What Have You Done?

What did we do?

We created this country and our constitution. Abolition, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protection, gay rights.....

What exactly have conservatives done for this country?

More guns and more prisons

You left 50 million slaughtered children in your wake too. Don't forget to take credit for THAT!
I posted this: "... the basis of this thread is the lowering of the culture into vulgarity and behavior consistent with the jungle."

By invoking Sarah Palin and Donald Trump? Huh? Do you even know what you're saying?

Did you post this?

"...you're fucking crazy."

Any vulgarity there?

How does it feel being an evolutionary cul de sac?
Republicans defeated the Democrats on slavery.

The Republicans of 1865 bear no resemblance to the Republicans of 2017. For one, the Republicans of 2017 oppose federal authority over the states on principle. You don't even know the governing ideology of the people you're defending.

Republicans defeated the Democrats on women's suffrage.

The Republicans of 1919 bear no resemblance to the Republicans of 2017. Conservatives today are on record saying that women shouldn't vote.

The Democrats, FDR, worked tirelessly to make certain that communism survived WWII, and found a cozy home in his Democrat administration.

How'd they do that? We needed the Soviet Union to fight on the Eastern Front in WWII to make Germany fight a two-front war in Europe. We had to be allies. But how did he make the home "cozy" for them? Oh right, he didn't. Communism was never a threat to us. But Russia proved they were a threat this last election by spamming Conservatives with propaganda you all fell for.

You didn't know this?ou must be a government school grad, huh?

No, it's because you completely made that shit up and ignored historical context because it would require you to do actual work. And you're just a lazy, entitled brat who is incapable of doing hard work.
I posted this: "... the basis of this thread is the lowering of the culture into vulgarity and behavior consistent with the jungle."

By invoking Sarah Palin and Donald Trump? Huh? Do you even know what you're saying?

More sophistry. You know your argument is weak when you have to intentionally misrepresent the topic in order to score a cheap victory. Or again, maybe you're just that damn stupid.

There's more than one definition of the word "culture".

Here's the definition relevant to the topic:
the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group

Here's the one you went with:
acquaintance with and taste in fine arts, humanities, and broad aspects of science as distinguished from vocational and technical skills
You left 50 million slaughtered children in your wake too. Don't forget to take credit for THAT!

Who? When did this happen? Oh, are you referring to abortion? Here's how those 50,000,000 "dead children" are on you:

You oppose free and open access to birth control and contraception, as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. Those are the things that reduce abortions. Overturning Roe v. Wade won't get rid of abortion because states will then just legalize abortion on their own, so you're not accomplishing anything. Abortion has existed for a long time, even before your Bible.
Republicans defeated the Democrats on slavery.

The Republicans of 1865 bear no resemblance to the Republicans of 2017. For one, the Republicans of 2017 oppose federal authority over the states on principle. You don't even know the governing ideology of the people you're defending.

Republicans defeated the Democrats on women's suffrage.

The Republicans of 1919 bear no resemblance to the Republicans of 2017. Conservatives today are on record saying that women shouldn't vote.

The Democrats, FDR, worked tirelessly to make certain that communism survived WWII, and found a cozy home in his Democrat administration.

How'd they do that? We needed the Soviet Union to fight on the Eastern Front in WWII to make Germany fight a two-front war in Europe. We had to be allies. But how did he make the home "cozy" for them? Oh right, he didn't. Communism was never a threat to us. But Russia proved they were a threat this last election by spamming Conservatives with propaganda you all fell for.

You didn't know this?ou must be a government school grad, huh?

No, it's because you completely made that shit up and ignored historical context because it would require you to do actual work. And you're just a lazy, entitled brat who is incapable of doing hard work.

Nothing has changed.
Your post is one more sophist example of the Left, and their lock-step Liberals, trying to hide their calumny.

I'll give you a moment to look up the words you don't know......

Watch me bury you with one simple example....

The personification of the Democrat Party today, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life....just like his party.

Why don't you challenge me on that.....
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Any vulgarity there?

The truth hurts. Would you prefer i said "you're freaking crazy"? How about "you're bloody crazy"? Or "you're flipping crazy"? Seems like you're using "fucking" as a red herring to avoid debating how crazy you actually are.

How does it feel being an evolutionary cul de sac?

A lot better than it does being a part of your family tree that looks like a stump.
More sophistry.

First of all...you don't know what this word "sophistry" means...that much is clear. Sophistry is when you make a knowingly false argument to serve a warped conclusion. It's not sophistry to say Trump and Palin lowered the discourse in this country.

You know your argument is weak when you have to intentionally misrepresent the topic in order to score a cheap victory. Or again, maybe you're just that damn stupid.

How am I misrepresenting the topic? Explain.

There's more than one definition of the word "culture".

In no world, in no definition do what Sarah Palin and Donald Trump say elevate "culture" in any way, shape, or form. They're not so much anti-culture as they are anti-social. Being anti-social isn't a culture choice, it's a personality defect.

the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group

And what culture, exactly, do Trump and Palin have that fall into this? Customary beliefs? Not so. Social forms? Not so. And the material traits of the group they represent are white supremacy. Again, not positive culture.
Republicans defeated the Democrats on slavery.

The Republicans of 1865 bear no resemblance to the Republicans of 2017. For one, the Republicans of 2017 oppose federal authority over the states on principle. You don't even know the governing ideology of the people you're defending.

Republicans defeated the Democrats on women's suffrage.

The Republicans of 1919 bear no resemblance to the Republicans of 2017. Conservatives today are on record saying that women shouldn't vote.

The Democrats, FDR, worked tirelessly to make certain that communism survived WWII, and found a cozy home in his Democrat administration.

How'd they do that? We needed the Soviet Union to fight on the Eastern Front in WWII to make Germany fight a two-front war in Europe. We had to be allies. But how did he make the home "cozy" for them? Oh right, he didn't. Communism was never a threat to us. But Russia proved they were a threat this last election by spamming Conservatives with propaganda you all fell for.

You didn't know this?ou must be a government school grad, huh?

No, it's because you completely made that shit up and ignored historical context because it would require you to do actual work. And you're just a lazy, entitled brat who is incapable of doing hard work.

"How'd they do that? We needed the Soviet Union to fight on the Eastern Front in WWII to make Germany fight a two-front war in Europe."

Of course we didn't.

No one thought Germany would defeat Russia.

Fact is, Russia was the source of materials and resources that fueled her ally, Germany's Blitzkrieg.

Here are the facts:
1. .. when Operation Barbarossa started on June 22, 1941, the available (German) supplies of fuel, tires, spare parts etc., were only good enough for about two months.....

Stalin, in fact, had been supplying resources to Hitler.

The Wehrmacht continued to advance, albeit very slowly, and by mid-November some units found themselves at only 30 kilometers from the capital. But the troops were now totally exhausted, and running out of supplies. Their commanders knew that it was simply impossible to take Moscow.
Hitler s Failed Blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union. The Battle of Moscow and Stalingrad Turning Point of World War II Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
72 Years Ago, December 1941: Turning Point of World War II
'The Victory of the Red Army in front of Moscow was a Major Break'…
by Jacques Pauwels

2. By attacking in June, Hitler had planned to avoid Russia's three greatest generals....December, January, and February.
He didn't.
So....once one recognizes that Stalin was going to be the winner.....
....why did FDR send him supplies that the Allies could have used?

3. "....realistically middle sized Germany could not defeat the much larger Ussr in the long term. Germany would have eventually surrendered to the western allies to prevent total occupation by the USSR ..."
So did the Red Army really singlehandedly defeat the Third Reich Stuff I Done Wrote - The Michael A. Charles Online Presence (comment)

4. "Between June 22, 1941, and January 31, 1942, the Germans had lost 6,000 airplanes and more than 3,200 tanks and similar vehicles; and no less than 918,000 men had been killed, wounded, or gone missing in action, amounting to 28.7 percent of the average strength of the army, namely, 3,2 million men.[33]

(In the Soviet Union, Germany would lose no less than 10 million of its total 13.5 million men killed, wounded, or taken prisoner during the entire war; and the Red Army would end up claiming credit for 90 per cent of all Germans killed in the Second World War.)
Clive Ponting, 'Armageddon: The Second World War,' p. 130; Stephen E. Ambrose 'Americans at War,' p. 72. ”

Even you know you're really stupid, don't you.

BTW....when Democrat FDR was told about Russian spies in his administration....

...he promoted them!!!

Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?
Nothing has changed.Your post is one more sophist example of the Left, and their lock-step Liberals, trying to hide their calumny.

So I think you're only using words like "sophist" and "calumny" to appear smarter than you actually are. You haven't exactly explained how anything I've said is "sophist". I think you just picked that word up (probably from my posts) without knowing what I means, thinking it can be used to paper over the weak counter-argument you are making that you're not the one responsible for the shit you complain about.

Typical Russian Active Measure.

The personification of the Democrat Party today, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life....just like his party.

I thought Obama was the personification of Democrats today. This appears to be you establishing a straw man argument with which to attack. You wish Clinton were what you claimed he was, because that way you look less shitty by comparison. And that's why you're doing this, right? You're trying to draw some kind of equivalence between your personal shittiness, and who you perceive your opponents to be.

That's not sophistry, that's insecurity.
You left 50 million slaughtered children in your wake too. Don't forget to take credit for THAT!

Who? When did this happen? Oh, are you referring to abortion? Here's how those 50,000,000 "dead children" are on you:

You oppose free and open access to birth control and contraception, as well as comprehensive sex education in schools. Those are the things that reduce abortions. Overturning Roe v. Wade won't get rid of abortion because states will then just legalize abortion on their own, so you're not accomplishing anything. Abortion has existed for a long time, even before your Bible.
when you can walk bare foot across the water tops of lakes, then you get to make this post. as far as you can't then you are just a nuisance poster on a message board looking for attention.
Just between the two of us….are you just a leeeeettttle disappointed at how you turned out?

So your cut and pastes mean nothing to me because they're not your ideas, or conclusions you came to on your own. I think you're just some propagandist who hates themselves so much, the only way you can make it through the day is by fooling yourself into thinking there exists an equivalent comparison between the shit you believe, and reality.

I mean...really...at this point, maybe you should think about suicide. Because if you have to convince yourself of this, by trying to find some kind of shit moral equivalence, then you already recognize you are shit, what you believe is shit, and that you serve no real purpose.
when you can walk bare foot across the water tops of lakes, then you get to make this post. as far as you can't then you are just a nuisance poster on a message board looking for attention.

Stop being such a fucking crybaby.
Nothing has changed.Your post is one more sophist example of the Left, and their lock-step Liberals, trying to hide their calumny.

So I think you're only using words like "sophist" and "calumny" to appear smarter than you actually are. You haven't exactly explained how anything I've said is "sophist". I think you just picked that word up (probably from my posts) without knowing what I means, thinking it can be used to paper over the weak counter-argument you are making that you're not the one responsible for the shit you complain about.

Typical Russian Active Measure.

The personification of the Democrat Party today, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life....just like his party.

I thought Obama was the personification of Democrats today. This appears to be you establishing a straw man argument with which to attack. You wish Clinton were what you claimed he was, because that way you look less shitty by comparison. And that's why you're doing this, right? You're trying to draw some kind of equivalence between your personal shittiness, and who you perceive your opponents to be.

That's not sophistry, that's insecurity.

But I went to a real college.

Did they give you a big red nose when you graduated the Barnum & Bailey Clown College???

You graduated Summa Caramel Latte?

4.0...blood alcohol level?
More sophistry.

First of all...you don't know what this word "sophistry" means...that much is clear. Sophistry is when you make a knowingly false argument to serve a warped conclusion. It's not sophistry to say Trump and Palin lowered the discourse in this country.

You know your argument is weak when you have to intentionally misrepresent the topic in order to score a cheap victory. Or again, maybe you're just that damn stupid.

How am I misrepresenting the topic? Explain.

There's more than one definition of the word "culture".

In no world, in no definition do what Sarah Palin and Donald Trump say elevate "culture" in any way, shape, or form. They're not so much anti-culture as they are anti-social. Being anti-social isn't a culture choice, it's a personality defect.

the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group

And what culture, exactly, do Trump and Palin have that fall into this? Customary beliefs? Not so. Social forms? Not so. And the material traits of the group they represent are white supremacy. Again, not positive culture.

I know what the word means and you and your buddy Synthaholic employ it all the time because you don't know how to have an honest conversation. This topic is not about dinner party etiquette, nor is it about Donald Trump or Sarah Palin. It's about the immorality and degeneracy of the left.
The premise of this cartoon is incorrect.

Yes, it is because the NFL players are protesting racism in law enforcement and our Justice System, and they're still doing their jobs. The bakers refused to do their jobs on insincere religious beliefs. No one believes for a second these people refuse to bake gay cakes because of their religion...that's just the excuse for their inherent bigotry.

he premise is not incorrect. Nobody said the NFL kneelers are protesting their working conditions. The cartoon is in reference to the argument that the football field is not an appropriate place for them to protest.

Why is a football field not an appropriate place to protest, and who are you to say what's an appropriate place and what isn't? What have you done or accomplished to have that level of credibility? Nothing as far as I can see. You're just a propagandist, who may or may not be directly working for Russia.

If you were interested in having a debate you wouldn't resort to sophistry to try and deflect from the topic. Or are you just that damn stupid that you missed the point entirely?

You keep using "sophistry", but it's clear you don't know what the word means. Your cartoon is sophistry because it ignores the reasons why the players are protesting...in fact, it's not even an accurate comparison because the football players aren't refusing to play football, but the bakers are refusing to bake.
Nothing has changed.Your post is one more sophist example of the Left, and their lock-step Liberals, trying to hide their calumny.

So I think you're only using words like "sophist" and "calumny" to appear smarter than you actually are. You haven't exactly explained how anything I've said is "sophist". I think you just picked that word up (probably from my posts) without knowing what I means, thinking it can be used to paper over the weak counter-argument you are making that you're not the one responsible for the shit you complain about.

Typical Russian Active Measure.

The personification of the Democrat Party today, Bill Clinton, has been a racist his entire life....just like his party.

I thought Obama was the personification of Democrats today. This appears to be you establishing a straw man argument with which to attack. You wish Clinton were what you claimed he was, because that way you look less shitty by comparison. And that's why you're doing this, right? You're trying to draw some kind of equivalence between your personal shittiness, and who you perceive your opponents to be.

That's not sophistry, that's insecurity.

"I thought....."

Fact not in evidence.

"I thought Obama was the personification of Democrats today."

Democrats had Bill Clinton as the keynote speaker at 2016 Convention to save Obama's election bid.

Everyone notices that you won't challenge my claim that, just like the party he personifies, Bill Clinton has been a racist his whole life.

Wasn't that fun?

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