What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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I know your heart is in the right place, Coyote.
My heart is pissed off at the sick attitudes presented here.
---------------------------------- GOOD , as far as families go i am PRO American family and i am pizzed off at the sick unAmerican attitudes of liberal / lefties in this thread Coyote .

There are those of us who are pro-family. Voters support amnesty and DACA overwhelmingly.
---------------------------- well then , why do you cry and go crazy , is Session new law got you by the 'short hairs' BBEE ??
"...those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data." And a lot of them are gang members themselves.

"...the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?

The left has trafficked gang members and criminals into the US, and now that they've *disappeared* they want to blame Trump?

Fucking ludicrous.

What happens is people show up with kids that aren't theirs, or that they're using as mules, and we remove the kids for their own safety.

Of course the left doesn't like that. Children are disposable, and are supposed to be used by adults to get over the border. The left embraces trafficking, and is going to squawk when you protect children. They always have.

“As required by law, D.H.S. must protect the best interests of minor children crossing our borders, and occasionally this results in separating children from an adult they are traveling with if we cannot ascertain the parental relationship, or if we think the child is otherwise in danger,”

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border

That is so much bullshit and trash like you know it. The Trump people are separating children from their parents. They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it. This is happening more than occasionally.

Got anymore BULLSHIT.

They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it.

Couldn't possibly be because it started under Obama, could it?

You know that is garbage. Even Trump supporters don't buy that.

Maybe you should look it up.

Maybe you need to read this thread. Trump supporters are defending it except for 1 idiot who thinks everybody is a TRAFFICKER.
Democrats are giving these people false hope.
This should not be a partisan issue. No one is saying open up the borders and let them all in. This is a specific policy carried out to an unnecessary and abusive extreme that most damages those who have the least control over their destinies.

This is precisely letting any one of them in who has a child shield. Which will be everyone if such stupidity is allowed to happen.

Are you capable of reading. What we are talking about is how the family is treated while they are there and until their status is determined.
Democrats need to stop encouraging them to illegally cross our boarder. It’s a creul and selfish thing to do.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.

Because it will deter more people from trying that stunt in the future. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.
Democrats need to stop encouraging them to illegally cross our boarder. It’s a creul and selfish thing to do.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.

Because it will deter more people from trying that stunt in the future. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

You definitely belong in Gitmo for admitting you are a terrorist.
There is no free pass being given by allowing children to stay with parents as they await their hearing. They have always been able to remove children they suspect might not belong to the "parents" but that is not the case here.
When AMERICAN criminals are arrested (and can't make bail), they are put in county jails, to await trial. Are their kids with THEM ?

I wasn't aware of the fact that you were put in jail for jaywalking.
Can you understand why President Trump is working hard to fix this problem, Coyote?
No Tycho our reverent President is to busy tweeting. In fact, it’s been so noisy I suspect there are birds nesting in his toupe.
Is it safe for me to assume that you’re good with democrats allowing people to be lured into unspeakable circumstances?
She will tolerate anything in the name of tolerance...
Except protection of children. She won't tolerate that.

I think you are a robot. You can only say what you are told.
Democrats need to stop encouraging them to illegally cross our boarder. It’s a creul and selfish thing to do.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.

Because it will deter more people from trying that stunt in the future. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

You definitely belong in Gitmo for admitting you are a terrorist.

Yeah, because you are a little commie that thinks he owns this country. Well I have bad news for ya, you don't own shit, and every American has the right to feel the way they do.

I'm sick of reading your crap about anybody who disagrees with you should be locked up or kicked out of the country. WTF do you think you are anyway? If that's the way you feel, then maybe it's you who should leave and seek a country where nobody has a choice in what to believe except you.

We on the right are very pragmatic unlike people like you. Coyote presented a problem:

We are taking children away from people invading our country.
Solution: Don't bring your children here if you are planning on invading our country.

See how easy this is? A simple solution to a simple problem. But you on the left don't want easy and positive solutions. You want to pander to those who are creating the problems in the first place.
But TK...you are still missing the point.

No, I'm not. I see the issue quite clearly. All in all, this is unfair to the child. No child should have to experience the trauma of being taken away from their parents. However, the parents are selfish for putting their child through that kind of trauma in the first place.

Are the parents being selfish or are they showing how much they love their children. They are willing to take a chance to escape violence. That does not give us the right to terrorize the children.
If a parent is making the difficult choice to leave a horrible situation, they are not a bad parent.

If they are going to subject their child to a horrible situation, just to escape another horrible situation, what has changed for the child, Coyote?
The situation they were leaving was worse.

Two chances. Turn around, take your kids and go home when caught? Or don't risk your kids seperated in the first place. all on Rosario and Hector. 50 years of this crap dumped on USA kids.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.

Because it will deter more people from trying that stunt in the future. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

You definitely belong in Gitmo for admitting you are a terrorist.

Yeah, because you are a little commie that thinks he owns this country. Well I have bad news for ya, you don't own shit, and every American has the right to feel the way they do.

I'm sick of reading your crap about anybody who disagrees with you should be locked up or kicked out of the country. WTF do you think you are anyway? If that's the way you feel, then maybe it's you who should leave and seek a country where nobody has a choice in what to believe except you.

We on the right are very pragmatic unlike people like you. Coyote presented a problem:

We are taking children away from people invading our country.
Solution: Don't bring your children here if you are planning on invading our country.

See how easy this is? A simple solution to a simple problem. But you on the left don't want easy and positive solutions. You want to pander to those who are creating the problems in the first place.

You are the commie. Commies make war on children like you want to do.

I keep reading posts from people like you about how Comey, Clinton, and others should be jailed or hung for treason. WTF do you think you are anyway? You can apparently throw them but you can't take it.

Only a monster wants to terrorize children when they have done nothing wrong. Act like a animal and be treated like a animal. Go look up the Nuremburg Trials.
Children are not invading our country or is that over your head?

You on the right are fruitcakes. Ronald Reagan would leave this party. The alt-right is hateful.

You want to terrorize children to punish the adults. That is wrong and anyone who tries it should be jailed.
"...those children had arrived alone at the Southwest border — without their parents. Most of them are from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, and were fleeing drug cartels, gang violence and domestic abuse, according to government data." And a lot of them are gang members themselves.

"...the department’s office of refugee resettlement began voluntarily making the calls as a 30-day follow-up to make sure that the children and their sponsors did not require additional services. Those calls, which the office does not view as required, Mr. Hargan said, are now “being used to confuse and spread misinformation.”

In many cases, the statement said, sponsors cannot be reached because “they themselves are illegal aliens and do not want to be reached by federal authorities.”
Did the Trump Administration Separate Immigrant Children From Parents and Lose Them?

The left has trafficked gang members and criminals into the US, and now that they've *disappeared* they want to blame Trump?

Fucking ludicrous.

What happens is people show up with kids that aren't theirs, or that they're using as mules, and we remove the kids for their own safety.

Of course the left doesn't like that. Children are disposable, and are supposed to be used by adults to get over the border. The left embraces trafficking, and is going to squawk when you protect children. They always have.

“As required by law, D.H.S. must protect the best interests of minor children crossing our borders, and occasionally this results in separating children from an adult they are traveling with if we cannot ascertain the parental relationship, or if we think the child is otherwise in danger,”

Hundreds of Immigrant Children Have Been Taken From Parents at U.S. Border

That is so much bullshit and trash like you know it. The Trump people are separating children from their parents. They know it is wrong because they are blaming democrats for it. This is happening more than occasionally.

Got anymore BULLSHIT.

So where were you when barry was doing the exact same thing?
Not a fuken peep out of you.

Trump is the one separating children from their parents not Obama. You are a fucken liar.

‘Caged migrant children’ go viral… until picture turns out taken under Obama, not Trump
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.
Republicans tend to lack basic empathy for things they don’t directly witness. They don’t have the emotional maturity or complexity of thought for such a thing. As a result, they don’t bother thinking about the well being of kids. They just know brown people have crossed the border and their GOP masters tell them it’s a bad thing.

The parents are responsible for anything that happens to the kids, they put them in the situation.


We hold law enforcement to the same standards we hold everyone else. The people who are implementing this policy are responsible and should be held legally liable. Take your trash elsewhere.

Who said they're not?


When Trump is kicked out, he needs to be arrested along with his enablers of this barbaric policy. That is when accountability starts.

For what, doing what he swore to do, I don't think so. LMAO

But the punishment is on child.

No, it's not. And if it were, then the punishment is being inflicted on the child by a careless parent.

When a crime is committed, something of value or endearment must be taken away from you as punishment.

If you kill someone, then your freedom and/or your life.
If you steal, your freedom.
If you commit financial crimes, your money.

And unfortunately, in this case, when you smuggle a live human child across the border of our country for the sole purpose of coming here illegally, your child. The child has done nothing wrong. The parent on the other hand has, in my mind, done something patently unforgivable.

Should we shoot someone for jaywalking. You still want to punish the child.
Is there a point at which punishing the parents for their behavior becomes punishing the kids?

No. The punishment inflicted on the child is the parent's fault. You have a very kind and sweet heart, Coyote, but at some point the compassion has to end, and law and order must begin. We cannot dilute the law to a point where it is satisfactorily amiable to those of us looking out from the inside. Law has no purpose if we refuse to enforce it or we change it to a point that it has no effectiveness.

But TK...you are still missing the point. Ok, let us say it is the parents fault. Is what is being done to these kids worth it? Is the cost paid by the children worth the punishment inflicted on the children? Does that make sense?

Of course it makes sense. Keep pandering to these people, and millions more WITH KIDS will follow in their footsteps. I hope this news gets back to the countries they came from to deter others from doing the same. I hope it makes them change their minds if they thought they could come here and have us provide for them and their children.

You have to stop this. Pandering to them does just the opposite. Maybe these particular children will suffer a little bit, but in doing so, it will stop a lot more children in the future from suffering.

Terrorize the children.
Republicans tend to lack basic empathy for things they don’t directly witness. They don’t have the emotional maturity or complexity of thought for such a thing. As a result, they don’t bother thinking about the well being of kids. They just know brown people have crossed the border and their GOP masters tell them it’s a bad thing.

The parents are responsible for anything that happens to the kids, they put them in the situation.


We hold law enforcement to the same standards we hold everyone else. The people who are implementing this policy are responsible and should be held legally liable. Take your trash elsewhere.

Who said they're not?


When Trump is kicked out, he needs to be arrested along with his enablers of this barbaric policy. That is when accountability starts.

For what, doing what he swore to do, I don't think so. LMAO


Where did he swear to terrorize children.
It is not the parents' fault. Trump knows this which is why he is blaming Democrats.
----------------------------- he is blaming 'dems' / YOU because the moochers in cages photos was taken during 'mrobama' time in office Busybee .

Do you have a clue what you are talking about. We are talking about TRUMP'S decision to separate children from their families. Obama did not start it. Quit blaming Obama for everything.

Obama lost over 4100 children when he was President.

The fact is that it continued under Trump. However we are discussing TRUMP policy of separating children from their families. Obama had nothing to do with it.

And none of the children lost were because they were separated from
their parents.

If your Mama gets arrested stealing a loaf of bread and has to spend
90 days in the county jail...you ain't going there with her.

We aren't offering temporary housing for illegal families.

Trump has instituted a policy of separating children from their families. Until their legal status is determined then they should be treated humanely.
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