What If Biden Is Not The Democratic Nominee In 2024?

What If Biden Is Not The Democratic Nominee In 2024?​

He won't know it.....:dunno:
Doesn't matter what DemonicRat puppet they use..............they've outed themselves to many times over since Obozo was in office. They will just be laughed at. And the ONLY people who will actually vote for them, ARE the Commies, Marxists, SJW's, crack whores, drug dealers, illegals, murderers, rapists, and pedophiles........which luckily are still an extreme minority.
As a Democrat…..I encourage Republicans to run Trump for a third time

We can’t win otherwise

What do you think would happen if the Republicans nominated Mitt Romney in 2024 instead?

Biden would be all over him like white on rice- Mitt's failure to serve in the military , Mitt's killing of the steel workers wife with cancer, Mitt's failure to pay taxes for 10 years, and more would all come up.

But unlike in 2012, the 74 million Little Trumpsters would be inclined to believe the media's bullshit claims. After all, Mitt is their friend, why would they lie about him.
What message does that send from Democrats?

1. Biden is too old, frail, and riddled with dementia but we still need to stay on this same course

2. The country is indeed on the wrong track and Biden refuses to change course

3. The country is only on the wrong track because Biden hasn't been able to enact progressive policies. If I'm elected president things will be different. I will whip Manchin and Sinema into complete and total submission. The filibuster will be eliminated and I will make sure that progressive policies will be the law of the land, even if Republicans take back the House.

4. To be honest, Joe is too old, the country is on the wrong track, Republicans will probably take back the House, so I will probably not be able to accomplish anything during my first few years. But, we need to vote the other guys out, have new blood (me), keep on grinding that orange man bad, play up Jan 6th to the hilt, attack SCOTUS to the hilt, and resist resist resist so that we will again rise to power a few years down the road. That's really our best shot.

This is not actually a poll, which is why I'm not making it a poll. It is a thread to promote discussion. Does a change at the top for the nominee doom the Democratic party in 2024 or will it make it stronger? Is dumping Joe an admission that the country is on the wrong track or, do we need to go full steam ahead, just with a different leader? Or, will this all just wash over and by 2024 Americans will be more optimistic than they are now after they have seen we were on the right track all along?
The only thing biden is is a treasonous piece of shit and the president of shit by shit and for shit. He don't need impeached he needs impelled with something long, big, and stinky. He denies Americans their basic freedoms and his whole party give genocide a good name. That branch bait fuck just gave China 5 million barrels of our strategic oil reserve. Pull, or drag that crazy fuck to the nearest tree and take his useless followers with him
Tell ya what lets make a list of all Joes followers. You know who you are and we know who you are. A list would make it easy to get a hold of you to give you an award or something
What do you think would happen if the Republicans nominated Mitt Romney in 2024 instead?

Biden would be all over him like white on rice- Mitt's failure to serve in the military , Mitt's killing of the steel workers wife with cancer, Mitt's failure to pay taxes for 10 years, and more would all come up.

But unlike in 2012, the 74 million Little Trumpsters would be inclined to believe the media's bullshit claims. After all, Mitt is their friend, why would they lie about him.

The ONLY thing Biden is all over, is the shit in his Depends.

Republicans aren't going to vote for any RINO or any kind of Dem mole.
And if/when Trump or DeSantis get into office, they will make sure to continue to clean out top government, as Trump was doing during his term.
Why would Harris step aside? There is no reason to. It's her party now until she chooses to give it up.
Except for the fact that the Democratic party doesn't choose their nominee. They have a primary voting process where Democratic voters choose their party's nominee. So, that means Harris doesn't have a lock on the position. Hell, Hillary was to be annointed their nominee in 2016 and voters decided differently. They also decided differently in 2008, when Hillary was also annointed nominee.
In all seriousness, are you serious? It is time to be serious in these serious times.
I'm serious. The DNC fully endorsed her to take the reigns in a heartbeat. They can't throw her under the bus without destroying their credibility. The DNC belongs to Harris now. Joe is out, no matter if he finishes his term or not.
Except for the fact that the Democratic party doesn't choose their nominee. They have a primary voting process where Democratic voters choose their party's nominee. So, that means Harris doesn't have a lock on the position. Hell, Hillary was to be annointed their nominee in 2016 and voters decided differently. They also decided differently in 2008, when Hillary was also annointed nominee.
You think Democrat voters have a say in their primaries. That's funny.
It's up to Harris if Biden bows out. Does anyone really believe the DNC can throw a black woman, first female VP in history, under the bus for a white guy like Newsom? Unless the DNC can get Harris to resign in shame, it's her party moving forward. That's the price of woke stupidity.
The GOP would have a field day in their campaign ads against the possible Harris campaign. I’d predict some clever ad guys could stitch together a video collage of Kamala doing that weird cackling laughter thing she does so often and so cringy. And the superimposed question might be, “Mourning in America.”
Democrats!!!!! if you are going to stuff ballots to steal an election you had better put someone in that can do the job.... or you risk losing your party forever.....
That’s a good one

I hope Trump runs on his stolen election fantasies in 2024
It will endear him to the 84 million who voted against him
I'm serious. The DNC fully endorsed her to take the reigns in a heartbeat. They can't throw her under the bus without destroying their credibility. The DNC belongs to Harris now. Joe is out, no matter if he finishes his term or not.
There is something wrong with Kumquat Harris. Perhaps a form of autism. The highest level democrats are the only ones supporting this administration. They can give that support because they know that this entire administration is not in charge. They are comic relief. These democrats know who is in charge and they are okay with that clandestine leadership.
There is something wrong with Kumquat Harris. Perhaps a form of autism. The highest level democrats are the only ones supporting this administration. They can give that support because they know that this entire administration is not in charge. They are comic relief. These democrats know who is in charge and they are okay with that clandestine leadership.
Yeah, it's great, there's a whole lot wrong with her. Yet there is video of every potential DNC candidate shilling for Biden/Harris. Worse, Newsom campaigned with her during his recall. The only way to throw her under the bus is to admit to their own poor judgment. Not a good position for a politician.
Yeah, it's great, there's a whole lot wrong with her. Yet there is video of every potential DNC candidate shilling for Biden/Harris. Worse, Newsom campaigned with her during his recall. The only way to throw her under the bus is to admit to their own poor judgment. Not a good position for a politician.
Harris is ideal for democrats. Fuckwad Biden is senile and easily controlled. Harris is brain damaged and easily controlled. Whoever is in charge, leading this clown parade, will not tolerate challenge from their own ranks. The next democrat candidate will either be a controlled dimwit, or a controllable halfwit.
Yeah, it's great, there's a whole lot wrong with her. Yet there is video of every potential DNC candidate shilling for Biden/Harris. Worse, Newsom campaigned with her during his recall. The only way to throw her under the bus is to admit to their own poor judgment. Not a good position for a politician.

LOL, if any of them had good judgement they wouldn't be democrats! My take on the dem nominee for 2024:

Biden - he's done. I think there's fair chance he doesn't make it through his 4 years as prez, prolly resigns for health reasons that might actually be true.

Harris - black and female, what's not to like if you're a democrat? The dems are all abut identity politics, which means she is the most likely IMHO.

Newsome - is anybody to the Left of this guy? Fresh blood though, and it ain't like the competition is all that great. But who wants to be like California?

Hillary - she's the one that the dems can try to sell as a moderate, like they did with Biden. I don't think it'll work this time either. Wouldn't surprise me tho.
What message does that send from Democrats?

1. Biden is too old, frail, and riddled with dementia but we still need to stay on this same course

2. The country is indeed on the wrong track and Biden refuses to change course

3. The country is only on the wrong track because Biden hasn't been able to enact progressive policies. If I'm elected president things will be different. I will whip Manchin and Sinema into complete and total submission. The filibuster will be eliminated and I will make sure that progressive policies will be the law of the land, even if Republicans take back the House.

4. To be honest, Joe is too old, the country is on the wrong track, Republicans will probably take back the House, so I will probably not be able to accomplish anything during my first few years. But, we need to vote the other guys out, have new blood (me), keep on grinding that orange man bad, play up Jan 6th to the hilt, attack SCOTUS to the hilt, and resist resist resist so that we will again rise to power a few years down the road. That's really our best shot.

This is not actually a poll, which is why I'm not making it a poll. It is a thread to promote discussion. Does a change at the top for the nominee doom the Democratic party in 2024 or will it make it stronger? Is dumping Joe an admission that the country is on the wrong track or, do we need to go full steam ahead, just with a different leader? Or, will this all just wash over and by 2024 Americans will be more optimistic than they are now after they have seen we were on the right track all along?
There is NO way Biden runs in 2024.
What do you think would happen if the Republicans nominated Mitt Romney in 2024 instead?

Biden would be all over him like white on rice- Mitt's failure to serve in the military , Mitt's killing of the steel workers wife with cancer, Mitt's failure to pay taxes for 10 years, and more would all come up.

But unlike in 2012, the 74 million Little Trumpsters would be inclined to believe the media's bullshit claims. After all, Mitt is their friend, why would they lie about him.
mitt is more likely to be the Democratic nominee in 2024 than Biden.
Hillary just bought a white horse.
Not racist.
Just the first step.
Parish fashion house is already working on her Joan of Arc gown.
Biden will not run in 2024. He may resign (for "health" reasons) before the end of this year in order to avoid a GOP House investigation into his corrupt dealings with foreign governments. Lots of calculations are being made right now on how to minimize the damage that has done to the Democratic Party. I think he will resign in order to allow Kamala to become the first Black Female President (who will then pardon him). If the GOP takes the Senate, she will appoint Joe Manchin as VP with the understanding that she will not run in 2024.
Biden will not run in 2024. He may resign (for "health" reasons) before the end of this year in order to avoid a GOP House investigation into his corrupt dealings with foreign governments. Lots of calculations are being made right now on how to minimize the damage that has done to the Democratic Party. I think he will resign in order to allow Kamala to become the first Black Female President (who will then pardon him). If the GOP takes the Senate, she will appoint Joe Manchin as VP with the understanding that she will not run in 2024.
If Biden resigns or is pushed out, what possible reason would there be to keep Harris off the ticket in 2024? Why would she even agree? There isn't one, that's the problem. She has no known health issues, she has championed the liberal agenda, and has been fully endorsed by the left.

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