What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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OK, so what you're saying is that you agree though that when a child has two criminal parents who say bring their child illegally into the United States have then we should arrest and put their criminal parents in jail and put their kids into foster care, right? That's what you're saying?

Well...That's what we do to American citizen criminal parents!! Their kids become Wards of the State. Why should illegal alien criminal parents be treated any differently?
You are using children as hostages. You are no different than terrorists.

And the left is not???

You are the one who wants to treat children as criminals.
Placing them in detention jails with adults who may harm them whether with the parents or not would be criminal..........Then tomorrow you'd be look what you did to these families.....................Can't house them with all the adults...........got news for you.........some aren't so nice coming over.........

Kids going to other detention centers are for their own protection..............but the INN IS FULL.........only 40,000 beds......

Brings us to another lie the left pushes...........that those crossing is much smaller............more BS.

Face it..........your identity politics here is to attack to get Catch and Release back which is basically your real goal of open borders.

They shouldn't be in detention jails. They need to be in facilities for families. Treating people right has nothing to do with what to do with illegals. Thye should be treated right while they are there and until their status is determined legally.
------------------------------- get Sheriff Joe Arpaio done there , let him set up some tents BBee . I see no reason to spend Americans taxpayer monies building holding facilities for widdle babee mexicans and their 'mamacitas' BBee,

I got a better idea. Let's set up a tent city for you so we can isolate animals like you.

I believe in treating people humanely. If that means spending a few bucks so be it.

When family detention centers are full, which they are, what do we do other than catch & release. Catch & release is a failure. Congress needs to either accommodate the influx of reduce the influx. It's their job, not Trump's. Trump is even calling for them to fix it because catch & release failed. We are now going to enforce our laws by detaining unknowns illegally crossing our borders. Are you suggesting we continue catch & release? Are you suggesting we build more family detention centers? Are you suggesting there's no problem? Ending catch & release is good, IMO. We need to find some way to protect children as much as possible. I am open to options.
Why do we have family detention centers? They should be nothing more than a bus stop where they wait for a ride back to Mexico. We take them over the border and drop them off for Mexico to deal with. It’s not our problem.

Many may be legitimate assylum seekers. We need more judges processing faster and to reduce fraudsters.
Once you have made it to Mexico your dream of a good life is granted. We don’t need to process anyone. How can you seek assylum from Mexico? That country is great.

I'm actually not sure about that. It is my understanding that refugees and asylum seekers are required to present to the first country bordering their own, provided said country is not in war. That would mean we take Mexicans, Canadians and some Island nations maybe? It is possible to be a legitimate assylum seeker from Canada, even.
Pretty much it. Once they hit Mexico they’re done traveling. Congrats you made it.
Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

Obama lost over 4100 children when he was President.

The fact is that it continued under Trump. However we are discussing TRUMP policy of separating children from their families. Obama had nothing to do with it.
It looks like the illegal aliens are trying to use their children as passports

This has nothing to do with illegals. It has to do with morality or in this case, lack of it. Ronald Reagan would never do anything inhumane like this.
------------------------------------ feck R.R. , he started the problem though i really blame his VP 'ghwb' so feck both pwicks BBee .

feck you. You aren't fit to lick Reagan's shoes. GHWB fought for this country unlike a certain president.
BBEE is just an emotion driven woman on a mexican illegal alien children crusade ,
------------------------------- that'd be PRO American family Coyote .

That shows what a racist you are. You are either pro-family or you are not. There is no in-between.

And you are either pro-laws or you're not.

This has nothing to do with laws. There is no law that says that children should be separated from their parents.

There is? Where?

There is a law that say you can't come to the US illegally. I can show you that one.

You point out the law that states children have to be separated from their children.

Doesn't matter. This is about the treatment of children and whether they should be terrorized. The family should be respected and treated humanely while they are here.

While they are here??? These are not welcomed visitors, these are invaders. I never said there was a law that took away children, but it's a policy (big difference) that our President has instituted.
So you are fine with taking young children from their parents and throwing them into our foster care system while they await hearings? 700 kids lost in our foster care network or housed in barracks apart from their parents. It's sick but you don't have an issue with it.

It's the parent's fault. They know that they are breaking the law.
Many times when US parents break laws their children are put in foster care.

It is not the parents' fault. Trump knows this which is why he is blaming Democrats.
----------------------------- he is blaming 'dems' / YOU because the moochers in cages photos was taken during 'mrobama' time in office Busybee .

Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

TRUMP: Look, we are going to start enforcing our laws. We've got to get a handle on this. No more catch and release B.S.. Fair warning, If you cross our border illegally, you will be detained. Since we are going to start enforcing our laws, Congress might look at this f'ed up part separating families that's been going on a long time and doesn't seem to be working. Lawmakers need to fix that part.

MSM: Trump is threatening to rip apart innocent families because he hates brown people and children. Here's a photo of caved children under another administration to add drama.

SHEEP: Trump is kidnapping and caging children!

Trump is separating children from their families.

MSM - Why are you separating children from their families.

Trump - The Democrats made me do it.

There is no doubt that this is happening.
yeah , Reagan started to problem back in 1986 and old man 'ghwb' and 'bush' family continues with loving mexican and other foreigners and illegal aliens BBee .
It's the parent's fault. They know that they are breaking the law.
Many times when US parents break laws their children are put in foster care.

It is not the parents' fault. Trump knows this which is why he is blaming Democrats.
----------------------------- he is blaming 'dems' / YOU because the moochers in cages photos was taken during 'mrobama' time in office Busybee .

Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

TRUMP: Look, we are going to start enforcing our laws. We've got to get a handle on this. No more catch and release B.S.. Fair warning, If you cross our border illegally, you will be detained. Since we are going to start enforcing our laws, Congress might look at this f'ed up part separating families that's been going on a long time and doesn't seem to be working. Lawmakers need to fix that part.

MSM: Trump is threatening to rip apart innocent families because he hates brown people and children. Here's a photo of caved children under another administration to add drama.

SHEEP: Trump is kidnapping and caging children!

Trump is separating children from their families.

MSM - Why are you separating children from their families.

Trump - The Democrats made me do it.

There is no doubt that this is happening.
---------------------------------- GO President Trump !!
They haven't housed children with adults for a long time. This isn't something Trump implemented. He was complaining about it, in fact, and drawing attention to the fact that, due to the law, that's what happens.

Trump criticizes separating families at the border, despite his administration's support for policy that could lead to separation - CNNPolitics

It was happening under Obama, but it wasn't an issue then. It's a humanitarian crisis under Trump, though.
Because they kept children with their mothers while awaiting their hearing. That is new.

I believe you are wrong. There were no mothers in the 2014 photos I saw. Do you have a link?

Do you mean the photos currently being circulated again of huge numbers of children in crowded conditions? 2014 saw a flood of unaccompanied minors Surge in unaccompanied child immigrants spurs White House reaction

The children traveled unaccompanied by parents.

Do you have a link proving children were detained with their parents under the previous administration? I don't think they were, as it is against our law and has been long before Trump. I think you are referring to "catch and release," where everyone is just let go with a court date. That clearly didn't work, so now we are going to try enforcing our laws. There's this thing we need to fix, though. Trump doesn't like it, you don't like it, much of America doesn't like it. Congress should address this issue, as Trump is suggesting/whining/calling for, as it is their job.

U.S. is separating immigrant parents and children to discourage others, activists say

So what if they are? I'm all for it. They have my support.
Democrats need to stop encouraging them to illegally cross our boarder. It’s a creul and selfish thing to do.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.
It's the parent's fault. They know that they are breaking the law.
Many times when US parents break laws their children are put in foster care.

It is not the parents' fault. Trump knows this which is why he is blaming Democrats.
----------------------------- he is blaming 'dems' / YOU because the moochers in cages photos was taken during 'mrobama' time in office Busybee .

Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

TRUMP: Look, we are going to start enforcing our laws. We've got to get a handle on this. No more catch and release B.S.. Fair warning, If you cross our border illegally, you will be detained. Since we are going to start enforcing our laws, Congress might look at this f'ed up part separating families that's been going on a long time and doesn't seem to be working. Lawmakers need to fix that part.

MSM: Trump is threatening to rip apart innocent families because he hates brown people and children. Here's a photo of caved children under another administration to add drama.

SHEEP: Trump is kidnapping and caging children!

Trump is separating children from their families.

MSM - Why are you separating children from their families.

Trump - The Democrats made me do it.

There is no doubt that this is happening.

Democrats need to stop encouraging them to illegally cross our boarder. It’s a creul and selfish thing to do.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.
------------------------------------ it may scare more mexicans and similar that hear about the law BBee.
It is not the parents' fault. Trump knows this which is why he is blaming Democrats.
----------------------------- he is blaming 'dems' / YOU because the moochers in cages photos was taken during 'mrobama' time in office Busybee .

Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

TRUMP: Look, we are going to start enforcing our laws. We've got to get a handle on this. No more catch and release B.S.. Fair warning, If you cross our border illegally, you will be detained. Since we are going to start enforcing our laws, Congress might look at this f'ed up part separating families that's been going on a long time and doesn't seem to be working. Lawmakers need to fix that part.

MSM: Trump is threatening to rip apart innocent families because he hates brown people and children. Here's a photo of caved children under another administration to add drama.

SHEEP: Trump is kidnapping and caging children!

Trump is separating children from their families.

MSM - Why are you separating children from their families.

Trump - The Democrats made me do it.

There is no doubt that this is happening.


We know that you are part of the Tumpie brigade and are incapable of thinking for yourself.
It is not the parents' fault. Trump knows this which is why he is blaming Democrats.
----------------------------- he is blaming 'dems' / YOU because the moochers in cages photos was taken during 'mrobama' time in office Busybee .

Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

TRUMP: Look, we are going to start enforcing our laws. We've got to get a handle on this. No more catch and release B.S.. Fair warning, If you cross our border illegally, you will be detained. Since we are going to start enforcing our laws, Congress might look at this f'ed up part separating families that's been going on a long time and doesn't seem to be working. Lawmakers need to fix that part.

MSM: Trump is threatening to rip apart innocent families because he hates brown people and children. Here's a photo of caved children under another administration to add drama.

SHEEP: Trump is kidnapping and caging children!

Fact: Sessions has instituted a new policy of removing children from all illegal border crossers.

RWMedia: But Obama did it.

Strange Observation: the number of children being separated is so huge there aren’t enough places for them and HHS has no budget to House them.

Question: ....but didn’t Obama do it?

Political talking point scorecard 10.

Families zero.

They aren't FAMILIES. These are TRAFFICKERS who are using children, often children that they have PAID someone to use....to get across the border.

You people insist on conflating TRAFFICKERS with FAMILY. Yes, families of TRAFFICKERS are split up when their victims, who often are their own children, are taken from them for their protection. Apparently you think human trafficking is cool, as long as the traffickers claim some relation to their victims?

Everyone who is coming into this country are TRAFFICKERS. I hope you check under your bed every night to make sure there are no TRAFFICKERS under it. You must think people are stupid.
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