What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Why do you think people vote or a better question why should anyone take any risk whatsoever by illegally voting?

Voting is a supremely irrational act, because the probability that your vote will make a difference in the outcome is very small and for national elections it's infinitesimally small. One person’s vote is never going to make any difference in a large national election. If your favorite candidate is going to win, he’s going to win even if you don’t vote.

So back to the question, why do people waste their time voting? One reason that people often give for voting is “But what if everybody thought that way?” The reasoning goes that, if everybody thought that voting was irrational and a waste of time, nobody would vote and democracy would collapse. This is known as magical thinking, and it is a very common fallacy. People often believe that what they do or how they think influences other people and others will think and behave like they do. So, in this manifestation of magical thinking, people believe that, if they bother to vote, everybody else in the country will also vote, and the American democracy will thrive, but if they don’t bother to vote, then everybody else in the country will think like them, nobody will vote, and the American democracy will collapse. Of course, this is a fallacy. Your decision to vote or not will not affect whether or not other people will vote (unless you are a highly influential person and you announce your voting intention to the world in advance of the election).

The other reason people vote is it's their civic duty. It’s not about trying to affect the electoral outcome; it’s about doing your duty as a democratic citizen by voting in elections.

Since a person not qualified to vote will surely agree that their vote is very unlikely to have any impact on the outcome of the election and of course they have no civil duty to waste their time voting, why would any body risk going to prison by doing such such a totally irrational act?

Why Do People Vote? I
There is NO RISK to illegal aliens for voting in US elections. NONE.
But they cannot have a US Citizenship ID, proof of which should be made mandatory for US voting.
we should be Making money not Losing money on border policy.
We are losing $138 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions more in welfare to foreigners + Billions more in criminal justice costs + Billions in EMTALA reimbursements, and this is just a partial list.[/QUOTE]
I think you add 0 to that figure every time you post it.

Let's do a little math. We have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants plus 37 million legal immigrants for a total of 49 million. The mean family gross income is $56,000 a year and family size of 3.8 That means the average immigrant family with income $56,000 is sending home $10,702/yr nearly 20% of their gross income. I say that is bull shit. A family of 4 with a $56K income is doing good to make ends meet and surely not going burn $10k a year.
But they cannot have a US Citizenship ID, proof of which should be made mandatory for US voting.
we should be Making money not Losing money on border policy.
We are losing $138 Billion/year in remittances$$ + tens of Billions more in welfare to foreigners + Billions more in criminal justice costs + Billions in EMTALA reimbursements, and this is just a partial list.
I think you add 0 to that figure every time you post it.

Let's do a little math. We have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants plus 37 million legal immigrants for a total of 49 million. The mean family gross income is $56,000 a year and family size of 3.8 That means the average immigrant family with income $56,000 is sending home $10,702/yr nearly 20% of their gross income. I say that is bull shit. A family of 4 with a $56K income is doing good to make ends meet and surely not going burn $10k a year.
We don't need to them to buy anything from us. We have the largest/wealthiest MARKET in the world. They need us. We don't need them.
Actually, none of those people voted and deportations are actually down.

Oh, wait, you think the Enquirer is credible, Cleetus?
You talk without knowing what you're talking about >>

1. As I said "Those same people are now being deported in droves." Deportations are actually UP, and up A LOT. ICE made 143,470 arrests, an increase of 25 percent from 114,434 a year earlier. After Trump took office, ICE arrests surged 40 percent from the same period a year earlier. Part of the reason for the increase in deportation is >> In February, then-Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly scrapped Obama's instructions to limit deportations to public safety threats, convicted criminals and recent border crossers, effectively making anyone in the country illegally, vulnerable. You're getting an education.

Federal government numbers show that immigrant arrests are up while border arrests are down

2. Yes, I think the National Enquirer is credible, and a lot more so than the New York Times. Aren't you aware of the infamous battle between those two which established the Times as the joke that they are ? Don't you know about when the Times went after the Enquirer, calling them a sleazy tabloid ? The Enquirer responding by handing the Times their asses in the oil shortage episode.

Perhaps you're too young to remember, but right after the Times ridiculed the Enquirer, they referred to this quote in the Times >>"the oil shortage is a hoax", according to an unnamed spokesman", as being the kind of real journalism that the Enquirer does not produce.
The Enquirer a few days earlier, before the Times quote, was published, published their own version of that quote. It stated >> "the oil shortage is a hoax, according to Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH), head of the Senate Energy Committee".
When the Times discovered what fools they had made of themselves, they half-heartedly apologized, but the egg remained on their face for decades. They never quite lived it down. In subsequent years, the Times has made more stupid mistakes like that, some of them against the Enquirer concerning medical reports, which the Enquirer (and some other tabloids) do a quite fine job of reporting on.

If you weren't a typical information-deprived liberal, attached to liberal OMISSION media, you probably would have known all this. You guys don't know how much you don't know. Wanna take my Islamization Quiz ? :biggrin:
Deportation are not the same as arrest by any means. The border patrol arrests and detains just about anyone who they think might be illegal and lacks proper documentation. I don't remember the exact percentage but it's about 10% that are able to produce work permits, visas, or proof of citizenship with in a few days. Some petition for asylum and few are granted. Others get stays and still others are wanted in connection with other crimes and get transferred.

I think you omitted this, "The Border Patrol made 310,531 arrests during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, a decline of 25 percent from 415,816 a year earlier and the lowest level since 1971.
Yep, and that 85 year old guy sitting behind a table is a handwriting expert too!

Funny, I've been voting at my location for the last 15 years, and no one has ever tried to steal my identity and cast my ballot.

How is that, with voter fraud being so rampant?

Look, I realize that you live in mortal fear of the Darkies voting and getting some of your stuff, but really, it's the other white folks you need to watch out for.

So who said it was rampant? All I said is that yes, it's out there. But the problem with bad votes is that it's difficult to prove until you actually catch somebody or some people. It's like watching people speeding down the highway. They are breaking the law, but unless a cop laser's a car and pulls that person over, you don't have any proof people are speeding.
Why do you think people vote or a better question why should anyone take any risk whatsoever by illegally voting?

Voting is a supremely irrational act, because the probability that your vote will make a difference in the outcome is very small and for national elections it's infinitesimally small. One person’s vote is never going to make any difference in a large national election. If your favorite candidate is going to win, he’s going to win even if you don’t vote.

So back to the question, why do people waste their time voting? One reason that people often give for voting is “But what if everybody thought that way?” The reasoning goes that, if everybody thought that voting was irrational and a waste of time, nobody would vote and democracy would collapse. This is known as magical thinking, and it is a very common fallacy. People often believe that what they do or how they think influences other people and others will think and behave like they do. So, in this manifestation of magical thinking, people believe that, if they bother to vote, everybody else in the country will also vote, and the American democracy will thrive, but if they don’t bother to vote, then everybody else in the country will think like them, nobody will vote, and the American democracy will collapse. Of course, this is a fallacy. Your decision to vote or not will not affect whether or not other people will vote (unless you are a highly influential person and you announce your voting intention to the world in advance of the election).

The other reason people vote is it's their civic duty. It’s not about trying to affect the electoral outcome; it’s about doing your duty as a democratic citizen by voting in elections.

Since a person not qualified to vote will surely agree that their vote is very unlikely to have any impact on the outcome of the election and of course they have no civil duty to waste their time voting, why would any body risk going to prison by doing such such a totally irrational act?

Why Do People Vote? I

How can you even think that given the last Presidential election? Are you that young where you don't remember the Bush/ Gore race?

Of course every vote counts. And while on the subject, do you vote at all? If so, why?

You're going to try and convince me (or others) that votes don't count so we should just stay home. That little trick isn't going to work. Next election I don't care if I have to tromp through a foot of snow to get to the polls, I'm going and so are many Republicans.

So if you want to spread that message voting doesn't count, please do so in liberal blogs and discussion group. Nothing would make us happier. And I would be willing to bet you're going to be the first one in line at the voting booth come midterms.
Why do you think people vote or a better question why should anyone take any risk whatsoever by illegally voting?

Voting is a supremely irrational act, because the probability that your vote will make a difference in the outcome is very small and for national elections it's infinitesimally small. One person’s vote is never going to make any difference in a large national election. If your favorite candidate is going to win, he’s going to win even if you don’t vote.

So back to the question, why do people waste their time voting? One reason that people often give for voting is “But what if everybody thought that way?” The reasoning goes that, if everybody thought that voting was irrational and a waste of time, nobody would vote and democracy would collapse. This is known as magical thinking, and it is a very common fallacy. People often believe that what they do or how they think influences other people and others will think and behave like they do. So, in this manifestation of magical thinking, people believe that, if they bother to vote, everybody else in the country will also vote, and the American democracy will thrive, but if they don’t bother to vote, then everybody else in the country will think like them, nobody will vote, and the American democracy will collapse. Of course, this is a fallacy. Your decision to vote or not will not affect whether or not other people will vote (unless you are a highly influential person and you announce your voting intention to the world in advance of the election).

The other reason people vote is it's their civic duty. It’s not about trying to affect the electoral outcome; it’s about doing your duty as a democratic citizen by voting in elections.

Since a person not qualified to vote will surely agree that their vote is very unlikely to have any impact on the outcome of the election and of course they have no civil duty to waste their time voting, why would any body risk going to prison by doing such such a totally irrational act?

Why Do People Vote? I
There is NO RISK to illegal aliens for voting in US elections. NONE.
A person that votes illegal in a US election can certainly be arrested so yes, there is a risk. I would say the probability of being caught is probably about the same as his vote determine the election outcome. That's why so few people bother to vote illegal; it's irrational and there is nothing to be gained.

I can understand why election workers would monkey around with vote totals are try to rig voting machines. That actually could make a difference in an election. But to break the law just to cast your vote, that makes no sense at all which explains why it's so rare.
Why do you think people vote or a better question why should anyone take any risk whatsoever by illegally voting?

Voting is a supremely irrational act, because the probability that your vote will make a difference in the outcome is very small and for national elections it's infinitesimally small. One person’s vote is never going to make any difference in a large national election. If your favorite candidate is going to win, he’s going to win even if you don’t vote.

So back to the question, why do people waste their time voting? One reason that people often give for voting is “But what if everybody thought that way?” The reasoning goes that, if everybody thought that voting was irrational and a waste of time, nobody would vote and democracy would collapse. This is known as magical thinking, and it is a very common fallacy. People often believe that what they do or how they think influences other people and others will think and behave like they do. So, in this manifestation of magical thinking, people believe that, if they bother to vote, everybody else in the country will also vote, and the American democracy will thrive, but if they don’t bother to vote, then everybody else in the country will think like them, nobody will vote, and the American democracy will collapse. Of course, this is a fallacy. Your decision to vote or not will not affect whether or not other people will vote (unless you are a highly influential person and you announce your voting intention to the world in advance of the election).

The other reason people vote is it's their civic duty. It’s not about trying to affect the electoral outcome; it’s about doing your duty as a democratic citizen by voting in elections.

Since a person not qualified to vote will surely agree that their vote is very unlikely to have any impact on the outcome of the election and of course they have no civil duty to waste their time voting, why would any body risk going to prison by doing such such a totally irrational act?

Why Do People Vote? I
There is NO RISK to illegal aliens for voting in US elections. NONE.
A person that votes illegal in a US election can certainly be arrested so yes, there is a risk. I would say the probability of being caught is probably about the same as his vote determine the election outcome. That's why so few people bother to vote illegal; it's irrational and there is nothing to be gained.

I can understand why election workers would monkey around with vote totals are try to rig voting machines. That actually could make a difference in an election. But to break the law just to cast your vote, that makes no sense at all which explains why it's so rare.

It works like this: you go to vote and if you get questioned or asked for documentation, you are simply denied being allowed to vote. If they let you vote, then you're in virtually undetected.

Unfortunately in my state, all you need is a utility bill to vote. However I can work magic with my printer by deleting my name and address and putting in somebody else's and printing it out.

Vote by mail, another scam because anybody can go into your mailbox, pull out the ballot and vote. They all pretty much come at the same time, and unless that person who you stole the ballot from goes to vote in person, you will never be detected.
Yep, and that 85 year old guy sitting behind a table is a handwriting expert too!

Funny, I've been voting at my location for the last 15 years, and no one has ever tried to steal my identity and cast my ballot.

How is that, with voter fraud being so rampant?

Look, I realize that you live in mortal fear of the Darkies voting and getting some of your stuff, but really, it's the other white folks you need to watch out for.

So who said it was rampant? All I said is that yes, it's out there. But the problem with bad votes is that it's difficult to prove until you actually catch somebody or some people. It's like watching people speeding down the highway. They are breaking the law, but unless a cop laser's a car and pulls that person over, you don't have any proof people are speeding.
Why do you think people vote or a better question why should anyone take any risk whatsoever by illegally voting?

Voting is a supremely irrational act, because the probability that your vote will make a difference in the outcome is very small and for national elections it's infinitesimally small. One person’s vote is never going to make any difference in a large national election. If your favorite candidate is going to win, he’s going to win even if you don’t vote.

So back to the question, why do people waste their time voting? One reason that people often give for voting is “But what if everybody thought that way?” The reasoning goes that, if everybody thought that voting was irrational and a waste of time, nobody would vote and democracy would collapse. This is known as magical thinking, and it is a very common fallacy. People often believe that what they do or how they think influences other people and others will think and behave like they do. So, in this manifestation of magical thinking, people believe that, if they bother to vote, everybody else in the country will also vote, and the American democracy will thrive, but if they don’t bother to vote, then everybody else in the country will think like them, nobody will vote, and the American democracy will collapse. Of course, this is a fallacy. Your decision to vote or not will not affect whether or not other people will vote (unless you are a highly influential person and you announce your voting intention to the world in advance of the election).

The other reason people vote is it's their civic duty. It’s not about trying to affect the electoral outcome; it’s about doing your duty as a democratic citizen by voting in elections.

Since a person not qualified to vote will surely agree that their vote is very unlikely to have any impact on the outcome of the election and of course they have no civil duty to waste their time voting, why would any body risk going to prison by doing such such a totally irrational act?

Why Do People Vote? I

How can you even think that given the last Presidential election? Are you that young where you don't remember the Bush/ Gore race?

Of course every vote counts. And while on the subject, do you vote at all? If so, why?

You're going to try and convince me (or others) that votes don't count so we should just stay home. That little trick isn't going to work. Next election I don't care if I have to tromp through a foot of snow to get to the polls, I'm going and so are many Republicans.

So if you want to spread that message voting doesn't count, please do so in liberal blogs and discussion group. Nothing would make us happier. And I would be willing to bet you're going to be the first one in line at the voting booth come midterms.
In 2000, the Florida vote count that determined the election result was only a difference of 537. So as a Florida voter you could say your vote with 537 other votes would determine the presidency. However this was a national election. If you voted in any of the other 49 states, your vote would have made no difference at all. So I will stick with my statement that voting in a national election in order to affect the outcome is completely irrational because the chances of that happening is incredibly small, however there are certainly others reasons for an American to vote.

My point in this post is a person illegally in the country is not going to be voting for the reason you or I might vote, civic responsibility, love of country, or support for the American political philosophies of our party because this is not their country, they have no responsibility to vote, and no political party to support. There only reason for voting, which certain carries risks would be to affect the outcome of the vote which is very unlikely. It simply does not make sense for foreigners to take the risks of being caught because there is so little reason for them to vote.

You bet I'll be voting in the midterms as I have in every election for the last 50 years, not because I think my vote will make any difference in the outcome but because I feel it is my responsibility as a citizen to do so plus I like feeling I am a part of the American politician process, something I think very few foreigners would have any interest in.
I think you add 0 to that figure every time you post it.

Let's do a little math. We have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants plus 37 million legal immigrants for a total of 49 million. The mean family gross income is $56,000 a year and family size of 3.8 That means the average immigrant family with income $56,000 is sending home $10,702/yr nearly 20% of their gross income. I say that is bull shit. A family of 4 with a $56K income is doing good to make ends meet and surely not going burn $10k a year.
Ilegal aliens send FAR MORE than 20% of their incomes. They bundle up 10 or 15 to a house (paying just one rent). 7 or 8 to a pickup truck (paying for just one truck). Not unusual for them to send 2/3 of their income.

And plenty of American families of 4 are getting by on a lot less than $46K a year.

Also, we have about 30 million illegals, not 12.

I think you omitted this, "The Border Patrol made 310,531 arrests during the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, a decline of 25 percent from 415,816 a year earlier and the lowest level since 1971.
This is the title of the article that I posted the link >>ICE deportation arrests soar under Trump administration, drop in border arrests

Federal government numbers show that immigrant arrests are up while border arrests are down

From this same article (of nbc news) >> "ICE said "interior removals" — people deported after being arrested away from the border — jumped 25 percent to 81,603 from 65,332 the previous year. They rose 37 percent since Trump's inauguration compared to the same period a year earlier.

And you are wrong. I omitted nothing. here's part of the link I posted in Post # 5139, and again now >> "...immigrant arrests are up while border arrests are down"

And I could have also included this part too. >> "Reasons for the precipitous drop in border arrests are unclear but Trump's election may have deterred people from trying."

And this >> "CBP also said inspectors at land crossings, airports and seaports denied entry 216,370 times during the fiscal year, a decline of 24 percent from 2016."

These are good things. It shows Trump is deterring people from coming here.
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A person that votes illegal in a US election can certainly be arrested so yes, there is a risk. I would say the probability of being caught is probably about the same as his vote determine the election outcome. That's why so few people bother to vote illegal; it's irrational and there is nothing to be gained.

I can understand why election workers would monkey around with vote totals are try to rig voting machines. That actually could make a difference in an election. But to break the law just to cast your vote, that makes no sense at all which explains why it's so rare.
There is NO "probability of being caught", because there is no way to catch them. And the value of voting to illegal aliens, is enormous. If they could swing an election to Democrats, they could reverse the policy of them being deported. They could get amnesty.

This is why such an enormous number of them (perhaps 10 million) do vote. And why it is so important to establish citizenship proof as a requirement for voting.
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Vote by mail, another scam because anybody can go into your mailbox, pull out the ballot and vote. They all pretty much come at the same time, and unless that person who you stole the ballot from goes to vote in person, you will never be detected.

Even illegal aliens, already deported, and sitting at home in south Mexico, hundreds of miles from the US, could vote in US elections. All they have to do is send a ballot to a friend in the US. That person in turn, sends the ballot in. Election officials have no way to know where it originally came from.

Mail ballot voting is an abomination, and should be abolished.
Yep, and that 85 year old guy sitting behind a table is a handwriting expert too!

Funny, I've been voting at my location for the last 15 years, and no one has ever tried to steal my identity and cast my ballot.

How is that, with voter fraud being so rampant?

Look, I realize that you live in mortal fear of the Darkies voting and getting some of your stuff, but really, it's the other white folks you need to watch out for.

So who said it was rampant? All I said is that yes, it's out there. But the problem with bad votes is that it's difficult to prove until you actually catch somebody or some people. It's like watching people speeding down the highway. They are breaking the law, but unless a cop laser's a car and pulls that person over, you don't have any proof people are speeding.
Why do you think people vote or a better question why should anyone take any risk whatsoever by illegally voting?

Voting is a supremely irrational act, because the probability that your vote will make a difference in the outcome is very small and for national elections it's infinitesimally small. One person’s vote is never going to make any difference in a large national election. If your favorite candidate is going to win, he’s going to win even if you don’t vote.

So back to the question, why do people waste their time voting? One reason that people often give for voting is “But what if everybody thought that way?” The reasoning goes that, if everybody thought that voting was irrational and a waste of time, nobody would vote and democracy would collapse. This is known as magical thinking, and it is a very common fallacy. People often believe that what they do or how they think influences other people and others will think and behave like they do. So, in this manifestation of magical thinking, people believe that, if they bother to vote, everybody else in the country will also vote, and the American democracy will thrive, but if they don’t bother to vote, then everybody else in the country will think like them, nobody will vote, and the American democracy will collapse. Of course, this is a fallacy. Your decision to vote or not will not affect whether or not other people will vote (unless you are a highly influential person and you announce your voting intention to the world in advance of the election).

The other reason people vote is it's their civic duty. It’s not about trying to affect the electoral outcome; it’s about doing your duty as a democratic citizen by voting in elections.

Since a person not qualified to vote will surely agree that their vote is very unlikely to have any impact on the outcome of the election and of course they have no civil duty to waste their time voting, why would any body risk going to prison by doing such such a totally irrational act?

Why Do People Vote? I

How can you even think that given the last Presidential election? Are you that young where you don't remember the Bush/ Gore race?

Of course every vote counts. And while on the subject, do you vote at all? If so, why?

You're going to try and convince me (or others) that votes don't count so we should just stay home. That little trick isn't going to work. Next election I don't care if I have to tromp through a foot of snow to get to the polls, I'm going and so are many Republicans.

So if you want to spread that message voting doesn't count, please do so in liberal blogs and discussion group. Nothing would make us happier. And I would be willing to bet you're going to be the first one in line at the voting booth come midterms.
In 2000, the Florida vote count that determined the election result was only a difference of 537. So as a Florida voter you could say your vote with 537 other votes would determine the presidency. However this was a national election. If you voted in any of the other 49 states, your vote would have made no difference at all. So I will stick with my statement that voting in a national election in order to affect the outcome is completely irrational because the chances of that happening is incredibly small, however there are certainly others reasons for an American to vote.

My point in this post is a person illegally in the country is not going to be voting for the reason you or I might vote, civic responsibility, love of country, or support for the American political philosophies of our party because this is not their country, they have no responsibility to vote, and no political party to support. There only reason for voting, which certain carries risks would be to affect the outcome of the vote which is very unlikely. It simply does not make sense for foreigners to take the risks of being caught because there is so little reason for them to vote.

You bet I'll be voting in the midterms as I have in every election for the last 50 years, not because I think my vote will make any difference in the outcome but because I feel it is my responsibility as a citizen to do so plus I like feeling I am a part of the American politician process, something I think very few foreigners would have any interest in.

Foreigners do have a dog in the race because Democrats are for foreigners being in this country legal or illegal.

By having Democrats in leadership, foreigners have a better chance at not being deported, a better chance at having their family sneak in, having a better chance at their children going to school, popping out anchor babies, securing sanctuary cities, no worries about a wall.

Most of all, they understand that if Democrats ever get full control of our federal government again, they stand a pretty good chance at becoming citizens through blanket amnesty and citizenship.

So don't tell me they have no reason to vote. They have more of a reason to vote than we Americans do.
1. As I said "Those same people are now being deported in droves." Deportations are actually UP, and up A LOT. ICE made 143,470 arrests, an increase of 25 percent from 114,434 a year earlier.

Guy, that's a drop in the bucket... that's less than 1% of all undocumented people in the country..

At that rate, you might get them all in 100 years, assuming no more get in... Oh, they will.

Dummy, the $138 billion is remittance loss to ALL countries. Mexico's share of that is only $28 Billion, not the whole thing. LOL.

So every last one of those countries ALSO buys stuff from the US.

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

Again, if you are such a loser White trash person that an illegal can ace you out of the only unskilled labor you qualify for, you did your life wrong.

The rest is your tired laundry list of non issues. Undocumented workers are a benefit to the economy, as they take care of labor the rest of us don't want to do.
Guy, that's a drop in the bucket... that's less than 1% of all undocumented people in the country.. At that rate, you might get them all in 100 years, assuming no more get in... Oh, they will.
Yeah ? So that means we need to step up our deportations, by adding 100 times as many ICE agents as we have now. Same with CBO and build the wall. Thanks for the tip.



So every last one of those countries ALSO buys stuff from the US.
Nah, they buy homemade stuff in their own countries.

Again, if you are such a loser White trash person that an illegal can ace you out of the only unskilled labor you qualify for, you did your life wrong.
You actually think it has something to do with qualifications ? No, you know damn well, it's just racial discrimination against whites, and you're for it, you racist traitor.

The rest is your tired laundry list of non issues.
That's a LIE!

Undocumented workers are a benefit to the economy, as they take care of labor the rest of us don't want to do.
Oh yeah. everybody knows that illegal aliens ripping $138 Billion/yr out of the US economy, is just wonderful for the US economy. US Business owners just love being deprived of $138 Billion in sales so much that they throw parties to celebrate it. Where's that doctor in the house ?

As for " labor the rest of us don't want to do" it's not the labor it's the wage rate. So you support those sub-minimum wage rates for American workers then ? AND it's Americans who are doing the toughest, dirtiest, and most dangerous jobs in America, not illegal aliens. :biggrin:
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