What I hope the DNC & Democratic Candidates do NOW!

Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

True or false

  1. The rich have success because they unfairly exploited the poor
  2. Whites are privileged
  3. Gender is not determined by biology, but by feelings
  4. Hurtful words must be banned
  5. Fake News from Fox must be stopped
  6. Health Care is a right
  7. Non-Citizens have just as much right to be in America as citizens
  8. Only the Supreme Court knows what the Constitution means, and it is a living document so that meaning changes
  9. Guns cause violence
  10. Assault weapons must be banned
Oh and sploogy, the onus is upon the claimant to prove their statements. The demand that others "prove you wrong" is a logical fallacy.

Each and ever numbered point above is a logical fallacy, to wit:

False Dichotomy, the "logic" inherent in these questions is make the reader think there are only two choices, and the reader won't stop to consider other possibilities.

It is more, it is evidence that the author of this post is dishonest and lacks an effective education.
Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

True or false

  1. The rich have success because they unfairly exploited the poor
  2. Whites are privileged
  3. Gender is not determined by biology, but by feelings
  4. Hurtful words must be banned
  5. Fake News from Fox must be stopped
  6. Health Care is a right
  7. Non-Citizens have just as much right to be in America as citizens
  8. Only the Supreme Court knows what the Constitution means, and it is a living document so that meaning changes
  9. Guns cause violence
  10. Assault weapons must be banned
Oh and sploogy, the onus is upon the claimant to prove their statements. The demand that others "prove you wrong" is a logical fallacy.

Each and ever numbered point above is a logical fallacy, to wit:

False Dichotomy, the "logic" inherent in these questions is make the reader think there are only two choices, and the reader won't stop to consider other possibilities.

It is more, it is evidence that the author of this post is dishonest and lacks an effective education.


A truly ignorant attempt sploogy.

I asked true or false. IF you think the statement is nuanced beyond the phrasing, then choose "false."

Logic, as with integrity, is not your strong suit.

I note that you avoided each and every question.

We all know why...
Last edited:
Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

True or false

  1. The rich have success because they unfairly exploited the poor
  2. Whites are privileged
  3. Gender is not determined by biology, but by feelings
  4. Hurtful words must be banned
  5. Fake News from Fox must be stopped
  6. Health Care is a right
  7. Non-Citizens have just as much right to be in America as citizens
  8. Only the Supreme Court knows what the Constitution means, and it is a living document so that meaning changes
  9. Guns cause violence
  10. Assault weapons must be banned
Oh and sploogy, the onus is upon the claimant to prove their statements. The demand that others "prove you wrong" is a logical fallacy.

Each and ever numbered point above is a logical fallacy, to wit:

False Dichotomy, the "logic" inherent in these questions is make the reader think there are only two choices, and the reader won't stop to consider other possibilities.

It is more, it is evidence that the author of this post is dishonest and lacks an effective education.


A truly ignorant attempt sploogy.

I asked true or false. IF you think the statement is nuanced beyond the phrasing, then choose "false."

Logic, as with integrity, is not your strong suit.

I note that you avoided each and every question.

We all know why...

Logic is alien to you, and that explains your post(s). There was a soft cover book, Reasoning Skills I purchased for my sons years ago for $10. It covers the essentials which you lack (See if you can find it, and order one: It might be had by going to www.learnatest.com.)

In my library I have Introduction to Logic, 3rd addition, by Copi; and, The Way of Words, an informal logic by Ronald Munson. Both of these text books were purchased from lower division courses I completed.
Typical responses from these ^^^ fellow travelers of the GOP, incapable of recognizing the problems the current GOP has created by their divisive rhetoric, at home and abroad.

They keep on keeping on blaming the "far left" as if it represents the vast majority of Democratic Voters. The term itself is used as a pejorative, and echoed often by those whose posts almost always lack substance, thought or are thought provoking comments.

Says a far left drone that spews far left religious dogma.

You are afar left drone.

The say coming out of the closet is liberating!

A lot of the recent victories are because the (D) candidate ran as a blue dog democrat and ran from the far left.

I realize you are upset that even your own is rejecting your religion, but it is the only way that the (D)'s can win.

Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

It has been done many times in the past and you have ignore it.

But then again you do support the far left religion and try and pretend you do not.

You are far left, Obama is far left, Pelsoi is far left, etc.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.

Ban guns, faggot?
Typical responses from these ^^^ fellow travelers of the GOP, incapable of recognizing the problems the current GOP has created by their divisive rhetoric, at home and abroad.

They keep on keeping on blaming the "far left" as if it represents the vast majority of Democratic Voters. The term itself is used as a pejorative, and echoed often by those whose posts almost always lack substance, thought or are thought provoking comments.

Says a far left drone that spews far left religious dogma.

You are afar left drone.

The say coming out of the closet is liberating!

A lot of the recent victories are because the (D) candidate ran as a blue dog democrat and ran from the far left.

I realize you are upset that even your own is rejecting your religion, but it is the only way that the (D)'s can win.

Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

It has been done many times in the past and you have ignore it.

But then again you do support the far left religion and try and pretend you do not.

You are far left, Obama is far left, Pelsoi is far left, etc.

LOL, you truly are foolish if you believe a circular argument is convincing. As I stated, you have no clue, and use an echo the term as a pejorative, one you cannot figure out how to explain.
Last edited:
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.

Ban guns, faggot?

Idiot-gram, ad homien and bigoted variety.
Typical responses from these ^^^ fellow travelers of the GOP, incapable of recognizing the problems the current GOP has created by their divisive rhetoric, at home and abroad.

They keep on keeping on blaming the "far left" as if it represents the vast majority of Democratic Voters. The term itself is used as a pejorative, and echoed often by those whose posts almost always lack substance, thought or are thought provoking comments.

Says a far left drone that spews far left religious dogma.

You are afar left drone.

The say coming out of the closet is liberating!

A lot of the recent victories are because the (D) candidate ran as a blue dog democrat and ran from the far left.

I realize you are upset that even your own is rejecting your religion, but it is the only way that the (D)'s can win.

Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

It has been done many times in the past and you have ignore it.

But then again you do support the far left religion and try and pretend you do not.

You are far left, Obama is far left, Pelsoi is far left, etc.

LOL, you truly are foolish if you believe a circular argument is convincing. As I stated, you have no clue, and simple echo the term as a pejorative, one you cannot figure out how to explain.

Yes you keep proving you ignore the fact you are far left and parrot the far left religious dogma.

You can not handle the fact that the far left religion is being rejected.

Just wait and see, the (D)'s will win if they run away from the far left.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.
You should consider writing children's books with that imagination.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.

Ban guns, faggot?

Idiot-gram, ad homien and bigoted variety.

Yes that is correct, glad you can finally own up to that!

The far left is all those things, now we are making some progress.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.
You should consider writing children's books with that imagination.

Would you really want your kids reading any books that this far left drone would write?
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.

The Democratic Party platform is about convincing the country that anyone who disagrees is racist, misogynistic, phobic, and wants everyone to die. Anyone who falls for Democrats suddenly being the party of fiscal responsibility are as stupid as the ones who believed the party of Jim Crow and the KKK flipped a switch to become the champions for civil rights.

Let's allow the reader to read the 2016 D. Platform and decide if this ^^^ post is credible.


compare to:

The 2016 Republican Party Platform
Yeah sorry forgot to add the one for the DNC that takes things from someone to give to others.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.
Democrats want the nation to be "unified" just as a tick wants to be unified with its host.
Typical responses from these ^^^ fellow travelers of the GOP, incapable of recognizing the problems the current GOP has created by their divisive rhetoric, at home and abroad.

They keep on keeping on blaming the "far left" as if it represents the vast majority of Democratic Voters. The term itself is used as a pejorative, and echoed often by those whose posts almost always lack substance, thought or are thought provoking comments.

Says a far left drone that spews far left religious dogma.

You are afar left drone.

The say coming out of the closet is liberating!

A lot of the recent victories are because the (D) candidate ran as a blue dog democrat and ran from the far left.

I realize you are upset that even your own is rejecting your religion, but it is the only way that the (D)'s can win.

Please define for the reader, the definition of "far left".

I suspect you have no clue, prove me wrong.

It has been done many times in the past and you have ignore it.

But then again you do support the far left religion and try and pretend you do not.

You are far left, Obama is far left, Pelsoi is far left, etc.

LOL, you truly are foolish if you believe a circular argument is convincing. As I stated, you have no clue, and simple echo the term as a pejorative, one you cannot figure out how to explain.

Yes you keep proving you ignore the fact you are far left and parrot the far left religious dogma.

You can not handle the fact that the far left religion is being rejected.

Just wait and see, the (D)'s will win if they run away from the far left.

You once again use the term "far left" and have not (can not?) define it. It is the object of your sentence directly above, using it and not defining it makes your entire sentence an idiot-gram.

Let me help: The far right is an authoritarian movement which attracts bigots (racists, misogynists, segregationists) callous conservatives, neo fascists, conspiracy theorists, and iconoclasts who reject science and mistrust democracy.

See how easy that is, now try to define the far left!
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.
The Democratic Party platform is about convincing the country that anyone who disagrees is racist, misogynistic, phobic, and wants everyone to die. Anyone who falls for Democrats suddenly being the party of fiscal responsibility are as stupid as the ones who believed the party of Jim Crow and the KKK flipped a switch to become the champions for civil rights.

That's how they plan to unite the country, by insulting everyone who disagrees with them.
Last edited:
Our system of government no longer works. The reason? Nobody is ever on the same page.

In a two party system that is as divided as they are today, it is impossible to govern. No matter who is in office, they can't please everyone. No matter what decision the president makes, the other side will be unhappy.

Thus is why big government doesn't work. If it takes on more responsibility than is allowed in the constitution, it's a recipe for problems.

Look at us these days, fighting over abortions, gay marriage, health care, and social services, none of which are the responsibility of the government.

Let's make government smaller and have them take care of exactly what the constitution says it should, and leave the rest to the states, or the individual.
What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.

You will be demanding that the Demo rats continue to support the gargantuan bankrupt welfare/warfare police state.

What I hope is DNC does not overreach; does not dwell too much on the inability of McConnell and Ryan and Trump to lead a nation of 300 Million + diverse citizens. Most voters know this, and some argue the D's and R's are the same - nothing can be further from the truth.

We D's know what created the current social pathology, i.e. callous conservatism; we can easily make a case that it began with Fox News, Limbaugh and other armchair philosophers, those who make money using BIG LIES, echoed by those disaffected, biddable and bigoted

The DNC and its candidates for The Congress need to listen to ALL of the people, the RNC and their current leadership choose to ignore those who hold opinions not theirs. We can expect the Republicans to continue fear mongering, echoing each other and the BIG LIES, and target voters to win elections with false pathos and improbable promises.

The D's cannot get into a pissing contest on abortion, guns and gays!

Ross Perot made a lot of converts when he used charts to convey basic and easily understood facts.

D's doing so can do the same, since the metrics of GOP leadership's negative impact on the majority of American's will tell the true story: The GOP can win elections using lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and character assassinations, but never seem to be able to govern 300 + million US Citizens.

Our agenda, should be an effort to Make America One Again. To put our house together, by listening to all segments of our society and allowing them to redress their grievances, in every Congressional District, while politely holding them responsible for offering viable solutions to real problems for a rational debate.

Most voters, and many Republicans, understand the Federal Government is today in Chaos, run by Plutocrats and incompetents, and not their father's Republican Party.

Bringing all segments of Democrats together, with a platform palatable to most voters must be the mission of the Democratic Leadership. Once in power, they must fix what is broken, and do so making the case that they are the party of fiscal responsibility.
You should consider writing children's books with that imagination.

He's the ultimate narcissist.

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