What Have You Done?

/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
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Shit boi.

You gotta go back 75years for that connection

KKK are Republicans.....NOW

/----/ That's just your wishful thinking. Today the KKK defends confederate statues who memorialize Democrat slave owners. There is no running away from it. Dems own the KKK.
KKK defends Trump

There is no reason to have a KKK around......the Republicans have stolen their platform

The KKK supported Hillary, Shitflinger.

You know this, but you virtually always lie.


Fat Donnie's father was a member of the KKK

Albert Gore is Donald Trump's father? :eek:

Oh, you're just lying, as always..

Well, you're a Stalinist, it's your way.
/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
View attachment 153521
Shit boi.

You gotta go back 75years for that connection

KKK are Republicans.....NOW
/----/ That's just your wishful thinking. Today the KKK defends confederate statues who memorialize Democrat slave owners. There is no running away from it. Dems own the KKK.
KKK defends Trump

There is no reason to have a KKK around......the Republicans have stolen their platform

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

Will Quigg, a grand dragon of the Klan’s California chapter and responsible for recruitment in the western United States, is less keen to give Mr Trump the dubious benefit of his support.

“We want Hillary Clinton to win,” Mr Quigg told The Telegraph. “She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda. She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. [But] once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colours are going to show.

The KKK leader who says he backs Hillary Clinton

Fake News publicity stunt

The Klan and GOP have the same political platform....Anti-immigrant, anti-muslim, anti-gay

The democratic party and GOP have the same political platform?

Oh, you're just lying, as always,,,
if you really wanted an answer to those questions, you wouldn't approach the subject like an igornant wing nut.

and whatever I've done, is more than you've done for anyone in your life

thanks for playing

Shush up Jilly, if we want to know what you think, we'll log on to a Nazi hate site like ThinkProgress or Democratic Underground.
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Your problem is that you fail to correctly identify what is meant by the term "liberty".

"Liberty" is absolute obedience to the party," Comrade?
Seems to be the case with repugs. If they stray just a bit from rigid orthodoxy, they are called "Rinos" and primaried out of office if not kicked out of the party.

Oh, what is this "rigid orthodoxy" Comrade Stalinist? You are right though, the complicit fools who carry water for you traitors are indeed being kicked out of office. America is not going to let you Stalinists build the brutal totalitarian dictatorship you dream of.
Why do you oppose abortion and birth control given the above?

Why do you endorse the taking of innocent life?
Didn't you read what you just posted? According to you they will grow up to be murderers, rapists, dropouts, addicts, teen suicides, or teen mothers repeating the cycle.

Is it possible that you are so stupid you can't see any difference between innocent unborn, guilty of no crime or misdemeanor....

....and actual criminals???

Speak up, you moron!

What gives you the moral right to slaughter the innocent?
Me? I'm not out slaughtering anyone. Just trying to square your beliefs here. On the one hand, you claim all these dire things will happen to kids born to single mothers. On the other hand, you don't want to give young, single prospective mothers any options. And once these kids are born, repugs scream to high heaven if any aid is given to them. They are quite happy to build more and more for-profit prisons though.

It's clear that you have nothing on what passes for a mind, than your right to murder...for no reason other than convenience.

But....Communists, Liberals, Fascists, Nazis....you....have never been other than savages.

"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."
Leon Trotsky

Boringiiar is a useful idiot. He advocates for a Marxist dictatorship like the sheep in Animal Farm. He has no ability to formulate a thought. He is programmed by his masters to bleat idiocy, which is all he does.
TODAYS KKK is exclusively Republican
/-----/ DemocRATS own the KKK, always have always will. Deal with it.
View attachment 153521
Why do you dunces always need to use photoshopped fake photos to lamely try to make your point?
They have a ridiculous talking point for everything... And that is all.


Maybe you should look at what bird did in the 50 years after he was in the KKK, which was basically what you had to do to get elected in West Virginia in 1948. Stupid propaganda, Dupe.

It's "Byrd" Comrade Shitferbrains...


You sure are stupid.
if you really wanted an answer to those questions, you wouldn't approach the subject like an igornant wing nut.

and whatever I've done, is more than you've done for anyone in your life

thanks for playing

Shush up Jilly, if we want to know what you think, we'll log on to a Nazi hate site like ThinkProgress or Democratic Underground.

you should probably take your own advice, angry white trash loser.,

Your problem is that you fail to correctly identify what is meant by the term "liberty".

"Liberty" is absolute obedience to the party," Comrade?
Seems to be the case with repugs. If they stray just a bit from rigid orthodoxy, they are called "Rinos" and primaried out of office if not kicked out of the party.

Oh, what is this "rigid orthodoxy" Comrade Stalinist? You are right though, the complicit fools who carry water for you traitors are indeed being kicked out of office. America is not going to let you Stalinists build the brutal totalitarian dictatorship you dream of.
Hopefully we won't get the Hitlerite dictatorship you wingnuts so desperately yearn for.
if you really wanted an answer to those questions, you wouldn't approach the subject like an igornant wing nut.

and whatever I've done, is more than you've done for anyone in your life

thanks for playing

Shush up Jilly, if we want to know what you think, we'll log on to a Nazi hate site like ThinkProgress or Democratic Underground.

you should probably take your own advice, angry white trash loser.,


DERP. Jilly belches what passes as a thought from the central cortex that is as close to a brain as she posses.

Jilly, you are a moron who merely bleats the idiocy of the hate sites, unfiltered due to your complete and utter lack of intellect.
Your problem is that you fail to correctly identify what is meant by the term "liberty".

"Liberty" is absolute obedience to the party," Comrade?
Seems to be the case with repugs. If they stray just a bit from rigid orthodoxy, they are called "Rinos" and primaried out of office if not kicked out of the party.

Oh, what is this "rigid orthodoxy" Comrade Stalinist? You are right though, the complicit fools who carry water for you traitors are indeed being kicked out of office. America is not going to let you Stalinists build the brutal totalitarian dictatorship you dream of.
Hopefully we won't get the Hitlerite dictatorship you wingnuts so desperately yearn for.

Hitler was a socialist who created a dictatorship based on the undaunted supremacy of the state; precisely as you and your fellow Stalinists advocate.
Your problem is that you fail to correctly identify what is meant by the term "liberty".

"Liberty" is absolute obedience to the party," Comrade?
Seems to be the case with repugs. If they stray just a bit from rigid orthodoxy, they are called "Rinos" and primaried out of office if not kicked out of the party.

Oh, what is this "rigid orthodoxy" Comrade Stalinist? You are right though, the complicit fools who carry water for you traitors are indeed being kicked out of office. America is not going to let you Stalinists build the brutal totalitarian dictatorship you dream of.
Hopefully we won't get the Hitlerite dictatorship you wingnuts so desperately yearn for.
/——/ ahhhh a fresh baked straw man argument.
Your problem is that you fail to correctly identify what is meant by the term "liberty".

"Liberty" is absolute obedience to the party," Comrade?
Seems to be the case with repugs. If they stray just a bit from rigid orthodoxy, they are called "Rinos" and primaried out of office if not kicked out of the party.

Oh, what is this "rigid orthodoxy" Comrade Stalinist? You are right though, the complicit fools who carry water for you traitors are indeed being kicked out of office. America is not going to let you Stalinists build the brutal totalitarian dictatorship you dream of.
Hopefully we won't get the Hitlerite dictatorship you wingnuts so desperately yearn for.
/——/ ahhhh a fresh baked straw man argument.
Which one? His or mine? Hopefully mine was fresh. His seemed awfully stale and overused.
But let me ask. Let's just take the last 20 years . What have the cons done for this country ?

They've been a doormat and a foil for the left. I can't think of any major victory for conservatism in 20 years, its been a constant downward spiral in terms of social and economic issues.

Well they did manage to get us into two endless wars !

They? You sound like those wars were Republican wars. Lets see.

Out of 210 House Democrats, 205 voted for Afghanistan war. All 49 Senate Democrats voted for the war.

Out of 209 House Democrats, 82 voted for the Iraq war. Out of 51 Senate Democrats, 29 voted for the war.
What did we do?

We created this country and our constitution. Abolition, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protection, gay rights.....

What exactly have conservatives done for this country?

More guns and more prisons
/—-/ so Liberals created slavery and allowed it to prosper until the Republicans ended it in 1864. Nice work, imbecile
Slavery was a conservative institution
Gotta follow the money
/——/ yeah that’s the lie you tell yourself so you can sleep at night. The GOP was formed to end slavery and Abe Lincoln did it.
You are somehow confusing the GOP of 1860 with conservatism

Just as you call today's communists - liberals.
/—-/ so Liberals created slavery and allowed it to prosper until the Republicans ended it in 1864. Nice work, imbecile
Slavery was a conservative institution
Gotta follow the money

Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Thank goodness the Republican Party was created to free the slaves, and then give women the vote.
Another whack job confusing the GOP of 1860 with Cobservatism

You flunked history at Columbia didn't you?

Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

True, liberals fought slavery.

Only thing is, you're not liberal. You're progressive socialist.
Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Thank goodness the Republican Party was created to free the slaves, and then give women the vote.
Another whack job confusing the GOP of 1860 with Cobservatism

You flunked history at Columbia didn't you?

Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

1. "Founded in 1866, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) extended into almost every southern state by 1870 and became a vehicle for white southern resistance to the Republican Party’s Reconstruction-era policies aimed at establishing political and economic equality for blacks.

Though Congress passed legislation designed to curb Klan terrorism, the organization saw its primary goal–the reestablishment of white supremacy–fulfilled through Democratic victories in state legislatures across the South in the 1870s.

This expansion of federal authority–which Ulysses S. Grant promptly used in 1871 to crush Klan activity in South Carolina and other areas of the South–outraged Democrats and even alarmed many Republicans. From the early 1870s onward, white supremacy gradually reasserted its hold on the South as support for Reconstruction waned; by the end of 1876, the entire South was under Democratic control once again."
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

2. Franklin Roosevelt, Democrat, made his first Supreme Court selection a KKKer, Hugo Black.
"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."
Egnorance: Hugo Black and the real history of "the wall of separation between church and state"

3. Bill Clinton, the epitome of the Democrat Party, has been a racist his entire life.
Challenge me to prove that...
...double dog dare ya'....
TODAYS KKK is exclusively Republican

Probably true. They can vote for whoever they want. Only thing is, Republicans never identify themselves with KKK and strongly reject them.
Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Thank goodness the Republican Party was created to free the slaves, and then give women the vote.
Another whack job confusing the GOP of 1860 with Cobservatism

You flunked history at Columbia didn't you?

Let's check:

1. Was the Republican Party formed to fight slavery?

2. Did the Republicans defeat a Democrat filibuster to give women the vote?

3. Did Bill Clinton wistfully opine in 2008 that Obama should be carrying his bags?

4. Are you lying by calling yourself a rightwinger?

5. I've never 'flunked' anything.

In your face, booooyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!

The liberals fought slavery . Just look at the voting map pre civil war. The liberal states were all about Lincoln. Enough with this dem lie . Today is a lot different than 1860.

I notice you won't discuss GOP accomplishments in modern times.

Go find another cut n paste article .

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

1. Democrat handiwork:


Murder in Mississippi | American Experience | PBS

1. The KKK was formed for the Democrat Party to preserve slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…” Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425

2. The Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill to come to the Senate.

3. On June 21, 1964 Goodman, Chaney and Schwerner, three Americans, were slaughtered by the Democrat minions to preserve slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

As I said.....and proved, Democrat handiwork.
All three of the murdered Civil Rights activists were DEMOCRATS

Murdered by... ?
Liberals created this country
Every major social advance has come from Liberals

If mankind relied on conservatives, we would still be cavemen

And you think that, by falsely calling yourself a liberal, you can somehow take a credit for that.

You're not liberal. You're leftist progressive socialist. Closet communist.
Liberals created this country
Every major social advance has come from Liberals

If mankind relied on conservatives, we would still be cavemen

Same lie?

The modern 'Liberal' is the Socialist Party......John Dewey had them change their name to 'Liberal' and dunces and liars bought it like it was on sale.

The classical liberals, the Founders, or, what are called conservatives today....created the nation based on individualism, free markets and limited constitutional government.

You, Liberals, Socialists, Communists, Nazis, Fascists. Progressives, stand for this:

the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Thanks for the opportunity to reveal the truth.

Or, would you prefer 'Sieg Heil' to 'thank you'?
Liberals are the Socialist Party like Conservatives are the Nazi Party

The Party Trump loves

Nope, Nazi were national socialists. Don't confuse it with nationalists. Or with communists.

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