What Have You Done?

Nope, PC point was that Clinton was keynote speaker. And he was, at the day two.

NO HE WASN'T! He was one of the "headline speakers", which you posted links confirming, along with 13 other people. Your original point was wrong, and now you're trying to weasel your way into not being as wrong, but wrong nonetheless.

I mean at this point, why are you still posting. You said something wrong, couldn't back it up, now you're walking it back.

It's fine. Anyone can look at the thread and see how your argument shifted the goalposts.

The PC point was that Clinton is personification of Democrats, not mine. I think Ted Kennedy would be better example, but Clinton is pretty close.

So the point you're arguing isn't even yours. So now that you've spent the better of 3 or 4 posts screeching about something you know isn't true, why then is Clinton the "personification" and not any of the 13 other "headline speakers" (including the keynote speak, Elizabeth Warren)?

Because then your argument makes no sense.

Nope, I did not backed on my statement. DNC provided list of speakers, I just pointed to places where you can find their lists.

YOU SAID Clinton was the "keynote speaker" and thus, "personification of the Democrats". Nothing you posted since proves that, and in fact what you did post shows there were multiple speakers who got the same kind of notation Clinton did.

So why is Clinton personification and not any of the other 13 "headline speakers"?

I don't expect you to answer that, because you can't without revealing you've been full of shit this entire time.
Nope, PC point was that Clinton was keynote speaker. And he was, at the day two.

NO HE WASN'T! He was one of the "headline speakers", which you posted links confirming, along with 13 other people. Your original point was wrong, and now you're trying to weasel your way into not being as wrong, but wrong nonetheless.

I mean at this point, why are you still posting. You said something wrong, couldn't back it up, now you're walking it back.

It's fine. Anyone can look at the thread and see how your argument shifted the goalposts.

The PC point was that Clinton is personification of Democrats, not mine. I think Ted Kennedy would be better example, but Clinton is pretty close.

So the point you're arguing isn't even yours. So now that you've spent the better of 3 or 4 posts screeching about something you know isn't true, why then is Clinton the "personification" and not any of the 13 other "headline speakers" (including the keynote speak, Elizabeth Warren)?

Because then your argument makes no sense. sounds like something a lib made up to get out of an argument.

Nope, I did not backed on my statement. DNC provided list of speakers, I just pointed to places where you can find their lists.

YOU SAID Clinton was the "keynote speaker" and thus, "personification of the Democrats". Nothing you posted since proves that, and in fact what you did post shows there were multiple speakers who got the same kind of notation Clinton did.

So why is Clinton personification and not any of the other 13 "headline speakers"?

I don't expect you to answer that, because you can't without revealing you've been full of shit this entire time.
no such thing as a headline speaker. It is something a lib makes up during the discussion of who was a Keynote Speaker.
no religious freedom is the religious freedom.

So then where in the Bible does it mention baking a cake?

It allows someone to live by their morals from what they believe in.

I am challenging this premise because I don't think their morality is genuine. It makes no sense; you say you're a Christian, and being a Christian means God forgives your sins and Jesus died for them. So if you're saying it's violation of your religion to bake a cake, how could that possibly be the case if the God you worship also forgives your sins?

So you can't say it harms your religious beliefs if your religious beliefs are that Jesus died for your sins and God forgives them. Unless you're now saying that God doesn't forgive -in which case, why worship God at all?
no religious freedom is the religious freedom.

So then where in the Bible does it mention baking a cake?

It allows someone to live by their morals from what they believe in.

I am challenging this premise because I don't think their morality is genuine. It makes no sense; you say you're a Christian, and being a Christian means God forgives your sins and Jesus died for them. So if you're saying it's violation of your religion to bake a cake, how could that possibly be the case if the God you worship also forgives your sins?

So you can't say it harms your religious beliefs if your religious beliefs are that Jesus died for your sins and God forgives them. Unless you're now saying that God doesn't forgive -in which case, why worship God at all?
I am challenging this premise because I don't think their morality is genuine.

you don't get to make that judgement though so to a bad a for you.
If it means baking a cake for someone you don't support, you don't bake a cake. what's so hard about that?

Discrimination. You don't get to pick and choose what customers you serve based on insincere religious beliefs. And they are insincere. If your God won't forgive you for baking a cake, then your God doesn't forgive and Jesus died for nothing.
If it means baking a cake for someone you don't support, you don't bake a cake. what's so hard about that?

Discrimination. You don't get to pick and choose what customers you serve based on insincere religious beliefs. And they are insincere. If your God won't forgive you for baking a cake, then your God doesn't forgive and Jesus died for nothing.
no it isn't, it's called refusal to do business. and again, you don't get to judge bubba, no matter how fking bad you think you do.
Bill Clinton was one of the keynote speakers of the day.
Therefore Bill Clinton was keynote speaker.
Therefore PC was right.

No, no. You all said he was the keynote speaker, not one of more than a dozen. And your entire argument hinges on him being the keynote speaker because you're also trying to represent he is the personification of Democrats based on his speaking slot at the DNC.

And if merely having a keynote speaking slot means you're the personification of the party, then what of the other 13+ people not named Bill Clinton who got equally important speaking slots?

Oh right, no answer for that. So what happened was you fucking lied, tried to walk it back, but then got tripped up on your own rhetoric.
Bill Clinton was one of the keynote speakers of the day.
Therefore Bill Clinton was keynote speaker.
Therefore PC was right.

No, no. You all said he was the keynote speaker, not one of more than a dozen. And your entire argument hinges on him being the keynote speaker because you're also trying to represent he is the personification of Democrats based on his speaking slot at the DNC.

And if merely having a keynote speaking slot means you're the personification of the party, then what of the other 13+ people not named Bill Clinton who got equally important speaking slots?

Oh right, no answer for that. So what happened was you fucking lied, tried to walk it back, but then got tripped up on your own rhetoric.
crash and burned. blowed up sir!!! hahahaahahaha dude you just took a good header here. thanks for the laugh.
no it isn't, it's called refusal to do business. and again, you don't get to judge bubba, no matter how fking bad you think you do.

Hold on a second, dude! Why are they denying the cake? Because they claim doing so harms their religious beliefs. But their religious beliefs are that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So if baking a cake will incur the wrath of God, then God doesn't forgive and Jesus died for nothing.

Which means all this religious belief argument is complete and utter bullshit, and thus insincere.
no it isn't, it's called refusal to do business. and again, you don't get to judge bubba, no matter how fking bad you think you do.

Hold on a second, dude! Why are they denying the cake? Because they claim doing so harms their religious beliefs. But their religious beliefs are that God forgives and Jesus died for your sins. So if baking a cake will incur the wrath of God, then God doesn't forgive and Jesus died for nothing.

Which means all this religious belief argument is complete and utter bullshit, and thus insincere.
because it's their business.
no it isn't, it's called refusal to do business.

Well under the state law, they don't have that right. So your argument has moved from "religious beliefs" to simply "they want to do something and are using religion to justify it". But that's insincere. Hence why I mock it, because we all know that religious argument is bullshit; if you worship God because he forgives and Jesus died for your sins, then why wouldn't God forgive you for baking a cake? Isn't that how Christianity works; you do something wrong, ask for God's forgiveness, and then go about your day.

and again, you don't get to judge bubba, no matter how fking bad you think you do.

I sure as shit am going to judge since they've taken it upon themselves to speak for God.
because it's their business.

They provide a public accommodation, therefore they cannot discriminate. And the state where they live extends discrimination protections to LGBT people. So here's an instance where these bigots could just move and go to a state more in tune with their bigotry. But they choose not to do that, deciding to make themselves martyrs instead. But they're not martyrs. They're frauds.
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Seems like they do care since they're willing to risk their careers over it. The only thing you're risking is your ego at having a conversation about race in this country. One you're too scared to have because you're a chickenshit. Conservatives are such fearful cowards that they have to invent any excuse they can to avoid tough conversations that may shatter their carefully-constructed charade.

Are you being serious right now? Those players are parroting the same narrative as universities, Hollywood, the media and the entire democrat party...they have no reason to believe their careers are in jeopardy. Unlike conservatives who literally run the risk of doxing or being fired for expressing certain opinions online.

No, it's not pointing that out. In fact, it's sophist because it's trying to say the NFL players aren't doing their jobs. None of them have refused to play football, and standing for the anthem isn't their job. However, baking cakes is the jb of the bakers, and they're refusing to do their jobs because of insincere religious beliefs.

That's exactly what the cartoon is referencing and if you're too dense to understand the joke, then I don't know what to tell you. Also, are you able to read minds and tell whether or not someone is being sincere?
I know what the word means and you and your buddy Synthaholic employ it all the time because you don't know how to have an honest conversation. This topic is not about dinner party etiquette, nor is it about Donald Trump or Sarah Palin. It's about the immorality and degeneracy of the left.

Ahhhh....so the truth finally comes out! You see us use the word, so you then must use it too. Only, because you don't have a firm grasp on what it means, you just vomit it out there and hope it makes sense when the chips finally fall. It doesn't. Your argument is just as stupid now as it was before.

And you're kidding yourself if Trump or Palin know of "etiquette" (I doubt they can even spell it).

LOL...sorry to burst your bubble but when I said "employ" I meant the tactic, not the word. I already knew what it meant long before I even joined this forum...
Cite one law that support your claim of institutional racism. It's not their kneeling that bothers me, it's the false premise for kneeling that does.

It's not necessarily the law (though Rockefeller Drug laws and higher penalties for crack-cocaine vs. powder are pretty clear examples) it's the enforcement of the law that is racist and what they're protesting. The fact that blacks and whites use marijuana at the same rates, yet black people are six times more likely to be arrested and imprisoned for it then white people is undeniable. The fact that this has to be explained to you just now proves you don't really get it, and never did. That's not entirely your fault; a lot of it lies with your parents who did such a shit job raising you, but also because of your privilege. Assuming, of course, that you're not just some Russian propagandist and actually believe the shit you're posting...

Enforcement of the law is racist... So you say.

OK, just to be at the same page, I did quick Google search and pulled out first page listed.

The black/white marijuana arrest gap, in nine charts - Washington Post

Any complaint about the source? The article is from 2013, but its still relevant for this.

The first what you call fact, that blacks use marijuana at the same rate, is almost true, to be precise blacks are using it couple of percentages more, but let's not be anal and I'll give you that one. Figure 21.

Blacks are 6 times likely to be arrested than whites. According to figure 10, the number is about 3.5 times. Although your math is not that good, you are correct that black are arrested much more than whites, so let's not be anal and say you're mostly correct.

But why is that?

You claim that reason for that is institutional racism. If I say that's bullshit, you'll disagree, so let's see one more chart from the link.


Notice where all those racist law enforcement are the worst - in the cities and counties that are overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats for decades.

And this includes a lot of urban areas that are highly populated and liberal-leaning. Cook County, Illinois, which includes Chicago, has one of the largest disparities of any county. So does New York County (Manhattan) and Kings County, N.Y. (Brooklyn)

If you want to claim institutional racism, you need to blame original racists, the party of slavery, KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching laws... they never changed, the same people are doing the same thing for a long time.

I'll reply to the rest when I have more time.
Religious freedom is.Marriage isn't.

Baking a cake isn't religious freedom.

And furthermore, what is the harm to bakers by baking a cake?

Not baking cake and not catering the homo wedding on religious ground is.

It's not that you lefties don't understand the concept of freedom, because I believe you do, you're simply rejecting the concept because it's against your Marxist, communist ideals.
Been trying to save your dumb ass from yourselves for the past 240 plus years ..

...by embracing slavery, oppression of women, opposition to Civil Rights, and embracing Russia.

Bear isn't a traitor democrat, derp.

Oh, and the Bolshivik democrats stopped embracing Russia the very second they dumped Communism. democrats are Marxists, as you know.
And, to remember that the basis of this thread is the lowering of the culture into vulgarity and behavior consistent with the jungle.

If you think someone like Sarah Palin or Donald Trump elevate culture in this country, you're fucking crazy.

Culture was dumbed down to pander to Conservatives who only know how to react.

Yeah, you Stalinists are so very classy.


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