off of health insurance which will kill thousands. He just said it is OK to Americans to discriminate. He said police brutality is OK. e said racial inequality is OK. He tried to worm our of a court case citing the judge was Hispanic.

3) If you tradition includes discrimination than fuck your traditions. I don't care if your family have been white supremacists for generations, you van go fuck yourselves.

4) Sorry but Bill Clinton was never arrested for Rape. Clinton was not a "purjurer" when he was elected. I know how uninformed you are but there is a legal definition of having sex. Clinton argued that what j=ppened was not covered by that law. If you & I has sex, what happened? We both know intercourse.

You actually did vore for a man that had been accused by many women for inappropriate behavior, accused by a woman who said Trump raped here when she was 14 & had a witness, caught on tape admitting to groping women, accused by his former wife of rape, and said he would date his daughter. All of those thongs & yet you voted for Trump.

You also voted for a business cheat who screwedc contractors out of millions. Who had a fraudulent university.

You also voted for a man ho said John McCain was not a hero, he did not like POWs, and attacked a Gold Star family.

If you voted for Trump, you approve of child rape, harassing women, trashing our troops, defrauding people, cheating in business and constantly lying.

So fuck you & your fake outrage.

. "I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said." William F. Buckley

Yet another Trumpette in denial of the total asshole they elected.
Probably true. They can vote for whoever they want. Only thing is, Republicans never identify themselves with KKK and strongly reject them.

Whereas the democrats created the KKK as the terrorist wing of the party. democrats are now employing another terrorist group, ANTIFA. Terrorism is just part and parcel of the democratic party.
The Republican Party was created to fight slavery, segregation and the supporters of same....the Democrats.

None of that has ever changed.

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

I love it when Republicans remind us of what an enlightened party they used to be.....150 years ago

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

When ever one needs to see that the Left is or fears, simply note what they claim about the other side.

As in: "...the GOP has become the racist party."

The proof is simple enough...well, not as simple as you are, but simple.....
...the personification of the Democrat Party, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life.

Now.....why will none of your liars....er, Liberals, ....challenge me to prove that?

Bill Clinton wasn't around 150 years ago....

They teach you that at Columbia?

Since you've avoided the challenge like the plague, we can conclude that you know that Bill Clinton....the personification of the Democrat Party....has been a life-long racist.

Must be true of the entire party, then....huh?
Frau Braun

I believe you have him confused with Fat Donnie

Comrade Pot, which party is is that seeks to perpetuate housing, jobs, and school admission based on skin color?

Defending Affirmative Action, Clinton Details Plan to Review It

Oh, that's right, it's you racist Stalinists.

As always, you were just lying and calling your enemies what you yourselves are.
The reason Hillary is not in jail is because there is no evidence against her except right-wing b******* duh. Unmasking is no crime, super dupe. You don't know what it means. Trump's agenda is crap for the dupes all base I miss information and Hate... I'm still hoping he wakes up and acts like a smart New York City businessman... Change the channel

Evidence was destroyed or hidden by Clintons and investigation was blocked or obstructed by previous administration in order to elect madam pres...

Your brain washers have been saying that for 25 years, Dupes... It's a giant conspiracy the entire United States justice system. will you listen to yourself? Your whole party is a giant conspiracy nut job LOL...


It was abuse of power by the openly corrupt leader of your openly corrupt party.

Conspiracy? Didn't Bill plead guilty?

Oh, that's right, you were just lying again. Lying is virtually ALL you do.
Your problem is that you fail to correctly identify what is meant by the term "liberty".

"Liberty" is absolute obedience to the party," Comrade?
Seems to be the case with repugs. If they stray just a bit from rigid orthodoxy, they are called "Rinos" and primaried out of office if not kicked out of the party.

Oh, what is this "rigid orthodoxy" Comrade Stalinist? You are right though, the complicit fools who carry water for you traitors are indeed being kicked out of office. America is not going to let you Stalinists build the brutal totalitarian dictatorship you dream of.
Hopefully we won't get the Hitlerite dictatorship you wingnuts so desperately yearn for.

Strange that you'd say that......

Hitler was a Leftist, a National Socialist.....just as Stalin, and every Fascist, Communist, Socialist, Liberals and Progressive.

Why would the Right want a Leftist in charge?

"We are Socialists, enemies, mortal enemies of the present capitalist economic system with its exploitation of the economically weak, with its injustice in wages, with its immoral evaluation of individuals according to wealth and money instead of responsibility and achievement, and we are determined under all circumstances to abolish this system! And with my inclination to practical action it seems obvious to me that we have to put a better, more just, more moral system in its place, one which, as it were, has arms and legs and better arms and legs than the present one!" - Gregor Strasser, Oberfuhrer NAZI Party
second to Adolf Hitler
The KKK supported Hillary, Shitflinger.

You know this, but you virtually always lie.


Fat Donnie's father was a member of the KKK
. Albert Gore is Donald Trump's father? :eek:

Oh, you're just lying, as always..

Well, you're a Stalinist, it's your way.

Trump was raised by a klan member

Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree

That's as true as your avi.

You believe I am not Herman Munster?
Have any proof of that?

You are a Stalinist troll, the late Fred Gwynn was a good man, a Republican and strong supporter of Ronald Reagan.
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

Wow, do you assholes ever look in the mirror?

1) Donald Trump has brought haste speak to the surface with his bigotry & violence encouraging talk. Trump even bragged about his penis size on TV. He told followers that if they were arrested for violence against protesters that he would cover their legal fees. Trump resorts to name calling & trashed the military service of John McCain.

2) Donald Trump just condemned thousands of Americans to death & more to illness by ending the requirements for emissions. He will throw millions off of health insurance which will kill thousands. He just said it is OK to Americans to discriminate. He said police brutality is OK. e said racial inequality is OK. He tried to worm our of a court case citing the judge was Hispanic.

3) If you tradition includes discrimination than fuck your traditions. I don't care if your family have been white supremacists for generations, you van go fuck yourselves.

4) Sorry but Bill Clinton was never arrested for Rape. Clinton was not a "purjurer" when he was elected. I know how uninformed you are but there is a legal definition of having sex. Clinton argued that what j=ppened was not covered by that law. If you & I has sex, what happened? We both know intercourse.

You actually did vore for a man that had been accused by many women for inappropriate behavior, accused by a woman who said Trump raped here when she was 14 & had a witness, caught on tape admitting to groping women, accused by his former wife of rape, and said he would date his daughter. All of those thongs & yet you voted for Trump.

You also voted for a business cheat who screwedc contractors out of millions. Who had a fraudulent university.

You also voted for a man ho said John McCain was not a hero, he did not like POWs, and attacked a Gold Star family.

If you voted for Trump, you approve of child rape, harassing women, trashing our troops, defrauding people, cheating in business and constantly lying.

So fuck you & your fake outrage.

. "I won't insult your intelligence by suggesting that you really believe what you just said." William F. Buckley

Yet another Trumpette in denial of the total asshole they elected.

We did NOT elect Hillary, Comrade.
Probably true. They can vote for whoever they want. Only thing is, Republicans never identify themselves with KKK and strongly reject them.

Whereas the democrats created the KKK as the terrorist wing of the party. democrats are now employing another terrorist group, ANTIFA. Terrorism is just part and parcel of the democratic party.
I wonder who those White Supremacists vote for? You know, the Nazi loving asswipes from Charlottesville.

Let us not forget that when the KKK was started, Democrats were ruling the South. Now Republicans rule the South. I wonder, how did that happen? Did all the Democrats move out or did they get pissed off at LBJ & become Republicans? Quit trying to blame others. You know what you are, you elected one of your own. Quit being a bunch od of pussies & just admit it.

As Chris Rock says: Not all Republicans are racist but if you are a racist, you are most likely a Republican.

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