What Have You Done?

Nope, that's what kneelers and you who support their kneeling are saying.

No they're not, and you clearly aren't listening to them. They are using their platform to protest racial injustice. The protest isn't about football anymore than it's about the flag, or the anthem, or the vets. You are desperate to make it so because it's the only way you can make an argument and stay relevant in this debate.

When I protest at work, I protest something I don't agree at work.

Well, your standard is not the standard. It's just something you made up off the top of your head, in the moment, because you don't want to have a conversation about racial injustice (obviously because you recognize your position is hideous and cannot defend it). You do that a lot; make up standards on the spot that you then try to apply to everyone. I don't believe you actually believe the shit you're posting anyway. I think you're doing it for one of three reasons:

1. You're insecure
2. You're getting paid to do it
3. You need attention

When I protest high taxes, I do it thru letters to my Congressman, or I protest at Michigan capitol in Lansing.

White privilege.

There is a time and place for protest. Kneeling during national anthem at the sideline of football field is not the time nor place to protest.

It's not up to you what is the standard for protesting. So you can take this invented standard you made up just now, and shove it up your ass.
She is saying that you are a hate filled dumbfuck who salivates on command to the images that you have been conditioned to hate by your masters.IOW, she is pointing out the obvious.

Is that what she was saying? Doesn't seem like it. Seems like it was just an exercise in self-aggrandizement that was wholly unearned, like your entitlement and opinions, which are also unearned.
Are you being serious right now? Those players are parroting the same narrative as universities, Hollywood, the media and the entire democrat party...they have no reason to believe their careers are in jeopardy. Unlike conservatives who literally run the risk of doxing or being fired for expressing certain opinions online.

Why are they parroting the ideas, if what you're saying is true? You seem to think there's a big, giant conspiracy for players to kneel that Hollywood is in on to serve what end? What is it you think they ultimately want? Because they've made it pretty clear; they don't want police to kill unarmed black people. So if that's they're stated goal, why do you object to it so much? The only explanation that makes sense is that you want police to kill unarmed black people.

That's exactly what the cartoon is referencing and if you're too dense to understand the joke, then I don't know what to tell you. Also, are you able to read minds and tell whether or not someone is being sincere?

There is no joke, and the cartoon misses the point of the protest entirely. Also, the NFL players are doing their jobs, the bakers aren't. So only one of those two groups are deadbeats; the bakers who won't do their jobs.
Because it is a workplace.

So where is it written that you cannot protest at your workplace? Or is that a standard you just made up on the spot? Seems to be something you just made up on the spot, pulled from your fat ass.

So if they march through the streets, they're "rioters" and "thugs".
If they take a knee in silent protest, they're "sons of bitches"
If they protest non-violently and peacefully, they get hosed down with water cannons, attacked by dogs, and are assassinated

So it seems to me that you're just inventing standards so you don't have to have a discussion about why they're protesting. And that's obvious because having that conversation will shatter this image in your mind that America isn't racist and our institutions aren't steeped in racism.

We are all customers and The customers said we don’t like it.

Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple. But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

You're such a wimp.

ootball field doesn’t oppress when 70% of the players are black millionaires. It seems ignorant and ungrateful protesting something they already have.

They're not saying the football field oppresses them, they're saying racist institutions do. Which is completely, 100% true. It's like you're looking for any way possible to avoid having the discussion they want to have. That's because you're a coward. Too scared to even have a conversation on race. What a bunch of wimps.
Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple.

Exactly. where are they? all of them kneeling, where are they? why haven't they begun to discuss? How about giving some guidance to their issue. can't start from nothing. all you'll get is nothing. Provide some examples and come in with an open mind. what are they afraid of? any of you libturds, seems you all are afraid of a discussion. You don't want one that's why, you only wish to unfairly mouth off and be ungrateful for the things you got. I owe them absolutely nothing. Oh, I am pissed at their demonstration of disrespect. That's what I'm pissed about. Veterans with no limbs fought for them to play that fking game and they deserve respect. If you don't think the vets are owed that, then you can get fked. The flag and the Anthem is America, you don't like it fking leave.

But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

I am? how, name what it is I'm doing to avoid a discussion? got some guts started spitting it out bubba. let's fking go, what is it you want to discuss? You must have a starting point, not a kneel down.
Because it is a workplace.

So where is it written that you cannot protest at your workplace? Or is that a standard you just made up on the spot? Seems to be something you just made up on the spot, pulled from your fat ass.

So if they march through the streets, they're "rioters" and "thugs".
If they take a knee in silent protest, they're "sons of bitches"
If they protest non-violently and peacefully, they get hosed down with water cannons, attacked by dogs, and are assassinated

So it seems to me that you're just inventing standards so you don't have to have a discussion about why they're protesting. And that's obvious because having that conversation will shatter this image in your mind that America isn't racist and our institutions aren't steeped in racism.

We are all customers and The customers said we don’t like it.

Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple. But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

You're such a wimp.

ootball field doesn’t oppress when 70% of the players are black millionaires. It seems ignorant and ungrateful protesting something they already have.

They're not saying the football field oppresses them, they're saying racist institutions do. Which is completely, 100% true. It's like you're looking for any way possible to avoid having the discussion they want to have. That's because you're a coward. Too scared to even have a conversation on race. What a bunch of wimps.
Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple.

Exactly. where are they? all of them kneeling, where are they? why haven't they begun to discuss? How about giving some guidance to their issue. can't start from nothing. all you'll get is nothing. Provide some examples and come in with an open mind. what are they afraid of? any of you libturds, seems you all are afraid of a discussion. You don't want one that's why, you only wish to unfairly mouth off and be ungrateful for the things you got. I owe them absolutely nothing. Oh, I am pissed at their demonstration of disrespect. That's what I'm pissed about. Veterans with no limbs fought for them to play that fking game and they deserve respect. If you don't think the vets are owed that, then you can get fked. The flag and the Anthem is America, you don't like it fking leave.

But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

I am? how, name what it is I'm doing to avoid a discussion? got some guts started spitting it out bubba. let's fking go, what is it you want to discuss? You must have a starting point, not a kneel down.
There's no disrespect for vets Many of those players have vets in their families and some have family overseas
Why are they parroting the ideas, if what you're saying is true? You seem to think there's a big, giant conspiracy for players to kneel that Hollywood is in on to serve what end? What is it you think they ultimately want? Because they've made it pretty clear; they don't want police to kill unarmed black people. So if that's they're stated goal, why do you object to it so much? The only explanation that makes sense is that you want police to kill unarmed black people.

Why do people virtue signal? To make up for the lack of actual virtue in their own lives, duh. Ostentatious displays of concern for humanity is a lot cheaper, much easier than taking actual risks and spending actual money to support causes you supposedly believe in. Afterward, you can go about your merry way, convinced you did your part in making the world a better place.
Because it is a workplace.

So where is it written that you cannot protest at your workplace? Or is that a standard you just made up on the spot? Seems to be something you just made up on the spot, pulled from your fat ass.

So if they march through the streets, they're "rioters" and "thugs".
If they take a knee in silent protest, they're "sons of bitches"
If they protest non-violently and peacefully, they get hosed down with water cannons, attacked by dogs, and are assassinated

So it seems to me that you're just inventing standards so you don't have to have a discussion about why they're protesting. And that's obvious because having that conversation will shatter this image in your mind that America isn't racist and our institutions aren't steeped in racism.

We are all customers and The customers said we don’t like it.

Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple. But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

You're such a wimp.

ootball field doesn’t oppress when 70% of the players are black millionaires. It seems ignorant and ungrateful protesting something they already have.

They're not saying the football field oppresses them, they're saying racist institutions do. Which is completely, 100% true. It's like you're looking for any way possible to avoid having the discussion they want to have. That's because you're a coward. Too scared to even have a conversation on race. What a bunch of wimps.
Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple.

Exactly. where are they? all of them kneeling, where are they? why haven't they begun to discuss? How about giving some guidance to their issue. can't start from nothing. all you'll get is nothing. Provide some examples and come in with an open mind. what are they afraid of? any of you libturds, seems you all are afraid of a discussion. You don't want one that's why, you only wish to unfairly mouth off and be ungrateful for the things you got. I owe them absolutely nothing. Oh, I am pissed at their demonstration of disrespect. That's what I'm pissed about. Veterans with no limbs fought for them to play that fking game and they deserve respect. If you don't think the vets are owed that, then you can get fked. The flag and the Anthem is America, you don't like it fking leave.

But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

I am? how, name what it is I'm doing to avoid a discussion? got some guts started spitting it out bubba. let's fking go, what is it you want to discuss? You must have a starting point, not a kneel down.
There's no disrespect for vets Many of those players have vets in their families and some have family overseas
you don't get to make that call. The people of America do, and son, they deem it disrespect and ungrateful to our military vets. No matter what you may think. you show me one vet who takes a knee.
no it isn't, it's called refusal to do business.

Well under the state law, they don't have that right. So your argument has moved from "religious beliefs" to simply "they want to do something and are using religion to justify it". But that's insincere. Hence why I mock it, because we all know that religious argument is bullshit; if you worship God because he forgives and Jesus died for your sins, then why wouldn't God forgive you for baking a cake? Isn't that how Christianity works; you do something wrong, ask for God's forgiveness, and then go about your day.

and again, you don't get to judge bubba, no matter how fking bad you think you do.

I sure as shit am going to judge since they've taken it upon themselves to speak for God.
I sure as shit am going to judge since they've taken it upon themselves to speak for God

you have a right to your opinion. but you can't force them. you think you can, but you can't. and again, you're entitled to your opinion. Me too. I say you're a fk. what are you going to do about it? about the same thing you're gonna do about them. And again, the Supreme Court is the ruling body and they will make the decision on the baker. So, we wait. My money is the baker wins. oops an opinion. I bet you say the opposite.
because it's their business.

They provide a public accommodation, therefore they cannot discriminate. And the state where they live extends discrimination protections to LGBT people. So here's an instance where these bigots could just move and go to a state more in tune with their bigotry. But they choose not to do that, deciding to make themselves martyrs instead. But they're not martyrs. They're frauds.
no they don't.
Not baking cake and not catering the homo wedding on religious ground is.

How and why? Simply saying "religious whatever" doesn't answer those questions. How is not baking a cake a religious act? What are the consequences for baking the cake?

It's not that you lefties don't understand the concept of freedom, because I believe you do, you're simply rejecting the concept because it's against your Marxist, communist ideals.

Well, you don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about, particularly with regard to "religious beliefs" because you cannot even say how baking a cake is an exercise of an act of religious belief?

What are the consequences these bakers will face if they bake the cake?
because it's their business.

They provide a public accommodation, therefore they cannot discriminate. And the state where they live extends discrimination protections to LGBT people. So here's an instance where these bigots could just move and go to a state more in tune with their bigotry. But they choose not to do that, deciding to make themselves martyrs instead. But they're not martyrs. They're frauds.
BTW, I can't demand another drink if the bartenders or ownership says I can't have one. so you are in the wrong territory. businesses can refuse business to you. they owe no obligation to you or your fking beliefs. it is their money. they choose to loose money, it's their choice. again, you are for choice when you are against it. it is lib hypocrisy 101.
Bear isn't a traitor democrat, derp.

Democrats aren't traitors, but Conservatives are. I would consider deliberately manufacturing deficits with tax cuts in order to push through an ideological unpopular agenda a treasonous act, wouldn't you? It's fiscal terrorism. You deliberately wreck the budget in order to manufacture a debt crises that you then use as an excuse to cut the spending you have no chance of ever repealing through conventional legislative process because you lack the courage and/or support.

Oh, and the Bolshivik democrats stopped embracing Russia the very second they dumped Communism. democrats are Marxists, as you know.

You're full of shit.
Not baking cake and not catering the homo wedding on religious ground is.

How and why? Simply saying "religious whatever" doesn't answer those questions. How is not baking a cake a religious act? What are the consequences for baking the cake?

It's not that you lefties don't understand the concept of freedom, because I believe you do, you're simply rejecting the concept because it's against your Marxist, communist ideals.

Well, you don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about, particularly with regard to "religious beliefs" because you cannot even say how baking a cake is an exercise of an act of religious belief?

What are the consequences these bakers will face if they bake the cake?
it's too far above your head for you to understand. wait for the SCOTUS to rule.
Yeah, you Stalinists are so very classy.

Well, the Conservative in that piece of art is missing a few things:

  1. Alt-right haircut
  2. Tiki torch
  3. MAGA red hat
  4. Nazi tattoos
  5. Confederate Flag
  6. Unearned sense of entitlement
Adding those into the comic will paint a much more accurate picture.

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