What Have You Done?

you made the claim, you back it up ruskie. you enjoy forcing people to do what they don't want to do. How stalinisk of you.

I don't understand what legislation you're looking for. The 1964 CRA? SCOTUS decisions in Obergefell and Loving?
you don't get to make that call.


The people of America do, and son, they deem it disrespect and ungrateful to our military vets. No matter what you may think. you show me one vet who takes a knee.

You, a Russian propagandist, are not representative of the people of America, and trying to plant your flag in that prematurely as you've done, only goes to strengthen our case that you're full of shit, and making up standards on the spot.

As far as the vet who takes a knee, KAEPERNICK WAS ADVISED TO DO THAT BY A GREEN BERET.

So you are speaking for people who never asked you to speak for them, on behalf of a position that is not unanimous or even predominant.
no the money from these two caused more oppression to women than half the fking country combined. don't give me your moral shit. eat it yourself.

Of course, that's bullshit and something you made up on the spot.
Enforcement of the law is racist... So you say.

So the reason there are more arrests and drug possession in cities is because that's where most black people live, duh. But your article just proves my point; that despite nearly identical use of marijuana, blacks are far more likely to be arrested for possession than whites. That's got nothing to do with where black populations are centered, and more to do with racist policing standards that are a holdover from 300 years of fugitive slave laws, 100 years of Jim Crow, and 50 years of the War on Drugs. Which is a part of what Kaep and the players are protesting!

You claim that reason for that is institutional racism. If I say that's bullshit, you'll disagree, so let's see one more chart from the link. Notice where all those racist law enforcement are the worst - in the cities and counties that are overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats for decades.

Well, those are also the areas where black populations are concentrated, so what are you trying to prove? That there's racism even in city police departments? NO FUCKING SHIT. Welcome to the conversation!

f you want to claim institutional racism, you need to blame original racists, the party of slavery, KKK, segregation, Jim Crow, lynching laws... they never changed, the same people are doing the same thing for a long time.

To pretend that the Democratic Party didn't shift after Civil Rights is to make the argument that between 1964 and 1980, there was a mass migration of millions of white, liberal Republicans who moved to the South, hardened their views to that of Conservatives and became Republicans, while at the same time a nearly equal number of white, Conservative Democrats moved to the North, softened their views to that of Liberals and became Democrats.

That is just a delusion on your part. Fact is the racist Dixiecrats became Republicans after the 1964 Civil Rights Act, voted for Nixon, Ford, and Reagan, and are the troglodytes who faint at the sight of a black man kneeling.

Of course, you know this, and your attempt to try to tie Dixiecrats to present-day Democrats is just a Russian Active Measure on your part to conflate the fact that Conservatives are, have been, and always will be racists.
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You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

I think the question should be what have you done. Your claim of Christian morality is wearing real thin here.
You.....Democrats, Liberals, Progressives.....and the throngs of misguided acolytes who never think through what you have agreed to empower.

1. In allowing yourselves to have been tricked into giving power the sinister party in the hope of bettering society, you've done the very opposite: you've poisoned the culture, set one man's hand against the next.
You have reduced the culture to a gutter level, agreed to children born out of wedlock, snuffing out the lives of the unborn, fed a welfare culture that embraces drug and alcohol abuse, crime, violence, recreational sex, illegitimacy, and family breakup.

And poverty remains at close to exactly what it was when the Democrat 'war on poverty' began....$22 trillion ago.

2. The central truth is that Leftist doctrine eschews religion and morality, and makes no differentiation between humans and every other form of life.
There is no morality. No care or concern for other, or for life. Nor is any required. This is the gift of the Enlightenment, with its view to replacing religion with science, with reason. Here it is today, explained not by Jack London, but by former Obama czar Steven Rattner:
“Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health care resources more prudently — rationing, by its proper name — the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”
Opinion | Health Care Reform Beyond Obamacare

To put it more directly:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

3. Here, the beating heart of the Democrat Party: "In this particular idea of the Enlightenment, the need to change human nature, and to eliminate customs and traditions, to remake established institutions, to do away with all inequalities in order to bring man closer to the state, which was the expression of the general will." Talmon, “Origins of Totalitarian Democracy,” p. 3-7

4. You elected....twice....a rapist and convicted perjurer and low-life who forced this upon the nation:
"Sexual definitions, the researchers hypothesized, were inevitably shaped by President Clinton’s famous “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” statement and the ensuing national discussion.

“Like President Clinton, adolescents and young adults often interpret these words with a degree of latitude, depending on whether they want to maintain an image of being sexually experienced or inexperienced,” the report explained.

“Unlike respondents in the previous samples, our respondents were adolescents after the Clinton-Lewinsky era, which our comparisons of data over time suggest may have been a turning point in conceptualizations of oral-genital contact. The dramatic and sudden shift in attitudes toward oral-genital contact can therefore be termed the Clinton-Lewinsky effect.”
'Clinton-Lewinsky Effect': Study Shows Students' Changing Views Of Oral Sex | HuffPost

Democrats, Liberals, Progressives......what have you done?

I think the real question is what have you done? Your "cough-cough" Christian morality claims are wearing real thin here. 80% of Evangelicals in this country (knowingly) voted for a Harvey Weinstein only his name was Donald Trump.


There were white male pastors promoting and singing Trump's praises all over this country. So don't be preaching to the rest, you're nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.

Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story
Two Women Say Donald Trump Touched Them Inappropriately

A Timeline of Donald Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss Universe
A Fifth Teen Beauty Queen Says Trump Visited Dressing Room

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no the money from these two caused more oppression to women than half the fking country combined. don't give me your moral shit. eat it yourself.

Of course, that's bullshit and something you made up on the spot.
you should read up on the secret service agent Byrne who guarded bill. it's amazing stuff I tell you.

Bill Clinton's Loves & Hookups

"Who she is: Marjorie Armstrong "Markie" Post (born November 4, 1950) is an American actress, best known for her roles as bail bondswoman Terri Michaels in The Fall Guy on ABC from 1982 to 1985, as public defender Christine Sullivan on the NBC sitcom Night Court from 1985 to 1992, and as Georgie Anne Lahti Hartman on the CBS sitcom Hearts Afire from 1992 to 1995.

How she knows Bill: In 1993, Post helped produce a Disney Channel program marking Clinton's first inauguration. Post, Hillary and Bill are known to be close friends and Post and her husband were among the Clintons' first guests in the White House. Rumors have swirled that Post and Bill Clinton's relationship went further than their friendship and that they held "secret get-togethers in California hotels.""
no the money from these two caused more oppression to women than half the fking country combined. don't give me your moral shit. eat it yourself.

Of course, that's bullshit and something you made up on the spot.
you should read up on the secret service agent Byrne who guarded bill. it's amazing stuff I tell you.

Bill Clinton's Loves & Hookups

"Who she is: Marjorie Armstrong "Markie" Post (born November 4, 1950) is an American actress, best known for her roles as bail bondswoman Terri Michaels in The Fall Guy on ABC from 1982 to 1985, as public defender Christine Sullivan on the NBC sitcom Night Court from 1985 to 1992, and as Georgie Anne Lahti Hartman on the CBS sitcom Hearts Afire from 1992 to 1995.

How she knows Bill: In 1993, Post helped produce a Disney Channel program marking Clinton's first inauguration. Post, Hillary and Bill are known to be close friends and Post and her husband were among the Clintons' first guests in the White House. Rumors have swirled that Post and Bill Clinton's relationship went further than their friendship and that they held "secret get-togethers in California hotels.""
"Byrne claims within the pages of the book that Bill Clinton had a 'jogging list' and would have Secret Service 'take the names of attractive women he saw while out exercising'.

In Byrne's new book, 'Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate', the former White House security makes no apologies for his criticisms of the Clintons. "

Read more: Bill Clinton picked up women while jogging claims Gary J. Byrne's book | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
<Russian Active Measure>

So you didn't actually explain yourself, you just posted some gossip on Clinton. And you're trying to do that in order to make Trump's sexual harassment and your own misogyny look not as bad by comparison. If you're finding you have to do that, then the problem doesn't lie with Clinton, it lies with you!
"Byrne claims within the pages of the book that Bill Clinton had a 'jogging list' and would have Secret Service 'take the names of attractive women he saw while out exercising'.In Byrne's new book, 'Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate', the former White House security makes no apologies for his criticisms of the Clintons. "

Where in any of my posts did I defend Clinton? No where. And why are you trying to make a big deal about Clinton? So you don't have to answer for your support of "pussygrabber" Trump.

So what you're saying is that Clinton is no better than Trump, who is no better than you. And in that regard, I would agree. I'm better than the whole lot of you.
<Russian Active Measure>

So you didn't actually explain yourself, you just posted some gossip on Clinton. And you're trying to do that in order to make Trump's sexual harassment and your own misogyny look not as bad by comparison. If you're finding you have to do that, then the problem doesn't lie with Clinton, it lies with you!
oh no, no, no, this OP is about oppression, and the biggest ones to date are all fking libturds, ever since the KKK, they can't help themselves, they now do it to women. I am merely pointing out who they are and who you need to be directing your concern for the NFL players. cause they aren't going after them. why?
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Hilarious watching Conservatives cry crocodile tears over the treatment of women. The same Conservatives who want to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her uterus, that she bears responsibility for being raped, and that women shouldn't be allowed to even vote.
oh no, no, no, this OP is about oppression, and the biggest ones to date are all fking libturds, ever since the KKK, they can't help themselves, they now do it to women. I merely pointing out who they are and who you need to be directing your concern for the NFL players. cause they aren't going after them. why?

Nope. The biggest oppressors are Conservatives who dream up ways of suppressing free speech, of subjugating women and not allowing them control over their own bodies, who oppose fair pay laws, who want to hang all gay people, who want to kill all Muslims, and who oppose the Equal Rights Amendment.

You cry crocodile tears over women, yet you don't support the ERA. Hmmm....wonder what that says about you.
Because it is a workplace.

So where is it written that you cannot protest at your workplace? Or is that a standard you just made up on the spot? Seems to be something you just made up on the spot, pulled from your fat ass.

So if they march through the streets, they're "rioters" and "thugs".
If they take a knee in silent protest, they're "sons of bitches"
If they protest non-violently and peacefully, they get hosed down with water cannons, attacked by dogs, and are assassinated

So it seems to me that you're just inventing standards so you don't have to have a discussion about why they're protesting. And that's obvious because having that conversation will shatter this image in your mind that America isn't racist and our institutions aren't steeped in racism.

We are all customers and The customers said we don’t like it.

Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple. But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

You're such a wimp.

ootball field doesn’t oppress when 70% of the players are black millionaires. It seems ignorant and ungrateful protesting something they already have.

They're not saying the football field oppresses them, they're saying racist institutions do. Which is completely, 100% true. It's like you're looking for any way possible to avoid having the discussion they want to have. That's because you're a coward. Too scared to even have a conversation on race. What a bunch of wimps.
Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple.

Exactly. where are they? all of them kneeling, where are they? why haven't they begun to discuss? How about giving some guidance to their issue. can't start from nothing. all you'll get is nothing. Provide some examples and come in with an open mind. what are they afraid of? any of you libturds, seems you all are afraid of a discussion. You don't want one that's why, you only wish to unfairly mouth off and be ungrateful for the things you got. I owe them absolutely nothing. Oh, I am pissed at their demonstration of disrespect. That's what I'm pissed about. Veterans with no limbs fought for them to play that fking game and they deserve respect. If you don't think the vets are owed that, then you can get fked. The flag and the Anthem is America, you don't like it fking leave.

But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

I am? how, name what it is I'm doing to avoid a discussion? got some guts started spitting it out bubba. let's fking go, what is it you want to discuss? You must have a starting point, not a kneel down.
There's no disrespect for vets Many of those players have vets in their families and some have family overseas
you don't get to make that call. The people of America do, and son, they deem it disrespect and ungrateful to our military vets. No matter what you may think. you show me one vet who takes a knee.
JC what would you have ,,,done ,,,,,,What would our beloved Trump supporters say if President Obama had...

* Walked out on the convention floor in 2008 with 5 of his children by 3 different women?

* Had told one of his friends: You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women. I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything….Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

* Had invited high ranking Russians into the oval office and freely gave away our most sensitive national security secrets?

* Had mocked a disabled person on national TV?

* Had fired an FBI director that was investigating him?

* Had falsely accused George W Bush of wiretapping him?

* Had even half as many business dealings in Russia as Donald Trump?

* Had spoke of a female reporter: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her... wherever."?

* Had told reporters a judge was not qualified to issue rulings on his business dealings because he was white?

* Had refused to release his tax returns, claiming "it's none of your business!"

* Had used even half as much foul language as Donald Trump has?

The answer is, you folks would have been storming the White House with chains, knives, and automatic weapons, but when Donald Trump does it, you'll defend him with your last breath! Bush 41 and 43 didn't do these things, neither did Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. Maybe it's time to take a long, hard, look at your golden boy in the White House as ask yourself if he's as well qualified as you think to be President.
oh no, no, no, this OP is about oppression, and the biggest ones to date are all fking libturds, ever since the KKK, they can't help themselves, they now do it to women. I merely pointing out who they are and who you need to be directing your concern for the NFL players. cause they aren't going after them. why?

The KKK? You mean the group whose leader, David Duke, endorsed Donald Trump? The same KKK that was just marching with MAGA hats on, chanting "Jews will not replace us"? That KKK or a different KKK?

Why do you Conservatives try so hard to pin Dixiecrats on the Democratic Party? Because that's how you gaslight. If you pretend the Democratic Party pre-Civil Rights is the same as the Democratic Party post-Civil Rights, you can cast yourself as a Republican (though not a Conservative, strangely) who supports the CRA even as you're here arguing you don't. Anyone who has ever cracked open a history book knows that Conservatives switched party identity after Civil Rights, which is why Republicans suddenly started winning races in podunk, backwater, racist shitburgs of the South.
So what JC456 is saying is that because Clinton wasn't respectful of women 20 years ago, that means JC456 doesn't have to be respectful of women today.
"Byrne claims within the pages of the book that Bill Clinton had a 'jogging list' and would have Secret Service 'take the names of attractive women he saw while out exercising'.In Byrne's new book, 'Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate', the former White House security makes no apologies for his criticisms of the Clintons. "

Where in any of my posts did I defend Clinton? No where. And why are you trying to make a big deal about Clinton? So you don't have to answer for your support of "pussygrabber" Trump.

So what you're saying is that Clinton is no better than Trump, who is no better than you. And in that regard, I would agree. I'm better than the whole lot of you.
you got fking nothing on trump. present it if you have it. all you got is some conversation. that would be thrown out of a court of law. so now, present some factual adventures of trump. I have first hand accounts of many women against two of the dems highest ranking men oppressing women. and that is the fight of the supposed NFL right oppression? so, let's start by cleaning up the left's house. Anthony Wiener comes to mind as well. How about Gary Condit? Teddy Kennedy? you all wanted this to be all at the conservatives. well, well, it ain't. and your moral genius' are hilarious. what have you done?
Why do people virtue signal? To make up for the lack of actual virtue in their own lives, duh. Ostentatious displays of concern for humanity is a lot cheaper, much easier than taking actual risks and spending actual money to support causes you supposedly believe in. Afterward, you can go about your merry way, convinced you did your part in making the world a better place.

Ummm...Colin Kaepernick has spent tons of money donating to social causes.

Did you not know he did that? Are you just learning about it for the first time? Unlike you, the players walk the walk. Whereas all you do is think of ways where you can justify not hearing their message. You spend all this time coming up with excuses, but no time actually listening to what they have to say. Why?

Only one of them? What about the rest?

I'm not particularly interested in the NFL protests or sports in general, so don't get mad at me for not knowing too much about Kaepernick's activities on or off the field. I did do a little research of the groups he's donated to and they all seem to be affiliated with radical left wing causes, socialism, communism and even black nationalism. The only one that really looks to address the real problem of black on black violence is headed by a group of american black people with muslim names. Turns out, they're all followers of the nation of Islam.

After looking at that, I really hope the rest of the NFL kneelers stay hypocritical and don't donate to any of these radical left wing groups.
oh no, no, no, this OP is about oppression, and the biggest ones to date are all fking libturds, ever since the KKK, they can't help themselves, they now do it to women. I merely pointing out who they are and who you need to be directing your concern for the NFL players. cause they aren't going after them. why?

The KKK? You mean the group whose leader, David Duke, endorsed Donald Trump? The same KKK that was just marching with MAGA hats on, chanting "Jews will not replace us"? That KKK or a different KKK?

Why do you Conservatives try so hard to pin Dixiecrats on the Democratic Party? Because that's how you gaslight. If you pretend the Democratic Party pre-Civil Rights is the same as the Democratic Party post-Civil Rights, you can cast yourself as a Republican (though not a Conservative, strangely) who supports the CRA even as you're here arguing you don't. Anyone who has ever cracked open a history book knows that Conservatives switched party identity after Civil Rights, which is why Republicans suddenly started winning races in podunk, backwater, racist shitburgs of the South.
Good thing trump doesn't support Duke, Duke doesn't support the left Nazi 2nd amendment grabbers so he's allowed in our free country to support whoever the fk he wants to.
Why do people virtue signal? To make up for the lack of actual virtue in their own lives, duh. Ostentatious displays of concern for humanity is a lot cheaper, much easier than taking actual risks and spending actual money to support causes you supposedly believe in. Afterward, you can go about your merry way, convinced you did your part in making the world a better place.

Ummm...Colin Kaepernick has spent tons of money donating to social causes.

Did you not know he did that? Are you just learning about it for the first time? Unlike you, the players walk the walk. Whereas all you do is think of ways where you can justify not hearing their message. You spend all this time coming up with excuses, but no time actually listening to what they have to say. Why?
BTW, Kaepernick was offered a job and turned it down. Kind of tough to take something to court claiming collusion when he turned down a job that was offered.

Colin Kaepernick Has Reportedly Turned Down Offers to Serve as Backup | FOX Sports Radio

Take a listen to the audio below. Pete Carroll was oddly vague and wasn't making a lot of sense when he announced why the Seahawks would not be pursuing Kaepernick any longer, and the markers are all there pointing to the Seattle franchise offering a contract that Kaepernick turned down.

you'll have to listen on the page.
"Byrne claims within the pages of the book that Bill Clinton had a 'jogging list' and would have Secret Service 'take the names of attractive women he saw while out exercising'.In Byrne's new book, 'Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate', the former White House security makes no apologies for his criticisms of the Clintons. "

Where in any of my posts did I defend Clinton? No where. And why are you trying to make a big deal about Clinton? So you don't have to answer for your support of "pussygrabber" Trump.

So what you're saying is that Clinton is no better than Trump, who is no better than you. And in that regard, I would agree. I'm better than the whole lot of you.
you got fking nothing on trump. present it if you have it. all you got is some conversation. that would be thrown out of a court of law. so now, present some factual adventures of trump. I have first hand accounts of many women against two of the dems highest ranking men oppressing women. and that is the fight of the supposed NFL right oppression? so, let's start by cleaning up the left's house. Anthony Wiener comes to mind as well. How about Gary Condit? Teddy Kennedy? you all wanted this to be all at the conservatives. well, well, it ain't. and your moral genius' are hilarious. what have you done?
TAP TAP "" any toilet paper over there??"" remember that guy??

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