What Have You Done?

The premise of this cartoon is incorrect.

Yes, it is because the NFL players are protesting racism in law enforcement and our Justice System, and they're still doing their jobs. The bakers refused to do their jobs on insincere religious beliefs. No one believes for a second these people refuse to bake gay cakes because of their religion...that's just the excuse for their inherent bigotry.

he premise is not incorrect. Nobody said the NFL kneelers are protesting their working conditions. The cartoon is in reference to the argument that the football field is not an appropriate place for them to protest.

Why is a football field not an appropriate place to protest, and who are you to say what's an appropriate place and what isn't? What have you done or accomplished to have that level of credibility? Nothing as far as I can see. You're just a propagandist, who may or may not be directly working for Russia.

If you were interested in having a debate you wouldn't resort to sophistry to try and deflect from the topic. Or are you just that damn stupid that you missed the point entirely?

You keep using "sophistry", but it's clear you don't know what the word means. Your cartoon is sophistry because it ignores the reasons why the players are protesting...in fact, it's not even an accurate comparison because the football players aren't refusing to play football, but the bakers are refusing to bake.
Why is a football field not an appropriate place to protest, and who are you to say what's an appropriate place and what isn't? What have you done or accomplished to have that level of credibility? Nothing as far as I can see. You're just a propagandist, who may or may not be directly working for Russia.

Because it is a workplace.

We are all customers and The customers said we don’t like it.

Football field doesn’t oppress when 70% of the players are black millionaires. It seems ignorant and ungrateful protesting something they already have.
Fact not in evidence.

You said Clinton was the personification of Democrats. How did you come to that conclusion, and what about Obama, who was President less than 1 year ago? You're just trying to build straw men because you know what you believe is shit, and you are desperate for there to be an equivalence so your shit doesn't look as bad by comparison. How insecure and SAD!

Democrats had Bill Clinton as the keynote speaker at 2016 Convention to save Obama's election bid.

The keynote speaker at the 2016 convention wasn't Clinton. It was Elizabeth Warren. So you're not even right on the very basic facts you're using to support your weak premise. And what do we call it when you make a deliberately false argument? Why, we call it sophistry.

The question now is; are you so fucking lazy that you couldn't even bother to do a quick Google search to make sure you knew what you were saying?

Everyone notices that you won't challenge my claim that, just like the party he personifies, Bill Clinton has been a racist his whole life.Wasn't that fun?

Well, first of all, you were completely wrong about who the keynote speaker at the 2016 DNC was (It was Elizabeth Warren, not Bill Clinton). So strike one there. Strike two comes in when you accuse Clinton of being a racist all his life. How so? Explain that one. Because it seems to me that you're the racist here and you're projecting your own racist positions on Clinton so then those racist positions you hold don't look as bad.

But your entire argument hinges on a premise you can't prove and are making a false argument deliberately. Which means your argument is...sophist.
The premise of this cartoon is incorrect.

Yes, it is because the NFL players are protesting racism in law enforcement and our Justice System, and they're still doing their jobs. The bakers refused to do their jobs on insincere religious beliefs. No one believes for a second these people refuse to bake gay cakes because of their religion...that's just the excuse for their inherent bigotry.

That's not my quote, I did not say that.

Nobody believes for a second those NFL stars care about police brutality, that's just the excuse they use to virtue signal

he premise is not incorrect. Nobody said the NFL kneelers are protesting their working conditions. The cartoon is in reference to the argument that the football field is not an appropriate place for them to protest.

Why is a football field not an appropriate place to protest, and who are you to say what's an appropriate place and what isn't? What have you done or accomplished to have that level of credibility? Nothing as far as I can see. You're just a propagandist, who may or may not be directly working for Russia.

Это правда, я работаю на Владимира Путина. Он послал меня сюда, чтобы пропагандировать ваш драгоценный форум. Я взломал твои выборы, за славу матери России!

If you were interested in having a debate you wouldn't resort to sophistry to try and deflect from the topic. Or are you just that damn stupid that you missed the point entirely?

You keep using "sophistry", but it's clear you don't know what the word means. Your cartoon is sophistry because it ignores the reasons why the players are protesting...in fact, it's not even an accurate comparison because the football players aren't refusing to play football, but the bakers are refusing to bake.

The cartoon is pointing out the hypocritical double standard.
Because it is a workplace.

So where is it written that you cannot protest at your workplace? Or is that a standard you just made up on the spot? Seems to be something you just made up on the spot, pulled from your fat ass.

So if they march through the streets, they're "rioters" and "thugs".
If they take a knee in silent protest, they're "sons of bitches"
If they protest non-violently and peacefully, they get hosed down with water cannons, attacked by dogs, and are assassinated

So it seems to me that you're just inventing standards so you don't have to have a discussion about why they're protesting. And that's obvious because having that conversation will shatter this image in your mind that America isn't racist and our institutions aren't steeped in racism.

We are all customers and The customers said we don’t like it.

Your comfort is no one's concern. If you don't want them to kneel because it upsets your delicate sensibilities, then have the discussion on race that they want to have! It's really that simple. But you're doing everything in your power to avoid that conversation; that's because you're a chickenshit coward. Who knew that a few players kneeling would cause so many right-wingers to hyperventilate. Why are you hyperventilating anyway? Because you're too afraid to have the conversation about race that these protesters want to have. You're too scared to have a conversation.

You're such a wimp.

ootball field doesn’t oppress when 70% of the players are black millionaires. It seems ignorant and ungrateful protesting something they already have.

They're not saying the football field oppresses them, they're saying racist institutions do. Which is completely, 100% true. It's like you're looking for any way possible to avoid having the discussion they want to have. That's because you're a coward. Too scared to even have a conversation on race. What a bunch of wimps.
Fact not in evidence.

You said Clinton was the personification of Democrats. How did you come to that conclusion, and what about Obama, who was President less than 1 year ago? You're just trying to build straw men because you know what you believe is shit, and you are desperate for there to be an equivalence so your shit doesn't look as bad by comparison. How insecure and SAD!

Democrats had Bill Clinton as the keynote speaker at 2016 Convention to save Obama's election bid.

The keynote speaker at the 2016 convention wasn't Clinton. It was Elizabeth Warren. So you're not even right on the very basic facts you're using to support your weak premise. And what do we call it when you make a deliberately false argument? Why, we call it sophistry.

The question now is; are you so fucking lazy that you couldn't even bother to do a quick Google search to make sure you knew what you were saying?

Everyone notices that you won't challenge my claim that, just like the party he personifies, Bill Clinton has been a racist his whole life.Wasn't that fun?

Well, first of all, you were completely wrong about who the keynote speaker at the 2016 DNC was (It was Elizabeth Warren, not Bill Clinton). So strike one there. Strike two comes in when you accuse Clinton of being a racist all his life. How so? Explain that one. Because it seems to me that you're the racist here and you're projecting your own racist positions on Clinton so then those racist positions you hold don't look as bad.

But your entire argument hinges on a premise you can't prove and are making a false argument deliberately. Which means your argument is...sophist.

Everyone notices that you won't challenge my claim that, just like the party he personifies, Bill Clinton has been a racist his whole life.Wasn't that fun?
Nobody believes for a second those NFL stars care about police brutality, that's just the excuse they use to virtue signal

Seems like they do care since they're willing to risk their careers over it. The only thing you're risking is your ego at having a conversation about race in this country. One you're too scared to have because you're a chickenshit. Conservatives are such fearful cowards that they have to invent any excuse they can to avoid tough conversations that may shatter their carefully-constructed charade.

Это правда, я работаю на Владимира Путина. Он послал меня сюда, чтобы пропагандировать ваш драгоценный форум. Я взломал твои выборы, за славу матери России!

You're not helping the case that you're not a(n) (unwitting) Russian propagandist.

The cartoon is pointing out the hypocritical double standard.

No, it's not pointing that out. In fact, it's sophist because it's trying to say the NFL players aren't doing their jobs. None of them have refused to play football, and standing for the anthem isn't their job. However, baking cakes is the jb of the bakers, and they're refusing to do their jobs because of insincere religious beliefs.
Everyone notices that you won't challenge my claim that, just like the party he personifies, Bill Clinton has been a racist his whole life.Wasn't that fun?

First you said that Clinton was the personification of Democrats.
Then you said that was the case because he was the 2016 DNC keynote speaker
Then you were informed that it wasn't Clinton who was the DNC keynote speaker, thus destroying the premise of your argument.
Now you are maintaining your original argument, which hinged on Clinton being the DNC keynote speaker as its premise, is unchanged even though the premise you used to make your argument turned out to be (predictably) wrong.

You're arguing something you know isn't true. That makes you a sophist, does it not?
ut I went to a real college.

I don't believe you, and I think you're just pretending you did in order to lend your argument credibility it doesn't otherwise have. It's so important for Conservatives to make these kind of unverifiable claims about themselves. If they didn't, they'd just be a bunch of dupes making claims on a message board. But by pretending they have college degrees, suddenly the shit no one would take seriously is taken seriously. Conservatives know this, which is why they stop at nothing to inflate, invent, or exaggerate personal claims about themselves. We've seen it over and over; pretending to be a "veteran", so your shit foreign policy views have credibility; pretending to be a "small business owner" so your shit economic views have credibility; pretending to be "married to a (insert minority group here)" so your shit views on race have credibility; pretending to be "Obamacare victims" so your shit health care views have credibility. Now, we have you pretending to go to college so your shit views have credibility.

Conservatives simply cannot make an argument without first qualifying that shit argument with invented credentials. No one buys it.

Did they give you a big red nose when you graduated the Barnum & Bailey Clown College???
You graduated Summa Caramel Latte?
4.0...blood alcohol level?

No one believes for a second that you have a college degree.
I know what the word means and you and your buddy Synthaholic employ it all the time because you don't know how to have an honest conversation. This topic is not about dinner party etiquette, nor is it about Donald Trump or Sarah Palin. It's about the immorality and degeneracy of the left.

Ahhhh....so the truth finally comes out! You see us use the word, so you then must use it too. Only, because you don't have a firm grasp on what it means, you just vomit it out there and hope it makes sense when the chips finally fall. It doesn't. Your argument is just as stupid now as it was before.

And you're kidding yourself if Trump or Palin know of "etiquette" (I doubt they can even spell it).
Nobody believes for a second those NFL stars care about police brutality, that's just the excuse they use to virtue signal

Virtue signal?! What? So if these guys aren't protesting police brutality and racism, why are they putting their careers at risk?

Look, just because you are devoid of conviction and morality, doesn't mean others are too. It just means you're a sociopath.
Everyone notices that you won't challenge my claim that, just like the party he personifies, Bill Clinton has been a racist his whole life.Wasn't that fun?

First you said that Clinton was the personification of Democrats.
Then you said that was the case because he was the 2016 DNC keynote speaker
Then you were informed that it wasn't Clinton who was the DNC keynote speaker, thus destroying the premise of your argument.
Now you are maintaining your original argument, which hinged on Clinton being the DNC keynote speaker as its premise, is unchanged even though the premise you used to make your argument turned out to be (predictably) wrong.

You're arguing something you know isn't true. That makes you a sophist, does it not?

"Senator Elizabeth Warren delivered the keynote address of the convention, with First Lady Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders serving as headlining speakers on the first day. Former President Bill Clinton served as headlining speaker on the convention's second day, while Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama headlined on day three."

What is the difference between keynote and headline speaker?

According to DNC and Wiki, there were keynote speakers every day, addressing different issues.

Keynote speakers will be immigration activist Astrid Silva, Vermont Senator and former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and First Lady Michelle Obama.

"Monday will focus on putting the future of American families front and center and how we're stronger together when we build an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top and when everyone has a chance to live up to their God-given potential. DREAMer Astrid Silva will share her story and her fight to keep families together," the DNC's website noted.

Tuesday's gave time is 4 p.m. EST (3 p.m. CST). The theme will be "A Lifetime of Fighting for Children and Families." Keynote speakers will be former President Bill Clinton and representatives from Mothers of the Movement: Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin; Maria Hamilton, mother of Dontre Hamilton; Lucia McBath, mother of Jordan Davis; Lezley McSpadden, mother of Michael Brown; Cleopatra Pendleton-Cowley, mother of Hadiya Pendleton; and Geneva Reed-Veal, mother of Sandra Bland.

You suck. :D
Nobody believes for a second those NFL stars care about police brutality, that's just the excuse they use to virtue signal

Virtue signal?! What? So if these guys aren't protesting police brutality and racism, why are they putting their careers at risk?

Look, just because you are devoid of conviction and morality, doesn't mean others are too. It just means you're a sociopath.

Didn't know there are police brutality and racism at the football field.
What is the difference between keynote and headline speaker?

Because one is a keynote. Do they not have keynote speakers in Russia?

According to DNC and Wiki, there were keynote speakers every day, addressing different issues.

For fuck's sake, now you're trying to wiggle around "headline speaker" with "keynote speaker" and you're only scrambling to reset the parameters because you were initially wrong.
Didn't know there are police brutality and racism at the football field.

There isn't, which is why the players are doing their jobs and playing.

I think you're just upset that these guys are kneeling to protest racist institutions you love. That's the only reason anyone would object to what those guys are doing. If you say protesting racism by kneeling also protests the flag and country, then you are admitting this country is racist and the flag represents racism. Is that what you're now saying?
You suck. :D

Oh and BTW - you lied about Wiki saying there were multiple keynote speakers. The wiki page for the 2016 DNC lists Elizabeth Warren as the only keynote speaker. You didn't post the link from the DNC that supported your lie. You just spat it out there and hoped no one would check.

So now what we have is a case of a propagandist (you), saying something completely untrue (Clinton being the keynote speaker), then trying to wiggle around the definition of what you meant, all while also lying about the sources you claim to be using.

Sloppy, sloppy work.
According to DNC and Wiki, there were keynote speakers every day, addressing different issues.

No there weren't. In fact, according to Wiki, Warren was the only keynote speaker. As for the other speakers, the DNC website doesn't say what you're saying, which means you just made that shit up, didn't you?
What is the difference between keynote and headline speaker?

Because one is a keynote. Do they not have keynote speakers in Russia?

According to DNC and Wiki, there were keynote speakers every day, addressing different issues.

For fuck's sake, now you're trying to wiggle around "headline speaker" with "keynote speaker" and you're only scrambling to reset the parameters because you were initially wrong.

I quoted to you already, Warren was keynote speaker first day, Clinton was keynote speaker second day. Barry and Biden were keynote speakers for their days...

PC was right, Clinton was also keynote speaker.

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