What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.

You are little more than a terrorist. Your ass needs to be kicked out. You are a animal.

Terrorist? Do you know what terrorists do to avoid being killed? They hide behind women. They strike from nursing homes and hospitals to avoid retaliation.

If anybody uses terrorist schemes, it's the Democrats. Quit hiding behind children to get your Fn way all the time. You claim to be so concerned about children, but have no problem when our tax dollars goes to kill them before they are even born.


You are taking children away which amounts to kidnapping them. Many of these children are clearly being frightened and traumatized. Children are not a part of this and they should leave them with their parents. Conservatives talk about family yet I seem to be the only one who still believes in the family. Children are not pawns to be used in law enforcement.

Trump is falsely claiming that Democrats are making him do it. He is very well aware of the immorality of doing it so he is hiding behind Democrats. You are using children as hostages. You are no different than terrorists.

You have no FUCKING idea what I support. I have no problem with the government not paying for abortions however I disagree with what you and Trump are doing. You have to speak to people's hearts instead of making laws to make abortion more difficult. That alienates other voters and does not help the situation.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
This is nonsense.

We are NOT punishing children. No more than a convicted felon's child is punished when we send them to prison.

Do we stop enforcing our laws because the children will be separated from their parents who are acting criminally?

The answer is a resounding, no!

As for this nonsense of "human cost", it is nothing more than a phrase designed to instill anguish in political opposition for the purpose of achieving an agenda.
Nonsense. Who suffers? The children. What crime does a 3 yr old commit that is prosecutable under the law? Explain that to the hysterical child, tell him he is NOT being punished by being ripped from the only family he knows and then try to rationalize a seriously fucked policy here that was NOT in place before.

And remind me again how your party is pro family cause I sure dont see it in this policy.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
So... importing future Democratic voters at any cost ?
What does that have to do with the OP? Oh ya...nothing.
Really? There is an actual valid reason for separating children from their parents?

Yes, it's called a deterrent.

Terrorizing children. People like you need to be shipped off to Guantanamo for the rest of your miserable lives.

Then send the parents to Gitmo instead of us, because it's the parents that are causing their children harm--not us.

No, if we are separating them then it's us.

No, it's not. You come here illegally, everything that happens to you and your kids is your fault. You knew well ahead of time you are coming here and breaking our laws, so anything could happen at that point.

Let me ask, if a woman is drunk and driving around with her child, and she runs when the cops try to pull her over, and the child gets killed when she strikes a tree, do you blame the drunken mother or the police that tried to stop her?

We have enough irresponsible people in this country, we call them Democrats. We certainly don't need any more irresponsible people coming from other places.
You really think that is comparable? The only reason to remove a child from its family is if the child is neglected or endangered or can not be otherwise be cared for. Prior to this there was no need to take children. The environment and risk haven't changed. What has?
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
Republicans tend to lack basic empathy for things they don’t directly witness. They don’t have the emotional maturity or complexity of thought for such a thing. As a result, they don’t bother thinking about the well being of kids. They just know brown people have crossed the border and their GOP masters tell them it’s a bad thing.

The parents are responsible for anything that happens to the kids, they put them in the situation.


We hold law enforcement to the same standards we hold everyone else. The people who are implementing this policy are responsible and should be held legally liable. Take your trash elsewhere.
You don't punish children for the acts of their parents, period. That includes low-income American kids.

And I'd like to know why we keep ignoring the root problem of all this: The countries directly to our South are so horrible and corrupt, that not only are people desperate to escape them, but their own LEADERS are more than willing to HELP escape them while they blame US.

Why is this root cause never in this conversation? No perceived political advantage for either tribe?
It isnt part of the conversation here (not that I disagree) because the conversation isnt about illegal immigration on general but a specific policy that goes to far. And in my opinion it should not matter what your political outlook is, it is indefensible.
It's the parent's fault.
They know that they are breaking the law.
This is what America has come to. Sad. So very sad.

What has it come to?

The Central American parents send their children here alone.
They know that our laws are such that we can't ship them back
and we hold them until they are placed in a foster home.

The vast majority of these kids that everybody is talking about came
here alone. They are missing because the phone calls to the foster homes
have not been answered.

When we send a mother to prison we do not let the child go with her.
Why should we treat those people any different.

Trump lost 1500...huh? Obama, according to reports lost over 4100...why
no outrage then?

You seem to know a lot about these children. How many do you know? Personally, I mean.

I don't know any of them individually. But I know how their parents
and their shithhole countries that they come from. are gaming the system.

And what's your story, Pancho? Butt-hurt liberal or illegal alien?

If your logic is to punish the children for their parents having committed a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, why not go all the way, and torture them as well?
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
This is nonsense.

We are NOT punishing children. No more than a convicted felon's child is punished when we send them to prison.

Do we stop enforcing our laws because the children will be separated from their parents who are acting criminally?

The answer is a resounding, no!

As for this nonsense of "human cost", it is nothing more than a phrase designed to instill anguish in political opposition for the purpose of achieving an agenda.
Nonsense. Who suffers? The children. What crime does a 3 yr old commit that is prosecutable under the law? Explain that to the hysterical child, tell him he is NOT being punished by being ripped from the only family he knows and then try to rationalize a seriously fucked policy here that was NOT in place before.

And remind me again how your party is pro family cause I sure dont see it in this policy.
------------------------------- that'd be PRO American family Coyote .
Stay on topic, we are discussing the separation of families.
Yes and catch & release, and its effects have much to do with separation of families. The reason why families are being separated is twofold 1) because the illegals chose to come here illegally, and 2) because they can no longer escape deportation by C & R poilcy.

We are subject to international laws.
NO we are not. And this is an important point. Leftists are internationalists, just like communists. They are, like Obama, "citizen of the world". But that is FALSE. We are Americans, not citizens of the world. And where international law and US law clash, there is no contest. US law prevails. That is how it is.

Anybody who thinks different from that isn't a true American, and they really should leave the US and go to where it is believed that international law is superior to that countries law.

In the USA >> "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...shall be the Supreme Law of the Land" (US Constitution, Article 6, Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause)

The children did nothing illegal. You really want to charge a 53 week old baby. They are being used. This is Nazi style tactics.

There is no law that allows this so US law does not matter. The Nuremburg trials had nothing to do with American law. I would gladly turn over the people responsible including Trump only if we can't find a US law to charge him with.
You don't punish children for the acts of their parents, period. That includes low-income American kids.

And I'd like to know why we keep ignoring the root problem of all this: The countries directly to our South are so horrible and corrupt, that not only are people desperate to escape them, but their own LEADERS are more than willing to HELP escape them while they blame US.

Why is this root cause never in this conversation? No perceived political advantage for either tribe?
It isnt part of the conversation here (not that I disagree) because the conversation isnt about illegal immigration on general but a specific policy that goes to far. And in my opinion it should not matter what your political outlook is, it is indefensible.
As I mentioned, we can't turn our backs on kids when nothing is in their control. That holds true regardless of who they are or where they came from. The grownups (ha) can work out the details of the grownup (ha) stuff separately.

This is the danger of the binary, all-or-nothing thought processes to which much of the Right is conditioned. No, no, no, never, never, never, I don't care who suffers. Well, that's beneath us as a civilization. Or should be.
Stay on topic, we are discussing the separation of families.
Yes and catch & release, and its effects have much to do with separation of families. The reason why families are being separated is twofold 1) because the illegals chose to come here illegally, and 2) because they can no longer escape deportation by C & R poilcy.

We are subject to international laws.
NO we are not. And this is an important point. Leftists are internationalists, just like communists. They are, like Obama, "citizen of the world". But that is FALSE. We are Americans, not citizens of the world. And where international law and US law clash, there is no contest. US law prevails. That is how it is.

Anybody who thinks different from that isn't a true American, and they really should leave the US and go to where it is believed that international law is superior to that countries law.

In the USA >> "This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States...shall be the Supreme Law of the Land" (US Constitution, Article 6, Section 2, part 1 - the Supremacy Clause)

The children did nothing illegal. You really want to charge a 53 week old baby. They are being used. This is Nazi style tactics.

There is no law that allows this so US law does not matter. The Nuremburg trials had nothing to do with American law. I would gladly turn over the people responsible including Trump only if we can't find a US law to charge him with.

Really, it makes you wonder….

I’m sure when the Holocaust started, there were laws passed restricting Jews and they were legally rounded up and sent to camps. And the defense used by the supporters of the Reich was “don’t blame me, blame the law”….I would hope (and I’m pretty confident) that the average foot soldier and the average German who supported the Reich were not aware of what went on in the camps but used the law as air cover to explain why they were for treating fellow human beings in such mean estate. Just like the Trump enablers are doing now.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
No it I NOT EVIL. And you are contradicting yourself. You asked a question which you yourself answered in your own OP> You posted >> "When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed."

This is nothing unusual. When US citizens are convicted of crimes, and put in prison, their children are separated from them. We don't hear many sob stories for THESE kids though, do we ? And unlike the illegal aliens' kids, the American kids have no choice in it. They MUST be separated. And it could be for decades, or life. Or the death penalty.

But the illegal alien kids have it better. They can choose to go with their parents. They are not compelled to undergo separation, as the American kids are.

And the illegals' kids really should NOT have that choice either. They shouldn't be here, because the birthright citizenship they claim is FALSE. It comes from the 14th amendment, but the 14th amendment was not intended to include the children of foreigners (so stated the author of the 14th amendment, Sen. Jacob Howard)

No one is going to jail for crossing the border unless they are a convicted felon. There is no reason for separating children from their parents. You cannot compare major felonies with crossing the border illegally.

Birthright citizenship is not false. A plain reading of the Amendment does support what the courts have said. If he didn't like it then he should have written it better.
You don't punish children for the acts of their parents, period. That includes low-income American kids.

And I'd like to know why we keep ignoring the root problem of all this: The countries directly to our South are so horrible and corrupt, that not only are people desperate to escape them, but their own LEADERS are more than willing to HELP escape them while they blame US.

Why is this root cause never in this conversation? No perceived political advantage for either tribe?
It isnt part of the conversation here (not that I disagree) because the conversation isnt about illegal immigration on general but a specific policy that goes to far. And in my opinion it should not matter what your political outlook is, it is indefensible.
------------------------------ yeah , just give them and their parents their way because they are widdle baby foreign mexican bambinos getting ready to feck up Publc Schools and eat Free lunches . Same thing as the 25 year old 'caca daca' childrens eh Coyote ??
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.

You are little more than a terrorist. Your ass needs to be kicked out. You are a animal.

Terrorist? Do you know what terrorists do to avoid being killed? They hide behind women. They strike from nursing homes and hospitals to avoid retaliation.

If anybody uses terrorist schemes, it's the Democrats. Quit hiding behind children to get your Fn way all the time. You claim to be so concerned about children, but have no problem when our tax dollars goes to kill them before they are even born.


You are taking children away which amounts to kidnapping them. Many of these children are clearly being frightened and traumatized. Children are not a part of this and they should leave them with their parents. Conservatives talk about family yet I seem to be the only one who still believes in the family. Children are not pawns to be used in law enforcement.

Trump is falsely claiming that Democrats are making him do it. He is very well aware of the immorality of doing it so he is hiding behind Democrats. You are using children as hostages. You are no different than terrorists.

You have no FUCKING idea what I support. I have no problem with the government not paying for abortions however I disagree with what you and Trump are doing. You have to speak to people's hearts instead of making laws to make abortion more difficult. That alienates other voters and does not help the situation.

Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
This is nonsense.

We are NOT punishing children. No more than a convicted felon's child is punished when we send them to prison.

Do we stop enforcing our laws because the children will be separated from their parents who are acting criminally?

The answer is a resounding, no!

As for this nonsense of "human cost", it is nothing more than a phrase designed to instill anguish in political opposition for the purpose of achieving an agenda.
Nonsense. Who suffers? The children. What crime does a 3 yr old commit that is prosecutable under the law? Explain that to the hysterical child, tell him he is NOT being punished by being ripped from the only family he knows and then try to rationalize a seriously fucked policy here that was NOT in place before.

And remind me again how your party is pro family cause I sure dont see it in this policy.

Again, nobody sane can take you serious...you have zero credibility.
Condemn the filthy, criminal, illegal, wetback parents first then come whine about our laws and how they work. Simple shit.
You cannot house children in adult detention centers. It is common sense.

They used to put everybody together years ago in Florida but they wound up with kids being sexually assaulted.
They managed to keep families together before...now suddenly they cant? Has there been an sudden increase in crimes against these children that they can not stay with their mothers?
So you’re equating bank robbers to people who want a better life for their children by crossing a border? God you’re fucking stupid.

I think illegals are far worse actually.
Federal criminality = Federal criminal
What else can I teach you Loon?
Perhaps you could teach yourself about basic human decency and the grey morality of the law. It’s not like you give a shit about Wall Street execs for going unpunished with their past corporate crime. You would rather whine about illegal immigration like a little bitch.

Oh the LefTard logic...
Try to excuse criminality with other criminality...GAY!
“Grey morality of the law”
WTF is that...you Loons sit around in a circle jerk coming up with the craziest bunch of bullshit...hahaha
Lol god you are stupid. This isn’t hard to figure out. Should we treat someone who steals a candy bar like someone who raped someone? Obviously not. It’s amazing I have to walk you through this.

Poor Loon...
There is a FAR greater negative effect for REAL American citizens due to illegal wetbacks. Few are actually affected by bank robbers / robberies. Think once Loon, this is simple shit.

The fact is that racists like you harm this country more. People like you need to be segregated on some desert island where you won't hurt anyone and you can be as racist as you want.
I think illegals are far worse actually.
Federal criminality = Federal criminal
What else can I teach you Loon?
Perhaps you could teach yourself about basic human decency and the grey morality of the law. It’s not like you give a shit about Wall Street execs for going unpunished with their past corporate crime. You would rather whine about illegal immigration like a little bitch.

Oh the LefTard logic...
Try to excuse criminality with other criminality...GAY!
“Grey morality of the law”
WTF is that...you Loons sit around in a circle jerk coming up with the craziest bunch of bullshit...hahaha
Lol god you are stupid. This isn’t hard to figure out. Should we treat someone who steals a candy bar like someone who raped someone? Obviously not. It’s amazing I have to walk you through this.

Poor Loon...
There is a FAR greater negative effect for REAL American citizens due to illegal wetbacks. Few are actually affected by bank robbers / robberies. Think once Loon, this is simple shit.

The fact is that racists like you harm this country more. People like you need to be segregated on some desert island where you won't hurt anyone and you can be as racist as you want.

Link me to that data please. Thanks in advance.
Illegal aliens-including underaged illegal aliens-should be held in custody until transported out of the country.
Putting children in the same cell as adult prisoners is a bad idea.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.

You are little more than a terrorist. Your ass needs to be kicked out. You are a animal.

Terrorist? Do you know what terrorists do to avoid being killed? They hide behind women. They strike from nursing homes and hospitals to avoid retaliation.

If anybody uses terrorist schemes, it's the Democrats. Quit hiding behind children to get your Fn way all the time. You claim to be so concerned about children, but have no problem when our tax dollars goes to kill them before they are even born.


You are taking children away which amounts to kidnapping them. Many of these children are clearly being frightened and traumatized. Children are not a part of this and they should leave them with their parents. Conservatives talk about family yet I seem to be the only one who still believes in the family. Children are not pawns to be used in law enforcement.

Trump is falsely claiming that Democrats are making him do it. He is very well aware of the immorality of doing it so he is hiding behind Democrats. You are using children as hostages. You are no different than terrorists.

You have no FUCKING idea what I support. I have no problem with the government not paying for abortions however I disagree with what you and Trump are doing. You have to speak to people's hearts instead of making laws to make abortion more difficult. That alienates other voters and does not help the situation.

Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
This is nonsense.

We are NOT punishing children. No more than a convicted felon's child is punished when we send them to prison.

Do we stop enforcing our laws because the children will be separated from their parents who are acting criminally?

The answer is a resounding, no!

As for this nonsense of "human cost", it is nothing more than a phrase designed to instill anguish in political opposition for the purpose of achieving an agenda.
Nonsense. Who suffers? The children. What crime does a 3 yr old commit that is prosecutable under the law? Explain that to the hysterical child, tell him he is NOT being punished by being ripped from the only family he knows and then try to rationalize a seriously fucked policy here that was NOT in place before.

And remind me again how your party is pro family cause I sure dont see it in this policy.

Again, nobody sane can take you serious...you have zero credibility.
Condemn the filthy, criminal, illegal, wetback parents first then come whine about our laws and how they work. Simple shit.

Racists like you have zero credibility. It seems that the only way to get rid of evil like you is put up with Democrats for 4 years. You are the filthy, scum that we are plagued with.
with all due respect to Normal Females on the board but what you see in this thread by what i ASSUME to be female posters . Its the reason i will never vote or support MOST women who ever run for high office or simple power over me and my son and daughters and other Americans . These ASSUMED women in this thread are not thoughtful people but are driven by silly emotion . ------------- JUST a comment , just saying .
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