What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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You are taking children away which amounts to kidnapping them. Many of these children are clearly being frightened and traumatized. Children are not a part of this and they should leave them with their parents.

I agree. The parents should be adjudicated quickly, and upon being found guilty of EWI, they should be deported immediately, and the kids should be with their parents - on their way back to Mexico (or wherever).
The children did nothing illegal. You really want to charge a 53 week old baby. They are being used. This is Nazi style tactics.

There is no law that allows this so US law does not matter. The Nuremburg trials had nothing to do with American law. I would gladly turn over the people responsible including Trump only if we can't find a US law to charge him with.
You seem to have things backwards. it is the illegal aliens who are the lawbreakers, not Trump or the US govt. I never said the children did anything illegal. But the kids of American criminals didn't do anything illegal either yet they are separated from their parents, when their parents are penalized. They are separated much more, and for longer times, than the kids of illegal aliens. Not many sob stories being raised about them, are there ?

But again, it's simple. Deport the alien parents together with their kids. Deport them all.
We hold law enforcement to the same standards we hold everyone else. The people who are implementing this policy are responsible and should be held legally liable. Take your trash elsewhere.
Legally liable relative to what law ?
I think it is terrible that these people put their children in such peril.
Absolutely correct. Funny how Trump, Sessions , et al get the blame for the kids being traumatized, and not much blame is going to the parents who brought them, and introduced them to crime, at a young age. Also not much blame going to the Mexican govt, as Trump correctly said, is SENDING these people to us.

Mexican ex-president Vicente Fox called the remittances$$$ that these invaders wire to Mexico > Mexico's # 1 source of revenue.
Hiding behind laws will not work. You are a morally corrupt person and getting rid of Trump and Republicans seems to be the only way to stop this.
So are you suggesting that the kids be held in detention with the parents ? if so, do you know what conditions that detention is. Jail cell ? Prison ?

"Hiding behind laws" ? So are you suggesting that the laws should not be followed ?
They have in the past, this is a recent change in policy.
Sure. The Obama policy was to break the law, and allow illegal aliens to stay here.. All of them - parents and kids both. The change in policy is no more catch & release. Now the law is being followed properly.
Plus, many immigrants are escaping extreme poverty or violence. Time to send what message? That the United States doesn't care about family values now that the family values party is in control?
Time to send the message that we are NATIONALISTS, not INTENATIONALISTS (aka "globalists")
But the punishment is on child.

No, it's not. And if it were, then the punishment is being inflicted on the child by a careless parent.

When a crime is committed, something of value or endearment must be taken away from you as punishment.

If you kill someone, then your freedom and/or your life.
If you steal, your freedom.
If you commit financial crimes, your money.

And unfortunately, in this case, when you smuggle a live human child across the border of our country for the sole purpose of coming here illegally, your child. The child has done nothing wrong. The parent on the other hand has, in my mind, done something patently unforgivable.

Should we shoot someone for jaywalking? You still want to punish the child.

To your question, no, an oncoming vehicle will take care of that.

There are just some things you don't do... like walk through the middle of a busy street or... smuggle your children across the border illegally.

That does not give us the right to terrorize the children.

Like I said just previously, sending them alone amidst all the violence and lawlessness to get here is terrifying enough for the child, aside from being apart from their parents of course.

You don't see how much this hurts the child. We aren't hurting the child, the parents are.
Democrats need to stop encouraging them to illegally cross our boarder. It’s a creul and selfish thing to do.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.

Because it will deter more people from trying that stunt in the future. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

You definitely belong in Gitmo for admitting you are a terrorist.

LOL Ray From Cleveland you gettin' this? BB thinks we're terrorists!

Well that certainly explains Trump's lie that his policy is the Democrats fault.....
Of course, it's partially the Democrats' fault. Their actions encourage the illegals to come here.
This is giving the "Democrats" far too much credit. They did not make America the rich, shining beacon that is is, one of the most attractive countries in the world. People want to enter the U.S. because of its prosperity and opportunities, which, I'm certain, cannot be ascribed solely to "Democrats".
It is no mystery why suffering foreigners seek a better life wherever they can. Efforts to make life better where they are would be the most logical and effective.
Where will they get their sex slaves if they do that?
I don’t think democrats fully understand the problems their decisions create. It’s why they keep fighting President Trump while he’s trying to fix it.

Are you really that stupid to believe that. He is fixing it by taking all the children and separating them from their families. How is that fixing anything.

Because it will deter more people from trying that stunt in the future. A strong enough deterrent works every time it's tried.

You definitely belong in Gitmo for admitting you are a terrorist.

LOL Ray From Cleveland you gettin' this? BB thinks we're terrorists!


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Do you mean the photos currently being circulated again of huge numbers of children in crowded conditions? 2014 saw a flood of unaccompanied minors Surge in unaccompanied child immigrants spurs White House reaction

The children traveled unaccompanied by parents.

Do you have a link proving children were detained with their parents under the previous administration? I don't think they were, as it is against our law and has been long before Trump. I think you are referring to "catch and release," where everyone is just let go with a court date. That clearly didn't work, so now we are going to try enforcing our laws. There's this thing we need to fix, though. Trump doesn't like it, you don't like it, much of America doesn't like it. Congress should address this issue, as Trump is suggesting/whining/calling for, as it is their job.

U.S. is separating immigrant parents and children to discourage others, activists say

When family detention centers are full, which they are, what do we do other than catch & release. Catch & release is a failure. Congress needs to either accommodate the influx of reduce the influx. It's their job, not Trump's. Trump is even calling for them to fix it because catch & release failed. We are now going to enforce our laws by detaining unknowns illegally crossing our borders. Are you suggesting we continue catch & release? Are you suggesting we build more family detention centers? Are you suggesting there's no problem? Ending catch & release is good, IMO. We need to find some way to protect children as much as possible. I am open to options.
Why do we have family detention centers? They should be nothing more than a bus stop where they wait for a ride back to Mexico. We take them over the border and drop them off for Mexico to deal with. It’s not our problem.

Did it occur to you that they might not be Mexican, either?

Maybe not, but Mexico hosted them in coming here.
You are using children as hostages. You are no different than terrorists.

And the left is not???

You are the one who wants to treat children as criminals.

And you are the one that wants to encourage people to come here and use them as pawns.

You are the one who admits you want to terrorize children as a deterrent. I want the family treated the way a pro-family conservative should want until their case is heard.

If you're going to use big words like Terrorism, the least you should do is look up the definition. When you cater to these people, you only invite more of them to come here, and as others have pointed out, the real torture for those kids is getting here, not being placed in a shelter or home with three meals a day, clean cloths and medical care.

Your idea is to encourage more people to take that dangerous journey with their kids, maybe by the millions. So if anybody is terrorizing children, maybe you better look in the mirror first.
I keep reading posts from people like you about how Comey, Clinton, and others should be jailed or hung for treason. WTF do you think you are anyway? You can apparently throw them but you can't take it.

Your comparing having a political opinion to telling others they should be thrown out of the country? Oh yeah, they are the same thing.

How about if I said because you are promoting more kids being in danger, we should throw you out of the country? Or because you don't respect authority, you should be jailed?

Only a monster wants to terrorize children when they have done nothing wrong. Act like a animal and be treated like a animal. Go look up the Nuremburg Trials.
Children are not invading our country or is that over your head?

Yes they are because their parent(s) are.

You on the right are fruitcakes. Ronald Reagan would leave this party. The alt-right is hateful.

Right, because you knew Reagan so well you'd know exactly what he'd do. Reagan himself said his biggest mistake as President was granting amnesty to illegals here in the US.

You want to terrorize children to punish the adults. That is wrong and anyone who tries it should be jailed.

And there you go again. You seem to have a hard time learning things. A.D.D???????
...Did it occur to you that they might not be Mexican, either?
1. the "simple majority" are anyway, so any such policy automatically deals with the lion's share of Illegal Aliens

2. the "vast majority" come across the US-Mexican border; all we need do is send them back across to the soil from which they crossed

3. by adopting (2), we (a) deal with damned-near all Illegals and (b) let Mexico worry about those for whom they provided a "pass-through"; as it should be.

4. in contemplating (3)(b), that will, in turn, force the Mexicans to stop allowing "pass-throughs"



If you like, and just for shits-and-giggles, as we kick their nasty a$$e$ back across the Mexican border...

We can even send every one of them packing with...

1. enough Mexican pesos for bus fare and a bit to spare for the trip

2. enough MRE's and bottled water for the bus trip

3. disposable blanket and pillow for the bus trip

...and bill the Democratic National Committee for the cost.



The American People have had just about enough of this Illegal Aliens sympathy $hit.
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