What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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So your answer is yes, you would oppose having an ID law requiring proof of citizenship ? To keep aliens from voting. Well sure, because that would keep your illegal alien friends from voting, and helping to get Democrats elected.

And deflecting to how many illegals are voting or not, is a DODGE. Simply enacting a citizenship requirement isn't a big deal. It's inexpensive both with time and money, it's easy, and should be done, regardless of anybody's estimate of the illegality taking place.

And for the illegal alien voter, there's nothing "elusive" about him to me. I've talked to them all across the country, in voting halls, on construction sites, in office buildings doing janitorial work, around my apartment complex doing landscaping, etc. And they're always willing to brag about how many laws they break (voting no exception)

Whatever gave you the idea we hadn't found them ? Let me guess >> CNN, MSNBC, look no further. :rolleyes:
Illegals are not voting.

Why would a person hiding from the law walk into a government run facility where they may be asked to show ID?

Why would a person cross our borders illegally or overstay their Visa illegally?
People that sneak into the country have about as much interest in our elections as we have in theirs. Any foreigner who would risk deportation and jail time to vote would have to be nuts since the chance of their vote making any difference is about 1 in million.

I have a list of links if you care to read them about just that. So what happens if an illegal is caught trying to vote? They tell him or her they can't vote. Nobody calls the cops, nobody informs ICE; especially in sanctuary cities, nobody is hauled away. They just get turned down at the polls.

ILLEGALS ARE NOT TRYING TO VOTE. You fucking ignorant lying POS.

Illegal Voting Gets Texas Woman 8 Years in Prison, and Certain Deportation

Uh huh. There's no illegal voting going on. Suuuuuure there isn't. 20 million illegals in this country, not to mention people who aren't here illegally but are not allowed to vote, and NO ONE is even considering using them to monkey around with elections. Goodness, no.
I have a list of links if you care to read them about just that. So what happens if an illegal is caught trying to vote? They tell him or her they can't vote. Nobody calls the cops, nobody informs ICE; especially in sanctuary cities, nobody is hauled away. They just get turned down at the polls.
They don't get turned down at the polls, because nobody knows they're aliens. There's nothing to show it.
You have to be a registered voter to vote. There is an application that is reviewed & confirmed.

Never mind that some states, like California, Virginia, and New York, are so slipshod about voter verification that they practically have an extra line at the polling places just for people who shouldn't be there.

And let us not forget that Chicago has been famous for voter fraud for generations.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.
A person that votes illegal in a US election can certainly be arrested so yes, there is a risk. I would say the probability of being caught is probably about the same as his vote determine the election outcome. That's why so few people bother to vote illegal; it's irrational and there is nothing to be gained.

I can understand why election workers would monkey around with vote totals are try to rig voting machines. That actually could make a difference in an election. But to break the law just to cast your vote, that makes no sense at all which explains why it's so rare.
There is NO "probability of being caught", because there is no way to catch them. And the value of voting to illegal aliens, is enormous. If they could swing an election to Democrats, they could reverse the policy of them being deported. They could get amnesty.

This is why such an enormous number of them (perhaps 10 million) do vote. And why it is so important to establish citizenship proof as a requirement for voting.
If there was no probability of being caught there would be no one caught and that is not true. Yes, it's very rare but it does happen.

However, there is no evidence of widespread non-citizen voting in national elections. Multiple nationwide studies have uncovered only a handful of incidents of non-citizens voting. Based on state prosecution records, votes by non-citizens account for between 0.0003 percent and 0.001 percent of all votes cast. Election Officials agree that there is no serious problem of non-citizen voting in our elections. The National Association of Secretaries of State, whose Republican-majority membership includes the chief elections officers of 40 states, said they “are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump.”

Massive voting by non-citizens in national elections exists only in the minds of the Alt-Right and conspiracy theorist such as Trump.
market friendly border policy should generate revenue and defray social costs.

One thousand a year for an entry visa to our legal markets, can be reasonable.
I have a list of links if you care to read them about just that. So what happens if an illegal is caught trying to vote? They tell him or her they can't vote. Nobody calls the cops, nobody informs ICE; especially in sanctuary cities, nobody is hauled away. They just get turned down at the polls.
They don't get turned down at the polls, because nobody knows they're aliens. There's nothing to show it.
You have to be a registered voter to vote. There is an application that is reviewed & confirmed.

Never mind that some states, like California, Virginia, and New York, are so slipshod about voter verification that they practically have an extra line at the polling places just for people who shouldn't be there.

And let us not forget that Chicago has been famous for voter fraud for generations.
Have you considered that where there is little indication of voter fraud, there is little need for extensive verification. A majority of states require identification at the polls. Also, states use other methods of validating the vote such as signing an affidavit, having a poll worker vouch for voter, having election officials verify a voter's identity after the vote is cast, or having the voter return an inquiry mailed to their reported address.

For most people, voting is a pain in the ass, reading through all the explanations of ballot proposals, qualifications of candidates, re-registering to vote every time you move, taking off work to vote, standing in lines at polls, learning voting procedures, and enduring robocalls day an night. Adding more verification and voter id requirements just makes it more difficult and more costly. If it's really needed fine but we need more evidence that there is a real problem, not fears in the minds the alt right.
one thousand times how many millions, can we generate revenue from to help pay for;

Giga-recycling "factories" that reclaim and repurpose material that would otherwise litter our environment.
A person that votes illegal in a US election can certainly be arrested so yes, there is a risk. I would say the probability of being caught is probably about the same as his vote determine the election outcome. That's why so few people bother to vote illegal; it's irrational and there is nothing to be gained.

I can understand why election workers would monkey around with vote totals are try to rig voting machines. That actually could make a difference in an election. But to break the law just to cast your vote, that makes no sense at all which explains why it's so rare.
There is NO "probability of being caught", because there is no way to catch them. And the value of voting to illegal aliens, is enormous. If they could swing an election to Democrats, they could reverse the policy of them being deported. They could get amnesty.

This is why such an enormous number of them (perhaps 10 million) do vote. And why it is so important to establish citizenship proof as a requirement for voting.
If there was no probability of being caught there would be no one caught and that is not true. Yes, it's very rare but it does happen.

However, there is no evidence of widespread non-citizen voting in national elections. Multiple nationwide studies have uncovered only a handful of incidents of non-citizens voting. Based on state prosecution records, votes by non-citizens account for between 0.0003 percent and 0.001 percent of all votes cast. Election Officials agree that there is no serious problem of non-citizen voting in our elections. The National Association of Secretaries of State, whose Republican-majority membership includes the chief elections officers of 40 states, said they “are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump.”

Massive voting by non-citizens in national elections exists only in the minds of the Alt-Right and conspiracy theorist such as Trump.
Of course there is illegal voting, about .0003 percent of total votes cast. In the last presidential election that would be 390 votes out of 130 million, which would not have been enough to change the vote outcome in any presidential election in history, not even if they had all been voting for the same candidate.
I have a list of links if you care to read them about just that. So what happens if an illegal is caught trying to vote? They tell him or her they can't vote. Nobody calls the cops, nobody informs ICE; especially in sanctuary cities, nobody is hauled away. They just get turned down at the polls.
They don't get turned down at the polls, because nobody knows they're aliens. There's nothing to show it.
You have to be a registered voter to vote. There is an application that is reviewed & confirmed.

Never mind that some states, like California, Virginia, and New York, are so slipshod about voter verification that they practically have an extra line at the polling places just for people who shouldn't be there.

And let us not forget that Chicago has been famous for voter fraud for generations.
Have you considered that where there is little indication of voter fraud, there is little need for extensive verification. A majority of states require identification at the polls. Also, states use other methods of validating the vote such as signing an affidavit, having a poll worker vouch for voter, having election officials verify a voter's identity after the vote is cast, or having the voter return an inquiry mailed to their reported address.

For most people, voting is a pain in the ass, reading through all the explanations of ballot proposals, qualifications of candidates, re-registering to vote every time you move, taking off work to vote, standing in lines at polls, learning voting procedures, and enduring robocalls day an night. Adding more verification and voter id requirements just makes it more difficult and more costly. If it's really needed fine but we need more evidence that there is a real problem, not fears in the minds the alt right.

731 Pennsylvania voters may have cast 2 ballots or voted elsewhere, secretary of state says

Colorado voter fraud revealed: Slew of ballots cast by the dead spark investigation

Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg


No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

I'm very sorry to hear that you consider exercising your rights and responsibilities as a citizen to thoughtfully vote for elected leaders too much of a "pain in the ass" for you, and I'd like to cordially invite you to PLEASE sit the next election out and not befoul it with your grudging, ignorant input.
I have a list of links if you care to read them about just that. So what happens if an illegal is caught trying to vote? They tell him or her they can't vote. Nobody calls the cops, nobody informs ICE; especially in sanctuary cities, nobody is hauled away. They just get turned down at the polls.
They don't get turned down at the polls, because nobody knows they're aliens. There's nothing to show it.
You have to be a registered voter to vote. There is an application that is reviewed & confirmed.

Never mind that some states, like California, Virginia, and New York, are so slipshod about voter verification that they practically have an extra line at the polling places just for people who shouldn't be there.

And let us not forget that Chicago has been famous for voter fraud for generations.
Have you considered that where there is little indication of voter fraud, there is little need for extensive verification. A majority of states require identification at the polls. Also, states use other methods of validating the vote such as signing an affidavit, having a poll worker vouch for voter, having election officials verify a voter's identity after the vote is cast, or having the voter return an inquiry mailed to their reported address.

For most people, voting is a pain in the ass, reading through all the explanations of ballot proposals, qualifications of candidates, re-registering to vote every time you move, taking off work to vote, standing in lines at polls, learning voting procedures, and enduring robocalls day an night. Adding more verification and voter id requirements just makes it more difficult and more costly. If it's really needed fine but we need more evidence that there is a real problem, not fears in the minds the alt right.

731 Pennsylvania voters may have cast 2 ballots or voted elsewhere, secretary of state says

Colorado voter fraud revealed: Slew of ballots cast by the dead spark investigation

Investigation launched after dead people are registered to vote in Harrisonburg


No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

I'm very sorry to hear that you consider exercising your rights and responsibilities as a citizen to thoughtfully vote for elected leaders too much of a "pain in the ass" for you, and I'd like to cordially invite you to PLEASE sit the next election out and not befoul it with your grudging, ignorant input.
I didn't say, "I thought voting was a pain in the ass." I said most voters do. I don't know anyone I've worked with that thought of voting as anything other than an obligation and a pain.

Did you actually read your links, 731 Pennsylvanians might have cast their vote twice. In the article it says the potential was there. From the article it also said, experts said double voting is rare. In this case, they would have to vote in two state, not necessarily adjoining states on election day. So we're saying a person might vote in Pennsylvanian and on that day drive or fly to another state so they could vote a second time in hopes that their second vote would be the deciding vote in a national election with a probability of about a zillion to one. That's just a bit insane.

And the 10 cases of voter impersonation fraud nationwide from 2000-2012, nearly all allegations turned out to be clerical errors or mistakes, not fraud.

Most of of the studies of voter fraud is done by examine voter rolls which are filled with inaccuracies and always out of date. So some one finds that John Smith voted but John Smith was purged from roles as being deceased. Upon investigation it's not the same John Smith. In fact, the states do investigations all the time and use results to clean up voter rolls.
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Multiple nationwide studies have uncovered only a handful of incidents of non-citizens voting. Based on state prosecution records, votes by non-citizens account for between 0.0003 percent and 0.001 percent of all votes cast. Election Officials agree that there is no serious problem of non-citizen voting in our elections.

Hmm, you know, when we talk about Voter-ID and a Democrat brings up an anomaly like a voter with no ID because they came from a country that didn't provide birth certificates, the left told us that every single vote is precious; every single vote should count. But for some reason, when it comes to voter fraud "Oh don't worry, it's not enough to change anything."

The only real way of knowing who or how many vote fraudulently is when they get caught.
we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and giga-recycling factories to help with social costs.
And would you give all these goodies to illegal aliens ?
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