What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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What has it come to?

The Central American parents send their children here alone.
They know that our laws are such that we can't ship them back
and we hold them until they are placed in a foster home.

The vast majority of these kids that everybody is talking about came
here alone. They are missing because the phone calls to the foster homes
have not been answered.

When we send a mother to prison we do not let the child go with her.
Why should we treat those people any different.

Trump lost 1500...huh? Obama, according to reports lost over 4100...why
no outrage then?

You seem to know a lot about these children. How many do you know? Personally, I mean.

I don't know any of them individually. But I know how their parents
and their shithhole countries that they come from. are gaming the system.

And what's your story, Pancho? Butt-hurt liberal or illegal alien?

If your logic is to punish the children for their parents having committed a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, why not go all the way, and torture them as well?

Having the types of parents that they do is torture enough.

You're sure? I mean, one could give them electric shocks and put them on a starvation diet. That would REALLY show those parents!
----------------------------------- i mean , hey , look at this silly message by some poster . What a foolish person YOU are V.S..
This is nonsense.

We are NOT punishing children. No more than a convicted felon's child is punished when we send them to prison.

Do we stop enforcing our laws because the children will be separated from their parents who are acting criminally?

The answer is a resounding, no!

As for this nonsense of "human cost", it is nothing more than a phrase designed to instill anguish in political opposition for the purpose of achieving an agenda.
Exactly right. We don't hear these sob stories for the kids of American criminals sent to prison for long periods, or even for life, or the death penalty. But then, the American kids and their parents don't represent VOTES for Democrats, do they ?

To get a long prison term, life or the death penalty you have to commit a pretty serious crime. Crossing the border illegally does not rise to that level. Would you take away the children for a jaywalking ticket. That is the level we are talking about.
My family is about to split apart because I can't find a job that'll pay the rent. My sister is disabled but not disabled enough to collect disability. They say she can still do a sit down job. My mother is retired. And two nephews. I lost my previous job because of a political post made in a news group that got cross posted onto Facebook. I lost my last job because I checked the wrong box on a form and accidentally charged a customer $299 more than we both thought I was charging him. oopsie. Can't find another job that'll pay the rent because all the illegals have driven wages down too low to support a family without a 4 year college degree.

This has nothing to do with what we are talking about. The question is whether children should be separated from their parents.

The reason why wages are down has nothing to do with illegals. Corporations are cutting costs. Even burger flippers could be replaced by automation for example.
Really? There is an actual valid reason for separating children from their parents?

Yes, it's called a deterrent.

Terrorizing children. People like you need to be shipped off to Guantanamo for the rest of your miserable lives.

Then send the parents to Gitmo instead of us, because it's the parents that are causing their children harm--not us.

No, if we are separating them then it's us.

No, it's not. You come here illegally, everything that happens to you and your kids is your fault. You knew well ahead of time you are coming here and breaking our laws, so anything could happen at that point.

Let me ask, if a woman is drunk and driving around with her child, and she runs when the cops try to pull her over, and the child gets killed when she strikes a tree, do you blame the drunken mother or the police that tried to stop her?

We have enough irresponsible people in this country, we call them Democrats. We certainly don't need any more irresponsible people coming from other places.

There is no moral equivalence in the argument. No one is killed when someone crosses the border. Sit down and shut up.
What do you want done with them? Ritz-Cartlton? Homeless Shelter? Free house in Fort Worth? Detroit? You pay. Start a gofundme? Adopt them? Give out rooms in your vacation homes? Set up FEMA trailers, run plumbing-electric-AC.

What about American homeless?

Yup. The idiots find nothing wrong with tax dollars used to support people who shouldn't be here at all.

Send them all back to whatever shithole they came from.

Wherever you live is a shithole. You are living proof.
You don't punish children for the acts of their parents, period. That includes low-income American kids.

And I'd like to know why we keep ignoring the root problem of all this: The countries directly to our South are so horrible and corrupt, that not only are people desperate to escape them, but their own LEADERS are more than willing to HELP escape them while they blame US.

Why is this root cause never in this conversation? No perceived political advantage for either tribe?

I don't think most ever denied they are shithole countries. Which is exactly why we don't want those people here, they will make this country a shithole, too. Just look at their voting patterns, IQ and the fact that they committed a crime.

It's their fault that the child gets punished, if they are willing to risk it, not our problem. Otherwise, everyone will be coming in with their child.

You are making this country a shithole country. People like you need to be gotten rid of.
You seem to know a lot about these children. How many do you know? Personally, I mean.

I don't know any of them individually. But I know how their parents
and their shithhole countries that they come from. are gaming the system.

And what's your story, Pancho? Butt-hurt liberal or illegal alien?

If your logic is to punish the children for their parents having committed a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, why not go all the way, and torture them as well?

Having the types of parents that they do is torture enough.

You're sure? I mean, one could give them electric shocks and put them on a starvation diet. That would REALLY show those parents!
------------------------------ just exclude the foreigners and their kids VS.

What? Just exclude them? You mean that it isn't necessary to separate them?
I think illegals are far worse actually.
Federal criminality = Federal criminal
What else can I teach you Loontates that have the lowest per capita income QUOTE]
Perhaps you could teach yourself about basic human decency and the grey morality of the law. It’s not like you give a shit about Wall Street execs for going unpunished with their past corporate crime. You would rather whine about illegal immigration like a little bitch.

Oh the LefTard logic...
Try to excuse criminality with other criminality...GAY!
“Grey morality of the law”
WTF is that...you Loons sit around in a circle jerk coming up with the craziest bunch of bullshit...hahaha
Lol god you are stupid. This isn’t hard to figure out. Should we treat someone who steals a candy bar like someone who raped someone? Obviously not. It’s amazing I have to walk you through this.

The cost of just one illegal would buy a shit ton of candy bars.

Oh really. If you look at the top states in which residents receive a healthcare subsidy, they are mostly red states. The states with the lowest per capita income are mostly red states.

Hey dumbass!!!
My state is full of illegals and south of the border invaders....
And of course most of them are on welfare of some sort......oops.
Thanks for making my point.
You seem to know a lot about these children. How many do you know? Personally, I mean.

I don't know any of them individually. But I know how their parents
and their shithhole countries that they come from. are gaming the system.

And what's your story, Pancho? Butt-hurt liberal or illegal alien?

If your logic is to punish the children for their parents having committed a misdemeanor by crossing the border without papers, why not go all the way, and torture them as well?

Having the types of parents that they do is torture enough.

You're sure? I mean, one could give them electric shocks and put them on a starvation diet. That would REALLY show those parents!

There parents don't give a shit now. We're just helping the children with
a basic lesson in life. The lesson being..."For every behavior...there is a

Bad behavior calls for a bad consequence.

There is legal immigration and their is illegal immigration. There is no
bad consequence with legal immigration.

I am sure that the lesson will be learned. Next time, the kids will choose better parents....
"...those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data." And a lot of them are gang members themselves.

"...the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?

The left has trafficked gang members and criminals into the US, and now that they've *disappeared* they want to blame Trump?

Fucking ludicrous.

What happens is people show up with kids that aren't theirs, or that they're using as mules, and we remove the kids for their own safety.

Of course the left doesn't like that. Children are disposable, and are supposed to be used by adults to get over the border. The left embraces trafficking, and is going to squawk when you protect children. They always have.

“As required by law, D.H.S. must protect the best interests of minor children crossing our borders, and occasionally this results in separating children from an adult they are traveling with if we cannot ascertain the parental relationship, or if we think the child is otherwise in danger,”

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border

That is so much bullshit and trash like you know it. The Trump people are separating children from their parents. They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it. This is happening more than occasionally.

Got anymore BULLSHIT.
My family is about to split apart because I can't find a job that'll pay the rent. My sister is disabled but not disabled enough to collect disability. They say she can still do a sit down job. My mother is retired. And two nephews. I lost my previous job because of a political post made in a news group that got cross posted onto Facebook. I lost my last job because I checked the wrong box on a form and accidentally charged a customer $299 more than we both thought I was charging him. oopsie. Can't find another job that'll pay the rent because all the illegals have driven wages down too low to support a family without a 4 year college degree.

This has nothing to do with what we are talking about. The question is whether children should be separated from their parents.

The reason why wages are down has nothing to do with illegals. Corporations are cutting costs. Even burger flippers could be replaced by automation for example.

Poor Sly. All this grief in his family being caused by illegals....
Oh the LefTard logic...
Try to excuse criminality with other criminality...GAY!
“Grey morality of the law”
WTF is that...you Loons sit around in a circle jerk coming up with the craziest bunch of bullshit...hahaha
Lol god you are stupid. This isn’t hard to figure out. Should we treat someone who steals a candy bar like someone who raped someone? Obviously not. It’s amazing I have to walk you through this.

The cost of just one illegal would buy a shit ton of candy bars.

Oh really. If you look at the top states in which residents receive a healthcare subsidy, they are mostly red states. The states with the lowest per capita income are mostly red states.

Hey dumbass!!!
My state is full of illegals and south of the border invaders....
And of course most of them are on welfare of some sort......oops.
Thanks for making my point.

Most of them are in red states and are white.
"...those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data." And a lot of them are gang members themselves.

"...the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?

The left has trafficked gang members and criminals into the US, and now that they've *disappeared* they want to blame Trump?

Fucking ludicrous.

What happens is people show up with kids that aren't theirs, or that they're using as mules, and we remove the kids for their own safety.

Of course the left doesn't like that. Children are disposable, and are supposed to be used by adults to get over the border. The left embraces trafficking, and is going to squawk when you protect children. They always have.

“As required by law, D.H.S. must protect the best interests of minor children crossing our borders, and occasionally this results in separating children from an adult they are traveling with if we cannot ascertain the parental relationship, or if we think the child is otherwise in danger,”

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border

That is so much bullshit and trash like you know it. The Trump people are separating children from their parents. They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it. This is happening more than occasionally.

Got anymore BULLSHIT.

You're a liar. Proved repeatedly, and obvious here.

Child trafficking, slavery...these are the historic accoutrement of the US left.
"...those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data." And a lot of them are gang members themselves.

"...the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?

The left has trafficked gang members and criminals into the US, and now that they've *disappeared* they want to blame Trump?

Fucking ludicrous.

What happens is people show up with kids that aren't theirs, or that they're using as mules, and we remove the kids for their own safety.

Of course the left doesn't like that. Children are disposable, and are supposed to be used by adults to get over the border. The left embraces trafficking, and is going to squawk when you protect children. They always have.

“As required by law, D.H.S. must protect the best interests of minor children crossing our borders, and occasionally this results in separating children from an adult they are traveling with if we cannot ascertain the parental relationship, or if we think the child is otherwise in danger,”

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border

That is so much bullshit and trash like you know it. The Trump people are separating children from their parents. They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it. This is happening more than occasionally.

Got anymore BULLSHIT.

You're a liar. Proved repeatedly, and obvious here.

Child trafficking, slavery...these are the historic accoutrement of the US left.

Being Trump trash automatically makes you a liar. Proven and obvious.

Who introduced slavery to the south. Northern merchants and Republicans.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
If I rob a bank and get caught, the State will have no problem separating me from my children and the means to support them.

Why is this any different?

Because crossing the border is a minor offense. Robbery is not.
"...those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data." And a lot of them are gang members themselves.

"...the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?

The left has trafficked gang members and criminals into the US, and now that they've *disappeared* they want to blame Trump?

Fucking ludicrous.

What happens is people show up with kids that aren't theirs, or that they're using as mules, and we remove the kids for their own safety.

Of course the left doesn't like that. Children are disposable, and are supposed to be used by adults to get over the border. The left embraces trafficking, and is going to squawk when you protect children. They always have.

“As required by law, D.H.S. must protect the best interests of minor children crossing our borders, and occasionally this results in separating children from an adult they are traveling with if we cannot ascertain the parental relationship, or if we think the child is otherwise in danger,”

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border

That is so much bullshit and trash like you know it. The Trump people are separating children from their parents. They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it. This is happening more than occasionally.

Got anymore BULLSHIT.

You're a liar. Proved repeatedly, and obvious here.

Child trafficking, slavery...these are the historic accoutrement of the US left.

Being Trump trash automatically makes you a liar. Proven and obvious.

Who introduced slavery to the south. Northern merchants and Republicans.
You moron.
Republicans didn't exist until they formed...to end Democrat slavery.

You really are an idiot.
So we have it from blackflag, busy bee and coyote....human trafficking is an acceptable lifestyle and we should accommodate human traffickers..as well as subsidizing them financially and welcoming them into our schools.
Lol god you are stupid. This isn’t hard to figure out. Should we treat someone who steals a candy bar like someone who raped someone? Obviously not. It’s amazing I have to walk you through this.

The cost of just one illegal would buy a shit ton of candy bars.

Oh really. If you look at the top states in which residents receive a healthcare subsidy, they are mostly red states. The states with the lowest per capita income are mostly red states.

Hey dumbass!!!
My state is full of illegals and south of the border invaders....
And of course most of them are on welfare of some sort......oops.
Thanks for making my point.

Most of them are in red states and are white.

Are you ever right about anything you confused Loon?

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population at 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent
"...those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data." And a lot of them are gang members themselves.

"...the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?

The left has trafficked gang members and criminals into the US, and now that they've *disappeared* they want to blame Trump?

Fucking ludicrous.

What happens is people show up with kids that aren't theirs, or that they're using as mules, and we remove the kids for their own safety.

Of course the left doesn't like that. Children are disposable, and are supposed to be used by adults to get over the border. The left embraces trafficking, and is going to squawk when you protect children. They always have.

“As required by law, D.H.S. must protect the best interests of minor children crossing our borders, and occasionally this results in separating children from an adult they are traveling with if we cannot ascertain the parental relationship, or if we think the child is otherwise in danger,”

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border

That is so much bullshit and trash like you know it. The Trump people are separating children from their parents. They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it. This is happening more than occasionally.

Got anymore BULLSHIT.

You're a liar. Proved repeatedly, and obvious here.

Child trafficking, slavery...these are the historic accoutrement of the US left.

Being Trump trash automatically makes you a liar. Proven and obvious.

Who introduced slavery to the south. Northern merchants and Republicans.

You are one of those that just must get the last word in no matter how many lies you spew.

You must be heavily medicated to believe such outlandish bullshit.
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go ahead , i think you been trying that getting rid of TRUMP for a couple of years or a year and a half [about] haven't YOU my Dear Lady 'maxine watters' , er , i mean Busybee .

Actually it starts in 2018 with the midterms. Start by putting racists like you out of business. Then in 2020 get rid of Trump.
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